The Third Trijang, Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso
b.1901 – d.1981
Incarnations: Trijang ཁྲི་བྱང།
Tradition: Geluk དགེ་ལུགས།
Geography: Nepal
Historical Period: 20th Century ༢༠ དུས་རབས།
Institution: Ganden Shartse College དགའ་ལྡན་ཤར་རྩེ་གྲྭ་ཚང།; Trijang Labrang ཁྲི་བྱང་བླ་བྲང།
Name Variants: Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso བློ་བཟང་ཡེ་ཤེས་བསྟན་འཛིན་རྒྱ་མཚོ།; Pema Garwang པདྨ་གར་དབང།; Trijang 03 Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso ཁྲི་བྱང ༠༣ བློ་བཟང་ཡེ་ཤེས་བསྟན་འཛིན་རྒྱ་མཚོ།; Yongdzin Trijang Dorje Chang ཡོངས་འཛིན་ཁྲི་བྱང་རྡོ་རྗེ་འཆང།
The Third Trijang, Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso (khri byang 03 blo bzang ye shes bstan ‘dzin rgya mtsho) was born on March 10, 1901, in Gungtang (gung thang). His mother was Tsering Dolma (tshe ring sgrol ma, d.1956); his father, Tsering Dondrub (tshe ring don sgrub, d.u.), was a descendent of an uncle of the Seventh Dalai Lama, Kelzang Gyatso (bskal bzang rgya mtsho, 1708-1759). Tsering Dondrub had previously been Tsering Dolma’s father-in-law, until they married after the death of his son, Tsering Dolma’s husband. Altogether Tsering Dondrub fathered children with three women, and in each case at least one male child was recognized as a tulku.
As a child he was recognized as the reincarnation of the Second Trijang, Lobzang Tsultrim Pelden (khri byang 02 blo bzang tshul khrims dpal ldan, 1939-1901), who served as the Eighty-fifth Ganden Trichen (dga’ ldan khri pa 85) from 1896 to c. 1899.
After his recognition he was moved to Lhasa in 1904, first to Trijang Labrang (khri byang bla rang) and then to the Chubzang Ritro (chu bzang ri khrod) hermitage of the First Trijang, the sixty-ninth Ganden Tripa, Trichen Jangchub Chopel (dga’ ldan khri pa khri chen byang chub chos ‘phel, 1756-1838). Although the young tulku had been recognized by both the Nechung (gnas chung) and Gadong (dga’ gdong) state mediums, the title was contested by a rival candidate for some time.
It was during these early years that Tendzin Gyatso first met his root guru Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo (pha bong kha bde chen snying po, 1878-1941). Pabongkha spent a number of years at the hermitage and spent time playing and eating with his young student. He also received teachings from Pabongkha, such as the jenang (rjes gnang) empowerment related to Manjusri, including Dharmaraja, and instructions on how to draw the hearth mandalas for fire rituals.
Tendzin Gyatso also studied with other teachers in his early youth. When he was eight he received the Kalacakra initiation from the famed yogi Serkong Dorjechang, Ngawang Tsultrim Donden (gser kong rdo rje ‘chang ngag dbang tshul khrims don ldan, 1856-1918). In 1907 he received novice ordination from the fourth Reting Rinpoche, Ngawang Lobzang Yeshe Tenpai Gyeltsen (rwa sgreng rin po che ngag dbang blo bzang ye shes bstan pa’i rgyal mtshan, d.u.).
His life was not without difficulties. When Tendzin Gyatso was five years old, his father took monastic vows, which eventually caused considerable difficulties for the family. His mother and her two other children were evicted from their house by the relatives who had been left to care for her, in a situation which Trijang Rinpoche compares in his autobiography to what happened to Milarepa’s (mi la ras pa, 1040-1123) mother. Tendzin Gyatso himself also often lived on the edges of poverty, at times going without sufficient food. To make things worse, during the brief Chinese occupation of Lhasa, which began in 1910, he contracted a severe case of smallpox. His brother, who also contracted smallpox during this epidemic, died.
