Holy and Profound Pabongka Rinpoche
When I was in my teens in Los Angeles back in the 80’s, I came across a picture book on Tibet. There were many pictures in black and white of the Tibetans of the past and their way of life. I kept flipping through the book and I came across a picture of a lama, portly and on a throne. The caption read, “Pabongka, A high lama of Lhasa” and that was it. I could not stop staring. I was attracted. I was mesmerized. I photocopied the picture and framed it and put on my shrine. My respect, ‘infatuation’ and faith for this great lama started back then in the 1980’s from flipping through the book. There were other similar pictures of other lamas, but they didn’t attract me. I was very attracted and gained faith in His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche from just that picture. Maybe it opened a past life imprint? I don’t know. But my faith and confidence over the decades has only grown about this great lama. His writings, teachings and explanations are beyond profound and from direct experiential knowledge. Rare indeed.
When I finally arrived in India in 1987, I took a winding 13 hour bus from Delhi to Dharamsala where I was to be ordained as a monk. I stayed in the Gaden Shartse guest house. Next door was the famous Lady Doctor of Tibet Dr. Lobsang Dolma’s house and clinic. The evening I arrived I was very sick and feverish from the bus ride up the winding single lane road. (Don’t ever take the bus!) But I was told the incarnation of His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche just arrived the same evening and was staying next door at Dr. Lobsang Dolma’s house. I was flabbergasted and excited. I grabbed some new bottles of vitamins I had brought from USA, Khata and some money offerings and went next door. Before you know it I was in the presence of His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche who I think was around 12 years old at the time. He blessed me and gave me the oral transmission of Medicine Buddha’ mantra. He also told me Dorje Shugden and my root Guru are one in nature and when I do prayers/mantras of my protector, I should think them the same. Whenever I travel think of them as same and do the mantra confidently. Although high in fever, sweating, weak and sick I was enthralled and amazed. I felt so blessed. Can you imagine, the day I arrived in Dharamala is the day Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche arrives also and is staying next door! And Immediately I had a chance to have audience!
I am very happy to share a short post on a lama that is holy, attained and pivotal within our Gelug Lineage. A lama who is attained, pure and also whose mind has merged with Heruka.
Tsem Rinpoche
The current incarnation of His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche in front of a massive Tsongkapa statue in Denma Gonsar Rinpoche’s monastery in Tibet. This holy incarnation of Kyabje Pabongka mainly engages in retreats, teachings and meditation in Tibet, China and Nepal. I have had the great honor, good fortune and merits to meet this supreme incarnation on many occasions.
I had the great privilege to meet this great lady, Dr. Lobsang Dolma. She had treated me for some ailments and she was an incredibly compassionate. I use to spend hours with her at her invitation watching her diagnose and treat patients. I will do a separate blog post on this saintly lady. She is one of the people that has impacted me deeply and one of my heroes. I can say I dearly respect her from the depths of my heart. Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche stayed at her house right next door to where I was staying that night I arrived in Dharamsala in 1987.
His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo (1878–1941)
Pabongkha Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Jampa Tenzin Trinlay Gyatso was one of the greatest masters of the 20th century and one the most influential teachers in Tibet. He was unique in his ability to bring the complex ancient teachings to the monks as well as to the laypeople’s level of comprehension. Hence, it is through him that a great number of lay people were able to learn and benefit from the Dharma. For this reason, he was known as the teacher for the common man and monks. Similar to Buddha Shakyamuni who taught an enormous variety of people about 2,500 years ago, Pabongkha Rinpoche did not teach from some predetermined syllabus. Instead, he taught according to the spiritual needs of the listeners.
His influential teachings, coupled with his powerful way of conveying the Dharma made Rinpoche into a respected spiritual figure of his day. He wrote extensively on every aspect of Buddhist thought and practice. These collected works cover about 15 volumes.
Rinpoche was born north of Lhasa in 1878. It is said that on the night when he was born, a light shone in the room and people outside the house had a vision of a protector on the roof. As a child, he exhibited unusual qualities and thus, was taken before Sharpa Rinpoche Chuje Lobsang Dargye, one of the leading religious figures of the day. Later on, he was found to be a reincarnation of the Changkya line, which included the well-known scholar Changkya Rolpay Dorje (1717- 1786). The Lamas of this line had done much teaching in the regions of Mongolia and China, including in the court of the Chinese emperor himself, and so the name “Changkya” had strong Chinese connotations. As the Tibetan government and people were already sensitive to the pressures put on them from China, the name “Changkya” was ruled out and the boy was declared to be “Pabongka” instead. There was a small monastery atop the rock named Pabong. Hence, Rinpoche was actually recognized and enthroned as the late abbot of that monastery. For this reason, Rinpoche is documented as the second Pabongka and was sometimes referred to as, “Pabongka Kentrul”. It is commonly believed that Rinpoche was also the reincarnation of Tsako Ngawang Drakpa, one of the main disciples of Tsong Khapa and founder of Dhe-Tsang Monastery. Pabongka Rinpoche’s full name was Kyabje Pabongka Jetsun Jampa Tenzin Trinley Gyatso Pel Sangpo, which means the “Lord Protector, the one from Pabongka, the venerable and glorious master whose name is the Loving One, Keeper of the Buddha’s Teachings, Ocean of the Mighty Deeds of the Buddha”. He was also affectionately known as “Dechen Nyingpo”, which translates into “Essence of Great Bliss”.
At the tender age of seven, Rinpoche entered Gyalrong House of Sera-Mey Monastery. He did the usual studies of a monk, earned his Geshe degree and spent two years learning at the Gyuto Tantric College. Rinpoche’s root guru was Dagpo Rinpoche Jampal Lhundrub Gyatso of Lhoka.
A keen meditator, Pabongka Rinpoche emphasized Lamrim, Lojong and Mahamudra. When he had finished his studies at Sera Monastery, he visited Dagpo Lama Rinpoche in his cave and was sent to a Lamrim retreat nearby. According to Ribur Rinpoche: “Dagpo Lama Rinpoche would teach him a Lam-rim topic and then Pabongka Rinpoche would go away and meditate on it. Later he would return to explain what he’d understood: if he had gained some realization, Dagpo Lama Rinpoche would teach him some more and Pabongka Rinpoche would go back and meditate on that. It went on like this for ten years.
Rinpoche had two main spiritual qualities – from the tantric point of view, his realization and ability to present all tantric teachings, and from the sutric point of view, his ability to teach Lamrim, or the entire graduated path to enlightenment.
It is said that Rinpoche’s teachings are so famous that thousands of people would come from far and wide to attend, especially when Rinpoche gave initiations or conduct special prayers for festivals. Rinpoche is well known for using his humour to elucidate the teachings. As some teachings could go on for ten hours, Rinpoche would intersperse his teachings with jokes and amusing stories laced with moral values to keep his audience “awake”.

HH Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche in tantric dress
In 1921 at Chuzang Hermitage near Lhasa, Pabongka Rinpoche gave a twenty-four-day historic exposition on the Lam Rim. This was attended by some seven hundred people, including lay people. Many monks came from the three major monasteries in Lhasa, and many more travelled weeks from the Central Province, from Tsang, and from as far away as Amdo and Kham. These teachings were eventually translated into English and published as “Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand” (Tib. Rnam frol lag bcangs) in 1991 by one of Rinpoche’s disciples who had attended the 24 day Discourse. This disciple was the famed, Trijang Rinpoche. And this book became the foundation of most Gelug teachers’ Lam Rim presentations, including those of the FPMT and of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s acclaimed Lam Rim text, “Joyful Path of Good Fortune”. Each chapter in the “Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand” corresponds to a day’s teaching. The book conveyed a strong sense of what it was like to have been there with this remarkable Master.
Pabongka Rinpoche was also a perfect example of guru devotion. Whenever he visited his lama’s monastery, Rinpoche would dismount as soon as it appeared in view and prostrate all the way to the door – which was not easy because of his large build. When he left the monastery, he would walk backwards until the monastery was out of sight. Only then Rinpoche would turn around and get back onto his horse to proceed with his journey.
