Wanna Be Girls
Dear Rinpoche,
Today we have a special performance here at Kechara Care. The ‘wonder girls’ from Korea have arrived! They are twisting n swinging away!! Byran, Ethan, Joe Ang, Eric choong, Peter Ho and Chia are our twisted version of ‘wanna be girls’. Thank you, Margaret
Rehearal in progress for Kechara World Peace Centre special performance.
Nobody nobody but you.....
Dear Rinpoche, We are having our 2nd rehearsal of ‘wanna be girls’ at KC Gallery tonight. We got shoes and dresses for everyone. Will make them rehearse with the shoes so they will get used to the high heels.Thank you, Margaret
'Girls' trying their shoes.
Chia waving hello! Very excited with his new shoes! Yes, u got it right! Chia finally found the Imelda Marcos in himself....finally he found himself...hehehe.
The Wonder Girls practicing with high heel now. Try to get the feel of it....it's painful! *Ouch!*
Kechara is well known for it’s wonderful shows and productions in past years. Some of our productions have won prizes and awards in Malaysia. We are not just another dharma centre with goody-goody themes and boring people. We are daring, modern, fun, today and even racy. But we have our limits too….fun and entertainment for everyone is the name of the game!
Kechara World Peace Centre is having their first dinner and there is going to be a spectacular show…and these guys are going to shock us with their moves, costumes and gender-bender costumes!!
Be prepared for another stunning fun evening with Kechara!!! Be prepared to laugh till you drop!!!
Tsem Rinpoche
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I believe, that moment will be forever etched the memory. One of the best ways to break our ego too.
Thanks for the pictures, Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche, I think I would laugh to death if I watched them perform again. I’m not trying to against gay thingy or something but somehow I would always laugh until I can’t anymore whenever I see gay people doing funny and weird things. It’s my really weird behavior. Out of this topic, I have this really really weird behavior that I had when I still a kid was sniffing cleans socks. I loved the smells of my baby socks and I don’t know why. Lol
Dear Rinpoche, I was there that night throughout the whole event. I love the performances but I couldn’t hear them making jokes. I think it’s really painful for them to wear high heels but they looked good in it and they have also trained really hard to do the performance.
OMG, this is so funny & shocking to see the pictures! I am sure it will also frighten or chase away some people when they see it. hehehe
However, they are so great in handling their ego and their pride to be dressed in sexy lady and in heels. I am sure it is not an easy task for them to do to face people, looking and laughing at them too. I salute them in that and rejoice they are one step ahead in their spiritual journey!
I have seen this group of people pretended to be Wonder girls and dance while wearing girls clothing and high heels hahaha very funny. I bet their feet hurts a lot because heels are designed for women not for man and they worked very hard.
OMG! Bryan, Ethan, Joe Ang, Eric Choong, Peter Ho asnd Chia were so excited to become or dance and act as girls for a fund raising show. The rehearsals were done in the uncompleted premises of Kechara Care. The guys with the best bodies and shape when dressed up and walking with their 4″ high heel shoes were Joe Ang, Bryan and Eric Choong. Although some of the guys have natural flare of character of girls but their bodies and legs give them away. Some of them have chubby bodies and some have muscular legs. The WANNA BE GIRLS dance to the tune of modern music. This was performed at the 1st event of an auctioned dinner to raise funds for KECHARA WORLD PEACE CENTRE.
Never come across my mind that it is so fun in a buddhist organisation fund raising dinner,the students will do whatever they can to raise fund and at the same time they are cutting away their ego !
Under Rinpoche guide and nurture,we have so much courages to be who we are, to do whatever we never think we can do for dharma.
Peter told me that sometimes they practice 5 hours a day till his legs feel so pain with the 4 inches high heel..and Bryan even broke a pair and need to get a new pair.
We appreciate you guys for putting efforts,energies and times for this fund raising dinner. No excuses for not coming to attend and support this dinner.
Who enjoys being laughed at, being the ‘entertainment’ for everyone to joke and laugh about? Upon hearing a proposal like this, most people would laugh it off, play it down and give an upright “no”. BUT these boys, or should i say “wanna be girls”, has put their ego aside, stopped focusing on themselves to spread the Dharma, to benefit KWPC and to raise funds for what is going to be a night filled with joy, laughter, and fun. Sharon has commented so aptly above.
