Photo Album: My Mumus!
Mar 8, 2010 | Views: 805
For as long as I can remember, I have always loved animals. I got my first dog, Princey when I was very young, living in New Jersey. I still love and miss him. He was run over by a car and I had no idea he was run over till an old lady down the street told my family. I was heartbroken when I went to find his body and I had to bury him. I cried a lot that day.
Now, I have my Mumu, I make sure that he is well-taken care of. I even got Oser to accompany Mumu and be his companion. He has Zamkar, his childhood friend come to visit and play with him from time to time. I love my Mumus! (Mumu is a term of endearment I have coined for all cute dogs, animals, kids and some close friends)
Keep visiting this post to view the latest photos!
Mumu and Oser on the sofa taking a nap
Mumu and Oser in bed
Mumu and Oser share a kiss
Curious Oser
Mumu slept with me the whole night. As we fell asleep, I held his front paw. He didn't flatulate much ...
Look at my Oser baby is so cute...
I never get tired of staring at my lil' mumu boy.
My precious Mumu. I love you Mumu.
This is mumu's best friend, Zamkar baby. Zamkar comes over to play around 2-3 times a week. Zamkar is super ...
My good boy Mumu has sweet, soft and gentle eyes. His eyes are very warm. I love you Mumu.
Look at my two little treasures peeping through the door to see what's up. Little Oser and Mumu always together.
My little Oser girl is getting her haircut. She likes her hair short and easy to adorable.
My two little adorable Schnauzers Oser and Mumu sleeping nearby each other. They like each other alot and play non-stop...cute.
Mumu and Oser have lessons daily to train in discipline...cute. before they are able to eat, they have to wait ...
I have two cute Schnauzer's. One is white and female. Her name is Oser. The adorable grey on is Mumu. ...
My Oser girl is spunky, not afraid of anything and cannot be bullied. She maybe small but not afraid of ...
I went to the fish store looking for some small parrot fishes/goldfishes. Then a 22 inch golden Koi caught my ...
Oser always finishes her food super duper fast...then she stares longingly at Mumu's food who takes his sweet time to ...
Look at my Mumu boy. He is such a good boy. He knows where to pee and poo on his ...
My sweet little Mumu sleeping deep with a blanket in the coolness of the room. Sweet dreams and rest well ...
My little Oser baby has a small lump on her so here she is at the vet's getting a check. ...
Sp is holding onto Oser baby (white) and Monlam is lovingly holding and laying with Mumu. Mumu and Oser get ...
My sweet mumu and his good friend oser baby likes to sleep with each other in a cool comfy room ...
My sweet little Oser Baby had herself in my lap as I was working on my blog. I covered her ...
I got mumu as a gift on June 18,2004. I attached a picture of Mumu on the 1st day he ...
KB is such a wonderful person. He has been with me for over 6 years. Among the many things he ...
Mumu and Oser always hang out together...nearly they are getting some fresh air at Tsem Ladrang...
I got this nice dog stroller..and Mumu and Oser can ride in it when we take them out. Some areas ...
I love animals very much. These are my fish tanks on my balcony at the Ladrang where I live. I ...
Mumu (left) and Oser love toys. They both enjoy toys so much. They like to grab it and tease each ...
Ladrang had a Lunar New Year's party a few hours ago...Mumu and Oser joined are cute...
Relaxed, smiling and finally cooling off after lots of running.
Since my Mumu was a small baby, he loved toys and always plays with toys. Even now he loves all ...
Mumu was running around with Oser and he's sweaty but smiling. Adorable baby Mumu.
Mumu and Oser sitting together with the fan on after running around alot...heheh. Cute.
My mumu very handsome. Taking pics of Mumu with natural sunlight is the best. You don't need the flash and ...
Look at my Mumu and Oser taking a nap after their din din...they always sleep together. They love each other....cute.
I have always loved dogs and animals my whole life. I really don't like ppl who are cruel to animals. ...
I took this photo of my little mumu napping and relaxing. He is a special dog..very calm, alert and gentle. ...
My sweet little Oser Baby had herself in my lap as I was working on my blog. I covered her ...
Mumu boy and Oser baby tucked in together to go to sleep for the night. I have some gentle music ...
Mumu and Oser like sleeping together. I have Three blankets on my bed. One for me and two for them. ...
Look at my cute oser and sweet mumu sleeping away together in an airy cool room. I love them.
A few weeks back when Beng Kooi tried to handle Russell baby when he first got here, he would snap ...
This is my cute dog Oser girl. This is when she first arrived at the Ladrang a few months back ...
When I saw her the first time, she broke my heart. Now she is bigger and stronger. Very spunky. Everyone ...
My little Mumu relaxing on my bed. Me and Mumu slept together for years. He is right next to me ...
I'm holding my Little Oser girl. She is so spunky and strong. Very cute.
The one laying down is Mumu's mother Jessie. The one sitting up is Mumu's sister Ah Girl. They are both ...
Mumu was deep asleep just now ....he's like a little kid...he don't like to go to sleep, but once he ...
Oser baby with a nice blanket over her sleeping nearby Mumu. Nice and cosy and cute. Photo taken in the ...
Here's the two cuties again..Mumu boy and Oser girl...they really like toys and playing with each other.
Picture taken today of my little Mumu (left) and little Oser baby...they are good little models. Hehe
My adorable Mumu and Oser taking a nap after playing non-stop...super cuddly.
My baby Mumu and adorable Oser after having their lunch. They get cleaned up after their meal and each evening ...
Russell baby was a little snappy with the groomer. He has never had professional grooming so he hated it....they had ...
Russell baby is healthy and got his heartguard yearly jab today. He is a good boy and getting a snack ...
Today Russell baby had his first professional grooming job. They cleaned his ears, clipped his nails, cleaned between the toes, ...
Beng Kooi has fallen in love with the adorable Russell Baby (whom we rescued from Penang last week). It's not ...
Russell baby is making everyone fall in love with him..Bryan of Kechara Care loves him so much.
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The mumus look so cute!!! I especially like the one when they are in the doggy stroller! They just look so adorable! I think that they sre very special dogs. And are also very lucky. I wish that more dogs in the world would have as much love as this.
The Mumus are super adorable!! They are so fortunate to have met Rinpoche, as Rinpoche loves them very much. Uncle KB has done a very good job of taking care of the Mumus, I believe that he loves them very much too. I still remember that I’ve watched a video of Uncle KB coming back from Nepal. When he opens the door, the Mumus immediately rush to him and give him hugs and kisses. Lovely!
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
Mumu and Oser are very cute and well trained, especial mumu who understand everything same as human. Mumu has very gentle and sweet eyes which will make you fall in love of him.
Mumu has been trained up by Rinpoche himself and he is very dicipline dog. Rinpoche shows us that either human or animal if we take care them with love and care and traning, they will grow up become a qualify person.. same as mumu.
Rinpoche treats his furry companions really really well and I believe the care shown by Rinpoche it is a driving force behind the establishment of Kechara Animal Sanctuary. And the actions that Rinpoche show, do show us to what level a care we should give to our pets if we decide to have them in ou households. Rinpoche care for animals and humans deeply.
Mumu looks like Rinpoche! Like master, like dog!