Jan 23, 2011 | Views: 224

I was hanging around on the beach having a great time when this dude named Buddha showed up and said I was suffering. ~ Tsem Rinpoche
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Hehehe… sounds like Justin meeting Rinpoche. And the dude was did so much good for him x
The Dude is none other than Lord Buddha Shakyamuni, a fully enlightened Being, completely purified of obscurations, every dualistic conception and all distorted views. With a completely omniscient mind, he has the full power and skilfull means to lead each and every living being out of suffering by teaching the pure paths to liberation and enlightenment. In his infinite compassion, he desires to guide everyone of us to the immediate cessation of all misery and suffering. As Lord Buddha is able to show us the way out of our sufferings, we should conscientiously and devotedly do our part by turning our mind to this source of wisdom, power and compassion to make “cessation of sufferings” the goal of our life. It is said that the practise of Dharma and the attainment of personal liberation,however, do have a disernible beginning in time, but the Happiness they generate is without end! OM MANI PADME HUM.
Its not an easy idea to embrace initially because its so far out of our own perception of “suffering”. And there is NO quick-fixes like what we have become accustomed to. Come to think about it, what a tough way to “sell” a religion when others prescribe much easier methods to salvation.
After telling us that we are pretty much “up the creek without a paddle” the “dude” tells us that he doesn’t have a magic wand or a special mantra to make it all ok. Instead, we are told that all re need to fix our situation is already within us.
We have to step back and see ourselves as Michaelangelo did with “david” and see the us before chipping away at the unnecessary bits.
The dude is right….
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, Ethan Hoo. Ethan Hoo said: RT @tsemtulku: My personal blog: : Dude http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/2011/01/dude.html […]