Lama Ole Nydahl
(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor David)
Dear friends around the world,
I first heard of Lama Ole Nydahl while browsing through a random Buddhist article online many years ago. He did not stand out at that time because he seemed to be just another self-proclaimed Western lama. Recently, I revisited his story when my teacher, His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche told me that he would like his story featured on this blog.
While researching, I found that there are both positive and negative opinions about him online. When I searched for further information about his centre, I may have identified the reason. Through his hard work, he has developed a huge organisation consisting of over 600 centres, mainly throughout Europe. It is a massive organisation with thousands of members and naturally such a successful organisation will invite detractors as well.
Whatever criticism anyone may have for him, Lama Ole Nydahl certainly has a large appeal in Europe. The success of his organisation is commendable but even more remarkable for me is his devotion in spending all these years fulfilling the request of his teacher. For me, that incredible devotion says a lot about his character as a person and I am sure that will mean powerful blessings for him as a Dharma teacher. He is indeed a great inspiration due to his devotion to his teacher and steadfastness in keeping that devotion alive through the years, even after his lama has passed away.
PS: I would like to thank Valentina Suhendra, Pastor Niral and Pastor Jean Ai for helping to edit and proofread this article.
Pastor David Lai
Lama Ole Nydahl is one of the handful of Western teachers who is a fully qualified lama and meditation master. He is a lay lama of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Together with his wife Hannah Nydahl, they founded Diamond Way Buddhism, which is a worldwide Karma Kagyu Buddhist organisation for lay practitioners.

Young Lama Ole Nydahl
Growing Up
Ole Nydahl was born in North Copenhagen on March 19, 1941 where he also grew up. In the early 1960s, he served briefly in the Danish Army before returning to his studies at the University of Copenhagen. He majored in philosophy, English and German. He completed the examen philosophicum, a mandatory introductory course in philosophy with the highest grade. After that, he pursued a doctoral thesis on Aldous Huxley’s Doors of Perception but he did not manage to complete this endeavour. As a brash young man, Ole Nydahl was involved in boxing, race car driving and travelling vast distances from Denmark to Nepal on several occasions.
Journey Into Buddhism
In 1968, Ole Nydahl married a young and beautiful Hannah. They spent their honeymoon in Nepal where the young couple met Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche, an important Drukpa Kagyu master who changed their lives. They became his students and thus began their life-long journey into Buddhism.
In the following year (1969), Hannah and Ole Nydahl met the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, the head of the Karma Kagyu School and soon became his first Western students. Subsequently, the young couple received the most important empowerments and teachings of the Karma Kagyu lineage from the 16th Karmapa himself.
They would go on to meet with other important Kagyu masters such as Kalu Rinpoche, as well as high lamas from other Tibetan Buddhist schools such as the Dalai Lama, and receive empowerments and teachings from them as well. Later, the Nydahls also became students of the 14th Shamarpa Mipham Chokyi Lodro. From the Shamarpa, they received the Bodhisattva vows and teachings on Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation.
The following is a list of empowerments and transmissions that they received:-
- Mahamudra (‘The Great Seal’ or ‘Chag Chen’ in Tibetan – the highest Buddhist view of the nature of reality) from the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
- Kagyu Ngagdzo – the collection of the most important tantric transmissions of the Karma Kagyu Lineage from the 16th Karmapa (1976) and Kongtrul Rinpoche (1989)
- The Bodhisattva Vow (the promise to become enlightened for the benefit of all sentient beings) from Shamar Rinpoche, the second highest lama of the Karma Kagyu lineage (1970)
- The Four Foundational Practices (Ngondro) from Kalu Rinpoche (1970-1971)
- Kalachakra (The Wheel of Time initiation) from Kalu Rinpoche, Tenga Rinpoche (1985), His Holiness the Dalai Lama (1985 and 2002), Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche (1994), Beru Khyentse Rinpoche (2009) and His Holiness Sakya Trinzin (2010)
- The Six Yogas from Naropa (Advanced Tantric Meditations of the Kagyu lineage): Lama Ole and Hannah Nydahl received this transmission 1976 in Ladakh together with Tai Situ Rinpoche from his yogic teacher
- Phowa (Transference of Consciousness practice) from Ayang Rinpoche (1972)
- Chik Tsche Kun Drol (a collection of Kagyu initiations) from Tenga Rinpoche
- Rinchen Terzo (Treasures of the Nyingma transmission) from Kalu Rinpoche (1983)
In addition to the above, the Nydahls received other initiations and teachings from the above teachers and other masters such as Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Ogyen Tulku Rinpoche, Bokar Rinpoche, Gyaltrul Rinpoche and others.
The Founding of Diamond Way Buddhism
In 1972, the 16th Karmapa requested Ole and Hannah Nydahl to proliferate the teachings of the Karma Kagyu lineage in the West and to build Buddhist centres in his name. Then in 1983, the Shamarpa endorsed Ole Nydahl to be a Buddhist master. Then again in 1995, Khenpo Chodrak Thenpel Rinpoche named Ole Nydahl a lama, on behalf of the Buddhist Institutes of Gyalwa Karmapa.
In fulfillment of the wishes of their teacher, the 16th Karmapa, Lama Ole and Hannah Nydahl founded a number of Buddhist centres beginning in Austria, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. As of 2012, the Nydahls had established over 629 Buddhist centres on behalf of their teacher. Lama Nydahl maintained these centres by travelling twice a year in order to visit and teach his students.
For the last 40 years, he has constantly travelled to give teachings. It is said that he was in a different city almost every day. In 2012, his teachings were mentioned and lauded by the Shamarpa himself. Wherever he travelled to, Lama Ole would give teachings, meditation courses, confer Buddhist refuge – a formal rite to become a Buddhist – and the Bodhisattva Vows, which is a formal rite and teaching on dedicating one’s life towards benefiting others. This is the main goal of all those seeking enlightenment on the Mahayana path.

