HH Dalai Lama attending Mass
Dear friends,
Jean Mei sent me an email of very recent photos of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. On 27th May, His Holiness the Dalai Lama paid a visit to Vienna and while he was there, His Holiness attend Mass and visited the St. Stephen’s Cathedral!
When I saw these photos, I felt a sense of joy as I truly believe in religious harmony. It is so nice to see leaders from major religions coming together and respecting each others’ beliefs. No religion is wrong. No religion is lower than another. All religions advocate peace, compassion and love for one another… As religious persons, the best way to express spirituality is to be compassion, tolerant, forgiving and respectful of others’ religion/culture and race.
Do take a look at the images below taken by the International Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Austria. There is a photo of His Holiness, the prince of peace, making prayers at St. Stephen’s Cathedral! It is very heartwarming to come across such a scene… I have always loved this about His Holiness.
I hope that everyone appreciates these photos. It brings tears to my eyes when everyone respects everyone’s religion. That is the way it should be.
Tsem Rinpoche

S.H. Dalai Lama im Gespräch mit Kardinal Christoph Schönborn | His Holiness the Dalai Lama in discussion with Austria’s Cardinal (and head of the Catholic Church) Christoph Schönborn. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor

S.H. Dalai Lama im Gespräch mit Kardinal Christoph Schönborn | His Holiness the Dalai Lama in discussion with Austria’s Cardinal (and head of the Catholic Church) Christoph Schönborn. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor

S.H. Dalai Lama im Gespräch mit Kardinal Christoph Schönborn | His Holiness the Dalai Lama in discussion with Austria’s Cardinal (and head of the Catholic Church) Christoph Schönborn. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor

Gemeinsame Presseerklärung S.H. Dalai Lama und Kardinal Christoph Schönborn | Joint press statement of His Holiness and Cardinal Schönborn. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor

Ein Zeichen der gegenseitigen Sympathie am Ende der Pressekonferenz | A sign of mutual friendship at the press conference. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor

m Weg zum Stephansdom | Going to St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor

Seine Heiligkeit zeigt tiefe Wertschätzung und Respekt gegenüber allen Religionen | His Holiness has deep appreciation and respect towards all religions. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor

Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor

Zu Besuch im Stephansdom am Pfingstsonntag | Visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral at Pentecost sunday. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor
Zu Besuch im Stephansdom am Pfingstsonntag | Visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral at Pentecost sunday. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor
Zu Besuch im Stephansdom am Pfingstsonntag | Visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral at Pentecost sunday. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor
Zu Besuch im Stephansdom am Pfingstsonntag | Visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral at Pentecost sunday.
Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor
Zu Besuch im Stephansdom am Pfingstsonntag | Visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral at Pentecost sunday. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor
Zu Besuch im Stephansdom am Pfingstsonntag | Visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral at Pentecost sunday. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor
Zu Besuch im Stephansdom am Pfingstsonntag | Visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral at Pentecost sunday. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor
Herzliche Begrüßung | A warm welcome. Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor
Source: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.401284866581521.87621.108185829224761&type=3
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Very nice to see His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama embraces diversity and difference when in comes to belief and faith. His Holiness propagates peace and harmony. I wish that His Holiness can extend the same love for peace and harmony towards all sentient beings which include Dorje Shugden practitioners too. May this day arrives soon.
These photos are just so heart warming, it shows the mutual respect that we should have. This is clearly shown in the pictures by the various religious leaders through their action and the respect that they have for each other as well as what they practice.
This post was so touching!
I’m reminded of a funny little joke I heard once about interfaith harmony. It goes a little something like this:
Once, there was a religious conference, where secular leaders of all the religions of the world met to discuss how they could improve religion in the world. The church leaders, the big administrators all flew in, sat around a large conference table and talked for days. They debated, they stood up and argued, they presented their endless points of views and had very passionate discussions among them. There were many, for there were many intellectuals among them who each knew their religions very, very well.
Later, there was another religions gathering, this time of the spiritual leaders of each religion – the Popes, the Buddhist Gurus, the Hindu yogis, the Jewish rabbis. They all sat around the same big table and looking around the table, simply smiled and nodded at each other – for there was nothing to say. They each understood each other perfectly without having to talk.
