Truth Hurts
We often do not want to listen to the harsh truth of reality… but on the contrary, it is usually harder say it, than to listen to it. Even more harder to do something about it, but if we do, then it gets easier.
Although by nature, I am a straightforward person, as a Dharma teacher it is always a challenge for me to reveal the harsh truth of reality to some of my students or people I meet. Students who are closed-minded and unwilling to change or decide to remain in their fears makes it very difficult for a teacher to teach… after all, Dharma is the path towards liberation and enlightenment, and if one cannot face the truth, there really is nothing much a Dharma teacher can teach. Facing the truth is easier when you know you can change and Dharma can help. Even out of the context of Dharma, everyone needs to understand our fears, comfort zones and what makes us not progress emotionally, spiritually and physically. Blaming others is never the solutions. If we always blame others, they can turn around and blame us and come up with just as many reasons too. Blaming never heals anyone. Never helps us to progress. Whatever happened has happened so grow from it and not wither because of it.
When I read the article below about the “6 harsh truths that will make you a better person”… I thought that it was a good article to share here for everyone to benefit from. When someone tells us the truth, we should not take it personally… it is not an attack on you but to the negative attitude that would not serve you any good in the long run. It is care. It’s not always easy to get real care.
I hope that everyone can read this with an open mind, and reflect on the meaning behind this write up. How many of the six truths below do we find bothering us? How many times have we fallen into the same situation and emerge unhappy instead of victorious? We must contemplate… and work hard to learn the ways to change and be a happier person.
Tsem Rinpoche
6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You A Better Person
2013. Yeah! LET’S DO THIS.
Feel free to stop reading this if your career is going great, you’re thrilled with your life and you’re happy with your relationships. Enjoy the rest of your day, friend, this article is not for you. You’re doing a great job, we’re all proud of you. So you don’t feel like you wasted your click, here’s a picture of Lenny Kravitz wearing a gigantic scarf.
For the rest of you, I want you to try something: Name five impressive things about yourself. Write them down or just shout them out loud to the room. But here’s the catch — you’re not allowed to list anything you are (i.e., I’m a nice guy, I’m honest), but instead can only list things that you do (i.e., I just won a national chess tournament, I make the best chili in Massachusetts). If you found that difficult, well, this is for you, and you are going to fucking hate hearing it. My only defense is that this is what I wish somebody had said to me around 1995 or so.
#6 The World Only Cares About What It Can Get From You
Let’s say that the person you love the most has just been shot. He or she is lying in the street, bleeding and screaming. A guy rushes up and says, “Step aside.” He looks over your loved one’s bullet wound and pulls out a pocket knife — he’s going to operate right there in the street.

OK, which one is the injured one?
You ask, “Are you a doctor?”
The guy says, “No.” You say, “But you know what you’re doing, right? You’re an old Army medic, or …”
At this point the guy becomes annoyed. He tells you that he is a nice guy, he is honest, he is always on time. He tells you that he is a great son to his mother and has a rich life full of fulfilling hobbies, and he boasts that he never uses foul language.
Confused, you say, “How does any of that matter when my (wife/husband/best friend/parent) is lying here bleeding! I need somebody who knows how to operate on bullet wounds! Can you do that or not?!?”
Now the man becomes agitated — why are you being shallow and selfish? Do you not care about any of his other good qualities? Didn’t you just hear him say that he always remembers his girlfriend’s birthday? In light of all of the good things he does, does it really matter if he knows how to perform surgery?

I don’t get it. Would it help if I put on a lab jacket? Here, one sec, let me just …
In that panicked moment, you will take your hands and shake him by the shoulders, screaming, “Yes, I’m saying that none of that other things matters, because in this specific situation, I just need somebody who can stop the bleeding.”

Here’s what you need, now move along.
So here is my terrible truth about the adult world: You are in that very situation every single day. Only you are the confused guy with the pocket knife. All of society is the bleeding gunshot victim.
If you want to know why society seems to shun you, or why you seem to get no respect, it’s because society is full of people who need things. They need houses built, they need food to eat, they need entertainment, they need fulfilling sexual relationships. You arrived at the scene of that emergency, holding your pocket knife, by virtue of your birth — the moment you came into the world, you became part of a system designed purely to see to people’s needs.
Either you will go about the task of seeing to those needs by learning a unique set of skills, or the world will reject you, no matter how kind, giving and polite you are. You will be poor, you will be alone, you will be left out in the cold.
Does that seem mean, or crass, or materialistic? What about love and kindness — don’t those things matter? Of course. As long as they result in you doing things for people that they can’t get elsewhere. For you see …
#5 The Hippies Were Wrong
Here is the greatest scene in the history of movies (WARNING: EXTREME NOT SAFE FOR WORK LANGUAGE)
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For those of you who can’t watch videos, it’s the famous speech Alec Baldwin gives in the cinematic masterpiece Glengarry Glenn Ross. Baldwin’s character — whom you assume is the villain — addresses a room full of dudes and tears them a new asshole, telling them that they’re all about to be fired unless they “close” the sales they’ve been assigned:
“Nice guy? I don’t care. Good father? Go home and play with your kids. If you want to work here, close.”
It’s brutal, rude and borderline sociopathic, and also it is an honest and accurate expression of what the world is going to expect from you. The difference is that, in the real world, people consider it so wrong to talk to you that way that they’ve decided it’s better to simply let you keep failing.

First graders, welcome to Mr. Baldwin’s third period art class – is everyone here? Well, I’m goin’ anyway.
That scene changed my life. I’d program my alarm clock to play it for me every morning if I knew how. Alec Baldwin was nominated for an Oscar for that movie and that’s the only scene he’s in. As smarter people have pointed out, the genius of that speech is that half of the people who watch it think that the point of the scene is “Wow, what must it be like to have such a boss?” and the other half think, “Yes, let’s go out and sell some real estate!”
Or, as the Last Psychiatrist blog put it:
“If you were in that room, some of you would understand this as a work, but feed off the energy of the message anyway, welcome the coach’s cursing at you, ‘this guy is awesome!’; while some of you would take it personally, this guy is a jerk, you have no right to talk to me like that, or — the standard maneuver when narcissism is confronted with a greater power — quietly seethe and fantasize about finding information that will out him as a hypocrite. So satisfying.”

I swear, if he mentions my hair, I’ll slap his face so har- Yes sir, I’m listening. I’m sorry
That excerpt is from an insightful critique of “hipsters” and why they seem to have so much trouble getting jobs (that doesn’t begin to do it justice, go read the whole thing (, and the point is that the difference in those two attitudes — bitter vs. motivated — largely determines whether or not you’ll succeed in the world. For instance, some people want to respond to that speech with Tyler Durden’s line from Fight Club: “You are not your job.”
But, well, actually, you totally are. Granted, your “job” and your means of employment might not be the same thing, but in both cases you are nothing more than the sum total of your useful skills. For instance, being a good mother is a job that requires a skill. It’s something a person can do that is useful to other members of society. But make no mistake: Your “job” — the useful thing you do for other people — is all you are.
There is a reason why surgeons get more respect than comedy writers. There is a reason mechanics get more respect than unemployed hipsters. There is a reason your job will become your label if your death makes the news (“NFL Linebacker Dies in Murder/Suicide”). Tyler said, “You are not your job,” but he also founded and ran a successful soap company and became the head of an international social and political movement. He was totally his job.
It was the irony that many people missed from that movie
Or think of it this way: Remember when Chick-fil-A came out against gay marriage? And how despite the protests, the company continues to sell millions of sandwiches every day? It’s not because the country agrees with them; it’s because they do their job of making delicious sandwiches well. And that’s all that matters.
You don’t have to like it. I don’t like it when it rains on my birthday. It rains anyway. Clouds form and precipitation happens. People have needs and thus assign value to the people who meet them. These are simple mechanisms of the universe and they do not respond to our wishes.
This is non-sense. I have a completely clean criminal record, and this is the thanks I get?
If you protest that you’re not a shallow capitalist materialist and that you disagree that money is everything, I can only say: Who said anything about money? You’re missing the larger point.
#4 What You Produce Does Not Have to Make Money, But It Does Have to Benefit People
Let’s try a non-money example so you don’t get hung up on that. The demographic that Cracked writes for is heavy on 20-something males. So on our message boards and in my many inboxes I read several dozen stories a year from miserable, lonely guys who insist that women won’t come near them despite the fact that they are just the nicest guys in the world. I can explain what is wrong with this mindset, but it would probably be better if I let Alec Baldwin explain it:
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In this case, Baldwin is playing the part of the attractive women in your life. They won’t put it as bluntly as he does — society has trained us not to be this honest with people — but the equation is the same. “Nice guy? Who gives a shit? If you want to work here, close.”
So, what do you bring to the table? Because the Zooey Deschanel lookalike in the bookstore that you’ve been daydreaming about moisturizes her face for an hour every night and feels guilty when she eats anything other than salad for lunch. She’s going to be a surgeon in 10 years. What do you do?
“Well, I’m wicked at capture the flag.”
“What, so you’re saying that I can’t get girls like that unless I have a nice job and make lots of money?”
No, your brain jumps to that conclusion so you have an excuse to write off everyone who rejects you by thinking that they’re just being shallow and selfish. I’m asking what do you offer? Are you smart? Funny? Interesting? Talented? Ambitious? Creative? OK, now what do you do to demonstrate those attributes to the world? Don’t say that you’re a nice guy — that’s the bare minimum. Pretty girls have guys being nice to them 36 times a day. The patient is bleeding in the street. Do you know how to operate or not?