When he was fourteen Tendzin Gyatso received numerous empowerments and teachings from Drepung Gomang’s Buldud Tulku Lobzang Yeshe Tenpai Gyeltsen (‘bul sdud sprul sku blo bzang ye shes bstan pa’i rgyal mtshan, d.u.), including those of Vajrabhairava (both Ekavira and Thirteen-Deity), Guhyasamaja Aksobhyavajra, Luipa’s Sixty-two Deity Heruka Cakrasamvara, Ghantapa’ Five-Deity Heruka and the initiation of The Great Compassionate One, Avalokitesvara according to the lineage of Bhiksuni Sri Laksmi (alternatively Srimati, 8th. century).
Most of Tendzin Gyatso’s youth was spent studying. He joined the Dokhang Khamtsen of Ganden Shartse Monastery (dga’ ldan shar rtse rdo khang khams tshan) and was tutored by Geshe Lobzang Tsultrim (dge bshes blo bzang tshul khrims, d. 1936). After concluding his study of the five topics of Pramana, Madhyamaka, Prajnaparamita, Vinaya and Abhidharma, in 1919 he received the Geshe Lharampa (dge shes lha rams pa) degree as well as full bhiksu ordination from the Thirteenth Dalai Lama Tubten Gyatso (tA la’i bla ma 13 thub bstan rgya mtsho, 1876-1933). After this he entered Gyuto Monastery to engage in a detailed study of the tantras. When he turned twenty-one, at Chubzang, he received from Pabongkha the jenang of the Manjusri cycle again, as well as the Thirteen Golden Dharmas of the Sakyapas. He also received the four initiations into the sindhura mandala of Vajrayogini Naro Kechari, together with commentaries on the generation and completion stages, as well as the Thirteen Pure Visions of Takpu (stag phu’i dag snang bchu gsum), including Cittamani Tara. Furthermore he received other teachings associated with the Ganden Nyengyu (dga’ ldan snyan rgyud), such as the Geluk Mahamudra and the Fourth Panchen Lama Lobzang Chokyi Gyeltsen’s (paN chen bla ma 04 blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan, 1570-1662) Guru Puja (bla ma mchod pa).
Tendzin Gyatso was Pabongkha’s closest student, the one to whom he passed all of his lineages. In his autobiography Trijang Rinpoche notes that during his time at Gyuto he would often travel to wherever Pabongkha was teaching to receive instruction and that he would spend his free time meditating on the Lamrim and completing the retreats of deities such as Vajrayogini, Vajrabhairava Ekavira, Ghantapa’s Five-Deity Heruka, Secret Hayagriva and Bhiksuni Sri Laksmi’s Avalokitesvara cycle. Each of these deities features prominently in Trijang Rinpoche’s writings. He also received the lineage of the Kadam Lekbam (bka’ gdams glegs bam) from Pabongkha.
From Pabongkha Tendzin Gyatso also received teachings and transmission for the deity Dorje Shugden (rdo rje shugs ldan) which was the main protector practice emphasized by Pabongkha. Trijang Rinpoche never spoke out publicly on the controversy that erupted over the worship of Dorje Shugden in the later half of the 1970s due to the Dalai Lama’s disapproval of the practice; instead he instructed his students to keep faith in both the Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden.
After completing his education Tendzin Gyatso travelled throughout Tibet, including a visit to Kham. By this time he was already giving teachings, oral transmissions and empowerments, including those of Heruka, Vajrayogini and Guhyasamaja. One of his earliest teachings took place when he was twenty-four. At the request of Geshe Yonten (dge shes yon tan, d.u.) of Ganden Shartse’s Dokhang Khamtsen, he gave the oral transmission of the collected works of Tsongkhapa and his main two students (rje yab sras gsum gyi gsung ‘bum) to about two hundred monks.
Tendzin Gyatso visited India and Nepal in 1939, passing through Dungkar Monastery in the Chumbi Valley (gro mo lung), where he bestowed the empowerments of Guhyasamaja, Heruka Cakrasamvara, Vajrabhairava and others. Although the majority of his teaching activities were associated to the Geluk tradition, there are exceptions. When he was twenty-eight years old, for example, during a stay in Chatreng (cha phreng), Kham, he gave the jenang for the peaceful and wrathful forms of Padmasambhava and other Nyingma empowerments. Interestingly, later on in India, in 1965, he also gave the Fourteenth Dalai Lama the oral transmissions for two treasures of the Nyingma terton (gter ston) Chokgyur Lingpa (mchog gyur gling pa, 1829-1870), the Barche Lamsel (bar chad lam sel) and Sampa Lhundrub (bsam pa lhun ‘grub).