So this is how I imagine religious harmony to really be – for at the heart of every religion and every person (even if they believe in nothing), we all want the same things: happiness, protection, peace and wisdom. And even if the methods differ, even if we wear different robes and pray using different liturgies, eventually we want the same things and we feel the same things. And so, we smile at each other, for we know just what the other person is wanting, feeling, thinking and living.
Being present at a Mass and participating in it are quite different. Even a hardcore criminal can be present for a Mass! The Dalai Lama can genuinely participate in the Mass only if he believes and accepts Jesus Christ as His only Lord and Saviour. It is a good publicity scoop for him and his followers. Most of the comments here sweep fundamental differences between Buddhism and Catholicism under the carpet. When we ignore the incompatibility between truth and falsehood we do disservice to genuine peace. Buddhism is basically atheistic and this worldly. Buddha has been deified by his followers, denying the very basis of Buddha’s revolt against the multiplicity of Hindu gods. I do respect Dalai Lama as he advocates nonviolence in his struggle for political freedom in Tibet but reject totally his religious beliefs.
[…] did a bit of research and came across Tsem Rinpoche’s blog where these images are put into context as having come from a visit to Vienna in May and having […]
No religion is wrong. What? that makes no sense if you think about it. All religions can not be right because they all contradict each other. Christians believe in the trinity Muslims don’t. Buddhist believe in reincarnation christian don’t they believe you spend forever in either heaven or hell. Jews don’t believe in hell lasting forever as christian and Muslims do. Christians believe that Christ was God Muslims believe he was only a prophet. These are only a few contradictions to give you an example of what I am talking about. I will be here for an extremely long time if I were to list all of them.
So either one religion is true or there all false.
The picture of both spiritual leaders bringing their forehead together, “A sign of mutual friendship at the press conference” instantly warmed my heart. I could feel the purest love and respect between them.
It is good to see such warm acceptance and harmony with each other’s religion. This can bring more world peace and lesser suffering to the human race. His Holiness shows so much humility and bows down to Cardinal Schönbforn and the religion he represents. So good energy seeing these beautiful photos and two beautiful holy people. Thank you Jean Mei for making this possible.
Dharma no barriers, HH Dalai Lama showing us a good example that how to respect to others religion. We should respect to others religion hence maybe their culture got much different with us. But all religion is just going to one goal “PEACE”.
Some how there is some religion that always comment others religion but we should not counter back otherwise the snow will be getting bigger and maybe can cause a war. What should we do is better let the comment come in left ear then immediately come out from the right ear.
These are beautiful photographs. Beautiful not only to the eyes but to one’s heart. We can’t say we practice religion if we view our beliefs are above others’ religions. Thank you for emphasizing the fact that we must be compassionate and tolerate all form of religions. We must make it our priority to live in harmony with everyone around us, regardless of their race and belief.
I have always like His Holiness, he travels to many countries to spread Dharma teachings. To promote peace and harmony. He visits church, mosque, holy places of other religions and he always pays the highest respect to them.
HH Dalai Lama practices humility and humbleness in action wherever he visits different places of worship in the world. He respect all religions of the world. He is truly a leader who means what he says. What more can we say? Buddhism is about promoting peace and HH Dalai Lama says it all.
guru ji thank you for shering.
They say a picture paints a thousand words. Well these are really beautiful pictures that exudes a sense of peace, humanity and compassion. You can see this from His Holiness face and actions. He is truly amazing and a great example of religious harmony. It is very humbling and moving to see this because everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, as long as it makes them a kinder, gentler, compassionate, forgiving, giving and tolerant being which is just the way it should be. x
I truly rejoice for both world leaders in spirituality and humanity, showing a good example how we should interact with differences, and focusing on the goals and achievement of WORLD PEACE, start from each individual, togetherness we can do IT.
The purpose of religion is to make us a better human, and better place to live with others.
There is no reasons why we should condemn each other for the differences and have non-stop religious war, to me, that is an act of DEVIL and barbarian.
Each religious head and leaders are strongly encourage to follow the foot steps of this two great leaders!
HH The Dalai Lama is such a great example to the world that being spiritual means to accept all faiths. I love the pic of His Holiness praying in front of Jesus’ portrait. The respect that His Holiness pays to Jesus shows the world his humility and how interfaith harmony should be.
As Tsem Rinpoche always say, all religions are good, only the people are not good examples of their faiths.
Truly remarkable article and pictures. If only there were such sincere tolerance and compassion in the world, we would be much a much happier planet in general.
