Something easy to do daily yet powerful…
People have asked me thousands of times what practice should they do daily. They are busy, pressured for time and have heavy commitments. I understand. I sympathize that with so little time, they are sincere enough to connect with something higher daily. Perhaps for sanity’s sake or perhaps from realizations that THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN WHAT WE GET TRAPPED IN.
Thousands of times I have replied to take the Gaden Hlagyema meditational practice of Lord Tsongkapa daily. Why? It is short, simple and complete.
Recite the healing migtseyma mantra with concentration 21 times a day or one rosary or any amount you are comfortable with. Do this daily. Daily without missing.
Believe, trust and let go of projections during your mantra time and absorb Tsongkapa’s healing energy into you.
Let Him heal you of depression, self hatred, low self esteem, stress and fears. Do it daily to reinforce and make the positive energy grow. Do it well. Do it with full understanding that there are higher powers THAT CAN HELP US short and long term.
Lord Tsongkapa’s practice requires no vows, no commitements, no ‘dangerous’ meditations, and it is gentle yet healing. All encompassing. It is short yet complete. It combines the energies of correct wisdom, unending compassion and skilfull activities of the Enlightened Lord Tsongkapa into your being. This energy is great to be tapped into. Try it. Trust it. Let go.
Don’t stress yourself with complicated practices. It is not what you need at this time.
Reward yourself with daily 15 minutes or more of delicious, healing meditations on Lord Tsongkapa.
Commit to Tsongkapa. Take Him as your sacred personal space Buddha.
You will get results.
Much care,
Tsem Rinpoche
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Overwhelmed? Reset in 15 Minutes. ✨🧘♂️
Recite the Migtseyma mantra, let go of stress, and absorb peace. No stress, no rituals—just pure healing energy. Try it daily! 🌿💛
Will you commit? Comment below! ⬇️💬 #InnerPeace #DailyHealing
Yes it’s a powerful short, simple practice where anyone could practice and do the recitation of the healing Migtseyma mantra. Thank you Rinpoche for bringing this powerful practice to Malaysia. It’s a indeed fortunate for us. Ever since I knew of this powerful practice of Lord Tsongkapa, I have been doing it daily without fail. It is short, simple complete so true and easy to memorize for all of us. As these practice requires no vows, no commitments, no ‘dangerous’ meditations, and it is gentle yet healing.
Thank you Rinpoche again with folded hands.
I’ve watched this video on YouTube.
It was such a thoughtful video relating to this article.
Thank you.
Lama Tsongkhapa practice especially to recite Migstema mantra is so powerful as it combines the great mantras of Avalokitesvara (Chenrezig), Manjushri and Vajrapani. As the practice is short, it is easy to memorize, and quick to practice for all of us. A short yet very powerful practice helps bring compassion, wisdom, healing and good fortune. We are more fortunate to practice the guru yoga of the great holy being Lama Tsongkhapa. Many highly attained gurus, lamas and teachers and most Tibetan Gelugpa teachers teach this very powerful, yet accessible practice . Its in our lineage after all.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing.
Lama Tsongkhapa practice is indeed very powerful. It’s simple coz it doesn’t need any initiation and vow. It’s powerful coz it contains the practice of Chenrezig, Manjushri and Vajrapani. It calms our mind, and helps us to think wisely. What’s more, we are Gelugpa, this practice is in our lineage.
This is a powerful meditational practice for 21st century which the migtseyma mantra healing depression, unhappiness, negative energies, fears and generate a positive happy mind. You need only few minutes daily to recite the mantra for a peace of mind. Just do it !
Great things always start with small!
&The practice of Lama Tsongkhapa is definitely a small thing to do to achieve great results.
it’s been 12 years I received this practice from H.E. Kyabje Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. The immediate result of this practice is peace in our mind. Something money cannot buy. Recite Guru Yoga you will achieve this result and it’s free. when we recite sincerely, with visualisation (watch the video below), we receive the blessing from our guru and all our lineage master’s blessings all the way to Lord Buddha. Hence it’s very powerful. We collect merits at the same time by making offerings to all the Gurus and all the Buddhas and rejoice for all their achievements in the prayer.