Due to Rinpoche’s knowledge and practice, tens of thousands of people became his disciples, including numerous eminent lamas, powerful generals and even attracting Chinese government officials and monks, who came all the way from Beijing and Shanghai to Lhasa in order to receive his teachings. Rilbur Rinpoche recounted that Pabongka Rinpoche spent a lot of time contemplating on the practical meaning of the teachings and came into an inner realizations of them. Pabongka Rinpoche also practiced and accomplished everything he had learnt, right up to the completion stage. It was widely regarded that Rinpoche did not just spout words, but tried things out for himself. He was always known to be very gentle and never got angry. There were many instances where by long lines of people would be waiting to see Rinpoche and to receive blessings, Rinpoche would patiently ask each one individually how they were and tap them on the head. These were some of things that made Rinpoche well respected and adored by many.
Rinpoche’s four main disciples were not just any disciples. They became Masters in their own right. They are Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Khangsar Rinpoche and Tathag Rinpoche. Tathag Rinpoche was the main teacher of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama when he was a child and gave him his novice ordination. Trijang Rinpoche and Ling Rinpoche were later appointed as the junior and senior tutors to His Holiness, and Ling Rinpoche was elected to be the 97th throne holder of the Gelugpa lineage (Gaden Tripa). Khangsar Rinpoche’s Chinese disciple, Master Nan Hai, started a Buddhist movement in China that survived till the present day despite political changes in Communist China, with tens of thousands of spiritual descendants and over a hundred monasteries and nunneries throughout China. Pabongkha Rinpoche was also the teacher of most of the Gelug Lamas who have been bringing the Dharma to the West since they fled Tibet in 1959.
Geshe Helmut Gassner explains: The great master Pabongka was in the first half of the twentieth century the pivotal or key lineage holder of the Oral Geden Tradition. It was Pabongka Rinpoche’s particular merit to locate and find all these partial transmissions, to learn and realize them, and bring them together once again to pass them on through a single person. In his lifetime there was hardly a significant figure of the Geden tradition who had not been Pabongka Rinpoche’s disciple. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was the one capable of receiving and passing on the entirely of the Oral Geden Tradition once again. The cycle of learning and teaching continues. In this way, the Dharma remains eternal.
Pabongkha Rinpoche passed away in 1941. His holy body was cremated and his relics preserved in one of his monasteries, Tashi Choling in Lhasa, until it was destroyed by the communist army during the 1960’s.
Over many centuries, Tibet has produced a repertoire of extraordinary Buddhist saints and scholars, but it is rare for a lama’s teachings to become classics within his own lifetime, such as the works of Pabongka Rinpoche.
Without Rinpoche holding all the important lineages of sutra and tantra and passing them onto most of the important Gelug lamas of the next two generations, many students may not even have the benefit of learning the Dharma today.
In some ways, the “Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand” is the culmination of the lamrim tradition in Tibet, tracing all the way from Atisha to Tsongkhapa and to all the many illustrious great scholars and Masters throughout the history within the lineage’s Guru Tree.
As with all great Masters, most of their disciples would maintain that nothing is significant to them – not their fame, riches or authority, what truly matters most is their Guru. And this is exactly what Rilbur Rinpoche proclaimed, “The only thing that matters to me is that I was a disciple of Pabongka Rinpoche.”

There is a famous story of how Heruka actually appeared to Pabongka when he visited Cimburi in Tibet, where there is an image of Heruka. This is where the Blood drinker’s mountains are and this name refers to Heruka – Drinker of Blood. Apparently, Pabongka went to this place three times during his lifetime. When he first went there, this image spoke to him, opened its mouth and a tremendous amount of nectar came out. Pabongka collected the nectar from the mouth of Heruka while in the presence of sixty or seventy people. This nectar was then made into nectar pills. The Gelugpa’s current nectar pills originate from there. It is also stated that this very same cave in Cimburi where Pabongka received the nectar from the Heruka image was the place where Heruka promised him the following: “From now on, for the next seven generations, whoever practices my teaching, I will protect and help.”
The Contents of the Eleven-Volume Lhasa Edition of Phabongkha’s Collected Works, Together with the Contents of the Twelfth Volume as Found in the Potala Collection
His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche has eleven volumes of writings that are highly sought after and very much used till the present day. Very few works by teachers in Tibet become classics within their lifetime, but Pabongka Rinpoche’s writings did become classics.
For the sake of brevity, the titles listed below follow those given in the contents pages at the beginning of each volume in the set (phabong kha. khyab bdag rdo rje ‘chang pha bong kha pa dpal bzang po’I gsung ‘bum (11 vols.). Lhasa: s.n., 199-.) and those listed by the TBRC [W3834]. As Vol. 11 is a single work, the full title of the text is given.
Preference has been given for the TBRC’s listing as it is easily accessible and often more extensive, especially as Vol. 10, for example, has no printed listing of contents. Any important discrepancies between the order and contents of the TBRC’s listings and those of the contents pages of the Lhasa edition volumes, as well as the catalogue to the Potala edition are noted in square brackets.
In several cases the bibliographical titles have been expanded, usually by incorporating sections of the full headings as presented on the title pages of the individual works, with the additions in question also enclosed in square brackets. The contents of the twelfth volume are also listed following the presentation given in the catalogue to the Potala’s edition.
Vol. 1 (ka)
Contents of Phabongkhapa’s Collected Works, Vol. Ka
pha bong ka pa’i gsung ‘bum pod kha pa’i dkar chag/
- A Compilation of Only Initiations Drawn from Phabongkha’s Records of Received Teachings
pha bong kha pa’i gsan yig las dbang rkyang gi skor phyogs gcig tu bkod pa/ - A Compilation of Combined Initiations and Instructions Drawn from Phabongkha’s Records of Received Teachings
pha bong kha pa’i gsan yig las dbang khrid sbrag ma’i skor phyogs gcig tu bkod pa/ - A Compilation of Various Oral Transmissions and Instructions Drawn from Phabongkha’s Records of Received Teachings
pha bong kha pa’i gsan yig las lung khrid sna tshogs skor phyogs gcig tu bkod pa/ - A Compilation of Only Oral Transmissions Drawn from Phabongkha’s Records of Received Teachings
pha bong kha pa’i gsan yig las lung rkyang gi skor phyogs gcig tu bkod pa/
Vol. 2 (kha)
Contents of Phabongkhapa’s Collected Works, Vol. Kha
pha bong kha pa’i gsung ‘bum pod kha pa’i dkar chag/
- A Compilation of Permission Initiations Drawn from Phabongkha’s Records of Received Teachings
pha bong kha pa’i gsan yig las rjes gnang skor phyogs gcig tu bkod pa/ - A Compilation of Text-collections Drawn from Phabongkha’s Records of Received Teachings
pha bong kha pa’i gsan yig las be’u bum skor phyogs gcig tu bkod pa/ - The Method for Practicing the Yoga of the Guru Pūjā with Cakrasaṃvara: A Ritual Arranged for Convenient Recitation
bla ma mchod pa ‘khor lo sdom pa dang ‘brel ba’i rnal ‘byor nyams su len tshul gyi cho ga nag ‘gros su bkod pa/ - The Method for Practicing the Guru Pūjā with Bhairava: A Recitation Ritual Arranged for Convenient Recitation
bla ma mchod pa ‘jigs byed dang ‘brel bar nyams su len tshul gyi ‘don chog nag ‘gros su bkod pa/ - A Festival of Emanations: A Skillful Ritual Arrangement for the Extensive Way of Taking the Four Initiations According to the Hearing Lineage
snyan brgyud dbang bzhi rgyas pa len tshul gyi chog sgrigs thabs mkhas ‘phrul gyi dga’ ston/ - The Image of the Everlasting Vajra: The Way of Offering a Longlife Accomplishment Ritual Through the Guru Pūjā: Indivisible Bliss and Emptiness, Combined with the Long-life Practice of the Drubgyal Tradition
bla ma mchod pa bde stong dbyer med ma dang grub rgyal lugs kyi tshe sgrub sbrags ma’i sgo nas brtan bzhugs ‘bul tshul rtag brtan rdo rje’i re khA/ - A Compilation of Guru Yoga Texts [such as the Treasury of All Desired Blessings-Guru Yoga, and Others]
bla ma’i rnal ‘byor [byin rlabs ‘dod dgu’i gter mdzod sogs bla ma’i rnal ‘byor gyi rim pa] phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa/ - A Compilation of Lineage Guru Supplication Texts and so forth.
bla brgyud gsol ‘debs sogs kyi skor phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa/ - The Storehouse of Precious Treasure: The Way of Practicing the Yoga of Ganden Lhagyama According to the Precious Oral Pith Instructions of the Hearing Lineage
dga’ ldan lha brgya ma’i rnal ‘byor nyams su len tshul snyan brgyud zhal shes man ngag rin chen gter gyi bang mdzod/ - The Ganden Lhagyama Guru Yoga, [Drawn from the Pith Instructions of the Ganden Hearing Lineage].