Lama Ole Nydahl (right) with the Sharmapa
Furthermore, Lama Ole would also give advance teachings on Mahamudra and Phowa. In 1987, Lama Ole Nydahl began to give teachings on the practice of Phowa at the request of the Shamarpa. Since that time, Lama Ole Nydahl has given Phowa teachings or the “Meditation of Transference of Consciousness” to more than 75,000 students around the world and is recognised as a Phowa master himself.
Aside from giving teachings, Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife Hannah organised teaching tours for some of the highest Kagyu Buddhist teachers throughout various European countries and later in North and South America, Russia and Australia as well. Aside from the 16th Karmapa, they invited and translated for Shamar Rinpoche, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Beru Khyentse Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, Topga Rinpoche, Tenga Rinpoche, Bokar Rinpoche, Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche, Trungpa Rinpoche and Ayang Rinpoche.
While working with his students, Lama Ole Nydahl developed a way of transmitting the teachings without having to learn the Tibetan language or customs. The meditations and practices have already been translated into the major European languages. It is essential for people to understand and read the meditations in a language that they are familiar with in order for Buddhism to become established in the West.
Lama Ole Nydahl created his enormous organisation so it is made up entirely of volunteers, with no paid staff. The organisational structure is designed to be democratic and friendly, which is ideal and appealing to the Western audience. Following tradition, Lama Ole Nydahl grounds his students with a set of Ngondro practices originally taught by the 9th Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje. This particular Ngondro lineage is a set of four foundational practices that are intended to prepare the student’s mind for enlightenment – a meditation on Chenrezig ‘Buddha Loving Eyes’, which is more popularly known as the Buddha of Compassion and several forms of Guru Yoga or meditations on uniting one’s mind with the lama (as taught by the 16th Karmapa).
Lama Ole Nydahl is hailed as “the most lasting influence on the Buddhist practice scene in Denmark” and “has in many ways been the icon of living Buddhism in Denmark” by Jørn Borup, a Professor of Religion at Aarhus University. The total number of Nydahl’s followers is unknown but a conservative estimate puts this number at approximately 15,000 devoted students and 70,000 casual followers all over the world. Just within Germany alone, the German Buddhist Union (Deutsche Buddhistische Union) estimates that about 20,000 people regularly visit Diamond Way Buddhism centres and groups.
In 2007, Hannah Nydahl passed away from cancer and one of the last deeds that she performed in this life was to sign the contract to purchase the massive Europe Centre. This is now the main international meeting place or headquarters for Diamond Way Buddhism and sits on a beautiful site in the Bavarian Alps.
Embroiled in the Karmapa Controversy
When the 16th Karmapa passed away in 1981, controversy erupted when two potential successors were discovered – Trinley Thaye Dorje and Ogyen Trinley Dorje. The 14th Shamarpa, who is one of the four main Kagyu lineage holders traditionally appointed to recognise the incarnation of the Karmapa discovered and recognised Trinley Thaye Dorje. As Hannah and Ole Nydahl regarded Shamar Rinpoche as one of their teachers, they supported his recognition of Trinley Thaye Dorje as the 17th Karmapa. Hence through them, over 600 Diamond Way Buddhism centres came to support Trinley Thaye Dorje as the 17th Karmapa.
It was Tai Situ Rinpoche, another Karma Kagyu lama, who recognised the other candidate, Ogyen Trinley Dorje. The Dalai Lama confirmed Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the Karmapa after he had been requested to do so by two of the Karma Kagyu lineage holders, Tai Situ Rinpoche and Gyaltsap Rinpoche. However, supporters of Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje openly questioned the Dalai Lama’s confirmation, asserting that the Dalai Lama is traditionally not entitled to do so as this is strictly a Karma Kagyu affair, and the Dalai Lama is a Gelugpa lama.
On top of that, Ogyen Trinley Dorje’s claim to the Karmapa’s seat is based on a letter presented by Pema Tonyo Nyinje, 12th Tai Situpa. The supporters of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley claim that it was written by the 16th Karmapa in order to predict the identity of his future rebirth. In order to challenge this, Lama Ole Nydahl, the Shamarpa and Topga Rinpoche (the general secretary of the Karmapa’s administration) requested that the letter be tested and its authenticity be verified as they believed that Tai Situ Rinpoche himself forged the letter. They requested independent experts, including forensic document examiners, to verify the authenticity of the letter. However, Tai Situ refused to allow this to take place on the grounds that it would be a violation of a sacred object.
Due to his role in the Karmapa controversy, Ole Nydahl drew severe criticism by the supporters of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, including the authors Mick Brown and Lea Terhune, both students of Tai Situ Rinpoche. Furthermore, some Karma Kagyu practitioners have even gone so far as to place the blame squarely on Lama Ole Nydahl for causing the 1992 split within the Karma Kagyu School, despite lacking any evidence to support this accusation. They also claimed that he had broken his samaya with his teachers – a severe breach one’s spiritual commitment and bond with one’s lama in Vajrayana Buddhism.
Since his emergence as a prominent teacher and Karma Kagyu master, Lama Ole Nydahl has always faced criticism. Burkhard Scherer, a Professor of Comparative Religion at Canterbury Christ Church University, England argued that Nydahl has never gone on a three-year retreat, which he calls “the traditional qualification as a lama.” In his defence however, the 16th Karmapa stated that “if someone has a greater wisdom and capacity for penetrating the teaching, then even without doing a three-year retreat, it is possible for one to experience definite understanding and realisation.”
In 2009, the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje travelled to the Europe Centre to give teachings during the Second Summer Course. It was here that Lama Ole Nydahl ceremonially presented his 600 over Buddhist centres under Diamond Way Buddhism to the Karmapa. In doing so, he fulfilled the request given to him by his teacher, the previous 16th Karmapa. This shows how devoted Lama Ole Nydahl is to his teacher, his lack of attachment to the power and influence that comes with being head of 600 centres, and how Lama Ole fulfilled his commitment to his teacher, continuing in to his teacher’s next incarnation.