I especially love this picture (12th picture from the top). With the caption:
Zu Besuch im Stephansdom am Pfingstsonntag | Visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral at Pentecost sunday.
Foto: Tibetzentrum / Tenzin Choejor
It shows His Holiness genuine humility and reverence for people of different faiths. I am sure he has tea with Jesus too! 😉
Less I digress… if we dissected the essence of all religions and accept the differences, the “message” is predominantly exactly the same! I do not think it is by coincidence that all religions do preach peach, harmony, unity, spiritual aspirations, love…
Sure the methods vary but there is no one method that will suit every mind or level of thought and perception. After all, Buddha did mention 84,000 ways to enlightenment…
This beautiful pictures say more than words.. i feel this is the real peace which all religions believe and practice.. Its also show the harmony is inside of all of us even we are different is race, culture, believe and religions.
It’s so beautiful to see, especially the nose-peck and they held hands too, so sweet. All true religions spread love and peace. What benefit does it bring with hatred and fighting? Besides lost lives, wars just misuses billions of $ of taxpayers’ money that could have been spent on development and eradication of poverty for the people. What foolishness. How irresponsible.
SO SO BEAUTIFUL pictures of HHDL attending this mass. Watch how HHDL’s open display of affection for people and his deep respect for the religious leaders in the church. How I wish religion is like music, where it can break down boundaries, color & creed. We will all be together as one…I have a dream that in a multi-racial country like Malaysia, we or our children will one day be able to eat together, pray together, laugh together. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
All religion are good. people who do not practice it right are the ones who spoil it.
This article is a great example of respect towards each other irrespective of religous believes, race or creed. Awesome!!
I hope that people will grow in the example set by great spiritual leaders like these and what they advocate is sincere respect for everyone
Feel great to see the 2 holy angels of peace met and share their thoughts together. I believe all religions created for the purpose of love, compassion, peace, tolerant and harmony. Different religion has their own set of teachings that suit different minds. No matter what religion you believe, may we all live together harmoniously on this planet.
I truly agree with Rinpoche’s statement about religious harmony. Back when I was younger and without preconceived notions about religion, I used to think that all religions are equal, and from the same source. I believed that all religions were meant to make you a better person, and if we all followed our individual religions from our hearts, we would do nothing but good, and we would all end up in the same place after our deaths. I firmly believed that all religions were different in terms of methods only, but the goals were the same.
Now, I am more mature, and have found my place in Buddhism but unfortunately, i stilll see much religious disharmony and conflict, not only inter religions, but also within the same religion, due to differing beliefs. It is very saddening. Sometimes, I wonder if we will ever have world peace, because when people can commit crimes in the name of religion, what is left?
Beautiful pictures very heartwarming and touching,all religions share the same practice i.e. love and compassion, peace and tolerant,we must respect each other’s beliefs in order to foster religious harmony.
AwwwWwWwWwWw~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS IS SOOOOO HEART-WARMING & TOUCH~~~~~~~~ I’m honoured that can see all this ^^, ^^, Loves all the pictures ^^, That’s very true! That is the way it should be!! ^^,
Thank You Jean Mei & Rinpoche for this priceless pictures.
HH Dalai Lama is setting such a good example by attending the Mass to show us that in religion should not have unnecessary character. We should all be united as one and should have the freedom to choose in any platform or concept which we think is suitable for us in order to be a better person and ultimately we will all have a better world/ society to live in. We should all respect each other, even to animals.
Coming from a Catholic background, it is so joyful and touching to see HHDL attending mass and participating in the ceremonies. Even though I now practice Buddhism, my emotional and spiritual attachment with Catholism could never be completely be cut off because my own family are still staunch Catholics. But seeing these pictures of HHDL in church makes me realised that even though I am no longer a practicing Catholic, there is nothing wrong with me continuing to go to mass with my parents whenever I visit them. Respecting our individual religions and propagating harmony instead of conflict is the key to world peace.
Awwwwwwww this is wonderful, I truly believe in religious harmony because afterall is all about peace 🙂
Love these pictures sooooooooo much! Very heart warming and touched.
Thanks Rinpoche and Jean Mei for the sharing.
Excellent practice!!! They were not modelling, not advertisement and not movie making. They were REAL and we are superb fortunate that all these beautiful actions happened in our life. We witnessed them with our own eyes. Bless..
HH Dalai Lama is the greatest and humblest spiritual leader, see how respectful he is towards every religion. He bowed to other religious leaders. Amazing! His action is a very good example and I’m proud to be a Buddhist.
Thank you Rinpoche and Jean Mei for sharing these wonderful photos.
Take good care.
With love,
Very heartwarming news and photos! I believe that true practitioners of any religion will always respect and accept each other’s faith, and see eye to eye. When I speak to people of other faiths, they generally share the quite similar philosophies of life as what the Buddha taught. If everyone can be happy to pray at each other’s church or temple or other places of worship, wouldn’t that be so wonderful??
I feel so happy and heartwarming to see peace and harmony between two different religion.But I also feel that all religion are the same,it teaches us love and compassion not creating war with others!:)
Such wonderful images of Love and great respect for ALL . There was another image I saw a few weeks ago of the Dalai Lama doing prayers with an Islamic group too ! I shared the image with a Muslim friend and she too rejoiced in it sincerely !! Very heart warming actions of great WISDOM !!
The photo of HH Dalai Lama attending the Mass was very Inspirational.We do sincerely hope that in the near future ,what we see here will be a common practice amongst all leaders of nations and religious head.True practitioner of Dharma holds no Boundaries.
Interfaith and harmony is truly wonderful and beautiful. It makes a peaceful world and a beautiful planet to live in.
Yes, all religious that spread love and compassionate will contributes to World Peace. There are just so many wars, and hatred between different groups, races, etc and I felt religions should do their parts in advocating world peace!
I would really like to see more religious head to meet more often and discuss to have a plan to actually achieve world peace.
I believe nations around the world that have nurtured religious liberty have witnesses its positive effects on society. Religion imparts good quality in our life for example harmony and stability. When people with different faith and conviction about the deepest matters of truth live together peacefully, world peace is definitely near.
By looking at these beautiful pictures is already a blessing.
I love these warm and beautiful pictures of His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the Catholic priest! I was a practicing Catholic too before I transitioned to Buddhism. I loved being Catholic because of the icons, crucifixes, sculptures and paintings of the saints.
I still love them and I don’t see myself as having converted to Buddhism but ‘evolved’ into it. I particularly love the picture of the Dalai Lama praying to a beautiful icon of the Jesus Christ with his flaming heart. Beautiful!
These photos represent true practice of spirituality. Men who hide behind religion uses it as a tool for defence. Men who practice true religion are confident of who they are and are open to other faiths. What more is there to talk about interfaith challenges when the Ambassador of Catholicism and the Ambassador of Buddhism can embrace each other so openly?
This really wonderfully beautiful. I love the pictures, these pictures showed so much peacefulness and love between religion. Thank you Jean Mei and Rinpoche for sharing this with us.
World Peave “V”
It is very nice to see 2 religious leader to meet each other in harmony, it is so warming…
Religious teach us to be humble, to respect others belief, if anyone who say my religion is the best one, or the only correct one, that means he is headed wrong way,cos the true spiritual never teach us that “Im the best”
You do not talk only, but you walk the talk, Dalai Lama is indeed showing that, he teaches us to be a good practitioner, but he himself shows first with action…
I loves these pictures, because it really speaks a thousand words…
By praying together with many of the world’s top religious leaders, H.H. the Dalai Lama is spreading world peace and religious harmony. He is a great example to us to do the same. At our own level, we can also pray together with our friends from other religious backgrounds, at places of worship, at our place of work and during religious festivals and gatherings.
HHDL proves that one can show respect, humility and sincerity for a different religion. His Holiness and us are the same beings, if His Holiness can do this, why can’t we? We should not be giving ourselves excuses. All excuses are lame no matter how hard we try to make one. Peace is only near when we truly accept and love each other. Most of us don’t love or show love because of our pride, we think it is embarassing to show kindness, we want to show how great we are, how high of a status we are on when the fact is, all these will not last forever. We leave them behind when we die but compassion lingers and brings people together for a good cause. It’s really easy to understand, too easy but humans tend to complicate them on purpose, to hide, to avoid so that they can stay, still stay in their comfort zone.
Its so nice to see religious harmony exuding from the pictures in this post.