In life we hardly give and seldom rejoice for others success. We grown up in the world that we have to take care of ”myself first”. I must happy first. I must eat first and I must have it first… Someone else gets better then us we got jealous. We don’t give much cause we don’t have the habit to give or we even think they don’t deserve it. Even after we give we worried about where the money go to. Our mind is so hard to have peace. we are not happy about everything. We got upset and feel lonely everyday although we got so many friends, lots of money, we have low self esteem and anxiety.
Guru Yoga is not only a prayer but a practice of giving and rejoice, a practice of all good qualities that can make us a happier person. May be the mantra is a bit long. Recite slowly. It’s not how many times you recite it’s how sincere you recite. ? important teaching of Guru Yoga practice by Rinpoche
The word reward used by Rinpoche here appropriately used here in this statement for me. It’s simple and sweet literally you will feel the nicest feeling visualising the visualisations while doing the prayers and mantra, the practice which encompasses the 84,000 teachings taught by Lord Shakyamuni.
Migtsema mantra, short, easy and effective. If you feel unhappy, depressed or mind disturbed chant this mantra daily and you will find the results. Take Him as your yidam and He can definite heal our mind. ?
To engage in a Lama Tsongkapa retreat is very beneficial. Powerful indeed when doing the retreat together with the family, friends, colleagues.
This practice is indeed good. Everytime I chant the Migstema mantra, my mind felt peaceful and calm. Like what Rinpoche said in the article, this practice is suitable for everyone.
“Let Him heal you of depression, self hatred, low self esteem, stress and fears”
What I love about Mitsegma is how it can help anyone without commitment. It’s easy to recite and the best part is the 3 Buddha’s energy that we tap into everytime we recite it. Mitsegma can be recited anytime, anywhere for a very short amount of time.
I love this short and simple explanation on the benefits for doing the Tsongkapa practice especially to recite Migtsema daily. Migtsema is so powerful as it encompassed the energies of the 3 Buddhas a well. Just an easy and short prayer to tap into Je Tsongkhapa’s energies and healing. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this simple and wonderful practice for everyone????
Thanks Rinpoche for your advice….to recite the migtseyma mantra with concentration 21 times a day or more if you got the time and do it daily. Well i have been doing it daily since i started my Sadhana practice and its very powerful feel relaxing .It is a easy and short prayers to practice which i love to recite which i never miss.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing.
I love this short and simple explanation on the benefits for doing the Tsongkapa practice especially to recite Migtsema daily. Reciting this mantra does calm my mind. Migtsema is so powerful as it encompassed the energies of the 3 Buddhas a well. Just an easy and short prayer to tap into Je Tsongkhapa’s energies and healing
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing.
Jill Yam
Thank you Rinpoche for this advice. I have added this 15 minute practice to my already existing rather short mantra practice but this Mig Tse Ma I do for me and my mind. I let my mind rest in Lama Tsongkhapa’s image and I find it very soothing and restorative. You are so right about it being a gentle practice. Thank you for the advice on how to get a little bit of Dharma practice into our super busy, fast paced lives.
Lama Tsongkhapa Migtsema Mantra is definitely beneficial for everyone, one Mantra contain the blessing of 3 Buddhas, Manjushri, Chenrezig (Kuan Yin) and Vajrapani. It is a very beautiful praise and mantra to be recited daily.
I have not missed Lama Tsongkhapa Migtsema mantra since i first started my Sadhana when i get to know more about Lama Tsongkhapa practice. I see the benefit from Migtsema mantra, every time after recited 21 times Migtsema, my mind feels more relax, and i could not it had help me focus and became more alert too. Before this, i use to stress and think alot that caused me to have difficulty in sleeping, but ever since i started doing Migtsema, i feel more relax and could sleep better at night.
Definitely recommended to everyone even if you are from different practice and lineage, as Lama Tsongkhapa Migtsema is a mantra of compassion, love, peace and wisdom, not forgetting it is also a powerful protection too.