His activities to spread the Dharma have not gone unrecognised. In 2013, the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje presented him with a set of brocade robes while celebrating the Kagyu Monlam in Bodhgaya, India. This offering was to thank him for his 40 years contribution of spreading Buddhism in the West. It can only be his guru devotion and the blessings of his lamas that despite criticism, Lama Ole Nydahl’s organisation continues to grow.
For more interesting information:
- Gyara Rinpoche Gives Dorje Shugden Sogtae / 嘉若仁波切授予多杰雄登托命灌顶
- Historic First Kalachakra Initiation by the 11th Panchen Lama
- Inspiring Nuns and female practitioners
- Why Are Roshi Jiyu Kennett’s Disciples So Reclusive?
- Jadrel Sangay Dorji Rinpoche
- Lama Anagarika Govinda
- Ekai Kawaguchi – Three Years in Tibet
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Today, I saw a message posted by H. H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa to Lama Ole’s in conjunction of Lama Ole’s 82nd Birthday. How time flies! Another ten years have passed since.
Just an update: Over the course of these 50 years, Lama Ole has established more than 640 Karma Kagyu centres all over the world. That’s an amazing feat and this should get into the Guinness Book of Record.
Thanks for the propaganda. Amazing.
Lama Ole Nydahl is a Buddhist teacher and author in the tradition of the Karma Kagyu lineage. After years of studying Buddhist teachings and meditating , he was ask to go back to the West set up Buddhist centers. He was also the founder of over 600 Buddhist centers worldwide. As advice by his teacher the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje whom he met at Kathmandu, Nepal he founded the first Buddhist center in the west. Had studied and took many more initiations under many highly attained Lamas such as Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Ogyen Tulku Rinpoche and so on.He was also the founder of over 600 Buddhist centers worldwide. Since then, he has travelled worldwide giving lectures, leading meditation courses and guiding Buddhist centers . Lama Ole is the author of several books and is one of the best known western Buddhist teachers. Through his activities the Karma Kagyu lineage is one of the most popular Buddhist traditions in the West. Lama Ole Nydahl received the transmission of the Phowa teachings from highest Tibetan masters and is today the most significant teacher of this practice in the Western world. Interesting biography .
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor David for this sharing.
Revisited this article again, inspiring Lama Ole Nydahl,a Buddhist teacher in the tradition of the Karma Kagyu lineage. He is the first Western students of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, bringing Buddhist teachings to the West as asked by his lama. One of the few fully qualified Western Buddhist lamas in the Karma Kagyu lineage. Amazing over the years he founded of over 600 Buddhist centres worldwide. Even after his lama has passed away, he kept the devotion to his lama alive through the years . He has toured the world giving lectures, Buddhist refuge and meditation courses thousands of westerners and others. Inspiring read of a GREAT Lama.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor David for this wonderful writeup.
Lama Ole Nydahl ……is a Buddhist teacher in the tradition of the Karma Kagyu lineage and one of the few Westerners fully qualified as a Lama and meditation teacher . He has been a major driving force in bringing Buddhism to the West. He founded of over 650 Buddhist centres worldwide under difficult circumstances. His depth of knowledge and dynamic teachings inspire thousands of people at his lectures and meditation retreats.
He even wrote several books in English, German and Danish and translated into several other European languages.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor David Lai for this wonderful sharing.
During the 40 years that Lama Ole Nydhal was spreading Buddhism in the West, he has made some outstanding contributions. What stands out is the 600 over Buddhist centres he set up in the West. An interesting aspect worth mentioning is Lama Ole’s method of transmitting the teachings without having to learn the Tibetan language or customs, as the meditations and practices have been translated into the major languages spoken by practitioners. In my opinion, this is the fastest and easiest way to spread a religion. But personally, I’d like to learn Tibetan in order to be able to understand the meaning of the teachings better. What impresses me the most is that, in Lama Ole’s centres, there are no paid staff. Everyone is a volunteer and the system is “democratic and friendly.” It’d be good to find out how this system works.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor David for this detail article about Lama Ole Nydahl who are very inspirational.
One thing stood out the most from this Lama is his guru devotion. His Guru, the 16th Karmapa had requested Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife to proliferate teachings in the west using in his name. Since then, they had worked tirelessly and created around 629 buddhist centres in 40 years. During the controversy of the 17th Karmapa, they also stood by their Guru’s decision by accepting Trinley Thaye Dorje as the 17th Karmapa.
The other candidate for the 17th Karmapa was endorsed by H.H the 14th Dalai Lama. His Holiness is very well known and the candidate that His Holiness endorsed will naturally be favoured more by the public due to His Holiness’s fame and reputation. Hence, more sponsorship and support will come if one accepts His Holiness’s candidate of Karmapa. However, being a true and devoted student he is, Lama Ole Nydahl chose to trust his Guru, Shamarpa and accepted the candidate that his Guru chose. If he is someone that wanted money or fame, he would had sided with His Holiness’s candidate to have more sponsorship and fame because anyone who is around His Holiness and his circle will definitely receive more sponsorship and media coverage.
In 2009, he offered up his empire of 600 Buddhist centres to the reincarnation of his Guru, the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje to fulfil his guru’s instruction. Hence, we can see that he is a genuine Lama who has strong guru devotion and teaches pure dharma.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor David’s sharing this inspiring story of Lama Ole Nydahl that he made a courageous commitment by promising to work for the benefit of all beings. Besides, there are few points strike me about the qualities of Lama Ole Nydahl as the following:
I personally believed that Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife have strong imprints in doing dharma in their previous life. When they went to Nepal and met Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche, the blessings is conferred on them and therefore their minds open up and transform. Later, they made the choice for their spiritual path to receive the most important empowerments and teachings from 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje and also other great masters as well as spread the dharma instead of wasting time in boxing, race car driving and travelling and etc.
