ALBUM: H.E. Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche’s Parinirvana Ceremony (Complete)
Aug 2, 2020 | Views: 4,935
His Eminence Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche was a world-renowned Buddhist teacher, the 25th incarnation from a long line of Indian, Nepali and Tibetan Buddhist masters dating back to over 2500 years ago. He was the founder of the Kechara Buddhist Organisation headquartered in Malaysia, a prolific author of commentaries, discourses and books on Buddhism, and a beloved spiritual guide to many disciples around the world. He dedicated his entire life to the practice and proliferation of Buddhism especially through the digital world.
At 9.49pm on September 4th, 2019 according to the Western calendar and on the 6th day of the seventh month of the Earth Boar Year of the Tibetan Lunar Calendar, Rinpoche concluded his earthly enlightened activities and entered into clear light. Rinpoche remained in thukdam (clear light meditation) for two days before departing his earthly body.
On September 29th, 2019, Rinpoche’s kudung was escorted to the Stupa of the Holy Body for the traditional Fire Offering Ceremony. Many auspicious signs were observed in various parts of the world. Later, during the dismantling of the Stupa of the Holy Body, hundreds of precious white relic pills were discovered. These are hallmarks of a highly attained lama.
Rinpoche’s precious relics and holy remains will be enshrined in two reliquary stupas. These two stupas along with the Tsem Rinpoche Incarnation Chapel collectively form the Tsem Rinpoche Relic Stupa Project, which is currently in progress.
Read the full parinirvana article:
Preparing to escort Rinpoche's kudung back to Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong.
Rinpoche's kudung is carefully placed in the carriage.
Rinpoche's kudung is carefully placed in the carriage.
Rinpoche's kudung is carefully placed in the carriage.
Flower offerings are placed in the carriage.
Rinpoche's personal attendant offers incense and recites the Lama Chöpa throughout the journey.
The convoy begins the journey to Kechara Forest Retreat.
The convoy makes the journey back to Kechara Forest Retreat.
The convoy makes the journey back to Kechara Forest Retreat.
The convoy makes the journey back to Kechara Forest Retreat.
The convoy makes the journey back to Kechara Forest Retreat.
The convoy makes the journey back to Kechara Forest Retreat.
The convoy arrives in Bentong.
The convoy arrives in Bentong.
Meanwhile, students and friends have gathered at Kechara Forest Retreat to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Meanwhile, students and friends have gathered at Kechara Forest Retreat to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Meanwhile, students and friends have gathered at Kechara Forest Retreat to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Making offerings of candles to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Making offerings of candles to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Fresh flowers to be offered to Rinpoche's kudung.
Students and friends make their way to the main entrance of Kechara Forest Retreat to await the arrival of Rinpoche's kudung.
Students and friends make their way to the main entrance of Kechara Forest Retreat to await the arrival of Rinpoche's kudung.
Students and friends make their way to the main entrance of Kechara Forest Retreat to await the arrival of Rinpoche's kudung.
Distributing khata, incense and flower offerings to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Distributing khata, incense and flower offerings to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Distributing khata, incense and flower offerings to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Distributing khata, incense and flower offerings to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Distributing khata, incense and flower offerings to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Distributing khata, incense and flower offerings to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Distributing khata, incense and flower offerings to welcome Rinpoche's kudung home.
Rinpoche's kudung arrives at Kechara Forest Retreat.
Rinpoche's kudung arrives at Kechara Forest Retreat.
Rinpoche's kudung arrives at Kechara Forest Retreat.
Rinpoche's kudung arrives at Kechara Forest Retreat.
Rinpoche's kudung arrives at Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
A traditional procession escorts Rinpoche's kudung to Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Inviting Rinpoche's kudung into Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat.
H.E. the 7th Panglung Oracle pays his respects to Rinpoche's kudung.
Gen Usula Lobsang Jinpa, the Chantmaster Emeritus of Shar Gaden Monastery, pays his respects to Rinpoche's kudung.
Gen Usula Lobsang Jinpa, the Chantmaster Emeritus of Shar Gaden Monastery, pays his respects to Rinpoche's kudung.
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Pray that Rinpoche reincarnate swiftly and everyone do their part and continue Rinpoche works.
Beautiful pictures taken during H.E. Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche’s Parinirvana Ceremony . I am fortunate to be there , volunteering , joining most of all the following pujas. It once a life time able to witness a Tibetan Parinirvana Ceremony with a heavy heart .
Thank you writer teams for this beautiful write up and great pictures shared. Looking at those pictures have me recalling the great moments at Kechara Forest Retreat at that very moment. It paints a thousand words.
I have been looking forward to read the updates of Rinpoche’s parinirvana for the past year. Finally i get to see it now…Thank you Rinpoche, blog team and everyone who is involved who helped to prepare and voluntered during Rinpoche’s traditional procession ,and this wonderful and detailed write up, photos and video. Too bad i couldn’t attend and really miss Rinpoche very much on social media. May Rinpoche have a swift and smooth return to KFR to continue spreading the Dharma soon.🙏😘💕