Rinpoche is bursting with so much authentic dharma knowledge, wisdom and practices to share with us all. It’s only us who is unable to absorb everything due to our minds setting its own limits.
Hence, this practice is a good way to begin without being overwhelmed. Thank you Rinpoche for tirelessly providing us with so much information and not forgetting even making materials such as a box set ( to start this practice easily.
Thank you Rinpoche for you kind sharing.It is indeed a simple and powerful practice.We should do it daily and further recite migtseyma as we are driving.I felt it would help us to be more focus in our thoughts.To have knowledge of the mantra is a blessing as it is not easy to come by. Thank you Rinpoche..
I am planning to start my 7 days green smoothies detox plan tomorrow.And suddenly just saw Rinpoche share this article in the blog.It just a right timing to remind me for add in Migtsema recitation during morning wake up session and night before sleep.I can feel the happiness and blissfulness coming ..cheers !Thank you Rinpoche 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche. I still do my Tsongkhapa practice first thing every morning.
Je Tsongkhapa practice is simple to master yet powerful. Do the practice well daily without fail is the secret. His practice suits modern people like us who always claim lack of time…Je Tsongkhapa is emanation of three Buddhas – Manjushri, Cherenzig and Vajrapani. By reciting Migtsema we get three energies, it’s powerful.
Yes.. Tsongkhapa practice is the easiest and most beneficial practice we can engage on daily. it covers everything we need. from my personal experience was it calms our mind very fast. when our mind is calm, then our body and heart will relax. That’s how we can sleep better, think better and finally gain realization in our mind on whatever that has been dragging us down.
Thank you Rinpoche. I must committed to Tsongkhapa practice daily. I must practise daily together with visualization and do it well.
Thankyou Rinpoche, youre right start slow, not complicated and just stay consistent. I am going to start doing migtseyma to try to heal my mind. Thank you with folded hands
This is definitely something useful that I can guide my friends with who wants no commitments or are not ready to take on vows.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing. I have been during the Tsongkhapa Sadhana daily. I will improve, do it well, trust and let go of projections during my mantra recitations and absorb Tsongkapa’s healing energy into me. I will do this daily to reinforce, make the positive energy grow.
I love this short and simple post because it speaks compassionately about what everyone can do daily without stressing ourselves over complicated practices. Lama Tsongkhapa practice is indeed short and simple yet complete and extremely effective.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing, Guru Yoga practice is simple and suitable for everyone to practice.I love to do my Sadhana on early morning, can bring more positive energy and blessed me for the whole day.
For people like us who have mundane commitments, to engage in practices that require a lot of time can be quite impossible. For practices that require a lot of time, or those that are complicated, we may give up after sometimes.
Thank you Rinpoche for introducing Lord Tsongkapa to us. By reciting Mitsema, we tap into the energies of three Buddhas that can help us BOTH SHORT AND LONG TERMS.
There are higher powers somewhere in the sky, we cant feel and see them, but they are there. I am glad that we can reach out to them so easily by doing this simple practice.
Dear Rinpoche, Thank you for teaching us. I recite daily before sleep and first thing in the morning i awake before my eyes even open I recite Mitsegma. Mitsegma is very healing and easy to remember. When i felt sad, depress , I recite Mitsegma and some how, my negative emotion turn to positive. I have shared with my mom and she too do Mitsegma. Once again, thank you Rinpoche for teaching us.
Guru Yoga is really complete it has the seven limbs that one can create merits and purify karma for it. And Lama Tsongkhapa is the synthesis of Chenrezig, Vajrapani and Manjushri, so the guru yoga practise can bestow greater compassion, greater wisdom and the skilful means and harmony. Plus Lama Tsongkhapa’s practise overcomes 2 main obstacles ignorance and shortness of life. Also we get connected Maitreya in the visualisation we connect to him too, in case in the time of Shakyamuni’s turning of the wheel of dharma we do achieve any significant progress in our spiritual practise.
This is the best practice I have had the pleasure to do every morning! It makes me feel light and carefree and it gets me ready to start the day!!!!!!!! I love it, everyone should practice it. If anyone needs this practice I have a PDF version of it. It’s short, concise and priceless!
