Photo Album: Me, My Friends and Family
Mar 8, 2010 | Views: 1,864
This is a photo collection of my family, friends, students and I. They range from things from my time growing up in New Jersey, to my time in the Monastery in India to…Kechara today.
I often also receive many interesting photos, which I want to share with everyone without having to write a full blog post about it. So I decided to have this photo album created to do just that.
This blog post will be continuously updated, so do check back regularly. You never know, your photo might be included here…one day…
Places I like or like to visit Japan, Nepal, India, Laos, Pacific Northwest USA, Greece, Thailand, Hawaii, Findhorn, Loch Ness, ...
New Tibetan incense produced by Tsem Ladrang.
KB is such a wonderful person. He has been with me for over 6 years. Among the many things he ...
7th grade class photo (the only one of mine not yet on facebook!)
Would you believe? I don t have a watch. Then, I was at a delicious Nepalese restaurant in downtown KL ...
My cousin Darlene's son Brandon (10 years old) reading the TSONGKAPA comic book produced by Kechara Media and Publications.
Another young person volunteering in one of KECHARA's 13 Depts...I am very happy about that. Young ppl occupying their time ...
Ven Kangyur Rinpoche of Drepung and Ven Za Choeje Rinpoche of Drepung came to my house in Gaden to visit ...
(Written behind this photo) December 1987 - In Nepal, Boudhanath Stupa (Holy Buddhist Site) Behind are some temples. Tenzin Zopa ...
(5/01/2011) holding onto Mumu's mother Jessie. Jessie has terminal cancer and has only a few weeks left. Please pray for ...
This is my bedroom. I like my bed on the floor. Easier for Mumu to get onto the bed with ...
This is the sacred altar of Pelden Hlamo in Rashi Gempil Ling Temple in Howell, New Jersey. Even after 30 ...
Cynthia is working in the E-Division of Ladrang Dept of Kechara. She's talented. Look at this great cd cover she ...
This is myself meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Los Angeles before I became a monk. I am asking ...
Levi, Wendy, Andrew, Monlam and Kb (left to right) went for dinner together just now. They all work so hard ...
My students have created a beautiful residence for me in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is set in the hills not far ...
Our Tsem Rinpoche Bio Team interviewing Ani Lobsang Drolma in Los Angeles. She's a good friend of mine..frm when i ...
Anila Lobsang Dolma is a good friend. I treasure her as she's always a genuine and sincere person. Very devoted ...
Monlam is my very hardworking assistant. He is polite, sincere, pushes himself all the way and a very cooperative person.
I am very happy to work with Monlam. He got a car today which will enable to do his work ...
Monlam and his new car
Andrew went the extra mile and overcame his fear of heights to get these picturs as close angle. He went ...
Andrew, the photographer of these pictures is the type that doesn't make excuses for failure nor gets stuck with criticism. ...
Many spend time complaining they can't do this or that and give you so many 'eloquent' reasons of why they ...
Fm and me last year November 2010
Ven Anila Lobsang Dolma is a good friend of mine. She lives in Los Angeles. Over 20 years back we ...
Here is Jamie Khoo interviewing my Aunt Matza in New Jersey. She knows so much and is one of the ...
Here's a picture of my cousin Debbie Polchinoff Ashton. We use to play together alot as kids. Now she is ...
This is a picture of Uncle Dorje Kichikov. He is not my uncle, but I call him uncle for respect's ...
Jamie the great writer from KMP with my good friend Marc Reed at Lino's Pizza. The last time Marc was ...
I use to ride my bike to Turkey Swamp Park with Marc. When we got there, he would do his ...
My cousin Liz being interviewed by the 'Tsem Rinpoche Bio Research Group' in New Jersey. Liz lives in New York ...
Here is a nice picture of Susie, her husband Andy, her daughters Paige and Rachel. Also is Susie's sister from ...
This my childhood classmate Kim Albataew. Jean Ai is on the right showing Kim (left) some of our work. Kim's ...
I remember you fondly Kim. I had always wished I was as intelligent as you in our classes. You are ...
My childhood schoolmate Butchy Sochorow who is a rock singer now..neat..He gave a nice interview to our bio group in ...
This is my sweet friend Anila Thupten Chonyid in Howell, New Jersey, USA. She has been a nun for over ...
Our Kechara House Liaison Suming presenting gifts to my cousin Danielle on my behalf in Virginia. Nice.
Dear Ven Anila Thupten Chonyid, My bio group of 12 were so happy to meet you and be in your ...
Our bio group in Virginia interviewing my lovely Aunt Meda. Standing up is her daughter Diane. On the right in ...
My beautiful Aunt Meda who is the youngest sister of my mother. Aunt Meda has always been kind to me. ...
Our TSEM RINPOCHE BIO RESEARCH TEAM'S Sharon sharing with Aunt Meda and JP sharing with cousin Darlene. How nice my ...
Our bio group met Ms Connie Bach in Los Angeles. She visited us here in Kechara and had a nice ...
I met Ven Anila Kunsang on twitter. She is one of the sangha members who is working at Tara's Babies ...
Sara and her mother Aunt Matza are very good examples of warm Kalmuk-Mongolian hospitality...I am proud to have them as ...
My Aunt Matza from the USA in our Tsem Ladrang kitchen teaching our people how to make traditional Kalmuk Mongolian ...
On their last morning in Howell, the TSEM RINPOCHE BIO TEAM had a surprise interview with Dawn Giordano Garofalo, who ...
Bob Gugajew is my cousin who lives in Los Angeles. When I ran away from home at 16, I hitch-hiked ...
It was very nice to come across my cousin susie's facebook. I haven't seen her in 20 years. She used ...
Haven't seen my relatives from the USA for nearly 30 years. And we have just finished our beautiful new Prayer ...
Our TSEM RINPOCHE BIO RESEARCH TEAM presents gifts to my cousin Diane on my behalf. Diane is sitting next to ...
Beautiful Aunt Matza and grandaughter Katee visiting our new Kechara gompa for the first time. They are here pictured with ...
Sara Andreyev, daughter Katee and Aunt Matza arrived at Kuala Lumpur International airport.
My Aunt Matza is not sleepy at all after her flight from US to Malaysia. She is becoming fast friends ...
This is my Aunt Matza who visited us from the US. She's keeping her head warm in the car. Cute.
Left is Likim, the Liaison of Kechara Media and publications. On the right is my cousin Sara from the US ...
I haven't seen my Aunt Matza, cousin Sara for nearly 30 years. Sara's daughter Katie I have never met. They ...
One of our younger members of Kechara...This is adorable little Pavara working hard cleaning up in Kechara Care Dept..he loves ...
Cute, adorable, HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, great little writer (like his beautiful mama), cheeky, witty, and has a great little blog that ...
Ven Thupten La with Pavara on his shoulders here in Kechara. Pavara told everyone when he grows up he wishes ...
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Wow it’s a memory ,looking back at those old photos collection of Rinpoche’s family, friends and students. It carry one’s thoughts back, from Rinpoche’s time growing up in New Jersey, to the time in India and finally to Malaysia where Kechara is today. By remembering something from the past is momentous. Each of those photos refreshing one’s memory walk down memory lane.
I am fortunate able to see all these old photos of Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
I like the bag design very much and I get it on Grand strap puja on Feb 2011.
Thank for Cynthia that come out the wonderful design, with the bag during carry we will able to share the dream of “World Peace” that kechara intended to achieve.
i don’t know how to say or how to express what i felt when i saw your pages here in facebook,,More power!!!