[dge ldan snyan brgyud kyi man ngag las byung ba’i] bla ma’i rnal ‘byor dga’ ldan lha brgya ma/ - The Staircase for the Fortunate to Travel to Tuṣita: An Instruction Manual for the Recitation-ritual of Consciousness-transference Based on the Ganden Lhagyama
dga’ ldan lha brgya ma’i ‘pho khrid ‘don chog skal bzang dga’ ldan bgrod pa’i them skas/ - Fruits of the Wish-fulfilling Divine Tree Which Give Rise to the Two Accomplishments: Notes on Experiential Instructions on The Way to Rely on a Spiritual Guide
bshes gnyen bsten tshul myong khrid zin bris grub gnyis ‘dod ‘jo’i dpag bsam yongs ‘du’i snye ma/ - Notes on the Graduated Stages of the Tantric Path [Taken During a Transmission from the Venerable Lama Chone Pandita]
[rje btsun bla ma co ne paN+Di ta rin po che’i zhal snga nas/] sngags rim chen mo’i [bshad lung nos skabs kyi gsung] zin bris/ - An Amazing Feast of Nectar: Notes of Guidance for Drubde Gegye Thegchog Ling
sgrub sde dge rgyas theg mchog gling gi bca’ yig ngo mtshar bdud rtsi’I dga’ ston/
Vol. 3 (ga)
Contents of Phabongkhapa’s Collected Works, Vol. Ga
pha bong kha pa’i gsung ‘bum pod ga pa’i dkar chag/
- A Collection of Notes on Both the Guhyasamāja Generation Stage Ocean of Accomplishment and the Completion Stage Lamp that Illuminates the Five Stages, Arranged Together
gsang ‘dus bskyed rim dngos grub rgya mtsho dang rdzogs rim rim lnga gsal sgron gnyis kyi zin tho ‘ga’ zhig phyogs gcig tu bkod pa/ - The Supreme Festival: A Condensed Sādhana of the Ārya Tradition of Guhyasamāja
‘dus pa ‘phags lugs kyi sgrub thabs mdor bsdus mchog gi dga’ ston/ - Victory Over Māra: The Sādhana of Solitary Hero Bhairava, Conveniently Arranged for Recitation
‘jigs byed dpa’ bo gcig pa’i sgrub thabs bdud las rnam rgyal gyi ngag ‘don nag ‘gros su bkod pa/ - The Way to Practice the Succinctly Condensed Self-generation of the Terrifying Solitary Hero
‘jigs mdzad dpa’ bo gcig pa’i bdag bskyed cung bsdus te nyams su len tshul/ - The Extremely Condensed Sādhana of Solitary Hero Bhairava Together with an Extremely Condensed Self-entry
‘jigs byed dpa’ bo gcig pa’i sgrub thabs shin tu bsdus dang bdag ‘jug shin tu bsdus pa/
[This work is not listed in the Potala edition’s catalogue] - The Method for Engaging in the Approximation Retreat of Serviceability of Solitary Hero Bhairava, [Uncommon] Notes on the Great Retreat of the Solitary Hero [by Amdo Deyang Rinpoche], and Notes on The Wrathful Distribution of the Sixty-Four Torma Offerings
‘jigs byed dpa’ bo gcig pa’i las rung gi bsnyen pa bya tshul dang / dpa’ gcig gi bsnyen chen zin tho [thun mong ma yin pa a mdo bde yangs rin po ches mdzad pa]/ drug cu ma drag bsngos kyi zin tho bcas/ - Compiled Notes from the Transmission of the Cakrasaṃvara Tantra’s Total Illumination of the Hidden Meaning and the Generation Stage of Kālacakra
‘khor lo sdom pa’i rgyud ‘grel sbas don kun gsal gyi bshad lung dang / dus ‘khor gyi bskyed rim phyag zin thor bu bcas/ - The Swift Path to Great Bliss: The Lineage Prayer of the Ghaṇṭapāda Tradition of Cakrasaṃvara and Thoroughly Increasing Great Bliss: The Sādhanā of the Ghaṇṭapāda Tradition of the [Bhagavān] Cakrasaṃvara [Body Mandala]
dril bu lugs kyi ‘khor lo sdom pa’i bla brgyud gsol ‘debs bde chen nye lam dang/ [dril bu zhabs lugs kyi bcom ldan ‘das] ‘khor lo sdom pa’i lus dkyil gyi mngon rtogs bde chen rab ‘phel/ - The Continuous Rain of Camphor that Compassionately Cleanses the Stains of Downfalls: The Vase Generation of the [Bhagavān] Cakrasaṃvara Body Mandala [in the Tradition of Mahāsiddha Ghaṇṭapāda] and the Brief Self-entry
[grub chen dril bu zhabs lugs bcom ldan ‘das] ‘khor lo sdom pa’i lus dkyil gyi bum bskyed dang bdag ‘jug mdor bsdus nyes ltung dri ma ‘khrud pa’I thugs rje’i ga pur char rgyun/ - A Compiled Ritual for the Great Approximation Retreat Based on the Cakrasaṃvara Body Mandala, Arranged for Oral Recitation.
‘khor lo sdom pa lus dkyil gyi gzhi bsnyen chen mo’i bsnyen sgrub sbrags ma’i cho ga bklag chog tu bkod pa/ - The Festival of Highest Virtue: The Method for Engaging in the Oral Recitation Ritual of External Offerings in Dependence on the [Bhagavān] Cakrasaṃvara Body Mandala [in the Tradition of Mahāsiddha Ghaṇṭapāda]
[grub chen dril bu zhabs lugs bcom ldan ‘das] ‘khor lo sdom pa lus dkyil la brten pa’i phyi rol mchod pa bya tshul gyi ‘don chog bsod nams mchog gi dga’ ston/ - Offering Clouds of the Vajra Body: A Tea Offering of Cakrasaṃvara
‘khor lo sdom pa’i ja mchod rdo rje’i lus kyi mchod sprin/ - [Drop of Essential Nectar of the Hearing Lineage: The Pith Instructions for the Way to Practice the White Long-life Deity Cakrasaṃvara,] a Long-life Accomplishment Ritual Sealed in Secrecy.