“Well, I’m not sexist or racist or greedy or shallow or abusive! Not like those other douchebags!”
I’m sorry, I know that this is hard to hear, but if all you can do is list a bunch of faults you don’t have, then back the fuck away from the patient. There’s a witty, handsome guy with a promising career ready to step in and operate.
“Wait, I said I wouldn’t hit you!”
Does that break your heart? OK, so now what? Are you going to mope about it, or are you going to learn how to do surgery? It’s up to you, but don’t complain about how girls fall for jerks; they fall for those jerks because those jerks have other things they can offer. “But I’m a great listener!” Are you? Because you’re willing to sit quietly in exchange for the chance to be in the proximity of a pretty girl (and spend every second imagining how soft her skin must be)? Well guess what, there’s another guy in her life who also knows how to do that, and he can play the guitar. Saying that you’re a nice guy is like a restaurant whose only selling point is that the food doesn’t make you sick. You’re like a new movie whose title is This Movie Is in English, and its tagline is “The actors are clearly visible.”
I think this is why you can be a “nice guy” and still feel terrible about yourself. Specifically…
#3 You Hate Yourself Because You Don’t Do Anything
“So, what, you’re saying that I should pick up a book on how to get girls?”
Only if step one in the book is “Start making yourself into the type of person girls want to be around.”
“Come ooooon. I know I hid some vodka in here somewhere.”
Because that’s the step that gets skipped — it’s always “How can I get a job?” and not “How can I become the type of person employers want?” It’s “How can I get pretty girls to like me?” instead of “How can I become the type of person that pretty girls like?” See, because that second one could very well require giving up many of your favorite hobbies and paying more attention to your appearance, and God knows what else. You might even have to change your personality.
“But why can’t I find someone who just likes me for me?” you ask. The answer is because humans need things. The victim is bleeding, and all you can do is look down and complain that there aren’t more gunshot wounds that just fix themselves?
Here’s another video (NSFW):
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Everyone who watched that video instantly became a little happier, although not all for the same reasons. Can you do that for people? Why not? What’s stopping you from strapping on your proverbial thong and cape and taking to your proverbial stage and flapping your proverbial private at people? That guy knows the secret to winning at human life: that doing … whatever you call that … was better than not doing it.
“But I’m not good at anything!” Well, I have good news — throw enough hours of repetition at it and you can get sort of good at anything. I was the world’s most horrible writer when I was an infant. I was only slightly better at 25. But while I was failing miserably at my career, I wrote in my spare time for eight straight years, an article a week, before I ever made real money off it. It took 13 years for me to get good enough to make the New York Times best-seller list. It took me probably 20,000 hours of practice to sand the edges off my sucking.
Step One: Get up
Don’t like the prospect of pouring all of that time into a skill? Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the sheer act of practicing will help you come out of your shell — I got through years of tedious office work because I knew that I was learning a unique skill on the side. People quit because it takes too long to see results, because they can’t figure out that the process is the result.
The bad news is that you have no other choice. If you want to work here, close.
Because in my non-expert opinion, you don’t hate yourself because you have low self-esteem, or because other people were mean to you. You hate yourself because you don’t do anything. Not even you can just “love you for you” — that’s why you’re miserable and sending me private messages asking me what I think you should do with your life.
Do the math: How much of your time is spent consuming things other people made (TV, music, video games, websites) versus making your own? Only one of those adds to your value as a human being.
And if you hate hearing this and are responding with something you heard as a kid that sounds like “It’s what’s on the inside that matters!” then I can only say …
#2 What You Are Inside Only Matter Because of What It Makes You Do
Being in the business I’m in, I know dozens of aspiring writers. They think of themselves as writers, they introduce themselves as writers at parties, they know that deep inside, they have the heart of a writer. The only thing they’re missing is that minor final step, where they actually write things.
But really, does that matter? Is “writing things” all that important when deciding who is and who is not truly a “writer”?
For the love of God, yes.
I know “writers” who produced less content than what’s on this woman’s grocery list
See, there’s a common defense to everything I’ve said so far, and to every critical voice in your life. It’s the thing your ego is saying to you in order to prevent you from having to do the hard work of improving: “I know I’m a good person on the inside.” It may also be phrased as “I know who I am” or “I just have to be me.”
Don’t get me wrong; who you are inside is everything — the guy who built a house for his family from scratch did it because of who he was inside. Every bad thing you’ve ever done has started with a bad impulse, some thought ricocheting around inside your skull until you had to act on it. And every good thing you’ve done is the same — “who you are inside” is the metaphorical dirt from which your fruit grows.
Notice how the camera is pointed up, and not at the base of the tree?
But here’s what everyone needs to know, and what many of you can’t accept:
“You” are nothing but the fruit.
Nobody cares about your dirt. “Who you are inside” is meaningless aside from what it produces for other people.
Inside, you have great compassion for poor people. Great. Does that result in you doing anything about it? Do you hear about some terrible tragedy in your community and say, “Oh, those poor children. Let them know that they are in my thoughts”? Because if so — find out what they need and help provide it. A hundred million people watched that Kony video, virtually all of whom kept those poor African children “in their thoughts.” What did the collective power of those good thoughts provide? Nothing. Children die every day because millions of us tell ourselves that caring is just as good as doing. It’s an internal mechanism controlled by the lazy part of your brain to keep you from actually doing work.
“I just wanted to tell you that you’re in my thoughts. Good luck – let me know if that cured you.”
How many of you are walking around right now saying, “She/he would love me if she/he only knew what an interesting person I am!” Really? How do all of your interesting thoughts and ideas manifest themselves in the world? What do they cause you to do? If your dream girl or guy had a hidden camera that followed you around for a month, would they be impressed with what they saw? Remember, they can’t read your mind — they can only observe. Would they want to be a part of that life?
Because all I’m asking you to do is apply the same standard to yourself that you apply to everyone else. Don’t you have that annoying Christian friend whose only offer to help anyone ever is to “pray for them”? Doesn’t it drive you nuts? I’m not even commenting on whether or not prayer works; it doesn’t change the fact that they chose the one type of help that doesn’t require them to get off the sofa. They abstain from every vice, they think clean thoughts, their internal dirt is as pure as can be, but what fruit grows from it? And they should know this better than anybody — I stole the fruit metaphor from the Bible. Jesus said something to the effect of “a tree is judged by its fruit” over and over and over. Granted, Jesus never said, “If you want to work here, close.” No, he said, “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”
“And then a buffalo will stare into your soul while slowly chewing grass.”
The people didn’t react well to being told that, just as the salesmen didn’t react well to Alec Baldwin telling them that they needed to grow some balls or resign themselves to shining his shoes. Which brings us to the final point …
#1 Everything Inside You Will Fight Improvement
The human mind is a miracle, and you will never see it spring more beautifully into action than when it is fighting against evidence that it needs to change. Your psyche is equipped with layer after layer of defense mechanisms designed to shoot down anything that might keep things from staying exactly where they are — ask any addict.
So even now, some of you reading this are feeling your brain bombard you with knee-jerk reasons to reject it. From experience, I can say that these seem to come in the form of …
*Intentionally Interpreting Any Criticism as an Insult
“Who is he to call me lazy and worthless! A good person would never talk to me like this! He wrote this whole thing just to feel superior to me and to make me feel bad about my life! I’m going to think up my own insult to even the score!”
*Focusing on the Messenger to Avoid Hearing the Message
“Who is THIS guy to tell ME how to live? Oh, like he’s so high and mighty! It’s just some dumb writer on the Internet! I’m going to go dig up something on him that reassures me that he’s stupid, and that everything he’s saying is stupid! This guy is so pretentious, it makes me puke! I watched his old rap video on YouTube and thought his rhymes sucked!”
“When you get to where I am in life, you feel free to give me advice! Until then, you’re nothing but meat and guesses.”
*Focusing on the Tone to Avoid Hearing the Content
“I’m going to dig through here until I find a joke that is offensive when taken out of context, and then talk and think only about that! I’ve heard that a single offensive word can render an entire book invisible!”
*Revising Your Own History
“Things aren’t so bad! I know that I was threatening suicide last month, but I’m feeling better now! It’s entirely possible that if I just keep doing exactly what I’m doing, eventually things will work out! I’ll get my big break, and if I keep doing favors for that pretty girl, eventually she’ll come around!”
*Pretending That Any Self-Improvement Would Somehow Be Selling Out Your True Self
“Oh, so I guess I’m supposed to get rid of all of my manga and instead go to the gym for six hours a day and get a spray tan like those Jersey Shore douchebags? Because THAT IS THE ONLY OTHER OPTION.”
“Way to leave ‘the hood’ behind. New house or not, you’ll always be nothing.”
And so on. Remember, misery is comfortable. It’s why so many people prefer it. Happiness takes effort.
Also, courage. It’s incredibly comforting to know that as long as you don’t create anything in your life, then nobody can attack the thing you created.
It’s so much easier to just sit back and criticize other people’s creations. This movie is stupid. That couple’s kids are brats. That other couple’s relationship is a mess. That rich guy is shallow. This restaurant is bad. This Internet writer is a horrible person. I’d better leave a mean comment demanding that the website fire him. See, I created something.
Oh, wait, did I forget to mention that part? Yeah, whatever you try to build or create — be it a poem, or a new skill, or a new relationship — you will find yourself immediately surrounded by non-creators who trash it. Maybe not to your face, but they’ll do it. Your drunk friends do not want you to get sober. Your fat friends do not want you to start a fitness regimen. Your jobless friends do not want to see you embark on a career.