Through his hard work, great aspiration and determination in spreading the dharma due to his strong devotion in guru, he successfully developed an organisation for over
600 centres for the benefit of others. Lama Ole Nydahl worked selflessly and travelling almost everyday to give teachings.
Besides, when 16th Karmapa enter clear light, despite the criticism by the supporters of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, Lama Ole Nydahl was stayed firm and follow his another guru, Shamar Rinpoche, and Shamarpa to support the recognition of Trinley Thaye Dorje as the 17th Karmapa. Due to Lama Ole Nydahl’s determination and commitments in spreading dharma to the West, 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje presented him with a set of brocade robes as an appreciation for all his contributions for dharma.
From Lama Ole Nydahl’s success of opening over 600 dharma centre in 40 years’ time, we know it would be his strong devotion to his guru and blessings of his guru to gain this success; and it has benefited so many in the West. However it’s sad that there are people choose to attack him, and not to see the fact that it takes someone with very strong determination and devotion to have this level of success. The criticism or attacks on Lama Ole Nydahl could be to a great extent due to the conflict of Karmapa issue, where he chooses to stand firm and trust his guru.
One example with people tend to find fault and seeing things superficially is when Burkhard Scherer, a Professor of Comparative Religion at Canterbury Christ Church University, England argued that Nydahl has never gone on a three-year retreat. This shows people tend to look at things selectively to suit their needs, their delusions and etc – Lama Ole Nydahl who has opened so many centres in various Western countries definitely has many positive “characters” or traits as a teacher, but when people wants to find fault on you, there will definitely find one or two, and amplify them.
Some of the qualities of Lama Ole Nydahl has are strong guru devotion to make it a strong force to spread Karma Kagyu pure lineage in the West, and renounce of fame by offering the 600 centres to his lama. These are two important qualities of a qualified and attained master, and a devoted student. Nevertheless, people who choose to attack Lama Ole Nydahl choose not to see this, or they are attacking him merely because of Karmapa conflict. It’s so unfortunate to see someone so committed and devoted in spreading dharma being attacked because of an issue of Karmapa conflict, and turns many away from dharma or committed some wrong views.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor David for sharing on interesting article Lama Ole Nydhal.
Lama Ole Nydhal is lay lama of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
He did not practice dharma at the monastery. Although Lama Ole Nydahl was not a long-time with his guru Karmapa, with the support of his wife Hannah Nydahl,any instruction giving by guru,his never slack.
Because of his strong guru devotion and faith , he established 600 centres in Western countries and promoted Buddhism in ways suitable for Western countries.
Lama Ole Nydhal is a good example for our modern people to practice dharma.
For a Westerner Lama Ole Nydahl has accomplished a lot to spread the Dharma in the west. The article presented a genuine example of how one can achieve so much by being devoted to one’s guru. This is not for the sake of fame and monetary gain but spreading the Dharma teachings to relieve people’s sufferings. I find that he is dedicated as he travels around his Dharma centers to give teachings and meditations. It is mentioned that he is in different city almost every day.
To develop and maintain a Dharma center it takes both dedication and hardwork. To do it well for more than 600 centers under his organisation one cannot imagine such huge responsibilties. Therefore the results speak for themselves, and it is due to him practicing his guru instructions well. As people benefitted from the teachings, the people appreciated his efforts and more new centers are created in support. If one doesn’t get the benefits why support him? Therefore the fact that his organisation grows mean he gets the necessary support. And this can only come from him having integrity and sincerity which can only comes from devotion to his guru.
Apart from being a source of inspiration, I personally find that it interesting that Lama Ole Nydahl’s journey effectively collaborates and demonstrates the ‘workings’ of Buddhist concepts, notably (for me) on;
(i) Blessings – In a nutshell, the Buddhist version of blessing is when one encounters holy or sacred objects which opens up one’s mind causing one to change for the better. The life-changing meeting of Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife with Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche during their honeymoon clearly demonstrate the ‘mechanics’ of Buddhist blessing, which triggered their life-long journey into Buddhism.
(ii) Imprints – Every action one performs leaves an imprint on the mental consciousness, and these imprints are karmic potentialities to experience certain effects in the future. This is reflected in the rapidity in which Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife are able to ‘pick up’ the teachings, understand and apply them to the extent that their Guru entrusted them as lineage holders within a relatively short span of time.
(iii) Guru devotion – It is without a doubt that Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife had to face a lot of difficulties to carry out their Guru’s request to proliferate the teachings of the Karma Kagyu lineage in the West and to build Buddhist centres. Yet they clearly remain committed and unwaveringly went all the way to fulfill their Guru’s instructions (which ultimately benefitted themselves and so many others). Their remarkable success in speedily establishing over 600 Dharma centres in such a timeframe and the extensive spread of the Dharma in the West when Buddhism was hardly known can only be attributed to their clean samaya with their Guru. After all, the growth of the student’s activities for the lineage is a hallmark of such student having good samaya with his/her teacher.
In addition, it is also interesting that the situation with unsubstantiated condemnations by ‘dissenters’ of Lama Ole Nydahl reflects the understanding that anything that serves to spread the Dharma for the benefit of many, tends to attract a lot of negativities and obstacles so to speak. Thus, it karmically speaks volumes of the nature of Lama Ole Nydahl’s work.
Thank you, Rinpoche and Pastor David, for this sharing about Lama Ole Nydahl.
Thank you Pastor David for sharing on Lama Ole Nydhal.
Lama Ole Nyadhal is so inspiring to follow his Guru, the 16th Karmapa’s instruction to be a Dharma teacher in spreading the Karma Kagyu lineage and built 629 centres within 40 years. 629 centres – if we average it, it is 15 centres in a year for 40 years even when his Guru has passed on! What a great achievement and examples of strong Guru devotion! Besides, he does not attached to the centres that he has built but instead he has offered up the centres back to his Guru’s reincarnation ie the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje. As a lay lama, despite all the criticism, he still able to spread Dharma to many and get the teaching to be translated to many languages.