I’ve seen part of their rehearsals. Having the very talented Margaret choreograph their slick moves, it’s going to be epic. Respect to you boys. Let your hair down, and dance the night away!! I am looking forward to seeing you all perform, and I’m sure many people will too, so what are you waiting for? Come support the dinner, the performance, Kechara and KWPC!
To all the wannabe girls, respect you guys from the swannabe here. Those high heels are making you guys so sexy. Bryan, try not to break your high heel anymore….that’s not very wannabe 😛
You guys really practised hard and I give my salute to you guys. As for Joe, you really earn the respect from us. You put so much effort in your steps and it does not end there, you helped Chia in his moves. That is so much dedication being put in to make this dance successful.
We swannies will learn from you guys as well and will put our best feet out to practise hard for this great great event!
For those who do not know about this, check this great and fun event at http://kechara.com/cn/dinnerauction/ We promise you a night fill with laughter! Winks!
Dear man chicks,
I am very excited to see you guys rock the stage on the Kechara Auction dinner on the 18th of july 2010. I hope this highlight of the evening will sell all the tables at the dinner. I am sure you guys will give everyone a good show. Your ability to put your ego aside is most incredible. Practice hard, make sure you guys do not get lipstick on your teeth, mascara in your eyes and be most careful of not hurting yourselves on those heels. They look dangerous. Most importantly, have tones of fun doing it. Your act is a teaching about ego and humility.
With much respect,
Wee Liang
For those of us who are up-tight, this attitude just invades everything we do, we are up-tight when in a restaurant, we are up-tight at the post office, at work, with friends, with our family, even in our leisure time, even when we cook, or even bathe. Well, I certainly know what I am talking about, I am one of these freaks. Up-tight I look, up-tight I think and I am.
How to cure this? If you are a man, put on some heels and a wig and make a complete fool of yourself, the feeling of being, at first, ridiculous and laughed at turns into freedom, there is that shift at one point when one let’s go of what the others think and just “go with it”.
Check out comment from David above, he is talking about this experience first hand.
I have seen this many times, I have crossed dressed myself, but I have also seen many people doing it for the first time, overcoming a fear and eventually having a good time.
The feeling of having overcome a fear is similar to a feeling of freedom.
Now, having said this, that “cross-dressing” method only applies for some, because, believe me I have come across a few “up-tight” cross dressers too… LOL
Kechara is truly a melting pot of all sorts of people thats what makes it so unique. They have so many different activities that people dont usually would not even associate a Buddhist Organisation with but at here they will do anything that bring benefits to people that participate or dont participate , directly or indirectly. These voulunteers that i got to know quite well recently are just a bunch of very fantastic and big hearted people. They spent time & energy simpl to benefits other people. They are never selfish and are always ready to help.
I hope in the future more and more people will join and get benefits from all the activities around Kechara. The more people get involves in Dharma work the more the world might become a better place to our future generation to come.
They are the best !
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
It’s so comforting to know that openness for diversity is one of Kechara’s hallmark qualities. Maybe it’s time perhaps next year or next dinner, it’s the ladies’ turn to come in as men? LOL
Then we can have ‘Swan Legs’ then …rofl
This dinner will be an interesting one for the manifestation of KWPC via KSK and KH and worth the effort to either be a volunteer or a participant, either way making the event a worthwhile one whilst having a great time creating great causes for oneself and others.
It’s been so edifying to be with Rinpoche, Kechara and now this ‘Dragtastic’ event! Syabas! and Sadhu! to the team!
Thank you May Ong for realizing I am not one of them girls and coming out in the clear !
I am honoured to be asked to take part in the role of the black swan although right now i have no idea what I am supposed to do.As long as its for a good cause like fundraising for Dharma, KWPC, it will be meaningful and joyful affair. The fun is a by- product.
I am going to enjoy as much as everyone because we are sharing the same motivation. Besides how many grandpas have the merit to be invited to perform on a stage for a sacred cause before hundreds and making everybody laugh. Sorry if I make you jealous he he.
To men who wants to be girls or vice versa
Labels and discrimination – is it right or wrong? Do we have the right to label the as men or girls or otherwise?
