Serkong Dorjechang
Serkong Dorjechang was a great Lama during the time of the 13th Dalai Lama. He was a monk of Gaden Jangtze and when he was studying in Gyume Tantric College, he would see ladies or dakinis swimming in his tsopu (monk bowl) during pujas. He reported this and other incredible signs to H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama, who advised him to give his robes back (not disrobe) and take on a consort. Serkong Dorjechang followed this advice because he had reached a stage whereby if he did consort practice, it would advance his attainments to an even higher level. And in the history of the Gelug lineage, he is the only Lama that the Dalai Lama has ever advised to give his robes back.
Mind you, not everybody can do this consort practice. Lama Tsongkhapa himself discouraged the actual physical consort practice because he said that many of us are not qualified. And although Lama Tsongkhapa himself was very qualified for consort practice, he didn’t do it because he wanted to encourage his students to do visualized consort practice instead. Because if one does visualized consort practice, one does not have to give up one’s robes whereas if one does physical consort practice, although it could be faster for those who are attained, it could also be very detrimental to most of us who are not, and who would instead get attached to the lust and desire instead of gaining the actual attainments.
Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche, personal debate partner of H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
So the 13th Dalai Lama advised Serkong Dorjechang to give his robes back and take on a consort, which he did. He left the monastery and mysteriously, a lady appeared and was seen entering his meditational cave and going in and out. And the funny thing was, nobody knew who this lady was, where she came from, what her lineage was or which part of Tibet she originated from. And after she gave birth to a baby, the lady disappeared. No one could find her any more – there was no trace of her, her lineage, her family, her district or her province. She just disappeared, Serkong Dorjechang had a baby and what’s incredible is that the baby turned out to be Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche.
Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche also belonged to Gaden Jangtze and he grew up to be the personal debate partner of H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama. He was beloved by his many students and was a very knowledgeable and wise lama who would travel around receiving distant or lost lineages, and he would offer the lineages to the Dalai Lama. He did that until his death.
Now, although he was a layman, Serkong Dorjechang was still invited to the great monastery of Gaden Jangtze to sit in the prayer hall among scholars, ex-abbots, abbots, masters and geshes to give Dharma teachings. My point is, during that time in Tibet, there was no shortage of masters, scholars and knowledge holders in Gaden Jangtze. Yet they still invited Serkong Dorjechang, who was a layman. He would actually come dressed in a chuba (a Tibetan layman’s dress) and carrying his baby Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche; he would sit on the throne giving a bottle to the baby, feeding the baby and teaching the crowd about renunciation. And that blew everybody’s mind because everyone knew that his baby did not arise from desire or attachment. They knew that there was a purpose behind all of this.
When the renowned Serkong Dorje Chang passed away, his reincarnation came back and primarily built a very beautiful monastery in Swayambunath which is still there now. If you visit Swayambunath in Nepal, which is a very famous pilgrimage place, right next to it is Serkong Dorje Chang’s monastery.
The 2nd Serkong Dorje Chang manifested madness and craziness all the time. He would be running around Nepal, sometimes to the famous stupa in Boudha, and he would go up to a Vajrayogini stone statue and rub her chest. And many people would witness her breathing and sweating. At other times he would walk around the streets, grab dog poo and just eat it, and people would go “Oh my, here’s the mad Lama again.”
When Serkong Dorjechang died, many people came for his funeral and the incredible thing is, within his funeral fire, people saw his corpse stand up and take on the pose of Vajrayogini. Some saw him as Yamantaka, some saw him as Guhyasamaja, some saw him as Heruka but primarily people saw him as Vajraygini, arising within the fire, standing up and being burned in the pose of Vajrayogini.
The point is that he was a very accomplished practitioner of Vajrayogini. Serkong Dorjechang was not an ordinary master or teacher and now his incarnation is back. I would call him the 3rd Serkong Dorjechang and he is now in Gaden Jangtze monastery and is in his early 20’s. His son’s incarnation is also back but not in Gaden.
Reincarnated tulkus (from left to right) Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche, Kyabje Serkong Dorjechang, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
I thought I would relay that little interesting story about Serkong Dorjechang to let you know that the Vajrayogini practice is very sensitive and it is the heart and secret practice of many accomplished beings.