The 5-line Migtsema is as follows :-
(English Translation)
Je Tsongkhapa, crown jewel of the holy Masters of the land of snows,
You are Avalokiteshvara, great goldmine of Compassion untainted by ego’s delusion.
You are Manjushri, great Master of stainless wisdom.
You are Vajrapani, great subduer of all the gatherings of demons.
At your feet, famed Lobsang Drakpa,
I humbly bow and earnestly request that all sentient beings achieve Enlightenment.
The 9 verse Migtsema is as follows:
(English translation)
You are mighty Vajradharas – sources of all actual attainments,
Avalokiteshvaras – great treasures of unaimed affection,
Manjushris – commanders of flawless wisdom,
Vajrapanis – destroyers of all hordes of demonic forces,
Lozang-dragpas – crown jewels of the erudite masters
of the Land of Snows,
Guru-yidams, incorporating all sources of safe direction,
We make you requests with three gateways of respect:
Inspire us and all others to ripen and set ourselves free.
Direct us to the supreme and common actual attainments.
Dear Rinpoche, where can I download the 5 verse and 9 versed Migtsema Verse of Tsongkhapa?
Gaden Lhagyema Meditational practice of Lord Tsongkapa, was the first initial prayer that I learnt to recite when I started out at KH. At that time, our Guru indicated that this was actually a 3 in ONE diety prayer, whereby through this prayrer one can receive devine blessings from Chenrisig, mother of compassion, Manjusri, Buddha of wisdom and Vajrapani, Buddha for skillful means and power. There was also an organised group participation for us to complete 10 million recitation of “migtsema” which brought much joy to us after having successfully completed same! Through the daily recitation of 21 times or 1 mala of the revitalizing and healing mantra “migtsema” one’s depression, self hatred, low self esteem, stress and fear if any, will be eradicated.
All you lucky newbies. Nowadays when you join Kechara House you don’t have to wonder what Sadhana and what prayers to do. And when you ask for prayers to do. You will be given Lord Tsongkapa Practice which is very powerful and embodies all three dieties Chenrisig for Compassion, Manjushri for Wisdom and Vajrapani for skilful means or power. With this practice you have a complete set of Sadhana which is no other than doing the MIGSTEMA. And only takes 15 mins to do. During my early days in Dharma I use to have to do three dieties separately and chant the Mantras separately. Now we can practice even though you are very busy. You can even only chant the mantras while driving with good motivation.
I love to practice Lama Tsongkhapa’s guru yoga as it can help guide me to the right path to the great enlightenment. We can trust this as Lama Tsongkhap got enlightenment right? The guru yoga is really a good thing to do for those who really do not have any time on their hands other than a maximum of 20 minutes for Dharma work. He currently heals me from depression, self hatred, low self esteem, stress and fears already! He is a three in one package, Manjushri, which is great for students who want to do better in their studies in school or Dharma Students who want to be able to absorb more Dharma knowledge., Chenrizig, for those who want to give more compassions to others or to those who want to feel more at peace and finally Vajrapani, for those who want protection from evil spirits or demons…
Which diety has the power of one mantra recitation gets the blessing of 3 different dieties’ blessing? Which diety empowers you with wisdom, skillfulness and compassion? Which diety connects you to Maitreya Buddha and Tushita Heaven? Which diety has the power of powa (the mind transference after death) and so on and so on? Yes, it is Je Tsongkhapa!!!
I like to share with you an experience of our Thai girlfriend when she had recited Mig Tse Ma. When she visited a Thai high monk in a temple in Thailand, she was asked what did she do because the high monk saw there were many guardian angels around protecting her. Many of our members in Kechara know her and this true story.
Gaden Lhagyama is the prayer I first learned when I came to Kechara House. Participating in the 10million migtsema recitation was some of the happiest days I could ever remember.
Those were the days when a group of us were doing Gaden Lhagyama everyday and over night marathon on Saturday nights in Kechara House a few years back. Everyone really pushed themselves to complete the retreat dedicating towards the growth of Kechara organization as predicted by our Protector.
