Chef turned HERO
Narayanan Krishnan, a talented award-winning chef in a 5 star hotel group, was short listed for a prestigious job in Switzerland. Little did he know that a short family visit before leaving for Europe would change everything. What he saw in his hometown shocked him enough to rethink his course of life.
“I saw a very old man eating his own human waste for food” Krishnan said.
Krishnan was visiting a temple in the south Indian city of Madurai in 2002 when he saw the man under a bridge. After that incident, Krishnan quit his job within the week and returned home for good to care for the countless people that could not care for themselves.
A year later, he founded his nonprofit Akshaya Trust and now, at 29, he has served more than 1.2 million meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner – to India’s homeless and destitute, mostly elderly people abandoned by their families and often abused.
Akshaya is Sanskrit for “undecaying” or “imperishable”. Krishnan chose this name to signify that human compassion should never decay or perish.
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Krishnan buying and preparing food for the homeless people in India. The group’s operations cost about $327 a day, but sponsored donations only cover 22 days a month. Krishnan subsidizes the shortfall with $88 he receives in monthly rent from a house his grandfather gave him.
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Krishnan personally prepares and packs freshly cooked simple, vegetarian food for his 400 clients everyday.
The donated van which Krishnan and his team uses to seek out the homeless under bridges and in the nooks and crannies between the city’s temple. Krishnan begins his day at 4am, covering 125 miles, routinely working in temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
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Krishnan distributing food to the homeless in India. He often hand-feeds his clients everyday. He says many of the homeless seldom know their names or origin, and none has the capacity to beg, ask for help or offer thanks. They may be paranoid and hostile because of their conditions, but Krishnan says this only steadies his resolve to offer help.
Food is not all Krishnan gives to the homeless. He provides them with basic needs such as clothes as well. Krishnan carries a comb, scissors and razor and is trained in eight haircut styles that, along with a fresh shave, provide extra dignity to those he serves.
Krishnan’s good work has drawn interest from CNN and he was nominated as one of the top 10 CNN heroes of 2010.
CNN Hero Narayanan Krishnan
Krishnan is a good example of a single person who places the welfare of others as his first priority. The passion, determination, thoughtfulness and care Krishnan puts into feeding the homeless is unrivaled. He shows us what it is like to be selfless in everything we do, from using what little savings he had and income he receives, to living in the kitchen where he prepares food for his clients, all in the best interest of the homeless.
Although faced with a constant shortage of funding, to the point where Akshaya Trust had to halt their construction of Akshaya Home, a dormitory they planned to build where shelter could be provided for their clients, such obstacles never deterred Krishnan because of his strong and unwavering motivation to help the needy.
Krishnan gives with so much love, care and affection. You can see he is happy and you can see he is doing something that comes from deep within his soul. What a beautiful person. What an example to let me know that compassion exists. I thank Krishnan for inspiring me beyond what I can type here.
He is certainly one of my heroes…
Tsem Rinpoche
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Inspiring story of a chef Narayanan Krishnan turned hero. Leaving a good job and doing good , helping the needed and homeless. He is a social worker and philanthropist who is most famous for being hailed as one of CNN’s Heroes of the Year. After witnessing a distressing incident he turned down a prestigious job in Switzerland. The horrific effects of extreme poverty in his native India, he founded an organization, Akshaya Home, helping to feed the poverty-stricken and those struggling with illness. He then devoted his time and energy in the great cause for the homeless ,and so forth. He found joy in giving to those needed help. An inspiring read.
Thank Rinpoche for this sharing.
This story runs parallel with the mission of KSK, founded by Rinpoche decades ago. Kudos to Mr. Khrishnan. They are still growing strong and here’s the link of their organisation and its activities.
I hope this organisation and also many other soup kitchens will continue to serve and benefit more.
Really very inspiring story, God sent Hero back to India. He droped his job opportunity and gave many people possibilities to survive. I believe not everyone has the passion to contribute or an opportunity to serve others like Mr. Krishnan and KSK.
Thank you for the sharing, The true compassion of Krishnan comes from thoughtful skill of helping the needy.
Krishnan’s effort and hard work in contributing to the society is very inspiring. He is willing to let go of his high paying job to Switzerland and staying back in India to operate a soup kitchen for homeless. On top of that he is willing to accept the hardship of financial restraint every month in maintaining his service for the people living in the street. I hope his good work will bring more awareness and sponsors for him especially when CNN showed the video of his work and awarded him with top 10 CNN heroes.
Dear Rinpoche, Krishnan is so kind. I think he is the kindest person in the whole wide world. Some selfish people even kill other people just to get money. And Krishnan gave almost everything he have to feed these people that he barely even knows. The world will soon be in peace if people started caring for each other.
I think what makes Krishnan even more of a hero is that he made a very deliberate and firm choice to do this, opting to serve others instead of pursuing this well-paying prestigious job in Switzerland that would perhaps have secured him better wealth / financial stability and even reputation. It’s wonderful that he starts where he is, with whatever he has to help in the best capacity that he can. Many of us make excuses that we can’t help because we don’t have enough, we’re not good enough, we’re too young or too old – Krishnan shows us how we can start at any time, in any way. He started by just going out to buy and cook the vegetables himself. Any of us can do something like this. We don’t have to cook say 1000 meals, but we can cook 10. Helping even 10 people in a small way is better than helping none while we sit & wait to be able to do 1000!
And the best thing of all is that while Krishnan “gave up” a more prestigious job, what he’s doing now for others has probably earned him far more respect, more “prestige” than the other job would ever have.
Krishnan looks such a simple man with a humble look, yet behind this simplicity lies great culinary skills and a golden heart.
His willingess to give up everything in order to serve many unfortunate people back at his home put me in shame when I read this. Obviously, he can have a great life just by continuing his role being a cook in the 5-star hotel or just anywhere with his talents.
Following the rule of Karma, I believe that Krishan will live a life of abundance. He will be served with great foods, nice clothings and be respected by many, because of what he has done in this life.
Although India is still a developing country, the difference between the rich and the poor can be very unimaginable.
I hope very much that through the recognition that he receives from CNN, he can receive more sponsorships from people so that he can concentrate more on his charitable works. Having to worry about finances slow down good works.
Krishnan is definitely an inspiring man. I have this hope that I can meet up with him one day.
Wow such great compassionate and courageous heart. At 29 he is already a famous chef. He quit his job to serve hungry and homeless.
He is certainly a hero. The compassion in him is really inspiring and wonderful. I pray for many more heroes like Krishnan and Tsem Tulku Rinpoche to appear on Earth. The world needs them and many more. OM MANI PADME HUM…..
He is selflessly compassionate, but the think that struck me was overcoming a very big obstacle in India – caste oppression. brahmin’s are the highest end of the caste system and they are super sticky about who they are- imagine when you cannot even marry outside your caste, how much worst to go and feed a lower caste on the street, to touch an “untouchable”.
to me any form of oppression or bigotry is appalling and we do it in our own society even when we think we are just cracking a joke.
i love his statement “i am a human being. for me everybody is the same”.
We sometimes need to also look at the small things we practice in life. it may be the small actions and mindset that prevents us from doing the bigger practice of compassion and kindness
Giving Is Receiving.
A truly inspiring man who cares for the poor and homeless without looking down on them as every human being is Equal and should be treated Equally. I like Mr. Krishnan’s phase ‘Food is physical nutrition and love is mental nutrition’ (as mentioned in June’s comment) and has made me think deeper about life.
Mr Krishnan said “Food is a physical nutrition and love is mental nutrition”, His inspire me and made me think what had i done so far for others? He is a great example to me.
It touched me deeply when he said this:
“For them to feel psychologically that…they have a hand to hold, hope to live…”
Yes, everyone needs hope, we all need love and I always believe that true love can change everything.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such an inspiring story and video.
Rinpoche, you have redefined what it means to check out someone’s blog. I used to think checking out people’s blog one is inundated with a lot of views and thoughts by a particular person. But Rinpoche brings many different information and views from all types of sources and that is very powerful! I really enjoy the content on your blog very much.
Dear Rinpoche: Thank you for sharing this touching story. It is commendable that Krishnan would give up a cushy and attractive job in Switzerland and instead care for the homeless and hungry in India. Being in Malaysia where we are used to comfort and convenience, most of us can never claim to be able to understand the hardship and difficult conditions Krishnan went through in India and yet, he struggled to continue on with his mission. This is a reminder that we all need to take a moment, sit back and ask ourselves as to ‘what are we doing today that will benefit other people’?
Like KSK’s logo goes, Hunger Knows No Barriers and Krishnan exemplifies that regardless of his status as a Brahman or a highly paid Chef. He felt immediate connection to the feeling of helplesness of others seeing their suffering as his own. He took ownership of that suffering by giving back. He knew by giving was the way to happiness. He is everyon’s HERO who recognises his great deeds for the good of others.
Like Rinpoche, Krishnan should be an inspiration for all to emulate – an ordinary man with such selfless and deep compassion for the sufferings of others, a Shantideva in the making. Though he had to face many paranoid and hostile ‘clientele’ who showed no appreciation but also hostility, yet he did not mind, but even undertook to attend to their barbering needs too! As Rinpoche commented on what Shin Tan said on FB, “It just goes to show that one person can make a difference and one doesnt need to be super rich or super intelligent” – like our KH with KSK as its soup-kitchen provider has today served and benefited tens of thousands of people is also a Brainchild of our Rinpoche, at that time also a one (poor) man show, but through KH has today grown into a 13 departments center to relieve the pains and sufferings of others through spirituality!
I admire the courage of Mr Krishnan. His selflessness and true compassion is rare in the society.Food and love make a human being healthy physically and mentally. I pray that I find my way to cultivate and bring benefits to the society.
Mr.Krishnan inspire me, just like Rinpoche.It is not easy to just give up and help other , without any agenda.Yet ,Mr.Krishnan show us example, if there is will, there is way. Thank you.
Mr. Krishnan will be my inspiration to step out from comfort zone and help the needy.
dear rinpoche thank you for share.i read all your blog.we very lucky to have our own ksk.we also can do more.we can fine few kindness people in the world.krishnan is verry good man he care many people. he alon but but he did alot.agen rinpoche thank you very much.
Thks Rinpoche, for showing us about the Krisnan’s story. it is very inspiring that actually this world was still full of compassion n we still have the ability to give more. Thks rinpoche to teach us through so many life example.
Actually the first time I watch the video, I don’t feel anything. Then the second or third time from the moment Krishnan mentions that due to his belonging to the brahmain family that there are objections to what he did that he is not suppoed to see the poor, touch the poor, hug the poor and feed the poor, I started crying. I don’t know why I cried. Several hours have passed and I don’t find myself being more compassionate after watching the video.
That was great sharing Hee Peng. Thank you. It would be good if you can help me organize a food distribution round in Malacca one of these weekends. You will feel that compassion has always been inside you waiting to be exercised.
Mr. Krishnan defies the habituation from being a Brahmin community and orthodox family that prohibits him from caring the poor, instead he quits his job and works full time in providing the poor and destitue food and also love and care by hugging them, bathing them, shaving them, spending time in talking to them, etc to make them feel human. Mr. Krishnan listens to his heart and makes a decision that has benefited so many.
I notice that throughout the video clip his face is glowing and he is very compassionate. Mr. Krishnan does his works without agenda and yes, he is my HERO too. He is a real hero, not a hero who won a sport game, a war, or some fictional characters from comic books, but as an ordinary human being who has transform his mind for the sake of others to benefit others. I am so happy that in the world that we live in, there are still people who are selfless and compassionate, instead of wasting their energy pursuing their own materialistic goals.
Hi Hee Peng,
Its wonderful you notice that Krishnan’s face glows.Yes, that is why he is a true hero. Rinpoche said those with pure motivations will enjoy whatever work they do which benefit others because they don’t see it as work but as opportunity to benefit others and also themselves.Some go even further to consider it a privilege to share/give happiness to others as ultimately we are the beneficiary of such virtuous actions.
He shows a good example,really inspiring me to do more and give more for people.So touching to know that there are kind people out there with big hearts benefit others everyday without agenda.Thank you Rinpoche find many ways to teach us.
Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing Mr.Krishnan’s story. His compassion really inspire me.KSJC team will start KSK soon in Jobor Bahru.Thank you.
Compassion is no barrier.Mr.Krishnan show example to us what is true compassion. Most of us will choose better life for ourself rather than scrafice to other..i should start to think now what i can do for other..
His selflessness and compassion really inspiring.He does everything himself,marketing,cooking,deliveries and not only that,he feeds them bathes them,shaves and cut their hair for them personally.He truly shows his loving kindness to the homeless and the forgotten ones by actions! He also huggs them compassionately and joyfully liked what Mother Teresa did for the sick and poor very touching!
I saw this video sometimes ago,and really touched with tears. He is truely a wonderful,kind hearted and full of compassion person. BIG TIME HERO..!! Thanks for sharing Rinpoche.
Real life hero. very inspiring.
This video is really says that all of us could make a difference. Thank you for sharing this info with us Rinpoche.
Such a beautiful and inspiring man. The story of Krishnan made me feel both happy and sad. Happy because in today’s world with all its ugliness and sufferings, this one man has made it beautiful again. Sad because the same man has also shown me how stupid, selfish, insignificant and useless I am, who has everything to be grateful for in my life and still not satisfied with it.
Thank you Rinpoche for such a wonderful story and for bringing me back down to earth.
Thanks Mr Krishnan for the kindness and compassion, and thanks for Rinpoche for sharing this video with us. I will share this video and hope there is more ppl such as Mr Krishnan and KSK may be in every way in this world that able to take care the homeless.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring story and setting up KSK so that many of us have an avenue to do just a fraction of what you & Mr Krishnan does.
What our world needs now is more Mr Krishnan to selfishly provide sustenance to others who are hard core poor, homeless and destitute. It really is inspiring to read that Mr Krishnan really wants to help without any expectations. Yet many of us are sympathizers but not doers.
It put tears to my eyes to see Mr Krishnan doing all this for humanity. Food nourishes the body, love nourishes the mind. What a saint!
From Leonard Chia (Kuantan Study Group):-
Have just reached home after our KSK weekly round. We just managed to serve only 3 clients for tonight. We are glad to have 4 packets of vegetarian fried noodle sponsored by both O’s Corner Café ‘s boss. (Imag0045 : Ah. Keong – centre ; Ah. Lai- right of the photo). Our team tonight consist of : Mr Yeo, Ms Aw, Ms Wong, Ms Ang & Mr Chia.
After reading about the story of Mr Krishnan in our Guru Tsem Rinpoche’s blog, it really inspire us to keep on rolling and keep up this good work.
Kechara Kuantan Study Group.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this truly inspiring video.
This is a true HERO who have found the meaning of life – to serve others!
It seems like there is a common factor amongst saints, holy beings,pioneers,inventors,heroes – selflessness and compassion.
Their consideration, care and concern for others above themselves is their primary motivation to engage in deeds which ordinary people will not do.
I am very proud to be a Kecharian as all our members in the 13 depts under Rinpoche’s guidance are directing our energy towards the same care and concern for others, one way or another.
We are extremely fortunate to have Rinpoche with us helping us transform to improve our selves , our motivations so that we can do more like Krishnan, mother Teresa, Buddha.
What an amazing man! He must be a living Bodhisattva without the religious title and dogma. Such an amazing inspiration especially for all of us who work in Kechara. Such a selfless person opens our horizons to do so much more with whatever we can with whatever we have at this moment. Thus, Kechara Soup Kitchen does similar work and it allows anybody to have this amazing chance to feed people off the street. We are so proud of this department! We are so proud of Dato Ruby Khong and her team for making KSK what it is today.
Shin Tan commented on FB:
Shin wrote: “It just goes to show that one person CAN make a difference and one doesn’t need to be super rich or super intelligent. There is no “right time” do charity – not when the kids grow up, nor when you retire. Krishnan is 29 !!!! and he’s willing to give up his career to help others. So nice to know that there are kind people out there with big hearts serving others daily without agenda.”
I always hear people say that “yeah, the world/society is like that, what can we do…”
I think this video shows that 1 person who is really determined can make SO MUCH difference – 1.2 million meals, and he’s only 29!!!!!
I am very happy to know that Krishnan is taking care of the homeless in India and I hope our Kechara Soup Kitchen will grow even bigger to help more people – not just give them food, but take them off the streets, which we already have some success stories of getting jobs for the homeless in Kuala Lumpur.
Thank you for sharing this inspiring video. It’s heartening to know that there are very kind people out there who puts others before themselves.
I really feel selfish for all my indifference towards the sufferings of others. Knowing what Krishnan has done makes me realise how little I have used my life for others.
I am move to tears by his compassion in action.
Such great compassion, that arises so spontaneously from the depths of the soul of a selfless person like Krishnan, makes him a great hero, a hero that we want to emulate.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for this lovely post.
Studying Krishnan further, we see that he readily renounces worldly pursuits of ephemeral comfort, security and happiness. Instead his true and lasting joy comes from continually and consistently putting others’ needs before his own.In fact, he’s made his needs so simple – sleeping in the kitchen where he prepares and cooks the food for his ‘family’ of largely homeless old folk. Indeed,he has found fulfillment in his work of loving and caring for the old, homeless and needy.
I watch this today, just as I was complaining to myself about all my problems. Ayahhhh….
Result is: I am not complaining anymore. Wake up Thierry!
Thank you Rinpoche for an inspiring post.
Thank you Krishnan, thank you.
Indeed a true hero. Unselfishly serving others who are less fortunate.What a meaningful life.
Heroes like Krishnan makes me feel so selfish and doing so little with my life or doing what is comfortable for me even when helping others.
Time for me to change and do more with my life in service to mankind.
Compassion should have no boundaries.
This man is what we should strive to be, he quit everything to give, left his life’s work to give and care for the people who are not cared for. In you word legendary. A very moving story. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche
Here is someone whose life is fulfilled just by serving others. What a meaningful life.
Shantideva :
“May the naked find clothing,
May the hungry find food,
And may the thirsty find pure water
And delicious drinks.
May the poor find wealth,
May those weak with sorrow find joy,
And may those whose fortunes have declined
Find replenishment and long-lasting good fortune.
May everyone who is sick
Be swiftly healed,
And may every disease that affects living beings
Be permanently eradicated.”
Thank you Rinpoche for constantly looking out for examples to teach and motivate us to the ultimate goal.
He is like someone I know! Buddha sent.
He is a hero 🙂
it’s beautiful beautiful story Rinpoche. how wonderful to know there are people like Khrisnan at the other part of the world with so much compassionate and really practice the act of givings. It is wonderful to know that many have come to realize it is time to give back to the society. There are so much sufferings and disaster in today’s world, we shouldn’t create more problems for ourselves, instead we should do what we can for one another…
Thank you for sharing this Rinpoche. I love the stories and I am humbled by Khrisnan’s compassion, selflessness, and consistencies.
Warm regards
I had seen this Youtube item before and put the link on my facebook, just some weeks ago, and I was also so moved by the way he gives dignity to the people he meets. The movie stayed with me for several days clear in my mind. I hope, one day I will be able to respond to people like he does. I will work on it, but a lot more to do. Thank you for the reminder here on your blog. rita
Wow, thanks for sharing this. How humbling to read this story of a modern day Saint. Compassion in action indeed.