Home is where you make of. You must love Kechara or else you wouldn’t have let your ego down and come out in the clear to show who you are, except for Mr Ngeow of course. I missed 2009 Swank Lake dance but I won’t miss it this year. Bravo to you all for putting in the effort and time to bring laughter and joy to benefit Kechara House and Kechara Soup Kitchen.
For shaving the legs services – do let us know if you need help.
I absolutely love the variety and diversity in Kechara. It is great to be in a place so nurturing, kind and free from discrimination. In my little knowledge and exposure to religions… Buddhism is one of the very few who has not and does not condemn homosexuality. Although not encouraging the act, it provides a basis to practice tolerance and understanding. The Dalai Lama is well known for his activism for human rights, and this specifically includes equal rights for gays. According to an Office of Tibet spokeman, “His Holiness opposes violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation. He urges respect, tolerance, compassion, and the full recognition of human rights for all.” It is always nice to have a place where one can just be themselves and not be afraid or be judged. Learning to be comfortable in our own skin.
ps – please note that not everyone in swan lake+wannabe girls are of the ‘happy’ nature! I just felt I needed to justify that! :p BREAK A LEG GUYS (and ‘GIRLS’)
Oh my god, my eyes feel like they want to pop out! More drag queens this year ! Byran, Ethan, Joe Ang, Eric choong, Peter Ho and Chia look so cute it their rehearsals. Chia looks very ecstatic wearing high heels, I think it is quite cute. People in Kechara are always fun. I want to be a person like them one day. I wouldn’t mind wearing a dress. These sorts of performances show your bravery and let you flaunt your abilties that you are trying to hide. All of this is for Kechara World PEACE Center, so don’t worry guys, there will be no flinging of tomato’s at you… haha. I will be prepared for another funny and laugh till your drop evening with Kechara House.
Our ego and pride, destroyer of many things around us but in Kechara, we are taught how to minimize and let go of such negative feelings. To be a better person, no matter when or what situations we are under. Having Rinpoche as Kechara Organisation’s Spiritual Guide has really helped a lot of people into knowing how to break the the negative imprints. We are so lucky to have Rinpoche around as he speaks perfect English having brought up in USA when he a was young (http://www.kechara.com/rinpoche/biography/5-moving-to-america/) and NO, we dont need a translator.
The first time I watched a gig by Kechara Organisation was last year when we were doing fundraising ( we are non-profit, believe or not….http://www.kechara.com/about/what-is-kechara/) in Kechara Oasis (http://www.kechara.com/dining/). It was fun and funny, all of us had a FUNTASTIC time so come and join us this July 18th 2010, 7.30 pm at Sunway Resort Hotel for another episode of FUN!
It’s great to see that Kecharians can be game for anything! Even those with a stiff upper lip will surely not be able to stifle a snigger. Going from what we had last year, we might see really gross looking “women” with make up all tarty and a mess, with bras that don’t seem to sit at the right positions, really hairy and rough looking specimens in mini-skirts who don’t sit like women in mini-skirts should and what’s incredible is that they dare make a fool of themselves! However, I think this year’s crop of performers looks a little more refined compared to the last, some are downright pretty and I guess the make-over will be stunning!
Just to think that our Lama gives his thumbs up, even encourages it and laughs along with it, makes it all the more incredible. How refreshing! The key is, no harm and for a good cause. It’s ok to laugh at ourselves and have others laugh at us sometimes. It’s time to break down all the stereotypes; after all they are man-made and just outer labels that we impose on ourselves. We want to Break Free!
: Oh my god, my eyes feel like they want to pop out! More drag queens this year ! Byran, Ethan, Joe Ang, Eric choong, Peter Ho and Chia look so cute it their rehearsals. Chia looks very ecstatic wearing high heels, I think it is quite cute. People in Kechara are always fun. I want to be a person like them one day. I wouldn’t mind wearing a dress. These sorts of performances show your bravery and let you flaunt your abilties that you are trying to hide. All of this is for Kechara World PEACE Center, so don’t worry guys, there will be no flinging of tomato’s at you… haha. I will be prepared for another funny and laugh till your drop evening with Kechara House.