[sbyor bde mchog tshe lha dkar po dang sbrags ten nyams su len tshul gyi man ngag snyan brgyud bdud rtsi’i thig le/] tshe sgrub bka’ rgya/ - The Good Vase of Immortal Nectar: The Way of Performing a Long-life Offering Ritual to a Great Being Based on the White Longlife Deity Cakrasaṃvara, Combined Together with the Repellence of the Dakinis
bde mchog tshe lha dkar po’i sgo nas [yul khyad par can la] zhabs brtan ‘bul tshul mkha’ ‘gro bsun bzlog [dang bcas pa ‘chi med bdud rtsi’i bum bzang/] - The Hook Which Summons Attainments: The Gaṇacakra Offering of the White Long-life Deity Cakrasaṃvara
bde mchog tshe lha dkar po’i tshogs mchod dngos grub ‘gugs pa’i lcags kyu/ - Garland of Cittamani: The Pith Instructions for the Yogas of the Two Stages of Khadiravani Tārā
seng ldeng nags kyi sgrol ma’i lam rim pa gnyis kyi rnal ‘byor nyams len gyi man ngag tsit+ta ma Ni’i do shal/ - Offering of the ‘Explanatory’ Torma on the Occasion of Teachings on the Two Stages of Guhyasamāja, Vajrabhairava and Cakrasaṃvara, Together with the Unmistaken Offering of the Illusory Body
gsang bde ‘jigs gsum gyi rim gnyis bka’ khrid skabs ‘grel gtor ‘bul tsul skor dang / sgyu lus mchod pa sogs kyi phyag bzhes ‘khrul med/
Vol. 4 (nga)
Contents of Phabongkhapa’s Collected Works, Vol. Nga
pha bong kha pa’i gsung ‘bum pod nga pa’i dkar chag
- Swift Path to Great Bliss: The Uncommon Sādhanā of [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod kyi sgrub thabs thun min bde chen nye lam/ - The Way for Meditating on an Abbreviated Version of the Swift Path to Great Bliss sādhanā of [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod kyi sgrub thabs bde chen nye lam las bsdus te bsgom tshul/ - Festival of Great Bliss: The Mandala Ritual of Queen [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod dbang mo’i dkyi ‘khor gyi cho ga bde chen dga’ ston/ - A Staircase for the Fortunate to Travel to Kechara: The Practice of the Approximation, Accomplishment and Activities of Queen [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod dbang mo’i bsnyen sgrub las gsum gyi lag len skal bzang mkha’ spyod bgrod pa’i them skas/ - The Messenger Invoking the Hundred Blessings of the Vajra: The Ritual Text to be Recited as a Preliminary to the [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari Approximation Retreat Together with Notes on the Ritual Practiced During the Approximation and the Way to Practice the Long, Middling and Brief “Tenth-day” Offerings
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod ma’i bsnyen pa’i sngon ‘gro’I ‘don cha bklag chog zur du bkol ba rdo rje’i byin brgya ‘beb pa’i pho nya dang/ bsnyen pa ‘dug skabs kyi phyag len dang cho ga’i zin tho/ tshes bcu rgyas ‘bring bsdus pa bya tshul/ - Fulfilling the Wish for Attainments: The Peaceful Burning Offering of Queen [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod dbang mo’i sgo nas zhi ba’i sbyin sreg bya tshul dngos grub ‘dod ‘jo/ - Swift Invocation of Attainments: The Way of Relying on and Practicing the Invocation of the Worldly God Agni to the Hearth in Dependence on Vajrayoginī Naro Kechari
rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma nA ro mkha’ spyod ma la brten nas ‘jig rten pa’i me lha thab tu ‘gugs pa’i bsnyen pa bya tshul dngos grub myur ‘gugs/ - Offerings and Gifts Pleasing the Rishis: The Way of Practicing the Tenth-part Burning Offering in Relation to the Approximation Retreat for the Invocation of the Worldly God Agni to the Hearth, in Dependence on Vajrayoginī Naro Kechari
rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma nA ro mkha’ spyod dbang mo’i sgo nas ‘jig rten pa’I me lha thab tu ‘gugs pa’i bsnyen pa’i bcu cha’i sbyin sreg bya tshul drang srong dgyes pa’i mchod sbyin/ - [The Point of Entry to Kechara Pure Land:] A Recitation Text for the Sindhura Ritual, or Approximation and Accomplishment of Queen [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod dbang mo la brten pa’i sin+d+hU ra’i sgrub pa’am bsnyen sgrub sbrags ma’i ‘don sgrigs [mkha’ spyod zhing gi ‘jug ngos/] - The Meaningful Magical Lasso: The Tenth-part Burning Offering of the [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari Approximation Retreat
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod dbang mo’i bsnyen pa’i bcu cha chen mo’i sbyin sreg don yon ‘phrul gyi zhags pa/ - The Uncommon Golden Dharma: The Pith Instructions for Journeying to Kechara
mkha’ spyod bgrod pa’i man ngag gser chos thun min zhal shes chig brgyudma/ - Festival of Uncontaminated Joy: The Short Gaṇacakra Offering of Queen [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod dbang mo’i tshogs mchod mdor bsdus zag med dgyes rgu’i dga’ ston/ - The Magical Ritual of Skillful Means: The Way of Performing the Sesame Seed Burning Offering of Vajrayoginī which Purifies All Negativities Without Remainder and The Cloud of Offerings of Virtuous Skillful Means-Food Offering
rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma’i sgo nas til gyi sbyin sreg bya tshul sdig ltung lhag med spyod pa’i thabs mkhas ‘phrul gyi cho ga dang/ zas mchod thabs mkhas bsod nams mchod sprin/ - The Iron Hook of Compassion: The Transference of the Solitary Mother, Together with the Way of Performing the Hand Offering
yum rkyang gi ‘pho ba myur ‘dren thugs rje’i lcags kyu dang/ lag mchod bya tshul/ - The Painted Mandala Initiation Ritual of the Eleven-Faced Avalokiteśvara of the Palmo Tradition [Arranged in a Straightforward Manner, which is Similar to the Mandala-rite of the Supreme Victor, The Great Seventh [Dalai Lama]]
thugs rje chen po bcu gcig zhal dpal mo lugs kyi ras bris kyi dkyil ‘khor du dbang bskur ba’i cho ga [rgyal mchog bdun pa chen po’i dkyil chog ltar nag ‘gros su bkod pa/] - Some Notes on Madhyamaka and on Transmissions of the Mahāyānasūtrālamkāra and Madhyamakāvatāra
mdo rgyan sbyar ba’i bshad lung dang dbu ma la ‘jug pa/ dbu ma’i brjed byang nyung ngu/ - Notes on The Essence of True Eloquence
drang nges legs bshad snying po’i zin bris/ - Fragmentary notes on Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra
byang chub sems dpa’i spyod pa la ‘jug pa zhes bya ba bka’ mchan thor bu/ - Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra Outline
spyod ‘jug sa bcad/ - Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra Notes
spyod ‘jug zin bris/
Vol. 5 (ca)
Contents of Phabongkhapa’s Collected Works, Vol. Cha
pha bong kha pa’i gsung ‘bum pod ca pa’i dkar chag/
- Recollective Notes on the Four Interwoven Annotations of the Lamrim Chenmo
lam rim chen mo mchan bu bzhi sbrags kyi skor dran gso’i bsnyel byang/ - [Chariot of the Mahāyāna:] The Way of Practicing the Jorchoepreliminaries of the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
byang chub lam gyi rim pa’i sngon ‘gro sbyor chos nyams su len tshul [theg mchog ‘phrul gyi shing rta/] - The Excellent Path of the Victors: A Compiled Jorchoe Recitation for the Central Tibetan Lineage’s Extensive Commentarial Tradition of the Essential Lamrim Instructions of the The Sacred Words of Mañjuśrī
lam rim dmar khrid ‘jam dpal zhal lung gi khrid rgyun rgyas pa dbus brgyud lugs kyi sbyor chos kyi ngag ‘don khrigs chags su bkod pa rgyal ba’I lam bzang/ - On Outlines from an Experiential Commentary on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment’s Essential Instructions- the Easy Path and Swith Path
[byang chub lam gyi rim pa’i dmar khrid bde myur gyi thog nas nyams khrid stsal skabs kyi] sa bcad skor/ - Pith Instructions Pointing Out the Way to Train According to an Important Experiential Stages of the Path Commentary, Taught in Everyday Language.