After the passing of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama in 1933, Tendzin Gyatso played an important role in the construction and enshrining of the Dalai Lama’s remains inside a golden stupa in the Potala Palace. In his autobiography he recounts how he visited the Potala every day for a year in order to perform the necessary offerings and rituals.
Following the discovery and selection of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tendzin Gyatso (tA la’i bla ma 14 bstan ‘dzin rgya mtsho, b.1935), in 1941 Trijang Rinpoche was appointed as his assistant tutor, and, in 1953, as his junior tutor, or yongdzin (yongs ‘dzin), teaching him grammar and spelling. It was also in 1941 that Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo passed away.
Trijang Rinpoche’s Collected Works (yongs ‘dzin khri byang rin po che’i gsung ‘bum) comprise eight volumes. Famous examples of his work include a condensed sadhana of the Heruka Body Mandala, a ganacakra offering text of Heruka and a sadhana of Cintacakra White Tara. A comprehensive collection of ritual and other texts associated with Dorje Shugden which Pabongkha asked Trijang to complete, including the well-known “Music Delighting an Ocean of Oath-Bound Protectors” (dam can rgya mtsho dges pa’i rol mo), comprises a whole volume of his Collected Works (volume five, ca). The second volume (kha), further includes a number of essential ritual texts associated with the cycle of Cittamani Tara such as a four maṇḍala offering text, a ganacakra ritual, and a pacifying fire ritual text. Another important example of his writing includes the lyrics of the Tibetan National Anthem (bod rgyal khab chen po’i rgyal glu).
Trijang Rinpoche’s most famous work is undoubtedly Liberation in the Palm of the Hand (rnam grol lag bcangs) a Lamrim text based on notes taken over twenty-four days during Pabongkha’s 1921 Lamrim teachings at Chubzang, which intertwined the Swift Path (myur lam) and Manjusri‘s Own Speech (jam dpal zhal lung) Lamrim systems along with the instructions on the Seven-Point Mind Training (blo sbyong don bdun ma).
During the turbulent years following the Communist Chinese takeover of Tibet in 1949, Trijang Rinpoche stayed close to the Dalai Lama. In 1954, he accompanied the Dalai Lama to Beijing on the ill-fated meeting with Mao Tsedong, and, in 1959, he went into exile with him to India.
In India Trijang Rinpoche continued teaching and travelling throughout the Tibetan communities such as Buxa, Dalhousie and later in the Karnataka settlements. Ganden Monastery was re-established in Lama Camp no.1 in Mundgod, and a residence, Trijang Labrang was established there for his use. Apart from teaching to the assemblies of Ganden, Sera and Drepung, Trijang Rinpoche also regularly taught in Bodh Gaya and Dharamsala. During the late 1960s and early 1970s he frequently met with Ling Rinpoche Tubten Lungtok Tendzin Trinle (gling rin po che thub bstan lung rtogs bstan ‘dzin ‘phrin las, 1903-1983), the Dalai Lama’s senior tutor, in order to exchange teachings and empowerments.
He travelled widely internationally, teaching and giving empowerments in countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Switzerland, amongst others. In 1966 Trijang Rinpoche performed the site blessing ritual (sa chog) for the Tibet-Institut in Rikon. Later, in 1968, he consecrated the building together with Ling Rinpoche. During this 1966 trip to Europe, a delegation which included Trijang Rinpoche also met with Pope Paul VI (1897-1978, r. 1963-1978) in the Vatican, following the instructions of the Dalai Lama.