When involved in the Karmapa controversy, he still stands firm and works all the way to support 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje who is recognised by Shamar Rinpoche (one of his teachers) despite severe criticism by the supporters of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje.
Reading the inspiring story of Lama Ole Nydahl, i found the similarity of him with H.E Tsem Rinpoche who goes all the way to spread the teaching of Dorje Shugden despite all the criticism and discrimination.
May I have the strong Guru devotion, the strength and wisdom to go all the way like Lama Ole Nydahl to support my Guru to spread Dharma, the Dorje Shugden and Vajrayogini and build Kechara and benefit others.
Thank you to Rinpoche and Pastor David for this inspiring and beautiful life story about Lama Ole Nydahl. ???
Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife – Hannah had full faith with their teacher 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje right after their first meet at year of 1969. When they are requested by 16th Karmapa proliferate the teachings of the Karma Kagyu lineage in the West and to build Buddhist centres in his name, both of them started fullfill their teacher wishes. With their incredible guru devotion, they had established over 629 centres around Europe. For sure they have put all of their efforts and time to make it happened!
When the 16th Karmapa passed away in 1981, there is controversy erupted when two potential successors were discovered. Lama Ole Nydahl and Hannah just supported their teacher – Shamar Rinpoche and his recognition of Trinley Thaye Dorje as the 17th Karmapa. In 2009, Lama Ole Nydahl presented his 600 over Buddhist centres under Diamond Way Buddhism to the Karmapa. This is really inspiring me that they are keeping their promise to their guru even after their teacher has passed away and continuing hold his commitment to his teacher’s next incarnation.
Lama Ole Nydahl has shown us doing the dharma works has no boundaries. He has set a very good example that the lay lama can achieve a great results by follow and keep the commitments with his teacher. This is the role model we should learn from.
What comes to mind reading this article is that, if one is Samsaric in nature, what is food for one can poison to another. Lama Ole Nydahl has his own critics, and if he has stepped out of line, and done actions that is karmically damaging, karma is always watching.
Some have mentioned that Lama Ole Nydahl has not done the the great retreat and perhaps even lacking in certain pre requisites as well to be a teacher within the Kagyu tradition. Before I joined Kechara, I was an SAP consultant, by right one needs certification to be an SAP professional, butI still handled the parts of the software development wortk without certification, relying on experience so none of my clients servers suffered a meltdown due to coding.
629 centers and perhaps over 70,000 students who are interested in the buddha dharma. Thats really no small feat. I rejoice the dharma that Lama Ole Nydahl has brought to all his students.
Thank you Pastor David for such an inspirational story about strong Guru devotion of Lama Ole Nydahl. I really love the first picture of this blog article, where Lama Ole is seen so happy with the reincarnation of His Guru, 16th Karmapa.
It is known that having to start a Buddhists organisation is not easy. Not only Lama Ole managed to start his organisation, He managed to grow the number of centres into hundreds. This is definitely an inspirational story to remind us when we are building our centres. It is said that if we have strong Guru devotion, and listen to Guru’s instruction to build a centre, we will definitely achieve if we go all the way. I pray that I have the perseverance to devote to building Kechara for the rest of my live.
On the other hand, it is sad to see people criticise Lama Ole for taking him taking up position to follow Thaye Dorje as the 17th Karmapa. It is sad because people chose not to look at the hard work he put in to build the Dharma institution. I pray that the 17th Karmapa issue can be resolved very soon, and all the Karma Kagyu can be reunited and spread the Dharma even further. I wish CTA can stop interfering with other sect in their recognistion of their respective leaders.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor David for this beautiful article of a wonderful disciple of the Buddha.
I enjoy reading stories of how a student devoted their life to Guru and Dharma, and this is one of the many stories we can find here in this blog. Lama Ole Nydahl fulfilled his assignments given by his Guru, this is the holiest thing in our spiritual path. Lama Ole Nydahl’s efforts of establishing 600 Dharma centers and pass them to Karmapa are like someone who make the roads for Dharma and blessings to travel to practitioners directly when the time comes.
With his efforts, he had a total of around 15000 students and 75000 followers throughout the world! This is the result of one fulfilling a Guru’s instructions that Dharma can flourish in so many people.
Thanks for sharing this inspiring true story and may many like the devotion of Lama Ole Nydahl and do it for others.
The story of Lama Ole is an amazing one from many sides, the speed/short amount of time (about 3-4 years only!) it took for both Hannah and him to develop from first meeting their first guru to becoming realised teachers themselves; the immense merit they must have to be able to encounter so many realised masters and high lamas; their dedication to their guru and focus (drive) for spreading the Dharma, I.e. “While working with his students, Lama Ole Nydahl developed a way of transmitting the teachings without having to learn the Tibetan language or customs” but what is really encouraging (for me) in this story is knowing that “if someone has a greater wisdom and capacity for penetrating the teaching, then even without doing a three-year retreat, it is possible for one to experience definite understanding and realisation,” although a three-year retreat sounds is an attractive proposition….
It’s also nice to know that despite the nasty criticisms for his involvement with the Karmapa controversy, he stood firmly by his position with his guru with no effect on either his belief or his growth – I did a quick search on his present activities, and his drive for spreading the Dharma is still phenomenal!
Thank you for sharing this story!
I read this in the papers today. According to the report, Thaye Dorje has “has abandoned the monkhood altogether after marrying a childhood friend in India”.
Indeed it is none of anyone’s business to draw conclusions or pass judgement.
Thank you Pastor David for this sharing. It got me reading deeper into Lama Ole and Hannah’s work and inevitably into all the controversy surrounding them too. I guess no matter how much good one does today there is always someone out there who don’t agree with you, or will find fault. Even a Saint like Mother Theresa is not spared of controversy too !