lam rim myong khrid gnad du bkar te skyong tshul gyi man ngag phal tshig dmar rjen lag len mdzub btsugs kyi tshul du bkod pa/ - Advice Spoken to Kongpo Tre Rabchog Tulku Rinpoche
kong po bkras rab mchog sprul rin po che la stsal ba/
[This work is included together with previous title [5.5] and is not listed separately in the contents of the actual printed volume, or in the catalogue to the Potala edition.] - Heart Spoon: Practice Instructions to Bear in Mind [Drawn From] Experiences of the Long Path
shul ring lam gyi myong ba lag len dmar bcang snying gi thur ma/ - Regarding Advice Presented in the Form of Songs of Realization, such as All Countless Objects of Refuge and so forth
rab ‘byams skyabs kun ma sogs nyams mgur bslab bya’i skor/ - The Root Text of the Seven Points of Mind Training
blo sbyong don bdun pa’i rtsa ba/ - [The Common Jewel of the Ganden Practice Lineage:] Enhancing the Experience of Method and Wisdom by the Practice of Dedicating the Collection of the Illusory Body
sgyu lus tshogs su bsngo ba thabs shes nyams kyi bogs ‘don [dga’ ldan sgrub brgyud spyi nor/] - The Emanated Chariot: The Way to Practice the Generosity of Offering the One Hundred Tormas [Which Carries to the Jewel of the Three Bodies]
gtor ma brgya rtsa gtong tshul [sku gsum nor bu ‘dren pa’i] mchod sbyin’phrul gyi shing rta/ - 12. A Textual Collection of Notes by Various Disciples on the Nectar of Dagpo Lama Rinpoche’s Speech, which had been Forgotten and Scattered
dwags po bla ma rin po che’i gsung gi bdud rtsi bsnyel thor gnang ba sogs phyag zin thor bu sna tshogs phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa/ - Brief Notes on Pramāṇa
tshad ma’i bsnyel byang mdor bsdus/
Vol. 6 (cha)
Contents of Phabongkhapa’s Collected Works, Vol. Cha
pha bong kha pa’i gsung ‘bum pod cha pa’i dkar chag/
- A Guide for those Travelling to the Supreme Field: The Profound Instruction for those Travelling to Shambhala in Dependence on White Mañjuśrī
‘jam dbyangs dkar po la brten nas sham+ba+ha lar bgrod pa’i gdams pa zab mo zhing mchog bgrod pa’i sa mkhan/ - A Collection Regarding the Sādhanas of the Highest Deities
lhag lha’i sgrub thabs skor phyogs bsgrigs/ - The Way of Practicing the Long-life Accomplishment Ritual of SitaTārā Cintācakra for the Sake of Oneself and Others
sgrol dkar yid bzhin ‘khor lo’i sgo nas rang gzhan gyi tshe sgrub bya tshul/ - Festival of the Nectar of Immortality: Praises and Requests to SitaTārā Cintācakra
sgrol dkar yid bzhin ‘khor lo’i bstod gsol ‘chi med bdud rtsi’i dga’ ston/ - Chone Pandita’s Sita-Tārā Long-Life-Commentary, the Collected Activity- sādhanā of White Mañjuśrī and Sarasvatī, Together with Lecture Notes
co ne paN+Di ta’i sgrol dkar tshe khrid dang / ‘jam dkar/ dbyangs can ma rnams kyi sgrub thabs las tshogs bcas pa’i gsung bshad zin bris/ - On Sealed Teachings
gsung bka’ rgya ma’i skor/ - Some Scattered Teachings Compiled Together
gsung thor bu ba ‘ga’ zhig phyogs gcig tu bkod pa/ - A Compilation of Various Questions and Answers on Sutra and Tantra
mdo sngags skor gyi dris lan sna tshogs phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa/ - The Permission Initiations of the Dharma-cycle of Mañjuśrī, and so forth, Arranged Together
‘jam dbyangs chos skor sogs kyi rjes gnang bca’ sgrigs skor/ - [Festival of the Victory Over the Three Worlds:] The Nine-floored Iron House Torma Ritual Victory Over the Three Worlds, Arranged for Convenient Recitation
lcags mkhar zur dgu pa’i gtor chog srid gsum rnam rgyal gyi ‘don cha nag ‘gros su bkod pa [srid gsum rnam rgyal dga’ ston/] - [The Machine of Sky-Iron:] A Supplement to Festival of the Victory Over the Three Worlds, which is the Nine-floored Iron House Torma Ritual, Victory Over the Three Worlds, Arranged for Convenient Recitation
lcags mkhar zur dgu pa’i gtor chog srid gsum rnam rgyal gyi chog sgrigs srid gsum rnam rgyal dga’ ston gyi zur rgyan [gnam lcags ‘phrul ‘khor/] - The Inescapable Dark Belly of Yama: A Subjugation Ritual for Ghosts and Demons, in Dependence on Solitary Hero Bhairava
‘jigs byed dpa’ bo gcig pa’i sgo nas sgab ‘dre’am sgrub sri mnan pa’i cho ga thar med gshin rje’i lto khung/ - A Brief Subjugation of Demons Which Can Be Modified for Use in Relation to Any Meditational Deity or Dharma Protector Based on the Practice of the Subjugation Ritual for Ghosts- The Inescapable Dark Belly of Yama, in Dependence on Solitary Hero Bhairava,
‘jigs byed dpa’ bo gcig pa’i sgo nas sgab ‘dre mnan chog thar med gshin rje’i lto khung gi bca’ gshom gyi lag len dang /yi dam chos skyong gang la’ang sbyar du rung ba’i sri mnan mdor bsdus/
Vol. 7 (ja)
Contents of Phabongkhapa’s Collected Works, Vol. Ja
pha bong kha pa’i gsung ‘bum pod ja pa’i dkar chag/
- The Sun that Enlarges the Lotus of the Three Types of Faith: An Explanation on the Way of Offering the Mandala
maN+Dal bshad pa ‘bul tshul dad gsum pad+mo rgyas pa’i nyin byed/ - A Collection of Long-life Prayers and Swift-return Supplications to Incarnation Lineages
zhabs brtan dang myur byon ‘khrungs rabs gsol ‘debs kyi rim pa rnams phyogs gcig tu bsdebs pa/ - [The Melodious Sound of Conviction,] The Roar of Good Faith: An Incarnation Lineage Supplication
‘khrungs rabs gsol ‘debs skal bzang dad pa’i nga ro [yid ches bden dbyangs/] - The Melodious Drum Victorious Over the Terrifyingly Laughter of the Lord of Death: A Long-life Prayer Supplication to Tagtra
stag brag gi brtan bzhugs gsol ‘debs ‘jigs mdzad bzhad pa’i gad rgyangs ‘chi bdag g.yul las rgyal ba’i rnga dbyangs/ - A Heart Jewel of Offering Clouds of Good Fortune Pleasing the Local Protectors: The Permission Initiation Ritual of the Glorious Four-Faced Protector of Seventeen Expressions
dpal mgon gdong bzhi pa rnam ‘gyur bcu bdun gyi rjes gnang gi cho ga zhing skyong dgyes pa’i mchod sprin skal bzang snying nor/ - The Increasing and Auspicious [Akṣara Garland]: A Ritual of the Glorious Four-Faced Protector of Seventeen Expressions, Together with the Entrustment
dpal mgon gdong bzhi pa rnam ‘gyur bcu bdun mngag gtad dang bcas pa’i cho ga spel legs [ak+Sha ra’i phreng ba]/