OMG, this was posted in Rinpoche blog, *faint* now. Well, I’m Peter Hoh, this is my 2nd performance for Kechara Fund Raising Event, Hope everyone can support this Fund Raising Dinner, and please do help by clicking on this link: http://www.kechara.com/peace-centre/news/double-fund-raising-extravaganza/
If you all still remember last year Karaoke events (Starry Starry Night) hosted in Kechara Oasis, I was the one with the super thick make up, shining dress, heels and scary wicks – Mariah Carey and Dreamgirls (Beyonce Balls)..Hahaha…if you like to see me in the performing again this year, please do come and support in this Fun and Entertaining Night with us.
I promise you, I will do my best in this performance as well as my fellow girls, we will delivered the best of the best to you all and don’t miss it.
As Rinpoche always teach us, let go of our EGO, for me to wear a girls dress, high heels and put on makeup that can help to raised more funds for the dharma growth, I WILL DO IT…..
PS: That night you will see the super “HIAO” and “GATAL” of me. .kekeke
Ok, I cant lie, THIS IS HILARIOUS. Can you say Dharma Drag? I never thought I would be able to, but I guess I see that it works! I think this is an amazing way to get peoples’ attention and draw them in and get them interested. I am a proud gay man, and would be honored to serve my lama in this way. This event is such a wonderful example of skillful means.
It shows that there are many ways to raise awareness for the Dharma other than being a monastic practitioner.
Thanks for sharing this with us,
haha this is so hilarious but at the same time a very deep teaching because its not easy to be in drag. pride as a man prevents me from even touching makeup, let alone ladies’ clothing! It feels really awkward to be in such clothing and also to not be laughed at or ridiculed. And to perform and make fun of themselves in stage wearing drag! That has got to be very nerve racking indeed!
But the most amazing part is they’re not doing it for money (or their fetish..maybe they are but nevermind) but they’re doing it for the Dharma. To offer their pride as man for the Dharma is a very great offering. I am not sure if i can stand to the challenge of appearing in drag…especially on stage!!
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
One moment in time to remember…
Some of my friends whom I knew back then…and those I have yet to meet…
The ‘real drags’, my ‘sisters’ in real life…
An aspiration for them…from my heart…
May they be well and happy
May they find love & acceptance within themselves
May they find solace & peace in times of trouble and ridicule
May whatever they do to eke out for a living be successful
May they encounter the Buddha Dharma
May they practice and obtain Liberation
May they once obtain Liberation, return back riding on their vows!
Men want to become woman!!!See Kechara boleh!!!!Everything is can. Our friend Peter, chia, jo eng and eric want to become woman; this time their dream will become true. Sooooo funny!!!!
Few of them started their rehearsal to prepare for first KWPC dinner on July 18, 2010. Every week, they start rehearsal from evening until midnight. Some of them, this is they first time stand at stage. Because of KWPC they give up their ego, selfishness, pride and face, make up themselves be a ugly “lady”. But they are very fun and cute. You can see wanna become woman video in you tube.
If you want to watch this four girl dancing in the real stage, please come to July 18, 2010. Please book table before finish, if not you will regret. A bid for peace, go into (http://kechara.com/cn/dinnerauction/) find more information. See you in there!!!
From Puja, retreats, prostration, mantra chanting, Tsongkhapa stage play, swank lake and now THIS!!! One does wander where is the boundary !?!? Or is there a boundary? How far off can we go to, what and how else should we take on to drop our big fat ego and take one step to enlightement?? Even if its just a small step??
To all the Wannabe err GIRLS, I rejoice for your courage and the willingness to take the extra mile for dharma and for the advancement in your individual spiritual journey. You go GIRLs!
I will be at the Fund Raising Dinner to cheer and to… LAUGH !!!!!
Compare to the first day when they had their first rehearsal, it was so funny where everyone’s movement is just like a Robot, wonder they are doing marching or dancing, but few times after, now I would say they are much professional and look more like a ‘girl’ for their dance move.
Dressing up with a female costume is a way to break our ego; as our ego is one of the main obstacle for us to go forward, in our life, many of us has missed out a lot of good opportunity due to our ‘BIG EGO’, therefore breaking our ego is a great advancement in our spiritual practice.
Everyone want to look good in front of others, who are willing to wear like a clown to make laughter for other people? But these ‘girls’ are doing it not for earning any income but it is for the spread of dharma, this is one of the event we have for Kechara’s Fund-raising dinner.