Tsem Rinpoche
Myself making offerings to the 3rd Serkong Dorjechang in Gaden Lachi in 2006
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H E the 1st Serkong Dorje Chang was a prominent Tibetan Buddhist Lama during the time of H H the 13th Dalai Lama. He was beloved by his many students , very knowledgeable and wise lama as well as a very accomplished practitioner of Vajrayogini. Wow …incredible sign appeared as he was doing pujas….in his monk bowl he saw ladies or dakinis swimming. He then mentioned to H H the 13th Dalai Lama, who advised him to give his robes back and take on a consort. Following Dalai Lama advice, he did consort practice then. In the history of the Gelug lineage, he was the first and only Lama that the Dalai Lama has ever advised to give his robes back. Interesting read.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
1.?Whenever I read this post again, I’ll remind myself that there are many ways to practice Buddhism and not necessary that one method applies to all.
2. Only the Guru will know precisely the perfect practice for His students. (For eg: In this case taking in a consort was considered necessary). Maybe the wife was Vajrayogini?
3. Beside placing trust in our guru, I learnt that great master can somehow manifest in a controversial manner, and in this case as a crazy person.
4. Lastly, the picture of the young Lamas is so precious and right now these Masters are all over the world to continue their teaching and benefitting others.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Interesting article ..Having seen.incredible signs Serkong Dorjechang was advised to voluntarily return his monk vows and take on a consort. if he has to engage in Tantric practice with a consort, he would only gain greater attainments. Interesting In the whole history of the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, Serkong Dorje Chang is the only Lama that has returned his ordination vows.
In his passing it was said that his body stood up and take on the pose of Vajrayogini. Many people witnessed these incident. All the reincarnation of Serkong Dorje Chang, has interesting life story.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing .
I really love this story about Sekong Dorje Chang. Especially this part of the story,” He left the monastery and mysteriously, a lady appeared and was seen entering his meditational cave and going in and out. And the funny thing was, nobody knew who this lady was, where she came from, what her lineage was or which part of Tibet she originated from. And after she gave birth to a baby, the lady disappeared. No one could find her any more – there was no trace of her, her lineage, her family, her district or her province. “When Serkong Dorjechang died, many people came for his funeral and the incredible thing is, within his funeral fire, people saw his corpse stand up and take on the pose of Vajrayogini. Some saw him as Yamantaka, some saw him as Guhyasamaja, some saw him as Heruka but primarily people saw him as Vajraygini, arising within the fire, standing up and being burned in the pose of Vajrayogini”
Truly a highly attained lama. Really Amazing! Thank you Rinpoche and writers for sharing this wonderful write up _/\_
Very very amazing story of Serkong Dorjechang… I googled him and came across these paragraphs from a text:
“… I had heard that his behaviour was similar to that of ancient yogs such as Tilopa and Naropa. He used to suddenly disappear and reappear somewhere else, causing much trouble to his attendants, who had to run around looking for him. The lama himself told one of his monks that he was in actuality Marpa the Translator, the teacher of Milarepa.”
“Serkong Dorje Chang was staying in the house of on eo f his benefactors near the Swayambhu stupa. When we arrived at the door and called out, a simple-looking monk came down, and we asked him, “Where is Serkong Dorje Chang?” He told us to wait and went back into the house through a different door. Then somebody else came and took us upstairs, and we found out that the simple monk was actually Serkong Dorje Chang himself!”
“Serkong Dorje Chang replied, “No, no, I know nothing, I know nothing!” But then she asked about guru devotion and Rinpoche gave an unbelievable, profound teaching. I cannot remember all the words, but the essence of his advice to Zina was, “Of your lama is sitting there on the floor, you must think that Shakyamuni Buddha is sitting there.”
(extracted from ‘The Lawudo Lama: Stories of Reincarnation from the Mount Everest Region’ By Jamyang Wangmo)
So happy to see the photo of the 5 reincarnated tulkus together 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing of Serkong Dorjechang amazing background.This serve as a proof of high lama and their dedication to turn the wheel of Dharma. For the sake of humanity they are willing to return to teach dharma and to endure the hardship along the way.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful short bio about HH Serkong Dorje Chang.
It’s amazing how all the high lamas keep reincarnated back in samsara in many forms such as extraordinary scholar, madness mahasiddha or lay person to benefit others. We are very lucky to meet directly or indirectly with them.