I prefer to focus on the good aspects. It is without doubt that
1) In a span of 40 years they set up over 600 Dharma centres worldwide. Some of these centres are in regions that have very little exposure to Dharma. The lineage of the Karma Kagyu has spread vastly through their work and devotion.
2) They have inspired over 15,000 people to be devoted practitioners of this lineage and has touched the hearts of another 70,000 casual followers. For some its hard enough to even try to benefit one single sentient being , not to mention bring almost 85,000 to the Buddhadharma. So much good seeds would have been planted in these people’s lives , inspiring them to Enlightment ! What better achievement should one have in one lifetime !!
3) Teaching and spreading the Dharma is the core activity in this couple’s life. There are many great persons, monks, High Lamas and other teachers that are exemplary in this area too. But rarely a married couple. Most couples will go on a general path of getting married, have children, spend most of their time earning money to bring up their families and pay the bills etc etc. It is so rare firstly to have a couple that is equally interested and have such strong faith and Guru Devotion. They work together and support each other on the same pursuit. A pursuit that is mostly selfless and benefits so many beings. I am totally inspired by a marriage of this nature !
When Hannah was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in 2006, she only had less then 6 months to live. But she had no fear, she realised it was just time for her to leave. They returned to the Copenhagen centre which they first founded together in 1974 and lived her last days there. They had a relationship which close friends commented “how deep a relationship can go when there is a beyond personal task that unites you.” Hannah had all the empowerments and teachings to help her prepare for the final moment and she died in meditation with her husband and a few friends around her. Hannah’s work and legacy lives on.
Lama Ole remarried in 2014 to Alexandra Munoz Barboza from Venezuela.
As non-Tibetan layman practitioners, this couple has certainly achieved tremendous success in spreading and growing the Dharma, especially in the West. They cannot be ordinary. They have very rare levels of Guru Devotion and tremendous amount of merits to receive initiations, empowerments and teachings from so many High Lamas. They must have practiced at very high levels in their past lives too, to be back in this life to continue their journey to benefit others.
The most inspiring of Lama Ole Nydahl’s acts of Guru devotion was his spreading the Dharma tirelessly all over Europe through the 600 over Dharma centers that he created together with his wife, Hannah. This was done in fulfillment of his Guru, the 16th Karmapa’s wish that he proliferate the Dharma of their lineage in the West. It was through the large organisation they founded, the Diamond Way Buddhism, that they were able to spread the Dharma in this extensive way. He maintained all these centers by visiting and teaching – he was in a different city everyday.He became a Buddhist Master and then a lay Lama in rapid succession.
When the incarnation of the 16th Karmapa – Trinley Thaye Dorje – visited the Nyadhals’ European Center, Lama Ole Nydhal,in a ceremony, presented his 600 plus Dharma centers under the Diamond Way Buddhism organisation, to him. In this way, he showed the lack of ego, that is at the heart of Guru Devotion. He had a total of around 15000 students and 75000 followers throughout the world!
I like how you have no idea of what you’re talking about.
One of the things I like about Rinpoche’s blog is the diverse types of post it offers. This is a really interesting piece and I thank Pastor David and all involved for this good read.
It is inspiring to read how this power Dharma couple’s strong Guru devotion had led them to successfully fulfill their Guru’s wishes to spread their lineage. To be able to open 629 centres between 1972 and 2012 is a remarkable feat to me. That’s like 15 centres a year, about 1 centre every month! This proves that having a solid Guru devotion can make one achieve extraordinary things.
Whenever there is any success and achievement, there are bound to be detractors. Jealousy and envy, the craving for recognition and the desire to strike people down who are successful while one is not, is so secular and not something that you expect to see in a spiritual institution. But yet it is strangely commonplace. This is antithesis to spiritual attainment.
There is no need to seek titles and crowns to brandish one’s spiritual attainments. Just look at the results of the practice and all is clear to see.
Lama Ole Nydahl devoted his entire life to Buddhism and was fully committed to follow his teacher’s instructions. He did as he promised and delivered. He was a lineage holder of all the important teachings and practices and took full accountability to preserve and spread them. The gurus must first see that a student is a worthy vessel to receive the teachings and transmissions before conferring them to the student, otherwise the teachings are at risk of degeneration. Looking at the list, it is truly impressive and speaks of the trust and confidence his gurus had on him. He did not disappoint.
His success in spreading the dharma, and that was not at the internet era, is remarkable and is cause for rejoicing, not jealousy.
We even learn in Day 6 of the Lamrim that rejoicing is the 4th of the 7 Limbs, a powerful daily practice we should be doing for purification and collection of merit. Do we know that we can even collect merit while sitting on the couch doing nothing? Yes by rejoicing over the virtue of others! As Gungtang Rinpoche says, meditate on that!
I like how you have no idea of what you’re talking about.
I like how you have no idea what you are talking abour.
@Head Strong: Why are you jealous of Ole Nydahl?
Fucking retard.
And by “Body Strong” you mean you are a useless wimp.
The story of Ole Nydahl reminds me of What Ngawang Drakpa did, Ngawang Drakpa was one of the key students of Lama Tsongkhapa, and to show his gratitude and appreciation of Je Tsongkhapa he promised to build 108 monasteries, place of learning and study. Je Tsongkhapa prophecized that Ngawang Drakpa will succeed in his spiritual endeavour to bring dharma to Eastern Tibet.
Anyone who is successful in dharma or worldly have their own detractors, one need not worry about their reputation or their conduct. We should worry and care about our own practice. Ultimately we own our karma, if there is any infractions or misdemeanor that will come back to us.
Thank you Pastor David Lai for producing such beautiful article.
This is my second time reading and still I find this article fascinating. Lama Ole Nydahl displays the type quality I think we all should emulate – the unwavering faith in one’s Guru, the will to carry out Guru’s instructions regardless whether current situations may be favourable to one or not.