Please visit http://www.kechara.com/peace-centre/news/double-fund-raising-extravaganza/ for further info.
Yes I agree with Sharon, performing a drag show and having fun can be Dharma at the same time. It is about letting go of our ego. I performed once last year and I thought it was very fun and meaningful because the funds that I raised will be for Dharma.
Letting go of your ego and perform something which embarrasses oneself. What a meritorious way to do for your mother temple. I salute you guys for your bravery to come out onto the stage and perform with your high heels. Must be very painful ouchhh!!! I can’t wait for the show! Hehe…
Please go and support the KWPC fund raising dinner on July 18th at Sunway Resort Hotel. Please contact Cheri Woo at 7880 0189 for table reservations.
It is great fun you wanna be girls! You are doing your bit to raise fun for the Dharma while losing your inhibition. Last year you girls performed the Swan Legs not Swan Lake yeah. What is the team this year Girls? You wanna keep us in suspend? This performance is getting more and more popular. You Girls may one day land up in performance around the world, you never know. You Girls can perform to promote Kechara World Peace Centre. We would be famous .
Which Buddhist organization is as unconventional as Kechara? How fun and modern to be in Kechara. We go to enlightenment while enjoying our fun!
GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!!!! And boy, do these girls really love fun.These girls really love what they are doing – they dance, strut, shake whatever assets they have! And in heels, too. It’s no joke to be walking around in heels, what more when they have to dance in stilettos. WoW!!! Margaret, you are torturing them, but maybe they enjoy it? A sneak preview at their 1st rehearsal had me in stitches (a personal invitation came from Su Ming for me to go watch my “children” giving their all to support Rinpoche).
Rinpoche has taught us to be what we are and he always brings out the best (and the monster) in us. The girls are putting up this performance not only because they enjoy it but because it is for a good cause and they want to help Rinpoche build KWPC to benefit the people of this region.
(check out http://kechara.com/cn/dinnerauction/)
Yupp, Kechara is fun, unconventional, spiritual….
Rinpoche always encourages us to be honest, be what you are, do what you would like to do but dare not do for whatever reason. So here are the Kechara pretty “girls”, who don’t mind being laughed at for a good cause.
Imagine the problem we create for ourselves clinging to a certain norm, an image of how a man/woman should appear or behave. In Kechara, students are encouraged to develop the inner qualities of care, kindness, awareness, honesty, integrity etc .
I was surprised when I first came to Kechara by Rinpoche’s boldness and directness. Now, nothing ( I hope ) surprises me and I become a more open and less opinionated person.
Hehehe I can’t believe that Mr. Ngeow, Tat Ming and Wai Meng doing this also. They really love and have faith in Rinpoche so much to go all the way for the benefit of KWPC.I wonder how they are going to walk on stilettos!!! Hope they wont tripped. But who cares if they tripped. Its not about how good they perform but how willingly they can let go of their ego!!!
To benefit KWPC I would be in drag so fast your head would spin. Wax me down, doll me up, ANYTHING I can do to make that idea one step closer to reality, while pleasing a Rinpoche, and cutting down my ego at the same time! Every man in Kechara should be fighting over who gets to do this! When I visit Malaysia, you can mark my words if I ever get a chance to dress drag for Dharma, I’m in!
What a “Wanna Be Girls” performance!
One of the modern way of spreading dharma thro arts & performace, i like the concept of doing this to raise fund for KWPC.Within KH , we have so many talented ppl and THE GIRLS really go ALL OUT to perform for dharma.
Like Wan mentioned :actions reflect people mind. Dharma can be in any shapes and forms, most importance is mind transformation. I belief, THE GIRLS will go ALL OUT to give the best shot with no agenda. Rinpoche even assigned few more to be involved, those SERIOUS, never thought they wil be the suitable one but were selected by Rinpoche. Rinpoche wants us TO THINK, TO OPERATE OUT OF THE BOX WITH NO FEAR, then our spiritual journey will go further…How skillful Rinpoche is!
Cant wait to see their shows.
Wanna Be Girls
This is my third performance continue for pass three years. The challenge of the performance this year become more and more difficult compare by pass two year. Start just wearing the wig, make up until now have to wear mini skirt and high heel to dance. Is suffering and painful wearing the high heel to dance? But all this is work it to put down my ego to performance for Kechara World Peace Centre charity fund raising.