Coincidentally, Lama Tsongkhapa was the first statue that I bought for myself, I would say ‘it was love at first sight’, once laid eyes on Him, I knew I have to invite Him home though I neither have the budget nor a place for Him at that point in time, hence, my good friend ‘buddha sit’ for me till I got my own place a few years later. Now, He is the centre piece of my altar at home!
Whenever I am or faced with obstacles, I always recite migtsema and it helped to calm me and to think of next step. May I be of benefit in spreading Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching so others can benefit as well!
I would like to share here my experience of the Migtsema. The first time I did the migtsema, I did a full mala still struggling with the tibetan words and it must have taken a while for me to complete it. I was still rather new to buddhisme then, and new to Tsongkhapa and had not met with Tsem Tulku Rinpoche yet. Upon coming across the recommandation to recite the Migtsema daily as shared with me by one of Rinpoche’s students, I decided to sit in front of a Buddha at home and started the recitation.
A very beautiful thing happened immediately after I managed to finish the recitation, filling the silence that follows the last verse a very real sense of joy took over me, I wanted to smile, I wanted to stay in this feeling, I wanted to share it, I wanted to sing the mantra, it was a very real feeling, soothing and bright.
That is how I started doing the Migtsema daily, now extended to the full Gaden Laghyama.
If I may add to Rinpoche’s comment about the three powerful energies, Manjushri is the manifestation of all the Buddhas’ wisdom. Avalokiteshvara (Kuan Yin/Chenrezig) is the manifestation of all the Buddhas’ compassion, and Vajrapani represents the energy of the enlightened mind. I’m not sure about Vajrapani, but I know at least two of those Buddhas have very strong connections with Asia, in particular places like China where Kuan Yin’s practice is very popular, and Manjushri’s seat is at Wu Tai Shan.
I think it’s incredibly compassionate of the Buddhas to provide such a method of attaining enlightenment. For those of us who believe we’re too busy, haven’t got enough time, not intelligent enough, not committed enough to do – these practices are perfect for us. It also means that practices like this form the basis for us to receive higher practices…they literally are a practice for us to develop and show commitment and dedication, which are necessary to receiving higher tantra.
There is also a nine-line version of the Migtsema
Recently, the monks from Gaden Shartse visited Kechara House and when they chanted this it was really beautiful. I was kind of kicking myself for not memorising this mantra earlier so that we could all recite it together.
You see, I first heard this long mantra being chanted by Rinpoche many years ago, but we were only given a copy of the mantra to recite for ourselves about 1.5 years ago via email. Rinpoche allows his closer students to be in email contact with him and the advice we receive is really priceless. With the new website, much of Rinpoche’s private advice finds its way onto the Internet which is really neat 🙂
Thank you Mima and Rinpoche !
I found an audio of the mantra on youtube too from you Rinpoche.
If you want it Mima :
My boyfriend will order the practice as soon as possible, I wil do it.
Thank you so much!
Much love.
Thank you deeply.
Dear Mima,
yes this is the sacred complete mantra you can focus on. It includes the three powerful energies (avalokitesvara, manjushri, vajrapani).
I am so glad you are going to do.
Good luck and good wishes always..
Tsem Tulku
I check on youtube about the mantra but why there is one sentence not mentioned..that’s “du pung ma lu jom dzey sang wa deb”
Is the five line mantra the one to begin to practice with?
~ the five line mantra (Migtsema) of Lord Tsongkhapa.
Thank you so much. I will began the practice today.
Dear karma Tsetchi,
From the side of the Buddhas there is no lineage, name, or tradition. These are from us. Hence whatever tradition you have taken refuge in, then as long as you are taking a Buddha for your meditations there is no conflict. Tsongkapa is not a Gelugpa Buddha but a Buddha full stop.
Good luck to you,
Tsem Tulku
Thank you so much Rinpoche 🙂
I am intersted in the Lord Tsongkapa practice.
But you said in one of your teaching that it’s not good to do a practice if your’re not from the school ot the practice …
I took Refuge in kagyupa school, do you think I can practice Lord Tsongkapa practice or not?
Thank you again, have a beautiful nice day !
Karma Tsetchi