Chat Pictures (2013)
Sep 29, 2011 | Views: 678
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These are the photos submitted on year 2013. Click here for latest photos, or click here for photos in year 2012.
Awesome Lunar New Year promotions in all Kechara retail stores. Find your nearest outlet: - Davin
What makes us good humans is not how we abuse animals, but how much we allow them to live and ...
Bad things happen to me all the time, but I just remember to bear it for others.~Tsem Rinpoche From June ...
Special Setrap puja in Kechara Oasis on the last day of 2013. 31Dec13 may ong
A special Setrap puja today in Kechara Oasis Viva Home, Kuala Lumpur with Paul Yap and Datuk May Phng. 31Dec13 ...
Celeste took the day off from work to bring her brother and father to Kechara House.Rejoice! Lucy Yap
Greens beautifying the path in the city. What a welcome sight. 31/12/2013 Girlie
Felix who joined Kechara family less than a year, and he is now supervisor of Kechara Outlet, a very loyal ...
Eric Siow our dedicated Kechara outlet supervisor, sharing Dharma with all the people who walk into outlets, Eric likes Dharma ...
The goodness of a #lemon #grass #drink. We serve this drink at Kechara Oasis
KSK helped two stranded Kelantanese off the streets. Justin@KSK KL
Keep yourself healthy for the sake of others. ~ Carmen. Lin @ KMP
Very beautiful Maitreya Statue at Kechara House Souvenir Shop. Maitreya was the heart disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha and as Shakyamuni ...
Beautiful Rice Pot. Ck siah
克切拉传承上师照相。Ck siah
Vajra Yogini Thangka in SS2 Kechara Paradise. Ck siah
Our flower fairy Miss Yen Pin from Kechara Blooms just sent the fliwer that we order for us. So lovely. ...
洒净的必备品~tong sun sun
Cynthia NG 忙着把资料输入~tong sun sun
Feeling that you can't go anywhere further than where you are right now? Need some inspiration for the day? Read ...
法会小组宵夜后还喋喋不休~tong sun sun
Buddha's Speech are now available at Kechara House Souvenir Shop!! 3 designs available, Buddha Shakyamuni, Tara and Manjushri. ~Wylfred
Beautiful window display of Kechara Paradise One Utama for chinese new year. ~Wylfred
@KecharanHousr, Kechara pastors read and discussed stanzas of "Fifty stanzas on the Spiritual Teacher. P Han Nee
Puja vest sewn in KSA, all folded and packed. Ready to be delivered.-Choi Sheem
Finding ways to face with insult or criticism from others? Find out how here, http // ~ Carmen Lin @ ...
Tsem Rinpoche:"With dharma there are sacrifices but tremendous gains." ~ Carmen Lin @ KMP
The study of Lam Rim coupled with Tsongkapa's guru yoga daily will alleviate depression.~Tsem Rinpoche From: June Tang (Khjb)
Tsem Rinpoche Don't fret for those who leave without a goodbye and by deception. Find better. ~ Carmen Lin @ ...
Tsem Rinpoche:"When things go right in samsara is when we should really be surprised." ~ Carmen Lin @ KMP
Tsem Rinpoche Hard work speaks louder than the most eloquent cover up speech. Images credits to http // art art?IMID ...
Give your guru a break. Think and extend your love and understanding to him as well. ~ Carmen Lin @ ...
Before on pointing at others wrong doings, look at yourself and think did you do wrong at the first place? ...
Life is not something that has ever excited me, but dharma always did.~Tsem Rinpoche From: June Tang (Khjb)
Wonderful news from Bryan Chen! His little princess, sleep soundly after wearing the Setrap Chakra recommended by Kechara Staff. Before ...
As Rinpoche used to say Tsongkhapa's mantra is a buy one free three deal. ~ Carmen Lin @ KMP
Scooping earth to fill Dukkar Apts apron n topping up earth b4 turfing, Kechara Forest Retreat. Henry Ooi
Confrontation leads us to move forward. Be no fear. ~ Carmen Lin @ KMP
Things will get better after overcoming a challenge. Don't lose hope and faith. ~ Carmen Lin @ KMP
Tsem Rinpoche Some people will find reasons to disparage you. Find reasons to keep going and ignore them. ~ Carmen ...
Everyone of us have our flaws, acknowledged that and worked on it. ~ Carmen Lin @ KMP
Love without attachment is light. ~ Carmen Lin @ KMP
Be unstoppable in your spiritual path. Go all the way. ~ Carmen Lin @ KMP
Gurus for Hire, Enlightenment for Sale Book review by damefen on Barnes&Noble NOT WHAT YOU MAY LIKE, BUT IT IS ...
Ongoing work progress of slope stabilization on Medicine Buddha Hill-Pamela@KFR
Tibetan furniture is unique and the beautiful graphic is hand crafted . Mrs Jenny bought one special tibetan furniture at ...
Kechara Paradise s wealth vases are made according to traditional scriptural methods in the monasteries and contain precious items such ...
金光闪闪的橱窗-Viva Home Paradise ~tong sun sun
设计华丽的 VIva Home 如意轩最适合一家大小来消费~tong sun sun
If you believe in emptiness, we won't stuck in projections.~ tong sun sun
Kechara Outcall Puja Tampoi Johor: 供灯祈求事业旺. Ck siah
Kechara Outcall Puja Tampoi Johor. 铁汉柔情一幕。CK siah
Kechara Outcall Puja Tampoi Johor: 最佳夫妻档. Ck siah
Kechara Outcall Puja Tampoi Johor: 最佳母女档. Ck siah
Kechara Outcall Puja Tampoi Johor: Kechara Women Power. Ck siah
Kechara Outcall Puja Tampoi Johor: Mr hee & Jeffrey 最佳拍档 。Ck ...
Kechara Outcall Puja Tampoi Johor : Happy Puja Team 最佳笑容奖。Ck ...
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Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
[…] are the photos submitted on year 2014. Click here for photos submitted in 2013, or click here for photos in year 2012 and earlier Roland […]