Trijang Rinpoche’s most famous students and lineage holders include figures such as the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tendzin Gyatso; Zong Lobzang Tsondru Tubten Gyeltsen (zong blo bzang brtson ‘grus thub bstan rgyal mtshan, 1905-1984); the Fourth Zeme, Lobzang Pelden Tendzin Dargye (dze smad 04 blo bzang dpal ldan bstan ‘dzin dar rgyas, 1927-1996); Loden Sherab Dagyab (blo ldan shes rab brag gyab, b.1940); Dakpo Lama Jampa Gyatso (dwags po bla ma byams pa rgya mtsho, b.1932); Denma Locho (ldan ma blo chos, b.1927); Gelek Rinpoche (dge legs rin po che, b.1939); Geshe Rabten (dge bshes rab brtan, 1920-1986); Geshe Kelsang Gyatso (dge bshes skal bzang rgya mtsho, b. 1931); and Lama Yeshe (bla ma ye shes, 1935–1984), all of whom were instrumental in diffusing the Geluk teachings internationally and have stated that they hold lineages from Trijang Rinpoche.
Trijang Rinpoche passed away on November 9, 1981.
ཁྲི་བྱང ༠༣ བློ་བཟང་ཡེ་ཤེས་བསྟན་འཛིན་རྒྱ་མཚོ།
ཁྲི་བྱང་སྐུ་ཕྲེང་གསུམ་པ་བློ་བཟང་ཡེ་ཤེས་བསྟན་འཛིན་རྒྱ་མཚོ་ནི་དུས་རབས་ཉི་ཤུ་པའི་ཆེས་སྙན་གྲགས་ཅན་གྱི་དགེ་ལུགས་པའི་སློབ་དཔོན་ཞིག་ཡིན་ལ། ཁོང་ནི་ཕ་བོང་ཁ་ཡི་བུ་སློབ་ཅིག་ཡིན་ཞིང་། དེ་ཉིད་ལས་དགའ་ལྡན་སྙན་བརྒྱུད་དང་གཞན་ཡང་རྡོ་རྗེ་ཤུགས་ལྡན་གྱི་བསྙེན་སྒྲུབ་སོགས་ཆོས་སྐོར་དུ་མ་བསླབས། དོན་དམ་པར་དེང་གི་དགེ་ལུགས་པའི་བླ་མ་ཡོངས་ཀྱིས་ཁོང་ཉིད་དམ་ཁོང་གི་དངོས་སློབ་གང་རུང་ལས་དབང་ལུང་མན་ངག་སོགས་ཐོས་བསམ་མཛད་གནང་ཡོད་པ་རེད།
- blo bzang ye shes bstan pa’i rgyal mtshan བློ་བཟང་ཡེ་ཤེས་བསྟན་པའི་རྒྱལ་མཚན།
- The Second Pabongkha, Dechen Nyingpo ཕ་བོང་ཁ ༠༢ བདེ་ཆེན་སྙིང་པོ། b.1878 – d.1941
- ngag dbang gsung rab mthu stobs ངག་དབང་གསུང་རབ་མཐུ་སྟོབས། b.1874 – d.1952
- Sherab Gyatso ཤེས་རབ་རྒྱ་མཚོ། b.1884 – d.1968
- blo bzang dpal ldan bstan ‘dzin yar rgyas བློ་བཟང་དཔལ་ལྡན་བསྟན་འཛིན་ཡར་རྒྱས། b.1927 – d.1996
- grags pa mtha’ yas གྲགས་པ་མཐའ་ཡས། b.1903 – d.1950
- thub bstan ye shes ཐུབ་བསྟན་ཡེ་ཤེས། b.1935 – d.1984
- Zong Lobzang Tsondru Tubten Gyeltsen ཟོང་བློ་བཟང་བརྩོན་འགྲུས་ཐུབ་བསྟན་རྒྱལ་མཚན། b.1904 – d.1984
- The Seventh Zhiwa Lha, Ngawang Trinle Tendzin Khenrab ཞི་བ་ལྷ ༠༧ ངག་དབང་འཕྲིན་ལས་བསྟན་འཛིན་མཁྱེན་རབ། b.1925
- thub bstan chos dar ཐུབ་བསྟན་ཆོས་དར། b.1925
- The Sixth Ling Rinpoche, thub bstan lung rtogs bstan ‘dzin ‘phrin las གླིང་རིན་པོ་ཆེ ༠༦ ཐུབ་བསྟན་ལུང་རྟོགས་བསྟན་འཛིན་འཕྲིན་ལས། b.1903 – d.1983
- ngag dbang nyi ma ངག་དབང་ཉི་མ། b.1907 – d.1990
- bstan pa bstan ‘dzin བསྟན་པ་བསྟན་འཛིན།
- The Tenth Chakra Tulku, Jampel Kelzang Jigme Chokyi Gyeltsen ལྕགས་ར་སྤྲུལ་སྐུ ༡༠ འཇམ་དཔལ་བསྐལ་བཟང་འཇིགས་མེད་ཆོས་ཀྱི་རྒྱལ་མཚན། b.1934 – d.1948
- The Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tendzin Gyatso ཏ་ལའི་བླ་མ ༡༤ བསྟན་འཛིན་རྒྱ་མཚོ། b.1935
Previous Incarnations
- The Second Trijang, Lobzang Tsultrim Pelden ཁྲི་བྱང ༠༢ བློ་བཟང་ཚུལ་ཁྲིམས་དཔལ་ལྡན། b.1839?/1836 – d.1900
- Blo bzang dpal ldan bstan ‘dzin yar rgyas. N.d. Khri byang rin po che’i rnam thar kha skong. In The Collected Works of Blo bzang dpal ldan bstan ‘dzin yar rgyas, vol. 4, pp. 11-407. Mundgod: Zemey labrang, gaden shartse monastic college. TBRC W14376.