Just remember, they’re only expressing their own fear, since trashing other people’s work is another excuse to do nothing. “Why should I create anything when the things other people create suck? I would totally have written a novel by now, but I’m going to wait for something good, I don’t want to write the next Twilight!” As long as they never produce anything, it will forever be perfect and beyond reproach. Or if they do produce something, they’ll make sure they do it with detached irony. They’ll make it intentionally bad to make it clear to everyone else that this isn’t their real effort. Their real effort would have been amazing. Not like the shit you made.
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Read our article comments — when they get nasty, it’s always from the same angle: Cracked needs to fire this columnist. This asshole needs to stop writing. Don’t make any more videos. It always boils down to “Stop creating. This is different from what I would have made, and the attention you’re getting is making me feel bad about myself.”
Don’t be that person. If you are that person, don’t be that person any more. This is what’s making people hate you. This is what’s making you hate yourself.
What are you going to do with it? Hunt witches or kick off the Olympics?
So how about this: one year. The end of 2013, that’s our deadline. Or a year from whenever you read this. While other people are telling you “Let’s make a New Year’s resolution to lose 15 pounds this year!” I’m going to say let’s pledge to do anything — add any skill, any improvement to your human tool set, and get good enough at it to impress people. Don’t ask me what — hell, pick something at random if you don’t know. Take a class in karate, or ballroom dancing, or pottery. Learn to bake. Build a birdhouse. Learn massage. Learn a programming language. Film a video. Adopt a superhero persona and fight crime. Start a YouTube vlog. Write for Cracked.
But the key is, I don’t want you to focus on something great that you’re going to make happen to you (“I’m going to find a girlfriend, I’m going to make lots of money …”). I want you to purely focus on giving yourself a skill that would make you ever so slightly more interesting and valuable to other people.
By learning Spanish, I just gained the ability to speak to 400 million people I previously couldn’t.
“I don’t have the money to take a cooking class.” Then Google “how to cook.” They’ve even filtered out many things now, it’s easier than ever. Damn it, you have to kill those excuses. Or they will kill you.
If you want to make note of your project in the forum thread or the comments and check in this time next year, knock yourself out. I’ll be curious to see if even one person actually does this, but if so we’ll look back, not just on whether or not we actually followed through, but why. You have nothing to lose, and the world needs you. Here’s a video of a corgi rolling down some stairs.
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[Article extracted from: Some words within the article was changed to make content suitable for all ages.]
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If it is the truth, it is universal, which means it applies to everyone and no one is exempted. Hence, when we read this article, we must realise that we are one of the ‘everyone’ in this universe and not feel that because we are reading this article and understand the meaning, therefore we are more superior than others and start passing judgment. In fact, understanding and making the theory practical a.k.a. applying it in real life is two different things that many people failed at. Thank you, Rinpoche for this sharing, it stimulates deeper thoughts.
It is ironic when most people always said they want to know the truth but when someone speaks the truth about ourselves, especially about our weaknesses we are not able to accept it, as the truth hurts. We always like to look at other people’s fault but not on ourselves. It is because we never believe that we are in any way having flaws. I think we just have to be open minded and take it as a constructive feedback. Nobody is perfect but it is a progress to transform to be better.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article.
Dear Rinpoche,
This article is so true and straight to the point.
Truth hurts, so move on. Truth hurts, and if you receive the message correctly, improve!
People always hide be hide the truth and blames the world for abandoning them. The author made a good statement which I felt was very true… misery is comforting, that is why many people prefer it. hahaha. If we dwell in misery.. we are just rolling in poverty. Step up, do something.
The harsh truth is the TRUTH. If you are of no value to others… you are of no use. This is the harsh reality.
Thank you.
We all have to offer results and some kind of benefit to others, we cannot be of no utility to anyone. The least we can offer, if it is not a physical action it can be some words of encouragement. Everyone is capable of a skill and can do something. And there is no such thing as someone who cannot change, or be better it simply illogical. Because every moment change can happen, we change moment by moment mentally and physically.
And Rinpoche in all manner of speaking always ask us to keep trying, keep trying and eventually we will succeed because that is the truth of the matter. But if we just give up nothing will happen. We will have LOST then. And doing something is better than doing nothing, doing something we open up the chance for success. Inaction or doing nothing will not move us ahead at all. So do and try something.
Sometimes for us to step outside and off the comfort zone we have to do something, or get someone to light up a fire under our ass. And as they say don’t shoot the messenger.
Thank you for this article Rinpoche. Have read and reread this as I found it a bit of an eye opener. Basically people only care about how useful you are to them and aren’t that impressed with you being ‘nice’. People naturally respect those who have achieved something, who are successful and have good jobs, for example a doctor. Also people do admire those who compassionately try to help others. Sounds simple but had never really thought about this before.
Truth hurts, but that is the truth that most human beings do not like to receive or hear any negative comments about themselves. If one realizes that these comments are not pin pointing to oneself but rather enlighten he or she to change into something better, it really worth more than any fortune in the world. We ourselves cannot see the reality within us, but the social mirror will do. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing on this useful and profound article that wakes me up from the deluded world.
I like Alec Baldwin, although he is arrogant,but his message is effective to those workers. Sometimes we have to be told the hard truth to wake us up. We should get out of our laziness and comfort zone, instead of just being a good person we should put more effort to step out to help and benefit others, only the result of our effort count!
Truth Hurts as most of us agreed it does. However this is I think Rinpoche’s intention to tell us and see how we react and what we are doing about it. Just like Alex Balwin harsh speech to the sales staff to perform or face dismissal.
In this aspect if we can accept truth and not allow hurt to rule us we can develop to a character of a human. On the other hand if we allow hurt to control us then it will destroy our personality
Thank you Rinpoche another great lesson to learn.
This is a very interesting article Rinpoche, thank you for sharing it with us. I would take this article as a motivational way to improve myself, to make myself better for the improvement of others. I believe that a lot can be learnt from this post.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this article with us. Yes truth hurts. And it is important to hear the truth. Most people don’t like to get pointed out on things they do which they shouldn’t or things they don’t do and they should do.
“The difference is that, in the real world, people consider it so wrong to talk to you that way that they’ve decided it’s better to simply let you keep failing.”
Yes, most people don’t talk to us and we stay with the same behavior and fail to do what would benefit us.
Being the nicest person in the world will not make us happy.
“Happiness takes effort” “Misery is comfortable”
“You have to kill those excuses. Or they will kill you.” Excuses don’t help anyone. The thing isn’t done and you/I don’t feel happy about having done nothing!
Everybody knows how it feels when you have achieved something. It is so much better than sitting around and looking TV or playing some stupid game on internet. This will help no one.
“”You” are nothing but the fruit!”
Thank you very much Rinpoche for this important teaching.
With folded hands
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article with us. When I first read it, I find tit rude. Then I found that things that sounded funny and stupid which were exactly who we are. In order to be a useful human being to the society cannot be just being a “I am a good person. I am honest. I am a good daughter and I take care of my family…” does not serve or making you fit into this society anymore. We have to learn up skills or do something to fit in one of the categories what the people needs from us. If we still have that thought of open our mouth and let others feed you, then you will become miserable, as you need to compete with many others.
You might think of why do you have to make others like you? Why can’t they just love you as who you are? The answer will be because staying as who you are is much easier and comfortable. In other word: lazy… Can you imagine that we even LAZY to improve ourselves what hope do the others have from you that you will bring benefits to them. If you cannot provide benefits then why do people want to like you?
Nothing is gonna happen when we choose to sit there by just asking ourselves why? How now? What’s next? We need to get up and find out why, put in time an effort and we need a good plan too. These are the basic things order to get what we need.
The good thing is when we take action and willing to put in a little bit more effort than others , things will be different.
Thank you Rinpoche for willingly playing that role of the ugly man who pushes us to get up and do something about our lives. We like to hide in the dark and hoping no one can see us and being miserable in our lives.
I love this article. It’s so apt. It blew my mind that one could be so open, brutal yet so truthful in his article while his intention of writing this is to push our buttons, in a good way. Awakening indeed.
We always think that we’re nice and goodie (because we have no criminal records, *roll eyes*), when tragedy happens, we immediately become a very good trend follower. We facebook n share heartwarming pictures with quotes and send the prayers to the victims virtually, and that’s it. We doing this because everyone is doing, we do not want to be labelled cold. This kind of “compassion in action” stops at just few clicks on the mouse. Nothing further will happen. The advancement in technology brings us great gift in one hand, and it stabs us in the back with the other, which is the downfall of humanity.
We let ourselves to live in misery yet complain to the Buddha or God for being unfair. We let our ego talks before us and yet we blame others for our failures. We love to be loved yet we don’t even love ourselves by becoming a better person and gives a reason for people to love. The world only cares about what it can get from you, even your partner would expect something from you in a marriage or relationship that we thought it’s normal. Let’s just focus on ourselves first, yes, ourselves, as when we improve, we inspire others.
Thank you for sharing this article, Rinpoche. This reminds me of how Rinpoche wanted me to surrender to Dharma and there’s no way to get real happiness out from samsara. Thank you 🙂
Dear Rinpoche,
The writer is frank and he sounds “rude” hahaha. I have to admit it’s harsh to absorb it fully. Reasons? Because I saw so many “me” inside the article. Fact hurts, truth hurts, that’s why some will think people like Alec Baldwin is villain. At the same time, many will agree those who silently sit aside and let you keep falling is the bad guy in real sense.
I have to admit, for Alec Baldwin or the writer of this article to say something bluntly right into your face, is something we should celebrate instead of irritated by – for every word costs a piece of gold. Those words will cost you few thousand, I guess if you would like to hear it from a successful people/CEO/billionaire or so, in a talk.