For this year charity performance, I performance as wanna to be girl group. We all practice hard for the show to give our best for the performance. Other exciting group performance like swanklake. This year, we have enroll more swank lake members to join as the group performance. I can’t wait to see Mr Ngeow our Lam Rim teacher and Albert outlet manager to performance swanlake.
Don’t forget to support our in house performance for the KWPC charity fund raising at 18 of July 2010.
Wow! This wonder girls and swan girls are really brave, beside to entertain and make people happy with their performance 🙂 All these girls are really sincere and humble to put their ego aside and do whatever it take to make Dharma grow, and it was amazed as most of them are newbies who just joined as Kechara member in this few months, actions reflect people mind. Dharma can be in any shapes and forms, most importance is mind transformation.
They are seriously practice to make sure it perfect when they are perform, I can’t wait to see when they are performing with make up, costumes and high heels.
Bring your friends and family to support us. All of the proceeds of this dinner will be channeled towards the renovations of Kechara House’s new gompa (prayer hall), and the new premises of Kechara Soup Kitchen. check out for more information about this dinner from
It’s true that whenever Rinpoche asks us to do something no matter how bizarre it may seem is never without a higher purpose. It may look like a crazy out of the world samsaric activity. However, when we look deeper, it is to shake us out of our fixation of how things should or should not be so that we can become more open, receptive and pliable. Many of us through a life time of habituation have certain fixed set of belief that prevents us from exploring new learning and progress. Maybe a drag show in a Buddhist event is one way of breaking social conventions and our belief of how we think things should be.
Hahaha! I still can’t believe that Jo Ang is doing this! I think perhaps the costume team should invest in a few waxing strips!
For those who is interested to get the tickets or want to join this interesting events please do not hesitate. Pick up the phone now call our Admin department and get your tickets from beautiful Cheri at 7880 0189 for table reservations or go too for more information
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Wow all the above picture looks so funny and interesting. I’m sure KWPC dinner Fund raising will be a great and we will have lots of fun. Last year we have the Dream Girls these year we will have Wonder Girls made in Malaysia.
A lot of time when customer shop at our outlet they will find it weird to find the Dream Girls Card and I remember the question that was put forth by 1 western visitor, was how does these drags cards relate to a Buddhist teachings.
I explain to him along the line of comfort zone and ego and he except and he end up buying 2 cards. Can’t remember which one but he laughs at every piece that he went trough. If i’m not wrong one of them is David card.
I was there for the previous events and I laugh my head’s off.
This is certainly Dharma for the 21st century: dynamic, out-of-the-box and fun WITHOUT compromising on Dharma learning for the participants as shared by Sharon above.
Additionally, all this fun contributes to a bigger cause: fund raising for Kechara World Peace Centre (KWPC; http://www.kechara.com/peace-centre/).
In compliment to this fun and racy version of Buddhadharma, Kechara House is uncompromising in providing accurate and traditional ceremonies/pujas learning for students.
In other words, we get the best of both worlds! This all encompassing “form” of Dharma teaching is also a reflection on the extent of compassion our kind Buddhas and Gurus have for us: innovating pure Dharma to effectively impact and benefit our minds.
Now this is what I called Spirituality! Dharma the 21st century… where you can be who you want to be and be happier, kinder, and gain attainments too 🙂
Some of the girls I know a long time ago, like Chia, did not come out in the open that easily. It took Rinpoche years of teasing and confronting and finally in one of our infamous late night meetings, Chia came out and admitted. What is the lesson we all learnt is – to love and accept who you are and to me that is real Dharma. I applaud your courage Chia! Well I guess you’ve found home, Kechara where we welcome anyone, shape, gender or form! Everybody deserves Enlightenment, that’s what Buddha says heeee!