I remember from one of Rinpoche’s public teachings in the gompa, Rinpoche was talking about religious harmony. It really got me thinking why many people assume that their religion is better than another religion. What makes one person better than another if they have their faith in Christ, Buddha, Ganesha or Mother Mary? The faith is the same, the God, the Buddha is the same, what is different is people’s mentality and their actions, their view and their speech. It doesnt make you a better person if you believe in Buddha and you go around hurting people. Or if you are a Christian who is going around forcing others to convert their faith. Or a suicide bomber sacrificing yourself in the name of religion and at the same time taking away the lives of hundreds.
Believing in the divine doesn’t make you a better person. What makes you a better person is how much you have helped others, how much you have brought joy to those around you, how much you change yourself to not burden those around you.
Mother Theresa helped many. Reverend Cheng Yen is helping many. Both of different religious beliefs but their actions and work have benefitted thousands and thousands.
Religion is not about who is better. To me, it is about you making the lives of others better than what it already is, in your capacity, through your faith and believe, with religion there to support you and bring peace to you along the way/your path. Religion is to foster and bring together peace, harmony, respect, freedom, happiness, relief and joy to others. It is to bring people together to make the world a better place. Not to be used to compare.
Religion can be used to create peace and inter-religious harmony amongst all beings in this planet. A good example is this auspicious visit of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, to St. Stephen’s Catheral on the 27th May,2012. Having a variety of religion in the country is useful, when we can practice religion to develope our inner peace of mind, which will ultimately lead to outer peace development. The goal of all religion for everyone should be aimed at creating a ‘haven of peace on earth’ for all mankind, through tolerance, kindness, understanding, love, peace and compassion. By this visit and a few others, The Dalai Lama obviously has shown himself a great respecter and appreciator of all religions – an excellent way to built up international interfaith relationship for peace and benefit to all Mankind.
When I saw the pictures, it made me feel the humility, love and compassion that HHDL showed to everyone around Him. It was really heartwarming to see Him together with the Cardinal. Yes, when all of us come together we are all the same inside. If only everyone else at war see it the same way.
Interfaith is such a powerful word for tolerance, understanding and education creating harmony and peace. As Rinpoche said there is NO RELIGION that is bad and humble learning and practising of all Dharma only creates the best of who you can be.
This post reinforces Rinpoche’s belief in the goodness of religious spirituality and development of our virtuous minds and the real reason for Kechara World Peace Center the ultimate goal for our organisation.
Let KWPC happen.
Religious harmony is very important to have peace in the world where people have the freedom to choose their own religious practice and are free to practice in wherever they like. The Dalai Lama is here shown to the world of his openness to Catholicism and we should respect all religion. This is because all religion teaches to be good people and all the good values. No one religion is above another. THe Dalai Lama is an example of religious harmony and peace!
wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing. When we are seeking for religion practices, the main reason supposed for everyone of us to be more happy and less unhappy. The first thing we need to do is to accept, and respect differences between everyone.
When we offer our prayer in temple, church, mosque or etc, we seeking for peace mind, happiness, but once we step out from these holy places, we hate people who are not “same” with us. We just accept what we believe and whoever didn’t believe the same way we believe is wrong ?
The purpose of religions is a training for people to be more kind, more caring, more real with each other. If Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha teach us to be harmony, loving kindness, generosity, forgiveness, and etc with others, so why created trouble or disagreement between different religions ?
It’s very nice to see both leaders of two major religions really show us what should we act towards others.
If we take away 3 things from all religions, we will see that their essence is the same. What 3 things? a) Language b) Culture c) Character
And most of the time, people create misunderstandings over these 3 factors and miss out on the core teachings, which is love. We fight over interpretation of words, changes in cultural beliefs and why we call a spade, spade, and not a spoon.
Eventually, I hope, when we realize that we are arguing and killing over labels, we will truly understand and accept that there is really only ONE faith. In this One Faith, all religions unite and at the same time this One Faith also signifies the path we choose for our spiritual enlightenment, be it Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism or Judaism. _/\_
Wonderful pictures! These are two leaders that show the world that ‘It is okay to be you, and it is okay for me to be me’. When acceptance is there, we’re already one step closer to world peace.
I once read a question about religion… the person asked “What would happen if Buddha and Jesus met?”
Just looking at this picture… I think we all know the answer =)
A picture speaks a thousand words. Thank you Jean Mei for sharing all these speechless photos. It’s beautiful. Not just in the sense of the quality or composition or lighting of the photos shown, but i just feel that PEACE & FREEDOM from different religion is just too wonderful! halleluyah~Amitabha~~~~ *heartwarm-ing*
Thank you Blog Team for sharing these beautiful pictures.