We can’t remember how many times we were hurt for people we trust never tell us the truth to stop us from keep falling – if they could slap some truth onto our face on time, we will wake up earlier and no need to suffer for a longer time.
This is certainly not a feel good article, but I do learn from it:
* It’s so familiar when the writer talk about “…but I am a nice guy”, hahaha, yes I did that when I am aware of what I short of and lazy to improve it. The writer reminds us that is the minimum standard as a human being, and nothing to boasting about.
* We tend to excuse ourselves from improving instead thinking that’s the best way to “not losing my true self”…forgetting this is an act of hiding behind one’s fear to take a change, to move forward and be competitive.
If you notice enough, you will find not so successful people tend to equal rich man to villain, like the role of Alec Baldwin…so to avoid to be successful or getting rich.
* We have to equip ourselves with the skills, characters or qualities the society, the girls/boys need in the first place; before we move on to how to get the job, the girl/boy.
I remember one successful millionaire writes an open letter to girls who want to marry to rich men that:”…you should ask what you can offer to the man, not keeping thinking what you can gain after marrying to the rich man…without some qualities which can help the rich man, no rich man would go near you. Beauty face? There are too many out there with beauty face, talented and rich! ”
* The writer mentioned about the tendency/pattern of focusing on the messenger instead of hearing the message, is a good summarise for people avoiding listening to contents that “hurt”. I will keep this in mind.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing. Wish Rinpoche in good health and rest well.
With folded hands,
Wah Ying
Thank you Rinpoche for this blog post teaching. Yes, I totally agreed what Rinpoche said. Become a Dharma teacher is not easy for the teacher to teach and share the truth and real Dharma to all of us who indulging ourselves in worldly world. Most of us, included myself have been in this materialistic world too long. Our mind and body full of three poisons, it is not easy to get through by good virtues.
As a Dharma teacher, always become a bad guy to make sure his students transform! And the horrible thing is almost 90% of his students don’t want to accept the truth, the real fact which really horrible for all of us in this materialistic world.
It is not easy to get out from our own comfort zone and old habitual, sad that many of us cannot take is the truth hurts.The truth hurts may be very hard for all of us, but the fact is we don’t accept it…very shame and funny.
Sometime, I really have a Guru can guide in “shortcut” then I no need suffer so much of my own ignorance. This article brought me to different view of how our mind working on…thank you for this useful and good article.
Here’s my two pennies (let’s see if anybody gets the distorted reference/joke)
#6 The world only cares about what it can get from you.
The point is so apt it’s scary, and the truth in it is startling. Throughout my entire life, however short compared to others reading this and posting, I have seen this over and over again in anything I do. You have to have a set of skills in life for people to appreciate you as a person, that’s just the way samara works. The situation given in the post about a sincere guy who pulls out the knife to help but has no medical experience is a fantastic example of this. On another level I have seen so much of this occur to good and sincere people, and even to myself as a lot of people consider me to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. I have always dabbled in this this talent or had a little of some experience but never really mastered anything or learnt anything to a greater degree, the same with some of my colleagues who get looked over or side-lined, not only in work but relationships with others as well purely because we did not have the skills or the know-how to get something done efficiently or on time. It’s sad that even though we don’t have the skills, we have the sincere motivation. We could learn how to do this but that would take time, and the way the world works, demands this of us now and in this very instance.
#5 The Hippies Were Wrong
100% correct that the world works in this way. Living in society is like this and there is no way around it. We have to have skills that are useful or beneficial to others and the rank, pay or respect we receive from this is evident in the world all around us. If we want to be a part of society, do well, we have to learn how to learn and use the skills. This is a point that even though true I do not much like, the reason being, I don’t think I have those skills or have even been bothered to learn such skills, otherwise before I came to do Dharma work, I would have actually made something of this life. That’s another reason I came to do Dharma work, to get away from this, as I didn’t really like it. But the matter of the fact is that even when doing Dharma work, you can’t just laze around and have an idealistic vision of what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to interact with the world. You still need to learn skills to be of use, to help people along their spiritual paths, to make sure the temple is working, helping out wherever you can. I make a strong prayer that I may be able to learn a set of skills that will be of immense benefits to others, not for respect, praise or money but to bring others some solace, in a world full of so much pain. Even though we are practicing the Dharma, we are still in samsara therefore we still need to follow its rules.
#4 What You Produce Does Not Have To Make Money, But It Does Have To Benefit People
It’s just like I mentioned in my comment to the above point. Everything you do has to benefit people in some way or another and that is what they want. Even within Dharma work or practice the aim is the same, to benefit people, it’s just that our aim is to help them with the highest possible intention, of leading them hand in hand towards a transformation of the mind. It is what we need to remember, this Mahayana motivation of attaining our own inner transformation to be of benefit for others. We have to take the responsibility to do this. It is a heavy burden, but it needs to be done to alleviate the various forms of suffering so prevalent in the world.
#3 You Hate Yourself Because You Don’t Do Anything
Hahaha. This is so true. But that video has burned the inside of my eye balls. Lol. We have to spend the time and effort in doing something to gain the benefit, that’s a fact. This is something I’ve been in denial about most of my life and am only now working things out to get things moving so I can go on to where I want to be. It’s easier to believe things will fall into place, believing that Aladdin must have left the lamp with the genie in it somewhere, being complacent in our lives. Ahh…. Even more so in the Dharma. We call ourselves Buddhist…. But without study and understanding of the mind, nothing will happen. We need outward study first and then we can truly understand how our minds work. For that we here at Kechara have our Sunday dharma classes. As part of the team who create and implement the syllabus, I can say that a lot of people have benefited from this in their lives. It’s especially touching when a teenager comes up to you and says that his relationship with his mother has improved because of learning the Dharma and how to apply it in daily life. We are improving and making things better all the time, watch out because we have some interesting plans that will literally blow your mind away once we finish them!
# 2 What You Are On The Inside Only Matters Because of What It Makes You Do
Each of us has this strength within ourselves to achieve something, but most of us do nothing to actualise this. This is true and this point strikes deep within me. I have been lazy to achieve things, to get things done and improve myself to be better in my speech and actions to mirror what is actually in my mind.
#1 Everything Inside You Will Fight Improvement
Shout it from the rooftop. This is what the main issue is in all our lives, is what the great masters try ever SO hard to get us to realise and overcome. I like what the author, David Wong, wrote “Remember, misery is comfortable. It’s why so many people prefer it. Happiness takes effort.” Couldn’t have put it better myself. This is what we need to overcome. Most people even though they know this needs to be done, do not do it. Now the question is how to improve myself, what to work on first and then how to go about achieving it?
Thank you Rinpoche, for sharing this with us.
The truth always hurts.We should be thankful to people who point out our faults.we will feel hurt at first because of our ego and keep on denying but soon we will realise the reason they do so is because they care for us and want us to change for the better.If anyone choose to stay in their comfort zone,lazy, procrastinate and unwillingness to change then this people really got big problem,because they don’t need other people. SOon they will have no friends and remain lonely.
Many expect the Dharma to be sweet, lovey, kind and accommodating. Anything that pricks the ego is wrong. Well, truth doesn’t hurt so long as we continuously grow. Anything that is accommodating would probably lock us in a cage and keep us the same way. And this is the best position to launch our criticisms while continuously be lazy. How convenient.
I like the fact that we should acquire a new skill instead of asking for money, which means we will stay in our own cocoon, again. Build something, create something. Express and do something positive (not in a passive you are in my thoughts way) and experience that flow rushing back to you.
A wonderful article. Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing. It will be something I will revisit again and again. So much to learn and put into action.
I like the sentence “I want you to purely focus on giving yourself a skill that would make you ever so slightly more interesting and valuable to other people” This should be kept in the thought when I want to do something and even courage me to improve /change myself. Look at others need not our need.
I like how he give the example in article as they are make sense and it’s the truth that could not be deny. It’s direct and when I read I get a clearly message. For sure, I learn something and gain some knowledge of the fact of truth and thank you for sharing the meaningful article.
This indeed is a very interesting article with lots of example to explain the meaning of the 6 truths that hurt us really deeply and many people will find all sorts of excuses to avoid these truths. Yes truth hurts, but it is also truths that can make us a better person, but first of all, we must accept it and face our ugly self.
Human are really funny, we often wanted good things but we always reject when it comes, simple reason is because when it comes, we portray that it is bad, it is going to harm us. We got so attached to our own attachment and we keep hurting ourselves unknowingly, until one day when we really realize it, it’ll be too late for us.
The real happiness is we have to focus on benefiting others, work for others, because when we are more selfless, we will not focus on what we gain and what we lose, less time to be calculative, we’ll have more time to be happy. simple calculations 🙂
Thanks Rinpoce for the sharing.
There are so many message in this post.
But the thing that touch my mind and the thing that i should do is do more. Put our thought into actions!!
I like Alex Baldwin’s video, because it’s direct and bitchy. The purpose of the message is to get people out of comfort zone and go all the way, do their best! Because everyone has the ability to do the best, it’s just because that our laziness is overwhelming, and made us missed out a lot of good chances! The words that he used might be hurtful to some people but it’s a wake up call to others!
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing the article.The truth always hurt,we cannot escape or hide behind the truth.I believe the one may be hurt by the truth but that one will be thankful in the end for being true !
Truth indeed hurts. Do not fear truth. Embrace and accept truth for our betterment and progress. Deceive ourselves and we remain stagnant and no advancement nor progress. This is the message of the article for all of us to adopt it NOW. Thank you Rinpoche.