This show has a great cause – Kechara World Peace Centre – our future and everyone can be a part of this legacy http://www.kechara.com/peace-centre/
How interesting!!!! This reminds me of my trip to Haadyai Thailand and my experience watching the drag show. Honestly some of the ladies do put a lot of ladies to shame with their abundant assets and graceful dancing. Now I do not need to go so far for such a show and Kechara’s production is equally good, if not better. I am sure looking forward to the dinner show but I do hope the “stars” will have their legs shaved before appearing on stage or else I would find swallowing my food difficult. Ha ha ha….. Congratulations to the Wannabe Girls for great dharma service. Way to Go Girls!!!! Come all and support the noble cause of KWPC and don’t miss the great shows lined up for the evening!
They are four more new comers Voon Chin, Wai Meng, Tat Ming and Kok Thai aka Fat Monk joining Peter, Chia, Eric, Jo Ang, Ethan and Bryan. It’s gonna be a night of fun and laughter and it’s all for a good cause. From the photos, those “gals” looked like they are enjoying themselves very much.
As Rinpoche explained, dressing up as drag is a dharma practice by itself. It is cutting away our ego. So you guys and “gals” please remember to shave the hair on your legs. We don’t want to see hair sticking out from your panty hose. Bravo to all of you!!!!!
You put on a real creative show last year. It was a blast!! Oh my! The decor was superb and the people who participated were had such diverse characters. Some guys REALLY WANTED to to get in that role (you know how you are dearies) and some just cringe yet were such good sports to put themselves out there! I do find that people in kechara are willing to put aside personal preferences for a higher cause..and that is most respectable. I am sure you are already having a jolly good time behind the scenes making preparations with these “girlzzzz” for the upcoming KSK charity dinner on 18th July!
cheers xx
In Kechara, there’s never a dull moment! It’s full of fun and funny people!!
The shows kechara put up so far, be it spiritual ‘Legend of The Conch Shell’ or funny witty drag shows, Swan Lake and Supreme in last year’s Starry Starry Night, they always bring tears to our eyes! Either it touches somewhere deep in our hearts or we laughed our hearts out!!!
These had always been in Kechara, work hard, pray hard and play hard!! Most of all is be ourselves! Dharma is not meant to be boring, it can be fun too!
I can’t wait to see all of you in full costumes and dancing on the stage once again!
Wanna Be Girls rock!
For more information on how you can contribution towards Kechara, please click here : http://kechara.com/cn/dinnerauction/
Kechara is a superb spiritual hub. We have everything and anything to bring Dharma into real action.
When it comes to shedding one’s ego, nothing is as powerful as dressing and dancing as the opposite gender. Or just reveal who you really truely are.
Tsem Rinpoche always tells us be who you are, but transfrom inside. That’s real Dharma practice. A very powerful statement!!!
Instead of saying I can’t, I don’t like, I don’t want……… all the time, look at these “Wanna be girls”, they just do it for the sake of Dharma, help raising funds of our Kechara world Peace Center(KWPC).
They walk the talk!
The “Wanna be Girls” dancing show will
OMG! I really think Peter, Chia, Eric Choong, Jo Ang, Ethan and Bryan are really fantastic and I do look up to their courage! With that wig, high heels and lip stick, oh boy! You can kill!!! (Either way la!)
I just cannot wait till you guys put on the full costumes and perform in the upcoming 18TH JULY 2010, Kechara House DINNER & AUCTION at Sunway Resort Hotel, PJ. This event is organized to raise funds for the renovation of Kechara House new Gompa as well as Kechara Soup Kitchen, which is currently renovating its new premises. Everyone must come and support their performance!
For more information, please click:-
Rinpoche never pushes us to do things, however bizzare they may be, for no reason. There is always a bigger picture at hand and a higher purpose to fulfill. This is something I learnt very quickly when I joined Kechara. If we do not choose to trust and go along with our Guru, then we lose out. Similar to what Paris wrote earlier – we still remain who we are before the Dharma, still the same angersome, impatient, egoistical maniac who is desperately hanging onto every shred of our delusions and thinking that it is our absolute truth. A real man would not fear to dress down, up or even in drag – because it would not de-stablize him from his manhood. Those who can’t – well, then – it just goes to show how fragile your masculinity and confidence are. In Kechara, men can become girls and girls become men – everything changes and yet nothing changes. Our Guru truly works very hard to liberate us all from the prison of our samsaric mind sets.
I really like what Paris said earlier about this, because for me, going in drag was a huge ego buster. Just like these ‘girls’, I was one of them performing for last year’s fundraiser – Starry, starry Night. At that time, I was part of the Dream Girls and I was slapped with so much makeup, I think my mum couldn’t even recognised me.