[This work is included together with previous title [7.5] and is not listed separately in the contents of the actual printed volume, or in the catalogue to the Potala edition.] - The Rain of Treasure Fulfilling All Needs and Wants: The Yellow Increasing Ritual of the Glorious Four-Faced Protector in Dependence on the Nine Deities, the Quintessential Instruction to Fulfill all Desires
dpal mgon gdong bzhi pa’i ser po rgyas byed lha dgu la brten pa’i ‘dod dgu dbang du bya ba’i man ngag dgos ‘dod dbyig gi char ‘bab/ - Summer Thunder: A Supplement to The Rain of Treasure Fulfilling All Needs and Wants: The Increasing Ritual of the Glorious Four-Faced Protector with a Yellow [Expression] in Dependence on the Nine Deities, the Quintessential Instruction to Fulfill all Desires
dpal mgon gdong bzhi pa’i [rnam ‘gyur] ser po rgyas byed lha dgu la brten pa’i ‘dod dgu dbang du bya ba’i man ngag dgos ‘dod dbyig gi char ‘bab kyi lhan thabs dbyar gyi rnga gsang - A New Fulfillment Ritual of Glorious Four-Faced Protector Based on that Written by Sakyapa Ngawang Khyenrab, with Exceptional Changes
dpal mgon zhal bzhi pa’i bskang gsar sa skya pa ngag dbang mkhyen rab kyis mdzad par dmigs bsal bsgyur ba gnang pa/ - Exhortations to Entreat Various Protectors of the Teachings: Serkyem, Gaṇacakra Offerings and so forth, as well as the Cycle of the Wealth Deity
bstan srung khag gi ‘phrin bskul gser skyems tshogs mchod sogs dang nor lha’i skor/ - [The Chariot of the Jewel of Faith Drawing Together a Precious Mass of Blessings:] The Life Entrustment of Shugden Possessing the Seal of Secrecy and Notes on How to Draw the Life-energy Cakra
shugs ldan srog gtad bka’ rgya can dang srog ‘khor bri tshul gyi zin bris/ [byin rlabs rin chen phung po ‘dren ba yi/ /yid ches nor bu’i shing rta/] - A Supplement on How to Practice the Preliminaries for the Lifeentrustment of Shugden
shugs ldan srog gtad kyi sngon ‘gro’i mtshams sbyor kha skong/ - The Victory Banner Thoroughly Victorious in All Directions: A Presentation of the Approach, Accomplishment and Activities of Shugden, Fulfilling all Needs and Wants
shugs ldan gyi bsnyen sgrub las gsum gyi rnam gzhag dgos ‘dod yid bzhin re skong phyogs las rnam par rgyal ba’i rgyal mtshan/ - The Melodious Drum Victorious in All Directions: The Extensive Uncommon Fulfillment Ritual of the Five Manifest Families of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden
rgyal chen rdo rje shugs ldan rigs lnga rtsal gyi sger bskang rgyas pa phyogs las rnam par rgyal ba’i rnga dbyangs/ - Swift Summoning of the Deeds of the Four Activities: The Middling Fulfillment Ritual of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden
rgyal chen rdo rje shugs ldan rtsal gyi bskang chog ‘bring po las bzhi’I ‘phrin las myur ‘gugs/ - On [the Way to Perform the Swift Summoning of AuspiciousnessIncense Offering to Cakrasaṃvara’s Assembly of Mandala Deities and Other] Incense Offerings
[dpal ‘khor lo sdom pa’i dkyil ‘khor gyi lha tshogs rnams la bsangs mchod ‘bul tshul bde chen phywa g.yang myur ‘gugs sogs] bsangs mchod kyi skor/
Vol. 8 (nya)
Contents of Phabongkhapa’s Collected Works, Vol. Nya
pha bong kha pa’i gsung ‘bum pod nya pa’i dkar chag/
- A Necklace of Increasing, Beautiful Fresh Flowers: A Compilation of Official Correspondences
chab shog gi rim pa rnams phyogs gcig tu bkod pa spel legs me tog gsar pa’I do shal/ - A Compilation of Requests, Dedications, Supplications, Aspirational Prayers of Printing Colophons and Introductions, Such as Those of [the Contents of the Dharma-cycle of Cakrasaṃvara, The Heart-Jewel of the Dakinis of the Three Places and So Forth]
[‘khor lo sdom pa’i chos skor gyi dkar chag gnas gsum mkha’ ‘gro’i snying nor sogs] spar byang smon tshig dang/ dbu brjod / ‘dod gsol bsngo smon gyi skor rnams phyogs gcig tu bkod pa/ - Notes on the Experiential Instructions on [the Consciousness transference of] a Single Day [from a Fully-Ripening Profound Commentary on the Profound Path of the Guru Pūjā, the Uncommon Guru Yoga of the Ganden Hearing Lineage]
[dga’ ldan snyan brgyud kyi bla ma’i rnal ‘byor thun mong min pa zab lam bla ma mchod pa’i zab khrid smin rgyas su nos skabs ‘pho ba] zhag gcig ma’I nyams khrid brjed byang/ - “The Swift Path for Travelling to Tuṣita Pure Land:” Teaching Notes Taken During a Profound Commentary on the Ganden Lhagyama Guru Yoga [of the Segyu Tradition]
[sras rgyud lugs kyi] bla ma’i rnal ‘byor dga’ ldan lha brgya’i zab khrid gnang skabs kyi gsung bshad zin bris dga’ ldan zhing du bgrod pa’i myur lam/ - Entryway to the Ocean of Great Bliss: Notes on the First Stage of the Ghaṇṭapāda Cakrasaṃvara Body Mandala
‘khor lo sdom pa dril bu lus dkyil gyi rim pa dang po’i zin bris bde chen rgya mtsho’i ‘jug ngogs/
[Note that the catalogue of the Potala edition as well as the numbering of the popular Lhasa-edition gives this text as work six of the volume] - Opening the Door to the Good Path: Teaching Notes Taken During a Profound Commentary on the Principal Paths
lam gtso’i zab khrid bstsal skabs kyi gsung bshad zin bris lam bzang sgo ‘byed/
[Note that the catalogue of the Potala edition as well as the numbering of the popular Lhasa-edition gives this text as work five of the volume] - The Key of Secrets: Notes on the Principle Paths
lam gtso’i zin bris gsang ba’i lde mig/
[This work is included together with the previous title and is not listed separately in the contents of the actual printed volume or in the catalogue to the Potala edition.] - The Outline of the Essential Instructions of the Generation and Completion Stages of the Ghaṇṭapāda Cakrasaṃvara Body Mandala
‘khor lo sdom pa dril bu lus dkyil gyi bskyed rdzogs gnyis kyi dmar khrid sa bcad/ - Explanatory Notes on the Root Mantras of Cakrasaṃvara Father and Mother
‘khor lo sdom pa yab yum gyi rtsa sngags kyi mchan ‘grel/ - [The Nectar of the Great Bliss-Guru, Droplets of Jamphel Nyingpo’s Blessings:] Notes on the Prayer to Meet with the Teachings of Tsongkhapa the Great
tsong kha pa chen po’i bstan pa dang mjal ba’i smon lam gyi zin bris [bde chen bla ma’i gsung gi bdud rtsi ‘jam dpal snying po’i byin rlabs kyi zegs ma/]
Vol. 9 (ta)
Contents of Phabongkhapa’s Collected Works, Vol. Ta
pha bong kha pa’i gsung ‘bum pod ta pa’i dkar chag/
- Verses for Intervals in the Contents of the Kangyur- Volume One.
bka’ ‘gyur dkar chag gi bar skabs tshigs bcad stod cha - Verses for Intervals in the Contents of the Kangyur- Volume Two.