This was a good article by David Wong. It is certainly brutally truthful and i do hope that people would take the core of his message and not be sidetracked by the tone of the article or the misinterpretation of the oscar nomination Alec Baldwin received for his portrayal of a sewer-mouthed, small-minded, psychotic tyrant. The Oscar academy was not endorsing the character Alec was playing nor message but his acting.
What positive messages we can take away from this article is to act, and not sit back and wait. It is to empower ourselves with skills so we can give value to others and ourselves – and be useful to society as a whole. It is to seize the day and not waste a moment. It is to accept feedback from others which could make us better people.
However I do think that almost any person can advise another about what is ‘wrong’ with them. That they should be more proactive, that they should work harder, lose some weight, stand taller, don’t be a doormat. Indeed, i have many friends who are more than happy to tell me what’s wrong with me and they are not wrong. Far from it. So for someone to tell me the truth about me is not difficult. But how they tell me and how they help me to overcome my own issues is how compassionate and skilful they are.
The fact that the writer is telling us the truth doesn’t necessarily mean that he should be pounding it into our brain with an icepick. I do believe that it is possible to deliver the cold, harsh truth without being a complete lunatic about it.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful article. Even though the writer may not be Buddhist background, the message of being a useful person to others is exactly what Rinpoche taught. There’s so many parts I found funny because it’s so true. Example, the image of the doctor telling the patient that she’s in his thoughts and hope that will cure her. Words without action is empty. Rinpoche stressed this many times as well.
Also, I find this to be a wonderful article to guide people what to do with their lives. Many people are often lost with what’s next, what’s their destiny/purpose or how to get what they want. The idea that we are defined by what we do and our jobs makes perfect sense. So enough of seeking to discover ourselves kind of nonsense. Just do it.
This article is so straight to the point, to wake us up from the delusions we always have about ourselves.
Most people do not want to put effort to get what they want. They stay in their comfort zone and then expect something good and different to happen. When what they expect do not happen, they blame it to others, it is always other’s faults but not theirs.
This article is not about spiritual practice, it is about the reality of the world. However, one can see easily that spiritual practice is actually a practice for you to fit into the secular world! To produce results, to become someone useful to the society, to feel good about ourselves.
We have to take responsibility for our lives, stop complaining, stop dreaming but take action now!
Truth hurts when we want to hide and justify. When we see truth as something that is scary and will hurt us, then we will surely hide and justify about the truth.
Most of the times I feel scared to face the truth too, but when I look beyond the pain feeling that truth gives me,I feel relieve too that finally I know what is wrong with me and where and what I should improve or change. When there is mistake, the wrong will comes to an end and it is the beginning of the ‘right’.
Personally I like the truth number 6 the most. This is the real world we are living in and we shouldn’t feel the world is cold and cruel because it is not. It is just we fully use our lives that can make ourselves worth something. The conclusion I got is action speaks louder than words. I think if everyone learn the truth number 6, there will be less anger in this world, as anger most of time comes from bitterness and bitterness comes from doing nothing and just blaming others.
I think sweet words is the one who will hurt us eventually. Sweet words cover our mistakes and it brings us nowhere but a place to fail. What Rinpoche said at the above is very correct, real care is rare to find and see. If the Guru tells you off, he/she is telling you the truth that others don’t see or even if they see, they won’t tell you off to piss you off. But the Guru will. And the Gurus make sure you know the truth and understand completely to grow, to be better.
Though this is a very long article, but it is a very direct and straight to the point.
There is three main points that I get from here:
1. Be open to accept criticism and look at it positively at how we can improve ourselves. At times criticism might hurts but it is more towards we cannot let down our ego.
2. Learn a skill and work hard to gain respect. Do just talk, but in action and not lazy.
3. A skill that is not just for secular, not just for ourselves, but to bring values and benefits to others.
Thank you so much Rinpoche for sharing.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thanks for this article.
It is right that when people trying to tell us we are wrong, they are actually compassion.
How many people dare to tell off the person in front of his / her face on truth. Everyone wanted to be good person to others. No body want to be bad person. Because to have courage to tell the person the truth they have to take the consequences of being betrayed, shut off by their friend etc. Thus, better off to keep in silent than speak up.
Another point i picked up from this article- We must be a professional to do our job. We are actually respected by our job title and the job we performed. People know us through our job. Not so much on the personality. This world is too busy to analysis on personality.
Also, how much we willing to go all the way with the job we wanted.
Once again thanks Rinpoche for the care and point to me how the mind think and what is the reality.
These truths are very real!! The only reason why we do not want to be a better person is because we are scared to face the truth about ourselves. We are very comfortable with what we have and do not want to step out of our comfort zone to realise our dream. This is because stepping out of our comfort zone will make us vulnerable to the unknown.
Results are very important because it shows who you are. If you are a good person, then do good and show it our to the world. If you do not do anything about, then there’s no point to it., It does not benefit anyone!! So, fight for who you are. We always want to take the easy way out because we are just lazy.
Time to get ourselves out there and make something of ourselves. CLOSE!
Truth is not always easy to hear – especially if we are in a comfort zone and hearing the truth and acting on it requires a large amount of effort courage and a whole less load of excuses and avoidance.
The truth hurts, there’s no doubt about that. But if we do not hear the truth upfront, it will hurt more in the long run. Most of us hide and are not comfortable to face the truth.
Thank you for sharing this article, Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
The harsh truth that bothers me the most would be the truth #1 on “Everything inside you will fight improvement”. Indeed our physical bodies and minds are created in such a way that there is an instant reaction should there be any indication to changes happening to us physically or mentally. I would say that it is similar to the term ‘inertia’ as expressed in the physics law of motion on an object. To counter this resistance, one must apply a force greater than the resistance to improve oneself.
The truth is the people who think that others don’t see who they are, they don’t see who others are! It is kind of selfish, you only think from your point of view, you don’t think from others point of view. You want others to provide what you want, but you don’t provide what others want. What goes around comes around. You give nothing, you get nothing. You complain others, others complain you. These 6 harsh truths is a sweet advise if you are going to do something about yourself. Otherwise, it is always the 6 harsh truths.
“It’s brutal, rude and borderline sociopathic” but it got the message across, crystal clear!
This article is so well-written, it is straight to the points, the analogy carried its message across very very clearly, it allows us to see from the correct view point, it is very direct yet witty. This author is brilliant.
Yes truth will hurt. Actually no one likes to be told of his/her weaknesses but a good ‘teacher’, be it a rude boss like Glengarry Glenn Ross or our compassionate Guru (Spiritual Guide), will keep telling us the truth for the sake of our improvements; although their motivations are sky apart. One is for the company’s gains whereas the other is solely for our own spiritual growth. And their methods may varies depending on situations.
The point is, everyone want good money, happiness and respects but all these need hard works and sacrifices. If we are not willing to learn and practice, repeatedly, then we have no one else to blame. Society needs us to contribute. And we need to take actions.
Actually this is in line with Buddhist philosophy of selflessness. The main goal in life is not for our own comfort but how much we can benefit and help others. When we help others to get their happiness, we will get ours.
“If you want to be truly happy, then make others happy without agenda.” ~ Tsem Rinpoche
For whatever reason, we seems to be born into the world of lies and the reality is simply not the reality that we all are expecting. Example at times when we do cook for your loves one and it is your first time cooking this particular dish then you asked them, how does it taste? Most probably in order to make you feel good or some how is pre- program they will tell you is actually quite nice. So, did they say it to make them feel better or us? Why can’t we tell the truth in order for that particular person to be better? Simply putting them in the position of comfort zone will not going to help them.
Yes, i thing the entire world is making use of each other in order to progress and we need to improve on whatever we are doing so that we could help. Keep moving and the reality won’t be waiting.
The six harsh truths above are the realities of life whether or not we accept them or otherwise. If we do not accept these realities then we are to be blamed because we didn’t take personal responsibility for our actions. Below are some of my thoughts that came to mind.
#6 The World Only Cares About What It Can Get From You
If we have nothing to offer to the world, what makes us think we can get what we want from the world? We have to give in order to receive.
#5 The Hippies Were Wrong
The scene from Glengarry Glen Ross is a perfect antidote to our attachment to comfort zones. We do need an ‘extreme’ push factor like criticisms, adversities, challenges and difficult conditions to take us out of doldrums.
We are lucky if we are met with the above situations because we can use those situations to improve ourselves.
#4 What You Produce Does Not Have to Make Money, But It Does Have to Benefit People
The patient is bleeding in the street. Do you know how to operate or not?
This is a great pointer. Either we are skilled in what we do or if we are not, what do we do to improve ourselves so that we can be of most benefit to others. The least we must do is to fulfill our responsibilities and commitments. We must add value to our ‘services’ to others!
#3 You Hate Yourself Because You Don’t Do Anything
We are impatient to see results. We don’t persevere until we succeed. That is why we had failed because we failed to realize the process is the result!
We spend most of our time to take more from the world than giving back to the world. In spiritual sense, we use up our good karma but never replenish them! We must add value to our precious human life.
#2 What You Are Inside Only Matter Because of What It Makes You Do
The world cares only about the fruits and not the dirt simply because we can measure the fruits or results that we had produced. If we hadn’t produced results means we hadn’t put to good use our potential. In spiritual sense, we have no attainments even though we may be knowledgeable. Our actions do not reflect what we have known. In other words we must practise what we preach.
#1 Everything Inside You Will Fight Improvement
Our attachment to comfort zones or simply our laziness is the one impeding our effort to succeed. To be happy we must put effort in creating the causes for it. There is no free lunch in the world. Start by creating small success than no success!