On top of that, I wore a huge scary wig, a silver dress that is completed with stockings and heels. Everybody laughed when they saw me and I should have loved the attention right? Nope! I looked fat, scary and when I walked out to parade around for donations, I saw Ruby of KSK pointed at me from the corner of my eyes and laughed so loud, I wanted to go back in and hide. I whispered to myself, “This is for KWPC” and let go. I lunged forward and made the most ridiculous moves a drag queen could make. Everybody was amused and some were even shocked.
What was even funnier was that Rinpoche made a series of cards of us, Dream girls. I cringed when Rinpoche proposed and secretly hoped that he was only kidding. Alas, the cards did come out and it was rather popular for a while but fortunately, the attention eventually died down. I am looking forward to the new girls this year. I heard they are going to have cards of them too!
Yes different strokes for different folks… What an amazing Dharma family we have. Diverse, Different, Talented, ok ok… hairy too!!!
Am looking forward to the night!!!!
Much love… Andrew
With the latest inclusion of Voon Chin, Tat Ming, Wai Meng and FM, it’s going to be a RIOT!!! Aiyoyo! U guys don’t need practice, u just have to be yourselves! Hahahaha! Aiyo!!! Need to go n pee now!
Just can’t wait,
Henry Ooi
From the award-winning ‘Legend of the Conch Shell’ to ‘Wanna Be Girls’ – Kechara House really is amazing when it comes to adapting the spread of dharma in these degenerate times. This first relays to the audience the words of the dharma and the latter displays to the audience the practice of dharma, i.e. cutting down the ego, like how Sharon has cleverly mentioned above.
FYI, Legend of the Conch Shell won 5 awards!(http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/2010/04/kechara-house-won-5-awards.html)
Shave legs, shave face, shave…..armpits. WAX THE WHOLE BODY, I say!! 😛
loves it. This is what Dharma is really about:
1) if you’re an ugly hairy man wanting to channel Stuart Weitzman, you finally get to let your hair down, be yourself and live our your dreams
2) if you’re an ugly hair man NOT wanting to pretend that you’re a woman in any way, this is the perfect practice to let go of your big fat ego and just be freeeeee
Either way, you take one step closer to enlightenment.
Stunning! And who ever said dharma is boring is wrong. How sporting the “guys” are. This is a dharma practice by itself. Cutting down ego. Come support the “girls” on 18th July at Sunway Resort Hotel. Cant’t wait to see them with full make up on!
I can’t wait for the show!! Earlier this evening, Rinpoche was telling us about how dressing up in drag can be Dharma – basically when we do something out of our comfort zone, it is cutting down our ego. if we can do something and let other people laugh at us, it is cutting down our ego. If we do something which benefits others, it is Dharma. So participating in this fund raising dinner which benefits others is Dharma! Fantastic!
Please do come support our dinner on 18 July – Contact Cheri at 7880 0189 for table reservations. Look forward to seeing you there!
Just great – ‘mwah, mwah’
Kechara is really the 21st century Dharma centre who is filled with spiritual talented seekers, we can have so much fun while doing Dharma work together. This is what it is all about, we play hard, we work hard and we pray hard too:-)
Why not? As long as out motivation is sincere, genuine and good. I love choreographing with them on the dance steps, the “Wanna be Girls” rehearsed 4 hours non stop on their high heels during the 2nd rehearsal!!!! Just to perfect their steps and get used to dance with high heels.
Please go and support the KWPC fund raising dinner on July 18th at Sunway Resort Hotel.Contact Cheri at 7880 0189 for table reservations. Have a blast at the event and support our hard working “Wanna be Girls”!!!
So this is what you gals have been doing till late a night eh. … Tee hee
You Guys ROCK !!!!!! OOOooopppsss…. Girls !
Wanna Be Girls World Tour Start here. It’s all for the Charity. Selling ticket at RM160, RM 250, RM 500, all fund will does to the KWPC !! Support Support.
This is gonna be fun! hehe… Dharma can be fun too!
Don’t forget to shave those legs! You look like a bunch of hairy men with high heels!
That is very funny!
My mom would kill me if she saw me in those heels….LOL