Seeing these images do give me a temporary ray of hope that world peace is possible if people of the different beliefs truly practice what is taught in their faiths.
H.H Dalai Lama is a great man who show compassion towards others by examples. Every action and gesture has meaning which my small mind cannot fathom.
If religion leaders can show respect and love towards all the other religion, is there any excuse we, normal people or clowns not to show respect and love to the other religions?
Why humiliate and step on others and create enemies everywhere instead of have peace and friends everywhere?
These are beautiful examples of what religion leads to, peace and harmony.
Wow, this is so beautiful. I feel so heartwarming and it just shows the harmonious of interfaith.
HH Dalai Lama has shown the greatness of humility. The action of HH reflects the great teaching of Buddhism so to Cardinal Schonborn. This wonderful moment really inspiring and also shown the respect of each other religious and a true practitioner does not comment the different of each other but looking towards the common qualities that can be shared.
I experience peace, harmony and love when I see these pictures. HHDL is a great example for all of us to follow. There is no boundaries within religions.
It’s so heartwarming to see two great people of different faith having so much respect for each other. I love the photo of HH Dalai Lama and the Cardinal Schönborn holding hands and walking together to St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna. If everyone can practice religious tolerance and respecting each others religion, the world would be a better place to live.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for showing us the true meaning of spirituality.
History has shown that Buddhism is always very peaceful and tolerant. His Holiness The Dalai Lama is the most spiritually influential and respected leader of this planet and yet so humble in his ways.
Who says people of other religion and denomination can’t live in harmony? These beautiful pictures speaks for itself. Great men and leaders knows equanimity better than most.
Well-said David Loh.
If only all the religious leaders have the same harmonious examples to show…
Political leaders too should follow the peaceful approach of HH Dalai Lama and the Cardinal Schönborn; the world will be a much better place to live.. minus the hatred and unnecessary negative actions.
This is so wonderful picture of H.H Dalai Lama..
It is so inspiring me and I can feel the heartwarming from H.H Dalai Lama…
This show us that no matter what’s religion, it is also the same for us to be a better person and no religion is wrong.
Really fully respect H.H Dalai Lama, that show us the compassion and kindness….
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing all this pictures…
It is heartwarming to see such harmony between leaders of different faiths.The Dalai Lama truly exemplifies what he ‘preaches’ and that is Love and Compassion. Here he shows how Buddhism signifies universal love,love of all regardless of race or creed. This is what the fourth Immeasurable is all about:May all sentient beings abide in Equanimity, free of bias,attachment and anger.
Thank you so much for these pictures (and what beautiful pictures).
I believe that in the true spirit of religion we should recognize that all religion lead towards the same direction.
Sometimes, we get into the confusion of taking the method for the goal and make bias judgments on this basis.
When I go to the gym, I can use the bike, I can join the steps class, I can run or I can row, but the result is the same: I get fitter.
I could even do that out of the gym, I can do that in many ways.
There are many methods to get fitter.
There also are many methods to progress on our spiritual journey.
Methods are not the end, methods are methods.
The history let us know look down on other religions will brought harm and wars. It let us know respecting to other religions and harmony is important. Harmony lead us to world peace.
This is how it suppose to be. Very beautiful!
You said is nice and short. Religion IS to be like this and not fueled by differences and separation. This event to me is symbolic of what we all want- World Peace. It is truly an amazing sight to see both the HHDL and Kardinal both in their respective robes being together. A truly peaceful and harmonious experience.
Thank you Rinpoche and Jean Mei for sharing such beautiful photos of HH Dalai Lama visiting St Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna. It brought tears of joy to me when i looked at every photo.One can feel the respect,sincerity and humility that HH and Cardinal Schonborn have for each other and their deepest respect for each other’s belief and religion.If only there are no labels placed onto any religions,where one practices spirituality from the heart ,what a wonderful world this can be !
It’s so inspiring to watch HH Dalai Lama during these gatherings. The humility and respect that HH displayed is beyond words. So touching and heart-warming. If we, could even practice a fraction of what HH has, the world will be much safer place to live in.
Such deep and sincere humility by HHDL exhibits the true teaching of dharma. If only everyone can practice humiliation then the world would be a much better place to live in. No wars, no colonization, no famine and hunger, no hatred. But only peace, freedom, bountiful sustenance, love. If only.
It’s so heartwarming.