These six harsh truths are indeed very profound. They are so relevant in our secular as well as spiritual life. I am grateful to be reminded about these harsh truths and am working towards improving myself further.
Many people when heard about truth words, but they choice to avoiding instant of accepting because truth does hurt your own feeling and make you sad at the moment. But long term you more suffering by listen just to kind word but did not bring any benefit yourself. You have to make your own choice to overcome yourself feeling.
Asking ourself are we easy to influence by people words who sincerely told Face yourself and fright to overcome it.You will find more happy rather the blaming people around you.
Thank you rinpoche showing us this truthful article to inspiring us.
I like this post very much. Again, its about our comfort zone, laziness and getting out of it, doing something about it. It reminds me very much of Rinpoche’s teachings and always reminding us to check ourselves, push the buttons, grow out of the habit that keeps denying what is right coz we cant accept the truth!
I like this part a lot :
Nobody cares about your dirt. “Who you are inside” is meaningless aside from what it produces for other people.
Inside, you have great compassion for poor people. Great. Does that result in you doing anything about it? Do you hear about some terrible tragedy in your community and say, “Oh, those poor children. Let them know that they are in my thoughts”? Because if so — find out what they need and help provide it.
And the Alec Baldwin video is very inspiring. It is harsh but its the truth and the best part is when we do it, it benefit ourselves and not make us worse.
Why can someone do what they do but I cant? The thought pushes me harder to do the best in what I can and learn more.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful and inspiring post!
Thank you for sharing this article Rinpoche. The advice is really universal and can pretty much be applied to the pursuit of jobs or even betterment of oneself. The writer also gave many concrete examples instead of just a motivational piece. See this example by the writer:
“I don’t have the money to take a cooking class.” Then Google “how to cook.” They’ve even filtered out many things now, it’s easier than ever. Damn it, you have to kill those excuses. Or they will kill you.
Everything is about what we do: the results. Because it’s easy to say we are nice, we are caring, we love animals, etc. but without concrete results (which the listing activity points out) it’s hard for anyone to believe it.
Many successful people in the secular world paid their dues for a long time before getting there. I am sure they were not born perfect and gung-ho. They decided that they will stop complaining of their situation and were tired of hearing the own excuses. They got up and did something, that’s why they did not end up becoming a self-pitying losers at the end.
Like what Rinpoche said in “Comfort Prison”,
“Pain and suffering does not necessary lead to failure. It’s just how we want to use it and how we want to move on from it. People who had it easy with money, stable family & support have little reasons to not succeed except going past their comfort zones to do more. Comfort zones might be set up by our mind that does not wish to encounter any pain for others or inconvenience ourselves. But then we might fall behind…going past our comfort zones benefits others and ourselves in the long run. Don’t make our own prisons…”
This anti-hippie, tough love pep talk to personal accomplishment and self worth is a great piece for those who are ready to hear what they don’t like to hear. But the key is, what does one do after hearing this?
I like this very much, which I think is an important message: “Inside, you have great compassion for poor people. Great. Does that result in you doing anything about it?” It is time like what the writer said, to “get off the sofa” if you want to be a better person.
If you need motivation verse before you leave this page, “You have nothing to lose, and the world needs you.” and if you like tough love, “Coffee is for closers, motherf*****s.”
Ok I am getting up the sofa and going to do something now!
Elvis Presley’s ” …a little less conversation, a little more action please…” song resonates as I was reading this post, which by the way, personally is one of the best I’ve read in this blog. We want love, but we are not lovable; we want all the best things in life, but we choose to be lazy and become a loser. So we hate ourselves simply because we don’t do anything. So reading this post is a wake up call to get into action and stop moping around waiting for things to happen. Make them happen. And do everything to fight my internal mechanism from self improvements.
Its very very true that Truth hurts. The one whom received will be hurt due to own fear, ego and laziness. Where the other party that comment will get hurt too because the motivation comes from care and love and might have to prepare for the risk of breaking the relationship as well.
If everyone accept with an open mind and contemplate after the comment. Its is actually help us to grow and be a better person.
It is a blessed if a Guru will tell you straight off on our false, especially with high attainments Lama. Because of our Guru’s wisdom, and compassion, is actually protecting us when he tells us our false.
Thank you Rinpoche for this post. May I have the wisdom to receive the ugly truth from you.
With folded hands.
Thank you Rinpoche for the blatantly honest list. While reading the post, I reflected on the progress I made in life and realize that they all stem from painful feedbacks from people who placed my interest before their own popularity rating.
It does take real courage to give honest feedback and I feel blessed that I have Rinpoche, my mother and sister to have consistently shed light on the “fruits” of my life so that this lifetime adds up to something of value instead of just wasted away with eating indulgences and development of crippling attachments.
It is so mind jerking to read the clear expression of the author that we often choose to be miserable because success and happiness is a lot of consistent hard work. However, I learn that the difficulty of growing and progressing is better than the desperation of being stuck in loser-mode.
I have also been meeting with different people with very different demographic but they all share the common dilemma of being a “nice guy”. I am so grateful to receive this blog post from Rinpoche and look forward to share it with them and many others.
Thank you again, Rinpoche!
Dear Rinpoche,
I learned from this post that we should just focus on developing our skills so that it benefit others. We must be known for a skill that we are good at that can help others. For me that is to work well at my volunteering in KSA. I thank Rinpoche for the instruction and blessings and I will enhance my skills further and not be too bothered with the negatives if any. Focus on the positives.
Truth hurts because it is difficult to accept, especially if it is about ourselves. But if we manage to overcome our denial of the truth and our resistance to change, then it makes it easier. The message in the article can be applied to our Dharma practice. “A tree is judged by its fruit”. We are judged by the “value” that others perceive in us. Are we useful to others? Do we benefit society in any way? People only care about what you can do for them. That is why doctors are more respected than bystanders who can’t do anything for someone lying injured in the street.So if we have no results to show in our practice, do not blame others and do not make excuses. “Happiness takes effort”, so as Baldwin’s character says, “If you want to work here, close”.
Truth Hurts! Why? Because nobody likes to listen to the truth. They like to live in their own comfort zone and believe that everything they do is OK even though it is not. Live in a world of lies for some.
Time to change and listen to the truth.
Thank you for the valuable sharing, Rinpoche.
It is not pleasant to hear the truth and most of the truth hurt.It is better to know our weaknesses and mistakes rather than to hide them, it only turns out to be self deceptive. By listening to the truth of oneself can improve ourselves and transform to be a better person. Thank you for sharing this blog post.
Two points really stand out in this article: 1) focus on self improvement, 2) be consistent.
It is very true that we are generally very lazy, we want things easy, we want everything but we want to work for nothing. The worst part is we blame others for our own failure. For eg. in courting a girl. We tend to always focus on the tactics for courting one, instead of thinking how we can improve ourselves to attract one. When we have hard time looking for one, we think that it is her problem that she doesn’t see our good qualities. To be honest, everyone has good qualities, but no one really care what they are unless you have done something to highlight them.
Our personalities are internal, they can hardly be seen unless they shine through with the things we do. Being nice is not enough, being nice with something that benefit others is what people wanted. Everyone wanted something from society, from friends, from education, from work, from everything. Even when 2 individuals come together, most of the time, they think they’ve found what they wanted in the other person. Hence, the famous question: “What kind of girl or guy are you looking for?”
The writer has basically listed out our major internal demons that are stopping us from achieving something good and meaningful. It stops our courage and all positive qualities. His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche once said that “Courage is not doing something in the absence of fear but knowing that something else is more important than fear. So we do it.” It is true that they are many important things than staying in fear. Fear is a form of laziness that is made up by our deluded mind – fear is not in-existent but was perceived by us causing us to stop from doing something, especially something good for others and ourselves. This can be as simple as admitting that we made a mistake and asked for forgiveness for the fear of losing face.
We all know where our problem is and what is stopping us from moving forward whether we have started something, going half way with it or deciding to stop. This article is a sound reminder for all of us who have unlimited potential to excel and be successful. I sincerely hope that by reading & understanding the points of this article we can all look back in a few months time to smile with satisfaction.
To summarized the essence of the article for all, especially for Tibetan Buddhist whose goal is to achieve enlightenment, “Without effort enlightenment is not possible. Pure and simple. Be consistent.” ~ His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche
I love this blog post, initially look like a motivational article, but read twice, I realized it is very spiritual too. The key points are what Rinpoche always teaches us.
I Like what David commented,
“I love this blog post and I really appreciate its meaning and how if taken in the right context, will solve a lot of problems and bring a lot of fulfillment and meaning to one’s life. “
We are in dharma, we are also sales people, we are “selling dharma” and Rinpoche’s teachings to others, to benefit others, we are interested in dharma but cannot just sit back and NO ACTION, at this point, we need to CLOSE, close the deal in order to spread dharma.
In Glengarry Glen Ross speech :
“The bad news is that you have no other choice. If you want to work here, close.”
ACTION is the key!
Learning dharma is one thing, to apply and benefit others require Actions and perseverance.
I totally agreed with Beng Kooi too,
“The essence of the article is exactly what Tsem Rinpoche teaches, which is:
-> “Don’t wait for the light, be the light.”
-> “Whatever you do, go all the way with it and don’t look back.”
-> “False humility is admitting what you are and how bad you are, and doing nothing about it.”
-> “The most magical moment is when you realize you can be more and go for it.”
-> “Stop counting what you cannot do, but count what you CAN do and start doing it.”
-> “Life has to be more about not reasons why we failed, but motivational talks to others of how we made it”
Thank you Rinpoche for this marvelous article, full of wisdom!
