Thought-Provoking Art

Igor Morski
I’ve always liked art, not merely for its creativity and beauty, but for the subtle messages it presents, for how an artist views the world and how their art opens up our minds to different ways of viewing things.
Art is a very personal creation and many artists are great thinkers who contemplate deeply about life. They portray the stark reality of the world in their works. It is for this reason that for most of us who are caught up with our busy lives, looking at art can help free our minds from rigidity.
Art or imagery allow many to connect and understand a certain message better than reading a thousand words. Take for example an essay describing an abused dog versus an image of the dog being abused. Safe to say, it would be the image that would move many more people to make a difference. Art is a perfect medium for a world inundated with an overload of information.
I thought I’d share with you some of Igor Morski’s wonderful and interesting art which captures many undesirable aspects of society, aspects which we have grown accustomed to or numb towards.
Do share your thoughts about these art works and what stands out the most for you.
Tsem Rinpoche
35 Surreal Illustrations That Will Make You Question The ‘Normalcy’ Of Society
This Polish artist’s surreal work is as thought-provoking as it is beautiful.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and artist Igor Morski is an expert at conveying powerful truths through condemning illustrations. Just take a look at his controversial artwork below. Each piece calls out an ugly aspect of society while inspiring its appraiser to question the ‘norms’ we’ve all grown accustomed to.
According to DeMilked, the Polish artist and co-owner of Morski Studio Graficzne graduated with honors from the Interior Architecture and Industrial Design Faculty at the State Higher School of Fine Art in Poznań. He worked for public broadcasting in the ’80s and ’90s before finally pursuing a career in press illustration. In 1995, he opened his first studio.
While working at Wprost magazine, Morski was inspired to cultivate his surrealist style. He says:
“This, I must admit, made a great impression, because people were not familiar with Photoshop, and many illustrations were taken literally, as if what was shown in the illustration was really true. This was especially true of photomontages with politicians. The fact that since then I have worked on photographic material has caused realism to appear in my work. The mere fact of depicting everything upside down has made me a surrealist.”
Scroll through the thought-provoking illustrations below:
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Igor Morski is a talented Polish graphic designer, illustrator and set designer who creates surreal images imbued with hidden meaning. His art takes the shape of mixed media graphic art, such as photo manipulation, drawing and 3D art. He creates his paintings in the style of photo in which he often chooses heads and faces, bodies, animals and landscape elements as the basis for his works. His extensive knowledge of natural sciences inspire him in his creative work. He won several prestigious awards for his work. Igor Morski is represented in numerous national and international exhibitions too. Looking at his incredible art piece tell us a thousand words. Simply stunning.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Art is attraction; it is used in every aspect of things to attract people. Its how people look at and how an artist views the piece of art. All have a different ways of viewing it. Igor Morski a famous Polish illustrator and graphic designer creates amazingly fantasy artworks that are so well-executed. Its such creative that not many have seen it before. Each of work piece of art creates fantasy images imbued with hidden meaning and sometimes a secret message behind it. Some simple yet strong , clear images where it depicts the ugly side or problems of today’s modern society. Each image bursts with an incredible amount of creativity. Very thought provoking indeed.
Looking at all those creative art of a talented artist paints a thousand words.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
You have to check out these thought-provoking arts. Some of them might not look pleasant, but there is a profound meaning behind it. Many of the depictions show how we are trapped by our delusion. We are doing what the society deems right and good to do but we have not really looked at what the real meaning of our existence.
Most of us are taught to focus on our own needs first, which is about ‘me’. Pursue what we want, chase after what we want. In the process of doing that, we may have hurt many knowingly or unknowingly. The things that we chase after very often are things that we can lose easily, such as money, relationship and fame.
If we read the stories of many famous and successful people, at the end of the day, they found happiness by focusing out. Focusing out to help others and do good to others tirelessly. Look at Bill Gates and his wife, they retired quite early and they spend most of their time doing charity work. If money can bring them happiness, they could travel around the world, and go to fancy restaurants every day to enjoy their lives but they didn’t. Doesn’t this tell us something?
Nice picture. Indeed each and every picture represent different meaning and very artistic.Indeed each picture represented different meaning.Thanks for the sharing article.
Thank you Rinpoche sharing this short article. In the pictures above there is some teaching in it. It shows what is the society thinking and doing to the planet earth which is true and happening. I like the art as it looks to real to me.
With folded palms,
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article and the cool yet meaningful pictures. There are two types of people who look at these pictures. One type will look at it like a normal piece of art, and didn’t really think of the meaning in it. Another type of people will look at it and feel the “ouch” from the pictures. Some of the pictures really give us teaching, and show the ignorant mind of human in the current era. Some of it reflects the current life of everyone of us is facing, which is quite true. I also have some thoughts after looking at those pictures, “Is the busy society that cause humans ignorant? Or humans are getting ignorant that result busy society?” 🙂 Some of the picture I really don’t know what it brings out, but the drawings are very fine and very beautiful. Thank you again Rinpoche _/\_
We are being brought up in a certain way, and most of the time, we are heavily affected by the advertisements and the influence of our parents. Many of these arts reflect how I think in an automatic way and most of the time, just act out or behave in such a manner that I don’t even think before I act.
I remembered one of my spiritual friends said, in Buddhism, we need to learn to break the projections. I think these art, in some ways, make us realise our projections or expectations better. Of course, after knowing the projections, we still need to put in the effort to “break” them.
Thank you Rinpoche again for sharing such meaningful arts.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these really thought provoking art. They are very unusual and creative. Really cool art! 🙂
Cool art.
Thought Provoking……..!
These arts challenge our perception of normalcy; our visual and mental comfort zones. Life and reality have infinite possibilities. This is what I see from these arts. What is normal is only perceptions. Some things not normal can be gory and repulsing…that is perception too…but some things are not normal but beautiful…another form of perception.
Anyhow, these arts are NICE and captivating and have meanings. It is the beautiful side of the human race.
Thank you Rinpoche.
I have a great love for art. But I do find that the arts created by Igor Morski and the likes very hard to comprehend. They are indeed very thought provoking! I wish that they could fill in my gap by explaining what their art pieces are about.
Thank you again Rinpoche.
Very thought provoking indeed. Many of these imageries accurately depict the current state of our human race. Scary, sad and unfortunately, very true.
Thank you with folded hands, Rinpoche. If not for posts like this, we would not contemplate and strive to improve ourselves, to become better.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this article. Igor Morski art work is amazing. All the picture brings a very strong message, although I may not know all of it.
A picture really says a thousand words. Some of his pictures represents the world we are living now and serve as a reminder for us for example our irresponsible action in damaging the environment, our negative human nature, the state of our society and etc.
I hope he will procude more pictures to bring create more awareness and positive messages to everyone.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing such thought-provoking arts. Though, I could not interpret some, it is really interesting how the artists present us the different and unique and influential way to reflect on ourselves and our own society. I really liked the one where the earth is on fire. It is very true that we are literally killing our own planet by enhancing the global warming. _()_
Thank you Rinpoche
Dear Pema Trinley
Thank you for your comments. Our Guru, Tsem Rinpoche is a very artistic person. I just want to share a bit information with you.. when he was younger and attended high school in New Jersey, he took several extracurricular activities: Running, art class and Choir. And throughout his life, even when he was a child, he has drawn many Buddha statues such as Tara and Buddha Shakyamuni. So No wonder that even now, he is very much attracted in art works.
The surrealistic art works by Igor Morski are gripping and thought provoking. In some of his works, there is a magical feeling as if one is being invited into a dream world, while his other works can be mind-blogging.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these enthralling art works with us to broaden our perspective.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang