Don’t see the porridge and run!!
When we need to drink porridge* for now during the difficulties with everyone together, we should. Then later when we can share rice** with eachother, we do it proudly that we didn’t give up and supported eachother through the difficulties.
~Tsem Rinpoche
Stick it out. Never allow yourself to give up. Be loyal with all whom work with you. Do not dump or abandon your load on them. Do not give up because it’s hard work. Hard work is just perspective, retraining and attitude adjustment. Work together and get it done.
(*Chinese aphorism for difficult/hard times. ** Chinese aphorism for good periods of time and success)
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It is important to use these difficult times as life lessons, growing and shaping us to blossom into a stronger and wiser person every day. Stay strong and be tough, working as a team, sharing out as a team. Whatever happen then through thick and thin, individual commitment to work as a team is what makes a team work successful toward a common vision. It is true that we can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed as a team. Never give up even its hard with nothing much. Alone, we can do so little compare to working together, we can do so much.
Reading this quote will inspire us to improve ourselves and our life so that we may be successful someday as a team.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Keep going your hardest times often lead to the success.Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a goal.
So when porridge is served we have it together and when rice is served we have together.Never run away from responsibilities,work towards the goal and never give up eventhough it hard work as a team.
(A successful team is a group of many hands and one mind.)..quoted Bill Bethe
Very inspiring and worthy words of wisdom for us to remember.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
Be loyal
The best gift from one to another.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this words of wisdom. Each and everyone of us has our own roles to play and who we are to burden our loads on others. We are nobody and we had to take responsibility and work through it. Real friends and real supporters work through difficult times with us, always remember and appreciate them as we don’t always meet people work together with us in times of difficulties.
Hard work is just a figment of our imagination. There will always be people who work harder and there will always be those who work less. Let’s not compare who is working less but be inspired by those who work more! Let’s eat porridge for dinner?
Porridge does not fill up stomach, so most people don’t like this dish especially when we need to have something solid in our stomach to keep our bodies warm and us happy.
I do agree that we should not simply run away during difficult times.
On the reverse, however, I feel that when those followers do not agree with or cannot share the same goals as the leaders, this is what normally will happen.
Our modern lives have made things so much more easier that it is making people lazier at the same time. Young people are not as tough as the older generations. We want to see results quick but do not want to put in much effort.
Tough times make us stronger and the relationship that is built up during this time is as hard and valuable as a diamond.
Remember Hawthorn experiment? It is the social interaction among people in a group not the external conditions that motivates people to greater heights. Esprit de corps is an important spirit. Teamwork is key as the strength of a team is it’s weakest link. You are doing great. I like your spirit; very gung-ho leh.
Rice or porridge will be share, no matter how it turns rice to porridge or porridge to rice. It is thru thick and thin, we will gain victory as we struggle thru hard times, and we will enjoy the good times. Rice or porridge it will reach our ultimate goal, as the goal is the same, and we still have passion, dedication and support of each other is the most important. As porridge or rice, it will still make us feel full, no obstacles can hinder us if we are strong, and stick and work together for the same objectives, with no personal gain but the benefits of others.
when life gives us porridge, we face it together; when life gives us rice, we share it together.
that is what teamwork is about, care and share.
“Alone, most of you cannot do it, combine, we can do it…” This is what Rinpoche has mentioned in the video talking about KWPC. I think this quote not only applicable to co-workers but also to your friends and families. Synergy is one of the key elements to work together to achieve the same goal, and i found this element in my team. Am very happy to work with them, we take care of each other, we laugh and cry together, we get sneaky together sometimes…all the while, we learn how to deal with change, how to deal with conflicts etc..We go through good and bad times and we learn.
I guess if we can laugh together, we can work together. C.A.R.E plays an important role in this context also.
That’s what friends are for. To stick to each other through good times and bad times!
As a team, we go through thin and thick together.
No one leave anyone and we encourage each other for better.
Be loyal with the team and all the way we sail together.
We will achieve our mission and goals as long as stick with each other.
To me,loyalty is utmost important!When there is loyalty,one will stick to the end,through good or bad times.
We’ll contend with porridge or rice accordingly as we can afford = 有粥吃粥,一饭吃饭
同捞同煲! 一向以来,妈妈给我的教育就是如此!
前面的路,是曲还是直的,走走就看到。选了,决定了就不后悔,跟随!所以我从来都不是常换工的! 每次都是好来好去的, 再见还是朋友!
This is so true. Since young, we are taught of this teaching. But not many will be able to follow.
We live in a group, in a community, it takes everyone’s effort to get things done. I am very fortunate to be working with a group of people who take care of each other and with the same objective of spreading Dharma. Not only we help each other at work, we help each other in making ourselves a better person too.