I could only imagine the hardships Lama Ole Nydahl had to endure – being a westerner carrying his Guru’s instructions to introduce Tibetan Buddhism and to build Buddhist Institution in the western society where I believe in the 1970s Tibetan Buddhism to westerners’ eyes is deemed as unorthodox and mystical religion. However, his hardships topped with unwavering faith in his Guru definitely paid off well – today there are more than 650 Diamond Way Buddhist centers worldwide – an astonishing accomplishment.
Yet again, Lama Ole Nydahl being the head of this established Buddhist Institution with hundreds and thousands of followers worldwide, he offered it all up to his reincarnated Guru the 17th Karma Trinley Thaye Dorje – another great quality for lay practitioners like myself to contemplate on and to put into practice/ action – letting go of one’s ego and attachment – this fine qualities is hard to come by especially in a materialistic world we live in now.
Lama Ole Nydahl is a fine example for us who would like to tread on our spiritual path with our Guru to contemplate on – a clean and strong Samaya with our Guru is all that we need in the path towards ultimate happiness – this I will take to heart. _/\_
When there is good samaya with one’s teacher, the activities of the student for the lineage will continue to grow, no matter what other people may say or think otherwise. This is especially so for Lama Ole Nydahl and Hannah Nydahl, who have successfully spread the Karma Kagyu lineage in the west through their feat of over 600 Dharma centres. Because of them, many people in the west have access to the Karma Kagyu lineage, and many of them are able to connect with the BuddhaDharma, to practice, to change their lives, to find meaning and hope. Such amazing, unselfish, kind works that Lama Ole Nydahl dedicated his life to together with his wife. Such tenacity, determination, strength, faith, devotion to and trust in their teacher, that they just went all the way to benefit others.
Reading Lama Ole Nydahl’s story here is inspirational, especially when the 17th Karmapa came and in a ceremony, offered all the centres to his teacher’s incarnation. It didnt matter that the guru had passed on, Lama Ole Nydahl continue and stood by his promise to the end.
I remember Rinpoche giving a teaching, and sharing that the highest form of guru devotion is that no matter whether your guru is alive or passed, near or far, you continue to carry out the promises you make, continue to practice the Dharma, and bring it to others, continue to practice the 7 paramitas, hold your vows, etc. Therefore Lama Ole Nydahl and Hannah Nydahl’s guru devotion is exemplary. It also reminds me of Rinpoche’s devotion, and it is solely because of Rinpoche’s guru devotion that Rinpoche is in Malaysia today, building a legacy for the future, and continually helping the society, and beyond.
It is very inspirational to read about Lama Ole Nydahl. His achievement is extraordinary and all due to his strong devotion towards his guru. Lama Ole Nydahl established over 629 Diamond Way Buddhist centers that operated with no paid staff in the span 40 years; from the year 1972, when the 16th Karmapa requested Lama Ole and his wife to proliferate the teachings of the Karma Kagyu lineage in the West, until the year 2012. The work of Lama Ole Nydahl is impressive not only because of the sheer numbers of Buddhist centers founded by him but also because the wide spreading of lineage teachings. He would travel to each center twice a year to give teachings, meditation courses, confer Buddhist refuge, Bodhisattva Vows as well as advance teachings on Mahamudra and Phowa to his students and followers. Lama Ole Nydahl himself had received a list of significant and prominent teachings and tantric transmissions from his gurus.
Despite his enormous guru devotion, achievement, attainment and contribution towards the lineage, one would had thought he is well respected and loved by all. Unfortunately this is not the case. Lama Ole Nydahl faced constant criticism, challenge and blame on his qualification as a Lama, for supporting his guru’s choice of successor to the 16th Karmapa as well as his role in the Karmapa controversy. He was being accused of severing samaya with his guru and the cause of the Karmapa controversy even though there was no evidence to prove. Yet, against the backdrop of adversities, Lama Ole Nydahl ensued to fulfil the request by his guru, the 16th Kamarpa, by offering the 600 over Diamond way centers to the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje in 2009. This goes to show the impeccable guru devotion of Lama Ole Nydahl and his lack of attachment to power and influence for being the founder of the Diamond Way centers.
This story reminds me our Rinpoche’s unwavered guru devotion and determination to fulfil the promise to his guru. Thank you Pastor David for this article.
Lama Ole Nydahl 真的是西方国家的一位具格上师。 他原本是一位普通的男人, 不过就在他去尼泊尔度蜜月的时候遇到了Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche, 更在年后见了第十六世噶玛巴。
虽然Lama Ole Nydahl 不是长期都在上师身边, 不过他对噶玛巴的吩咐是从来都不会懈怠。 也因为他对上师的依止心, 他在西方国家成立了600家中心, 也用适合西方国家的人的方式弘扬佛法。
过后Lama Ole Nydahl 也把他所有的中心供给了第十七世噶玛巴, 我认为这就是他完成使命的象征, 在上师不在的时候继续完成上师的吩咐。
他的故事非常有启发性, 也在一次证实拥有上师依止心, 再难的任务都办得到。
Inspiration and devotion are the driving force in anything we want to pursue. How devoted lama is. So inspiring to read such story lah. Thank you Pastor David _()_
Thank you Pastor David for the extensive research on Lama Ole Nydahl. He must be a very special person spiritually, without going to a monastery to study or doing retreats, he is already able to give profound teachings to people and it is fully endorsed by Karmapa himself. This is not ordinary. Looking at the number of Dharma centres he has established, we can see that apart from his teachings, his determination must also be very strong.
It is not easy to run a Dharma center in Europe where people are not very familiar with Buddhism, especially when it comes to raising fund but Lama Ole Nydahl made it. His guru devotion is very strong, he followed his late guru’s instruction and finally offered the 600 over Dharma centres to his guru.
Whatever negative things people say about someone the truth will reveal one day. Lama Ole Nydahl’s result has proven those against him wrong.