- Blo bzang ye shes bstan ‘dzin rgya mtsho, 1965. Rnam grol lag bcangs su gtod pa’i man nag zab mo tshan la ma nor ba mtshuns med chos kyi rgyal po’i thugs bcud byan chub lam gyi rim pa’i nams khrid kyi zin bris gsun rab kun gyi bcud bsdus gdams nag bdud rtsi’i snin po. Sarnath: Mongolian Lama Guru Deva.
- Blo bzang ye shes bstan ‘dzin rgya mtsho, 1975. Dga’ ldan khri chen byang chub chos ‘phel gyi skye gral du rlom pa’i gyi na pa zhig gis rang gi ngang tshul ma bcos lhug par bkod pa ‘khrul snang sgyu ma’i zlos gar. India: [s.n.].
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet, 1997. My Land and My People. New York; Warner Books.
- Kar rgyal don grub. 1992. Khri byang blo bzang ye shes bstan ‘dzin rgya mtsho. In Mdo khams cha phreng gi lo rgyus gser gyi snye ma, pp. 101-108. Dharamsala: Bod kyi dpe mdzod khang. TBRC W21499.
- Pabongka Rinpocheand Trijang Rinpoche, 1997. Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand. Boston: Wisdom Publications.
- Pabongka Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche and Geshe Lobzang Tharchin, 1990. Liberation in Our Hands: The Preliminaries. Howell: Mahāyāna Sutra & Tantra Press.
- Thub bstan ‘jam dbyangs. 1999. Bka’ drin zla med 7 skyabs mgon rgyal ba’i yongs ‘dzin skyabs rje khri byang rdo rje ‘chang mchog gi sku par. In Rdzong chos chos ‘byung bdud rtsi’i zil mngar, p. 352. Mysore: Zongkar Chode Monastery. TBRC W00EGS1017102.
Source: Joona Repo, “The Third Trijang, Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso,” Treasury of Lives, accessed July 23, 2018,
Joona Repo is currently a researcher at the Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki.
Disclaimer: All rights are reserved by the author. The article is reproduced here for educational purposes only.
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- Prayers for me by HH Trijang Rinpoche & Kensur Rinpoche Konchok Tsering
- Trijang Rinpoche and Karmapa
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- Super Sacred
- Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors – A Definitive Guide to Dorje Shugden by Trijang Rinpoche
- Visiting His Holiness Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche in Vermont | 到佛蒙特州拜会至尊赤江卓图仁波切
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The Third Trijang Rinpoche, Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso was a Gelug Lama and a direct disciple of Pabongkhapa Déchen Nyingpo. He was one great lama working tirelessly for the benefit of all sentient beings. Many practitioners had indeed benefited from his teachings. He did travelled tremendously in India and internationally giving teachings in monasteries and giving empowerments in countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and so forth. Beautiful biography of a great lama who’s most famous work is undoubtedly Liberation in the Palm of the Hand which is still use till this day.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing of a great lama.