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing
The truth really hurts, that is why sometimes we like to deny it. Most of the time we are not positive enough to know the truth. Part of the problem is because we are lazy and ego. Lazy and ego really can kill us. We have to constantly remind ourself be open minded, listen to others comments, be positive for the change.
Suet Moi
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this article to Bang our head…
Its truly make a Big Bang to my head, we are glad to meet a Guru that always push our button to make us to be a Better person…
To realize who we are? What we should do? to be a Better person is not a Big Deal, the Big Deal is How we should do? and When we should do? to be a Better person…
Time running, we should not just move the first step out of our comfort zone but we should move faster to chase the Train…
Instead of saying Lets Do it, rather than figure out How and When and move on…
May we always blessed by Lord Manjushri to lesser down our Ignorance mind, hence protected by Dharma Protectors to reduce our obstacles to get on the Train…
I like this powerful post very much!
Many of people know what is the Truth, but one always choose selfishness and comfort zone than creating result or succeed in life by real action. They are countless of people have no idea how to fight for what they want, if in this case be open minded to learn and listen to advise those who on top of you.
Don’t close our door and blame others not giving one chances for a better life. Contemplate and examinate one plus action with Discipline, consistency and never give up also part of the key to success.
This article has “refreshed” my life.
It is telling me we need to be productive and produce result to benefit others. Baldwin is not a nice guy but he produced result and the salesman is a nice guy but did not produce result.
It makes me think everything is about what you do,ie the results. Being a good person is not enough, you must also useful to others, you need to take action to do something. It’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you”.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this article.
The truth hurts…yes it does! But the lies I tell myself are worse…they are down right damaging! Let me tell you that the most “painful” truth about who I am was told to me by my respected Teacher, Tsem Rinpoche. It was painful and I cried. The initial thoughts I had were to block my ears and close my eyes. Shut out all the truth. However, I always remembered why I love my Guru. It is in his eyes – compassion and love. What he told me taught me about myself. Made me stronger as I faced who I am. Rinpoche was honest and gave it to me as it is. No sugar coating. Until today those teachings remain the most powerful in me.
From this article I have learnt:
1) I am my results
2) Who I am is important only to fuel my actions, and not a mental masturbation exercise (please excuse the analogy as it is best to express myself)
3) In life results matter because it is from what I have achieved that tells people who I am and that fulfils their needs to be with people who have results. People do not like to hang out with losers. And losers are measured by what they have not achieved in the eyes of norm.
4)It is the sad truth that we do live for others, as much as we would like to be living for oneself
Why lose weight? Why buy fashion magazines to improve our looks? Why show off our expensive clothes and jewellery? It is to give an impression that people expect to see and measure as SUCCESSFUL.
5) I understand that if I have results which benefits others in a wholesome way then I am making things happen.
6) “Freely we give, freely we receive”. Whether I/we admit or not, we all feel good when complimented and praised. But we feel bad when the praise is based on lies. So make it the truth and this is when who I am plays a part to balance myself and fuel me to perform.
7) Who I am is passive importance. What I do is progressive importance.
As a TV host today, I have to deliver my contents and message no matter how I feel and what I think. My purpose is not to be beautiful but I realize I need to invest in my presentation because people like to watch good-looking people. Substance is key but I need to first get their attention! Being on TV with a message for the audience is most important because giving knowledge to them is what I aim to achieve. So I can be tired and my eyes blood shot but when my director says, ” Action” all that I am feeling is unimportant because my goal is to deliver the message. What has this got to do with anything??? How I feel is unimportant, my result to deliver my message is ultimate. And this ability to put myself aside and get the job done is driven by who I am and that is to make something of myself for a greater purpose.
Thank you Rinpoche for this article. I know Rinpoche is far and I am grateful for this teaching which hits the nail on the head. With gratitude and folded hands.
Yes. Most of the time truth hurts. We always try to avoid listening to the truth and then correct what has been wrong. We rather or prefer to stay in the comfort zone and feel comfortable.
The solution is to accept the truth instead of hiding behind it and make the necessary changes.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this valuable article.
If I wish to pander to my ego and self-deception, I will merely scratch the surface of this ‘litany of harsh truths’ and see it as crass, asking me to spend crazy long hours learning a skill which I think is dubious in its effect of making me a successful or happy person.While, at the same time, the inner ‘me’ is crying out to be noticed.
However, if I reflect on it, I will see this as a nugget of invaluable advice – advice that leads me to focus on developing ‘me’ into a person with definite capabilities and power to benefit others and fill their needs. By changing my perception to encompass a self that is not limited to just fulfilling personal needs and desires, I allow ‘me’ to grow beyond my fears, insecurities and my comfort zone.In this way, my growth will be space-like as it accommodates the ever complex and expanding needs of others.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this profound article.
We are so used to enjoying compliments that we have forgotten that in any situation there is really no necessity for compliments nor critical remarks.
In all that is done, the results will benefit some and not others, but the sum of having done well to benefit others is ratio of benefit is more than that of not benefiting.
In any circumstances the truth hurts, it is only when we be open and not make the truth personal and realise that the truth did not work for our lives then we make the changes to do things and create actions that benefit others.
Doing ”things” for self will only create scarcity and doing ”things” that create chain activities that generates ”goodness” for all at large is the real purpose of our existence.
This article makes me more open to accept things as they are and if I am to see these same things to be better off, I need to do something for that to happen, not pray for it.
Thank you Rinpoche for this article which also make me see flaws by which I am living my life and be more aware to be constructive towards the betterment of the world.
Thanks Rinpoche for the article. It’s like a stream of cool water splash to my head, make me want to quickly tidy back my wet hair and say “let’s do something!”
Self improvement is never a wrong move but sometimes I just think too much of what’s in others mind. On the other hand, busy schedule has become my valid excuses to stay in comfort zone.
“Who you are inside” is meaningless aside from what it produces for other people.” I like this sentence the most. It’s useless to tell people how good we are, it’s the action that counts. And from the article I understand that, the “counts” does not mean that having a fantastic result, but something meaningful and contributing to our life journey.
I love you Rinpoche and I miss you a lot. Hope you are doing well in US and please stay healthy and long life 🙂
这是面对现实的真理, 是我们接受不到的事实怕受伤,也不是我们期望听到的,尤其是真相,因为怕伤害,我们喜欢骗自己。
事实的真相是残酷,必须走出自己的舒适地带, 超越自己舒适地带的限制 ,我们的目标是以造福他人。不要等待,就让我们开始。
I named these thoughts as self-denial for most of us. We do not wish to accept that we can be better. We say we want happiness but we actually don’t know what is that.
We are complacent because we find comfort in our samsaric “happiness” thinking it is concrete and lasting but it is not. We focused on accumulating external things thinking it can fulfill our emotional needs, but does it really fulfill it? And yet, we remain “empty” on the inside of us. That is why we are still looking for that “hope” or that “light” to save us. It proves that external objects does not and cannot fulfill us on the inside of us, of our heart and mind.
We need to look beyond that perception of focusing on external factors to bring us hope and happiness. We should instead learn to look inside of ourselves to fill that “void”. Start with small achievable steps to start with, like training and continue it. I am sure it is achievable, if we put in the effort.
Truth can be quite the paradox. This article reminds me of another famous movie scene from A Few Good Men.
Kaffee: I want the truth!
Jessep: You can’t handle the truth!
Yes, many of us claim to want the truth, even dare to demand it sometimes but we cannot face the truth when it is blatantly in our face. We have developed many layers of defense mechanism to protect our ego. Instead of thinking I have nothing to lose, what’s the worse that can happen, I could only fail. I prefer to not do anything because I could actually fail and the world would finally find out that I am a loser. Does the world stop or someone’s life get effected because they found out I am a loser, probably not! I don’t think people will really be talking about my failure because they will be getting on with their lives and other more interesting things than the story of my life. The only person most likely stuck with the thoughts of my failure is myself. This ego trip is all in my head.
This section of the article really resonates with me.
— it’s always “How can I get a job?” and not “How can I become the type of person employers want?” It’s “How can I get pretty girls to like me?” instead of “How can I become the type of person that pretty girls like?” See, because that second one could very well require giving up many of your favorite hobbies and paying more attention to your appearance, and God knows what else. You might even have to change your personality.
Change is the key. Yep, the truth hurts because transformation as much as we may want to resist is possible and tick tock tick tock, we are running out of time, we are running out of excuses.
Dear rinpoche Thank you for sharing this article.tuuth can be hurts.This is an interesting article.
Thank you for sharing these harsh truths with us. I believe that these truths are essential for people to understand so that they can be happy.
Hmm… this article, reminds me of Rinpoche’s actions. I have seen more times than I can count, how Rinpoche pushes us students to build up new skills, which will not only benefit the organization and Dharma but also build self confidence and self worth for the individual.
This is a very honest article lol!
It is too true that people just don’t want to get off that comfortable couch… they either just day dream about things or have someone else carry out the job… either way, it never gains them any respect or self achievement because no effort was placed into it.
The out of resentment, they will say ‘hey, i’ve told you so and so, that’s my idea etc etc’ for the sake of credit and regret that they never placed the effort to begin with. Well, an idea never materialize if no effort is put into it.
Then you have those that sit back and all they do is criticize the work of others. Or they impose some standards on others which they themselves do not follow. LOL! Some times I feel like giving them back their ‘poison’ but hey, I’m too busy playing the nice guy… which apparently is not the most effective way and an ultimate time killer that brings you no benefit…
Doing things that bring you no benefit equals to bringing no skill to yourself.. with no skills, you are not needed and thus not respected lol!
This article is really a refreshment to me. I forgot that people want more than just a nice person. I forget the whole reason I studied a professional degree was to be needed and respected. That’s the real world, and just like in death, no one’s going to be there to help you up, only you can do it and trust yourself.
Unfortunately, just like any truth… this article is really like a Dharma book. Read it with the right frame of mind and you get motivated and realize your flaws… read it with the wrong frame of mind and it just pushes you deeper into denial lol! Truly an amazing article… this writer must have studied the human behavior and has gone through a lot to have concluded so accurately.
David Wong, the writer, clearly pointed what is real compare to what we imagine in our heads. I agreed very much with his advice on how to succeed at what you’re going to pursue to be happy. In a secular world, everywhere, people including ourselves, look at results and actions. Ironically “when it comes to me doing it I won’t be bother with myself doing it but when it comes to others doing it I would be bothered and checked it out.” In other words unknowingly I look at results done by others although I myself am not great at showing results. Therefore naturally people and society looks at needs and the person who can fulfill it can achieve much more if he or she is willing to let go of his own laziness and comfort zone. Hidden in the message is if we want to do something, our focus ie. motivation should be general encompassing. It must not be specific for example like to pursue this particular girl or this specific job. Girl can left town one day or job can no longer be available any more due to whatever circumstances but skill/attitudes don’t. I believe his message is by challenging ourselves ie my fears I would become a much happier person than not happy. The pain of going through all this is not unhappiness. At the same time due to circumstances, friends and families, I must accept my own ‘failure’ and not be concerned with those who looks down on my failure and fear during the whole process because that is also their fears. If I give up halfway yielding to my fears I may never learn the truth of who really am I.
I’ve always loved Albert Einstein that he said ‘If we attempt the same thing and expect different results that is madness. And whatever we wish to achieve has to start with the first step or first move, at least when we try we have 50% of success no matter what we try to achieve.
The truth is scary, however not telling the truth is almost always much worst and in the long run does more damage.Being upfront with it might hurt more intensely,but it leads to letting go and healing.
Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
At first glance, the idea of “what I have achieved” being more important than “the type of person I am” can seem overly materialistic and non-spiritual. That was my initial reaction. But upon further reading, the article began to make a lot of sense, both logically and spiritually.
“What I have achieved” translates into
-> “What I can do for others”
-> “How I can benefit others”
-> “How I have used my life”
-> “What I want to do with my life”
-> “How much effort and perseverance have I put into doing/learning something”
-> “Being unafraid to try, fail, and improve”
While conversely, “The type of person I am” translates into:
-> “Lack of will to change”
-> “Lack of motivation and effort”
-> “Lack of honest self-evaluation”
-> “Focus on self and not others”
-> “Fear to do more, fear of failure”
-> “Accepting my bad qualities as fixed and constant”
Of course, there are many other points of view, but at heart, I find this article to be chockful of wisdom. And while it is written from a secular, lay point of view, the essence of the article is exactly what Tsem Rinpoche teaches, which is:
-> “Don’t wait for the light, be the light.”
-> “Whatever you do, go all the way with it and don’t look back.”
-> “False humility is admitting what you are and how bad you are, and doing nothing about it.”
-> “The most magical moment is when you realize you can be more and go for it.”
-> “Stop counting what you cannot do, but count what you CAN do and start doing it.”
-> “Life has to be more about not reasons why we failed, but motivational talks to others of how we made it”
Very enlightening article!
Wow! I love this blog post. I have to admit, it really sounds awfully like what Rinpoche had been teaching and drumming into some of us students. I am principally one of the main nasty students whom Rinpoche had been working on for years. If any of you blog readers have read my book, There’s No Way But Up, the general message of what Rinpoche does to me and tells me is summarised in this blog post. Even the Glengary Glen Ross Speech was attempted by Rinpoche but with far less vulgarity of course. I have to admit that I have not fully adopted the message but I do appreciate the intent and meaning behind it.
I love this blog post and I really appreciate its meaning and how if taken in the right context, will solve a lot of problems and bring a lot of fulfilment and meaning to one’s life. I love this blog post and I say it again because it is devoid of the usual jargon of teachings but it contains a lot of the meaning and intent of the teachings. It is practical and makes a whole lot of sense. It is perfect for those who wish to do more with their lives or overcome a nasty aspect of their lives. Thank you Rinpoche and your teachings and life-lessons comes flooding back from my memory.
Very creative article ! Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
The points seemed simple but the truths are hard to stomach. Ignorance,denials and procastinations are common factors in the weaknesses mentioned above. We have to strive very hard to overcome them. Otherwise we create a prison for ourselves never able to transform and be of better benefit to others.
The fact is, we get hurt when it is not something that we expect to hear, especially the truth as it is a common trait that we love to lie to ourselves to get the easy way out. We must get out of our comfort zone and push beyond our precepted limits to achieve our goal to benefit others. Don’t wait, let’s do it!
其实很多人都明白以上的道理。但是又有多少人会改变? 从前周星驰也有一个名句:“ 屎 ~ 屎~ 我系一督屎 ~ 你驾 BENZ ~~ 我挖鼻屎~~~ ” 当我们在妒嫉或讲别人的时候, 有没有看看自己做过些什么?付出过什么?
我们不需要与任何人比较! 因为最后的敌人是自己!不如从今天起,自己与自己来一个比赛。每天会活的更有意义!
this article by David Wong makes a lot of sense from many levels.. first in the secular level, he pointed out that in order to make money and have better live, we need to have a specific skills; and as he said, to get the girl you want, you will need to learn the skills. There is no free lunch, and simply put, you won’t get paid for just being a nice person. I am glad my dad taught me to work hard to earn my pay check as well as respect.
However, I am glad that David didn’t just emphasise on secular. It is not just about using money as a measure, instead, it is very much applicable to spiritual practice too. If we care enough, we would spend our time and effort to learn up skills to benefit others; rather than spending the time for self gratification and self pleasure. In my opinion, this is the most important message in this article.
It is very true that truth hurts, but we can’t always hide behind the truth. I’d rather to suffer from the truth than living my life with the lies.
For this article I found it a bit hard to comment on. Perhaps due to its long article or perhaps…simply truths that hurt!
“There is a reason why surgeons get more respect than comedy writers. There is a reason mechanics get more respect than unemployed hipsters.”… For this, I will think of Dato Ruby Khong and Datuk May (of course many more). Just look at what they have done even though they have families. At first I would gave the reasons that they have a good family background and etc…But at the end of the day… It was their effort! Rather than saying I can’t,I can’t and more I can’t perhaps I can learn to say I try and subsequently, OK and just do it.
“Pray for them. I’m not even commenting on whether or not prayer works; it doesn’t change the fact that they chose the one type of help that doesn’t require them to get off the sofa.” … Sorry to say this but I am actually one of them. Now, I just need to firm up my practice ( I do not want to entangle myself in uncertainty) couple with correct understanding, and by then (hopefully as soon as possible) may I truly benefit others.
“It’s entirely possible that if I just keep doing exactly what I’m doing, eventually things will work out! I’ll get my big break, and if I keep doing favors for that pretty girl, eventually she’ll come around!”…often times I am caught up like this as well, thinking as time passes by, things will gradually and eventually change to a better side but when the ugly side turns up, blaming and more excuses will ensue. To counter this, perhaps Dharma is my only way out. I always like this quote…If one has created the proper cause, the result will come. worrying is of no use!
Sometimes I do not know whether my comment will be beneficial or nothing but a crap, but when I saw this …”add any skill, any improvement to your human tool set, and get good enough at it to impress people”… Perhaps I just need to learn up to give more beneficial comments as well!
Last but not least, thank you for sharing this, Rinpoche.
Truth hurts That because we just wants good things to happen to us and for some to everyone else….by itself. But the truth is nothing is going to happen if we do not take action. We need to take action to be good at something no matter how much time and effort we need to take. Then we can us this skill that we are good at to help others and to helps ourselves. The fruit(s) is what counts. What we think should be translated into actions that benefit others; not just think and Even a dog can benefit others by doing something that makes other happy and in return they are loved for that simple thing that they do well.
Lets start by working to be good at whatever we do. Then the really good things will happen to us. Do not think and think how it will. It will. For nobody can do everything but each need to produce at your own job/skills/talent well to benefits others. Then let the world take it to its positive outcome.
Thank You Rinpoche for the blog. It is surprising but it is Dharmic. Definitely learned something basic, simple and profound.
This is an interesting article. Alex Baldwin’s portrayal as the guy with the motivational speeches was good. I guess in such a scenario the words have to be direct with no nonsense. His message was clear to the salesmen and he got their attention and to be interested in their work. I reckon they maysadqui Frenchde their decision to stay and put into action to close sales in the movie. The truth hurts, in this case, the salesmen’s ego. However, telling the truth in another scenario, say, when a doctor has to call the next of kin of someone who just passed on would not be so blunt and direct. That would be really shockingly painful. Still, the truth hurts.
Typo: I reckon they made their decision to stay and put into action to close sales in the movie.
This article gives many examples to affect one to do something, to get out of the I, me and myself worlds.
It might be counter-intuitive to those brought up in a consumer-oriented society where consumption, hence personal gratification, reigns supreme, but such societies are where such behaviour and hence (negative) effect spawn.
I would like to add that since these behavior imprints start young, I must try and take the first step of raising my child to do things for others and there would be no other better way than by leadership by example. Thank you Rinpoche.
Thank you for sharing this article, Rinpoche. Straight off the cuff!
Time for us to change our mindset and take that important first step even if it is a small step.
wow. I know what I want. I’m tired of waiting. I’m going to do it.