Such an inspiring life Lama Ole Nydahl leads. His life story reminds me of some similarities with Rinpoche:
1. that both have strong guru devotion, carries out Guru’s instructions with full faith and made sure they succeed. Following Lati Rinpoche’s advice, Tsem Rinpoche founded and established Kechara in Malaysia despite the difficulties and obstacles Rinpoche had to face in the beginning and even until now.
2. Despite the criticism and oppositions, Lama Ole Nydahl did not allow himself to give up on pursuing his Dharma path and expanding his Dharma centres. Similarly, despite of all the negative voices and attacks, Tsem Rinpoche has never given up Dorje Shugden practice that was given by his root Guru Zong Rinpoche. In fact, Dorje Shugden practice is growing rapidly worldwide and it’s proven this practice has been beneficial on many aspects.
These Buddhist masters taught us that their fruitful Dharma career came from strong guru devotion and full faith.
Lama Ole Nydahl deserves a standing ovation for his effort and his hardwork in spreading Buddhism in the West. His determination and guru devotion has led him to present to the 17th Karmapa all his 600+ centres as fulfilling his promise to his teacher the 16th Karmapa. This journey took him 40 years.
Lama Ole is a lay Buddhist master recognised by the Sharmapa and in the degenerating times, may be the best way to spread Buddhism in Europe. He devoted his life to teach his students and allocated his time to all the centres he has established. Even with the split in the Karma Kagyu school, his mind is still focused and stable.
His story is one which inspires many.
Devotion and commitment to his Guru’s instructions, to carry on after his Guru has GONE. example of what being practiced means and the real meaning of learning the Dharma. With that as the foundation he learned and practice the Dharma, founded over 600 centers, This shows his hard work and commitments and determination to spread the dharma..
Lama Ole is an authentic teacher, who dared to express facts, and dare to spread the Dharma in such an unique way. He rarely brings Tibetan culture in the Diamond Way, the organization he founded, so the development is vastly fast. He is Mahakala Bernagchen in person, protector of Karmapa. Thanks for sharing, pastor David Lai.
Thank You Pastor David.,for such an inspiring post regarding this western lay lama of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Lama Ole Nydahl gave teachings on the practice of Phowa.and has always faced criticism due to his role in the Karmapa controversy.Somehow he could overcome all these criticism having 600 over Buddhist centres . Despite criticism, his guru devotion and the blessings of his lamas, his’s organisation continues to grow in Europe.He is an example to all of us to be devoted to our Guru.
After reading this article, i do sincerely hope the ban of Dorje Shugden be lifted soon.
Thanks again Pastor David for sharing.
Such a fruitful life. A life lived with so much purpose and meaning, bringing the Dharma to thousands of people across the globe. I wish that I too, if not in this life then the next, be able to spread Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage in this manner. The Nydahls are like the hands of the Buddha, doing the works and reaching out to others.
They are not only spiritual but incredibly capable and focused on what they want to achieve. I don’t think they could have managed opening and maintaining 600+ centres without the help of others. They must be incredibly capable in nurturing others into Dharma, and turning them into Buddhist leaders within their own community.
Being just leaders themselves is not enough, those that have a sincere wish to grow the lineage will realize failure to nurture new people into leaders will just limit the growth of the lineage, simply because one person or a handful of people can never achieve much (due to physical limitations). And the fact that they can do this themselves without relying on the Karmapa or Sharmapa is indicative of their success. This is an essential and important skill or capability to spread the reach of Dharma. The bigger the centre grows, the more the ones at the top such as Lama Ole Nydahl, have lesser and lesser ego, so I am hardly surprised that he feel no attachment what so ever upon presenting all these centres to the current incarnation of Karmapa.
I am hardly surprised that Lama Ole Nydahl gets various negative comments thrown at him. I am sure even with the absence of the Karmapa issue, he will not be free of negative talk. Others’ success invites gossip and negative talk, this is the nature of samsaric beings, no one in this world can be free of the scrutiny of the eye, where all discretion and thought formation take place for the regular people.
Thank You Pastor David.
Lama Ole Nydahl is an inspiration to us all. The main thing that stands out for me is his Guru Devotion. With that as the foundation he learned and practice the Dharma, founded over 600 centres, gone through the Karmapa controversy remaining true to his teachers and propagated the Dharma to many especially in Northern Europe and the West.
This is a very good example of what students can achieve when one is really devoted to the Guru!
Dear Pastor David,
Thank you so much for the painstaking research and sharing without agenda on this wonderful story on Guru devotion. This clearly demonstrates that one of the critical criteria to progress spiritually, and then onto Enlightenment, one must go all the way and to have complete Guru devotion.
This story and research further reinforces H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s teaching that the way out of samsara is to have solid and unwavering Guru devotion.
Thank you.
Humbly yours,
Lum Kok Luen
Great Guru Devotion shown, he not only set up one, not 2 but 629 centers growing them over 40yrs. A great inspiration. Thanks Guru and David for the sharing. One cannot satisfy all when chasing the greater good at this scale, bound to be criticism.
I do hope Dalai Lama brings down the Dorje Shugden Ban as the practitioner does not only suffer criticism but suffer abuse and isolation. Lets acknowledge & embrace the difference but not a Ban.
What an amazing life the Nydahl couple lead along the dharmic path. They had such tremendous merits to receive all the high teachings and tantras from his various Gurus. Their Guru devotion towards 16th Karmapa, which lead them to open over 600 branches of Diamond Way Buddhism centres, is something we should emulate. What an inspirational article to show us how far our faith in our Guru could bring us. Thank you Pastor David for this beautiful article on Lama Ole Nydahl’s dharma actcivitys.
Wow, what devotion and commitment to his Guru’s instructions. And, to carry on after his Guru has left, waiting patiently for the Guru’s return. To stand firm in the face of adversity carrying on his Guru’s work. My respects to such a fine example of what being practiced means and the true meaning of learning the Dharma.
Thank you, Pastor David for this very inspiring article.