bka’ ‘gyur dkar chag gi bar skabs tshigs bcad smad cha - Brief Notes from a Commentary Given on the Six Session Guru Yoga, the Twenty Stanzas on the Vows, the Fifty Verses on the Guru and the Root Downfalls Constituting a Gross Contravention
thun drug bla ma’i rnal ‘byor dang /sdom pa nyi shu pa/ bla ma lnga bcu pa/ sngags kyi rtsa ltung sbom po bcas kyi bshad khrid gnang ba’i zin tho mdor bsdus/ - [The Essence of the Vast and Profound: A Concise Compilation of] Notes Taken During a Combined Commentary on Tsongkhapa’s Shorter Stages of the Path to Enlightenment and the Essential Instructions of the Swift Path
rje’i lam rim chung ngu dang / myur lam dmar khrid sbrags ma’i gsung bshad stsal skabs kyi zin bris [mdo tsam du bkod pa zab rgyas snying po] - Easy to Understand Instructions on the Sequential Performance of the Rite of Generating the Mind of Bodhicitta, as Given on One Occasion at Tashilhunpo
bkras lhun du sems bskyed mchod pa gnang skabs gzhan kyi gzigs bde’I phyag bzhes ‘gros bkod du bstsal ba/ - Notes Marking Out Whatever Discrepancies Were Found in Various Wordings of the Manuscript Made from the New Printing Boards of the Great Stages of the Path
lam rim chen mo par gzhi gsar bskrun gyi ma dpe’i tshig sna mi mthun pa byung ba gang rnyed rnams brjed thor btab pa/
Vol. 10 (tha)
- The Moon-Vine Increasing the Milk-Lake of Faith: The Biography of Dagpo Bamchoe Lama Lobsang Jamphel Lhundrub Gyatso
dwags po bam chos bla ma blo bzang ‘jam dpal lhun grub rgya mtsho’i rnam thar dad pa’i ‘o mtsho ‘phel byed zla ba’i ‘khri shing/ - Compilation of Notes on Experiential Instructions on The Sacred Words of Mañjuśrī Stages of the Path, According to The Abridged Commentarial Tradition of the Southern Lineage, Received from the Unequalled Dagpo Lama, Lord of the Dharma
dwags po bla ma mnyam med chos kyi rje las lam rim ‘jam dpal zhal lung gi khrid rgyun bsdus pa lho brgyud du grags pa’i nyams ‘khrid gsan skabs sogs kyi bsnyel byang phyogs bsdebs - A Collection of [Kyabdag Dorjechang Phabongkha’s] Minor Compositions and Instructions
[khyab bdag rdo rje ‘chang pha bong kha pa’i] bka’ rtsom dang phyag bzhes phran tshegs skor phyogs su bkod pa/
[The catalogue to the Potala edition lists the third work of the volume as: “The Mirror of the View: Notes Taken During an Explanation of the Profound Commentary on The Hero Entering Into Battle – Transference of Consciousness ‘pho ba dpa’ bo g.yul ‘jug gi zab khrid gnang ba’i gsung bshad zin bris lta ba’i me long/”] - [An Ornament Embellishing Arising Wisdom:] An Explanation of the Layout of the Vairocana-Abhisaṃbodhi
rnam snang mngon byang gi thig ‘grel [sher ‘byung dgongs rgyan/]
[The catalogue to the Potala edition lists the fourth work of the volume as: “Abbreviated Rites to Protect Harvests from Rain, Frost, Hail, Disease, Drought and So Forth lo tog gi rim ‘gro dang/ char ‘bebs/ sad ser btsa’ than sogs srung thabs mdor bsdus/“] - [The Heart Essence of the Dakinis of the Three Places: Extremely Secret] Notes on the Profound Commentary of the Two Stages of Queen [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari.
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod dbang mo’i lam rim pa gnyis kyi zab khrid zin bris [shin tu gsang ba gnas gsum mkha’ ‘gro’i snying bcud/] - The Clear Essence of the Profound Path of Great Bliss: An Accessory to The Heart Essence of the Dakinis of the Three Places: Notes on [Vajrayoginī] Naro Kechari’s Two Stages
[rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma] nA ro mkha’ spyod ma’i rim gnyis zin bris gnas gsum mkha’ ‘gro’i snying bcud kyi zur rgyan bde chen zab lam snying po gsal ba/ - The Way to Perform the Increasing Burning Offering at the End of the Great Tenth-part Burning Offering of Vajrayoginī
rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma’i bcu cha chen mo’i sbyin sreg gi mjug tu rgyas pa’I sbyin sreg bya tshul/ - The Way to Perform the Long-life Accomplishment Ritual [Related] to Sita-Tārā [Cintācakra]
sgrol dkar [yid bzhin ‘khor lo’i sgo nas] tshe sgrub bya tshul/
[The catalogue to the Potala edition lists the eighth work of the volume as: “The Way To Perform the Gaṇacakra [of Vajrayoginī] de’i tshogs ‘bul tshul la“]
Vol. 11 (da)
- [Profound and Completely Unmistaken Pith Instructions for Delivering Liberation in Your Hand:] Notes on Experiential Instructions on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, [the Heart-Elixir of the Unequalled Dharma King,] the Essence of Nectar, Instructions that Assemble the Elixir of all the Teachings
[rnam grol lag bcangs su gtod pa’i man ngag zab mo tshang la ma nor ba mtshungs med chos kyi rgyal po’i thugs bcud] byang chub lam gyi rim pa’i nyams khrid kyi zin bris gsung rab kun gyi bcud bsdus gdams ngag bdud rtsi’i snying po/
Vol. 12 (na), Present Only in the Potala Collection
- The Beautiful Ornament of the Oceans: The Biography of the Yogi Wangchuk Yabje Dorjechang Lobsang Sangye Palzangpo, Holder of the Great Unsurpassable Secret Teachings
gsang chen bla na med pa’i bstan pa’i gdung ‘tshob rnal ‘byor dbang phyug yab rje rdo rje ‘chang blo bzang sangs rgyas dpal bzang po’i rnam thar rgya mtsho’i mdzas rgyan/ - A Collection of The Lord of Refuge, Kyabdag Dorjechang Phabongkha’s Minor Compositions and Instructions
khyab bdag rdo rje ‘chang pha bong kha pa’i bka’ rtsom dang phyag bzhes phran tshegs skor phyogs su bkod pa/ - An Ornament Embellishing Arising Wisdom: An Explanation of the Make-up of the Vairocana-Abhisaṃbodhi
rnam snang mngon byang gi thig ‘brel sher ‘byung dgongs rgyan/ - Notes Taken During a Profound Commentary on the Foundation of All Good Qualities, the Abbreviated Essence of the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
byang chub lam gyi rim pa’i snying po bsdus pa yon tan gzhi gyur ma’i zab khrid gnang skabs kyi brjed byang/ - The Way to Perform the Amending Burning Offering for the Approximation Retreat of Serviceability of the Glorious Solitary Hero Vajrabhairava
dpal rdo rje ‘jigs byed dpa’ bo cig pa’i las rung gi bsnyen pa’i kha skong sbyin sreg bya tshul/ - The Preliminary Practice Text for the Solitary Hero Vajrabhairava Approximation Retreat, Arranged for Convenient Recitation
de’i bsnyen pa’i sngon ‘gro’i ‘don cha nag ‘gros su bkod pa/ - Notes for Ocean of Attainments: The Burning Offering for Solitary Hero Vajrabhairava
de’i sbyin sreg dngos grub rgya mtsho’i zin bris/ - The Hook Which Summons Attainments: The Self-Entry of the Solitary Hero
dpa’ bo gcig pa’i bdag ‘jug dngos grub ‘gugs pa’i lcags kyu/]
From: Joona Repo, “Phabongkha Dechen Nyingpo: His Collected Works and the Guru-Deity-Protector Triad”, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 33, October 2015, pp-43-62.
Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche’s Sungbum
Please click the links below to download the 11 volumes of Pabongka Rinpoche’s Sungbum (or collected works). The text is shared here with all of you so you can print this precious text and put it on your altar as the representation of the Buddha’s speech. You can also print this out to offer it to your teachers and friends:
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Pabongkha Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Jampa Tenzin Trinlay Gyatso was one of the greatest masters of the 20th century and one the most influential teachers in Tibet. He was unique in his ability to bring the complex ancient teachings to the monks as well as to the laypeople’s level of comprehension. Hence, it is through him that a great number of lay people were able to learn and benefit from the Dharma. For this reason, he was known as the teacher for the common man and monks. His influential teachings, coupled with his powerful way of conveying the Dharma made Rinpoche into a respected spiritual figure of his day. He wrote extensively on every aspect of Buddhist thought and practice. These collected works cover about 15 volumes. It is said that Rinpoche’s teachings are so famous that thousands of people would come from far and wide to attend, especially when Rinpoche gave initiations or conduct special prayers for festivals. Rinpoche is well known for using his humour to elucidate the teachings. As some teachings could go on for ten hours, Rinpoche would intersperse his teachings with jokes and amusing stories laced with moral values to keep his audience “awake”. Pabongkha Rinpoche passed away in 1941. His holy body was cremated and his relics preserved in one of his monasteries, Tashi Choling in Lhasa, until it was destroyed by the communist army during the 1960’s.
Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for this very enlightening and blessed write up on Pabongka Rinpoche 😊🙏🔥
HH Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche a fully attained great Gelug lama and was one of the greatest teachers of the modern era of Tibetan. He did also achieved one-ness with his Yidam Heruka Chakrasamvara. Pabongka Rinpoche was a master of Sutra and Tantra and all tantric practices. Interest read of a great Master HH Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche’s biography. We are blessed having all those precious teachings from our Lama Tsem Rinpoche been passed down from all the great students of a GREAT Master HH Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
Interesting biography and precious works of a great master Pabongka Rinpoche who was a Great Gelug lama of the modern era of Tibetan Buddhism. Pabongka Rinpoche, a recognized reincarnation of Chankya Rolpai Dorje, was the one who was responsible for widely propagating the practice of Dorje Shugden among the Gelugpa tradition. He was the root guru of Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, the two tutors of the present Dalai Lama, and the teacher of many other Gelug lamas who brought the Dharma to the West since fleeing Tibet in 1959. The most precious teachings from Pabongka Rinpoche is the Lamrim texts which is translated into English by Kyabie Trijang Rinpoche. and been widely used till today. We are fortunate to have benefited these teachings from an unbroken lineage Great master.
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting sharing of a GREAT Lama.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the history & greatness of Lama Pabongka Rinpoche. We r very blessed to be able to hear & read about his teaching in ” Liberation in the palm of your hand” without which I would not have come to know so much about the dharma & its benefits. Reading the biography of his holiness Pabongka Rinpoche has greatly increase my faith & conviction towards the teaching ( in this case the Lamrim) as Pabongka Rinpoche, his gurus & his students are all great scholars whose practices & attainments are all based on the teaching of the Lamrim. I very thankful to have met Rinpoche who has given me the chance to learn the dharma & it certainly has benefited me & my family a lot.
Each of the Masters has their own distinctive qualities that stood out the most than others. From previous post on Pabongka Rinpoche, I learnt that we should never give up hope and continue on with our journey although we might not comprehend Buddhism well at this moment (Rinpoche only earned a Lingse degree before studied under Dagpo Lama) and to respect everyone irregardless of their level of understanding/knowledge in Buddhism. It took Pabongka Rinpoche ten years to master the whole graduated path to Enlightenment! Besides, Rinpoche can elucidate the essence of teachings very well, and according to the capabilities of the students rather than enforcing them to learn in a certain manner that He wanted. Wow!!
In this post, instead of coincidence, perhaps it was predestined for the two Masters to meet? Every high Lamas is said to come with a purpose, and I am glad that I am fortunate enough to hear this news (meeting of two great Lamas). Another thing that amazed me in this post is that, the current incarnation of Pabongka Rinpoche can very firmly said to H.E. Tsem Rinpoche that His guru is one with Dorje Shugden at the age of twelve!
We are so fortunate to have these all great masters, Pabongka Rinpoche and his four main disciples Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Khangsar Rinpoche and Tathag Rinpoche. Without Pabongka Rinpoche holding all the important lineages of sutra and tantra, and passing them to important Gelug lamas, many students may not have the benefits to learning the Dharma today. Therefore, we have to treasure the Lam Rim “Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand” the Dharma teachings from our guru who teachings us all the Dharma from the lineage great masters, and so that we would be able to practicing the Dharma all the way from Buddha and Lama Tsongkhapa and hopefully we can gain higher realization and attainment if we have practiced the Dharma sincerely and follow the guru instructions and teachings.
I very appreciate Rinpoche for sharing this article and the lineage gurus passed on the teachings to us today.
May all the lineage gurus live long and always turn the Dharma wheel. _/|\_
感恩帕绷喀仁波切大师,因为有帕绷喀仁波切的大慈大悲和智慧,把所以的佛理简单化,来让世人明白与受惠 。让我们能够慢慢的走向成佛的道路。
Pabongka Rinpoche is a very important figure of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. He is the source of dharma for many prominent and important Gelug masters of the last 2 centuries and the main force that keep the dharma alive to-date. The reason we are still fortunate to learn the well preserved dharma of the Gelug lineage, all due to the kindness of Pabongka Rinpoche. Many of our Gurus and our Gurus’ Guru are students of Pabongka Rinpoche. He is our lineage master we owe so much to!
Pabongka Rinpoche’s ability in bringing the dharma to both ordained and lay people according to their needs are no difference from that of the Shakyamuni Buddha, meaning Pabongka Rinpoche is as attained as the Buddha himself. Pabongka Rinpoche is also well-known for giving long discourses and throwing witty jokes with moral values to keep them going during those sessions.
My Guru, His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche, display the same qualities of Pabongka Rinpoche. The proof of it is the variety sharing He gave on this blog that was not based on a set syllabus but the interest of the audience. Although His Eminence claimed that He himself has a lot of interest, therefore the many sharing we find on this blog, but in actual fact He is giving us teachings based on our level of comprehension and complication, hehe! Also, if you pay attention to His Eminence’s teachings, you will see/read a lot of jokes in between and realise that those are long hours of discourses too!
Pabongka Rinpoche is also known for His guru devotion, so is my Guru. His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche always talk about Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang and how He has benefitted His Eminence. His Eminence and the success of His dharma work is also an obvious sign of His strong devotion to Zong Rinpoche.
Reading Pabongka Rinpoche’s biography and achievements make me understand more how precious the Buddha Dharma is; there is so much hope and proof that we can also become enlightened if we have strong guru devotion, are persistent and consistent with our practise. Opportunity to meet a precious guru like His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche is rare and thanks to the technology that we are able to reach His teachings with just a click away, but we must not take it lightly and must always be grateful because His Eminence is no difference from Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche – an enlightened being, a rare gem, who is able to teach and present the gradual path to enlightenment; who is a realised tantric master capable to present the tantric teachings that suits the contemporary practitioners! We are guaranteed with attainments by going all the way with His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche.
谢谢仁波切的分享。 从文章中让我们更加的明白 Pabongka Rinpoche 是一位非常重要的传承拥有者, 因为 Pabongka Rinpoche 把宗喀巴大师所有的佛法精髓都记录下来,让我们现在可以用这本简单容易明白的学习 Lamrin。
从 Tsem Rinpoche 小故事的分享也发现与感觉到,原来 Pabongka Rinpoche 与 Tsem Rinpoche 非常的相识。 大家都会尽力与不同的方式分享佛法。
希望诸位上师长寿, 长转法轮。
Thank you, Tsem Rinpoche for sharing life and precious works of His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche. We are most fortunate in this lifetime to meet and understands the Dharma teachings that spreads from unbroken lineage of Gelug gurus and masters.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing to us the linage and the achievements of Pabongka Rinpoche with us.
We are truly fortunate to have such compassionate masters that would impart the pure oral teaching of his linage and preserve it in a text for others to benefit for many generation to come.
Pabongka Rinpoche must be highly attained as his students too through his guidance manage to achieve high level of attainment too.
May the Lamrim teaching as explained by Pabongka Rinpoche be the guiding light towards any individual who takes refuge in the dharma.
The greatest of teachers are those who teaches from their personal experiences and Pabongka Rinpoche is one of those greatest masters. His disciples includes erudite masters like Kangsar Rinpoche, Tathag Rinpoche, Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche, whose works till to day are still in existence for study among Buddhist scholars and practitioners. Tathag, Ling and Trijang Rinpoche were teachers of the 14 Dalai Lama.
What is most precious from Pabongka Rinpoche is the Lamrim which with the guidance of his Guru, Dagpo Lama Rinpoche and practice of 10 years can be taught and recorded for us within a 24 day discourse and recorded and produced today by his Heart son, Trijang Rinpoche.
There is no way we can repay such kindness except to have our minds transformed per the 8 verses of mind transformation. May all Buddhists practise for this transformation to create peace and happiness for all sentient beings.
“Once on a high mountain in south India where Guru Shakyamuni Buddha was teaching, bodhisattva Amoghadarshi asked Buddha, “At the moment we can receive teachings from the Buddha, but what shall we do in the future when you have passed beyond sorrow? Who will guide us?” Guru Shakyamuni Buddha replied, “Amoghadarshi, in degenerate times in the future, I will manifest in the forms of spiritual masters and abbots. In order to ripen the minds of sentient beings, I will also show birth, old age, sickness and death. Don’t worry that you will not meet me in the degenerate times. At that time I shall manifest as the abbot or as the teacher.”
To me, His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo is without a doubt a Buddha.