Gaden Jangtze is one of the most profound Buddhist institution around the world, together with Gaden Shartze. We, the students in Malaysia is very lucky to meet HE Tsem Tulku Rinpoche from Gaden Shartse. Rinpoche have spent most of his time in Malaysia to benefit many.
I have met few monks included the holy ex-abbot from Gaden Shartze, HE Kyabje Kensur Kunchok Tsering Rinpoche and the current HH Kyabje Zong Choktrul Rinpoche, both of HE and HH told me, we are very lucky to meet HE Tsem Rinpoche in Malaysia, HE Tsem Rinpoche have contribute very much to the monastery.
I’m humbly request all the Lama from ten direction all live long and always turn the Dharma wheel.
Reading about the 84 Mahasiddhas and about this great Mahasiddha who is closer to our time, Serkong DorjeChang, I am filled with a stronger than ever sense of conviction that absolute Guru Devotion is key to one’s spiritual progress and attainments.
To have this level of Guru Devotion, we need to develop complete renunciation of attachment to samsara and complete surrender of our ego. What moved me most deeply are the following lines about Serkong DorjeChang:
“..he would sit on the throne, giving a bottle to the baby, feed the baby and teaching the crowd about renunciation – And that blew everybody’s mind because everyone knew that the baby did not arise from desire or attachment.”
Thus does this great Mahasiddha also teach us, through his crazy wisdom,that we need to attain the three fundamentals of the Path to reach our goal of full liberation from suffering and complete Enlightenment.
Thank you,Rinpoche, for this most inspiring post.
Thank you Rinpoche for such a detail background history of a great master. This post contains clear history of Serkong Doje chang.
I also heard that Serkong Dorjechang (who disrobed and had a son) had been to Shambhala while in deep meditation and brought back a fruit from Shambhala that was deposited on his altar. He told this to his son, who told it to Alexander Berzin.
Wow! It is such an inspiration to read about the amazing lives of such attained Beings. They are all perfect examples of Guru devotion and spiritual accomplishments. The practices do bear result and if we persevere, we will have result and we can achieve similar states of accomplishment. Reading about Serkong Dorje Chang inspires with his practice of humility and commitment. Even having a consort and child did not deter him from the Dharma.
Incredible all the gurus have returned and a very nice group photo. It is the gurus’ compassion that we have the chance to learn the dharma and put it into practice. Also the last photo it reminds me to serve my guru better because our requests of our guru to remain have been answered. No time to lose.
Amazing story about an amazing lama. The five young reincarnate lama picture is so beautiful, so nice to see these great adepts returning to once again turn the wheel of dharma.
tulku la andrwe is
this is true i carry the great weight of all of the sufferring that ever was in my mind, studying all that ever was and all that ever will be again in the future, tulku la i see the joy of everything we can become together when we all come home
Nice historical account of the Masters of “then” and “NOW”. Crazy Lamas today will definitely be considered just that and we little minds will not be able to see beyond ordinary appearances.
We are soo lucky we have Monastic Institutions to nurture. Without this lifetime after lifetime we would not have the Dharma Masters we have now or in Future.
Thank you for this great story!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these facts.
What an amazing picture there is here with these extarordinary tulkus all together for a group picture:
Kyabje Ling Rinpoche,
Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche,
Kyabje Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche,
Kyabje Serkong Dorjechang,
Kyabje Zong Rinpoche!
Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche also is the root guru of Alexander Berzin who now teaches in Berlin in a skillful way suitable to European seekers.
I rejoice that in this world we can still benefit from these Great Masters keeping the lineage un-broken, in fact this alone is just mind-blowing and should propel each of us to take full benefit from it while we still can.
WOW, incredible background of such great attain Master. what is more amazing is all the Great High Lama’s is back, the picture of the Tulkus together is amazing. i can imagine that in the future Dharma will spread like wild fire with all the High Reincarnate Lama back to teach Dharma and make Dharma grow.
Wah, all the highest of high masters are back and they are very young now. They are the future of dharma. With such qualifications, many of them will be very powerful dharma teachers. Which I think spreading dharma in the near future will be harder and harder. It is good to know about these wonderful masters as the world needed it.
Thank you Rinpoche for this amazing background of this GREAT GREAT Being.
Like so much the picture of all the Tulkus taken together. They are all back to teach humanity more of the Dharma.