Right outside my bedroom window!!
Jun 11, 2010 | Views: 352

Friday June 11, 2010 at around 6:45pm… a spectacular rainbow appeared just outside my bedroom window. This was taken from my window. So clear and bright. I am blogging this now and as I blog, it has faded already.
So many rainbows lately….
Tsem Rinpoche

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The colours of the rainbow are not just wonderful images in our natural world but also convey deep spiritual meaning.Rainbows are breathtaking and have long been associated with good fortune and auaspicious sign. I love looking up for rainbow usually after a rain fall and there is sunshine.
Rinpoche saw that beautiful rainbow outside window must be an auspicious sign,good things are on the way at that time. There is a number of times i heard and read from blog that anywhere Rinpoche goes there is always a rainbow. Thats amazing.
Rainbow symbolism has a powerful meaning to each of us and graciously bestows the energry of blessing.The last time i saw one just after we has completed the King of prayers in our group DS Mantra recitation.Thats was really a beautiful rainbow .Many of us saw and took pictures of it.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful rainbow which you saw.
Some people may call this coincident, because they only know about this time, but when it happens all the time, can this still be coincident? or there are other reason?
Beside rainbow, there are many times where Rinpoche goes, there will be some auspicious sign happen, like mushroom sprouting, bodhi plant grow in no where, etc.
read the link below for more signs that happen:
Rainbows are supposed to be auspicious. I think this rainbow outside Rinpoche’s window shows that the Holy Beings are trying to tell Rinpoche that there are lots of good happenings will start from then on. That was about 4 months ago when Rinpoche saw the rainbow. And within these 4 months a lot if good things has happened like the opening of Kechara Care, the new Gompa which is going to be ready soon. Increase of attendees at all pujas. And also increase of fulltime staff in some departments. So like the saying goes you will find a silver lining at the end of the rainbow.
Truly Magnificent! A day of rainbows. Thierry and I saw a brilliant one in Melawati on our way to dinner. A full arch of a rainbow even. We were in awe… and yet another one futher along on the DUKE highway… which seemed to have an incredibly thick band seemingly rising from the city skyline! A special day of colours!!! We rejoice as perhaps it truly is a sign of incredible things to come that will benefit many with the start of construction for the new gompa today!!! Much love to all… A&T
I saw it too!
I saw it too!
And from the other side of town…
Yes it was an amazing rainbow! I went driving closer to it as it fell in the foot hills of TTDI park and saw this wide and huge curtain of colors. It is a living testament of the gods to Rinpoche’s sacred work of spreading the Dharma.
That was such a beautiful rainbow 🙂 The celestial Beings, gods, dakas and dakinis must be rejoicing in Rinpoche’s works! Thank you for sharing.
Hey! It´s a beautiful rainbow. It sounds strange to see the rainbow of Friday night which I have not yet seen. It is still 1.40 pm here 🙂