Trijang Rinpoche was a student of the great Buddhist master Pabongka Rinpoche. He was a highly attained master because many of his students were also lamas with high achievement. He was also the personal tutor of the 14th Dalai Lama.
When the Tibetans re-established the monasteries in India, Trijang Rinpoche was involved in the setting up of the monastic institution and the education of the monks.
Apart from that, Trijang Rinpoche was also a very devoted Dorje Shugden practitioner. He wrote a text called “Music Delighting An Ocean of Protectors” that describes the lineage and nature of Dorje Shugden. He said it very clearly that Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Buddha Manjushri. Hence, Dorje Shugden is an enlightened protector.
The Third Trijang, Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso was born on March 10, 1901, in Gungtang . As a child he was recognized as the reincarnation of the Second Trijang, Lobzang Tsultrim Pelden , who served as the Eighty-fifth Ganden Trichen. When he was fourteen Tendzin Gyatso received numerous empowerments and teachings from Drepung Gomang’s Buldud Tulku Lobzang Yeshe Tenpai Gyeltsen, including those of Vajrabhairava (both Ekavira and Thirteen-Deity), Guhyasamaja Aksobhyavajra, Luipa’s Sixty-two Deity Heruka Cakrasamvara, Ghantapa’ Five-Deity Heruka and the initiation of The Great Compassionate One, Avalokitesvara according to the lineage of Bhiksuni Sri Laksmi (alternatively Srimati, 8th. century).
Trijang Rinpoche’s Collected Works comprise eight volumes. Famous examples of his work include a condensed sadhana of the Heruka Body Mandala, a ganacakra offering text of Heruka and a sadhana of Cintacakra White Tara. A comprehensive collection of ritual and other texts associated with Dorje Shugden which Pabongkha asked Trijang to complete, including the well-known “Music Delighting an Ocean of Oath-Bound Protectors” , comprises a whole volume of his Collected Works.
Trijang Rinpoche’s most famous work is undoubtedly Liberation in the Palm of the Hand a Lamrim text based on notes taken over twenty-four days during Pabongkha’s 1921 Lamrim teachings at Chubzang, which intertwined the Swift Path (myur lam) and Manjusri‘s Own Speech Lamrim systems along with the instructions on the Seven-Point Mind Training.
Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for this enlightening history about The Third Trijang, Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso ??
Interesting biography ……..The Third Trijang Rinpoche, Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso was a Gelug Lama and a disciple of Pabongkhapa Déchen Nyingpo. An auspicious sign occurred during his birth. Amazingly , before he could walk he showed great interest in religious paintings, statues, and Tantric ritual implements. He was soon recognised as the reincarnation of the Second Trijang, Lobzang Tsultrim Pelden . He was moved to Lhasa and that’s where he met his root guru Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo. In his early youth he studied under many great teachers, studying classical texts, collected works of Je Tsongkhapa, the 1st Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen and received numerous empowerments and teachings .
He also composed chants for spiritual practices and ceremonies . He travelled and taught extensively at many Gelugpa places of learning all over Tibet giving teachings, oral transmissions and empowerments. His most famous work is the classic Liberation in the Palm of the Hand text by his root Guru, Pabongka Rinpoche, which is widely use till today.
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting sharing.
Nice short video of a new LED signage reminding us of who we can go to for blessings in case of need:
Listening to the chanting of sacred words, melodies, mantras, sutras and prayers has a very powerful healing effect on our outer and inner environments. It clears the chakras, spiritual toxins, the paths where our ‘chi’ travels within our bodies for health as well as for clearing the mind. It is soothing and relaxing but at the same time invigorates us with positive energy. The sacred sounds invite positive beings to inhabit our environment, expels negative beings and brings the sound of growth to the land, animals, water and plants. Sacred chants bless all living beings on our land as well as inanimate objects. Do download and play while in traffic to relax, when you are about to sleep, during meditation, during stress or just anytime. Great to play for animals and children. Share with friends the blessing of a full Dorje Shugden puja performed at Kechara Forest Retreat by our puja department for the benefit of others. Tsem Rinpoche
Listen here: