Oct 22, 2010 | Views: 283
Sometimes I wonder if people would understand the Dharma as many choose to be stuck in their projections. But then I think again, if I don’t try, what kind of person am I?
~ Tsem Rinpoche
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We never know what we can accomplish until we try. Great things happen to those who don’t stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful. Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying. Just because we fall once, doesn’t mean we will fall again at everything. Keep trying, hold on and not to keep give up in what ever we do . Trying is a part of failing and falling is always a lesson we learn . I am fortunate to have met Rinpoche, who has taught me all about dharma from scratch. Through Rinpoche I found happiness, and the true meaning of life and live my life to the fullness. Rinpoche never give up on us , guiding us , giving us advice, dharma teachings and so forth. We as student must do our very best , keep trying , try, try, try again .
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this worthy words….. a reminder for us .
Thank you Rinpoche for trying…
For without trying,
There’s no Kechara,
There’s no KFR,
There’s no students trying to understand and practice Dharma.
And hence there’s no way out for many of us.
If there’s any changes in us,
even the slightest transformation,
For this we owe Rinpoche a debt of gratitude,
For all that you have done for us.
Thank you.
Dear Rinpoche, in my mind, the effort and absolute resolve from Rinpoche’s part to share the Dharma is something that none of us can understand nor imagine. I am definitely not at that level BUT all I know is, it must be hard and tiring for Rinpoche to give us the Dharma, for student like me is thick and dull, and lacking the inner strength or motivation to practice. Therefore, it is my super good fortune to have met Rinpoche, who tirelessly choose to turn the wheel of Dharma instead of giving up on us. We must therefore cherish this opportunity of a million lifetime to at least apply the Dharma from the precious Guru and plant the seed to be near Rinpoche in our future life.
Thank you very much, Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for spreading the dharma here with us who are full with ignorance and delusions. It must be hard for your to preach the Holy dharma to us. Dharma is the only medicine that can save us but yet we find it difficult to practice it. Because of Rinpoches hard work, we students are inspired and transform yourself for the better according to dharma. Please remain with us and spread the dharma more.
Humbly ,
Chris Chong
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda
But we are not Jedi knights so we try.
Somethings I wonder if I would ever understand dharma as I continue to choose to remain in my own projections. Do I continue to try or should I give up?
As long as there are Bodhisattvas who continue to remain and try to share dharma, there is still hope for us in samsara to try and understand dharma.
Do I think I will ever understand dharma? At this time, it’s a long impossible shot but then again…..there is nowhere else in samsara we haven’t been, nothing else in samsara we haven’t try. So contrary to Yoda’s advice I try even if I feel I cannot do.
Sometimes I feel that we as human beings are like lions, who can never give up on hunting and living on meats. We usually go after what do not give us happiness in the long term. Relationship, money, statues and many others.
We KNEW that they will leave us one day, we KNEW that we cannot bring them to our death beds, yet, we chase after them as if they were the answers to our lives.
We get stucked from time to time, and we don’t feel permanent happiness.
And when we have achieved one thing, we go after more of the same thing or something different. The chase is unending, and then we are left with nothing at the end. We cannot bring our properties when us when we are gone.
Spirituality is something that takes a long time to cultivate. It is invisible. Hence, many people don’t fall for this.
We are grateful to have Rinpoche to be so close to us to give us teachings. We as students have to do our best to cultivate good qualities in order to repay the kindness of Rinpoche. I believe this is the best offering that we can present to Rinpoche who so compassionately give his time, energy and efforts to us.
We all took refuge to transform our minds to find liberation in Lord Buddha’s 4 noble truths. Though all do have the great thirst for Dharma and its practices, but not many have enough intelligence and capability to master the teachings quickly enough to realise its usefullness. To many, full realisation my take lifetimes and countless of eons of human births or not at all! Enlightenment starts and end with the individuals. In this present generation, we have reached a high level of development in materialistics terms, as a result of which, we human beings are faced with a lot of everyday problems, and many natural disasters. But, it is said that with the adoption of a right attitude of mind and way of living, all manmade problems can be overcome. Therefore, like the blog said, we must keep on trying, ’cause if we dont what kind of persons are we? Our only wish in prayer is that we have the good merits to be able to have a priceless gem of a guru like Tsem Rinpoche to stay with us all our lives to guide us through to achieve this goal.
We all took refuge to transform our mind to find liberation in Lord Buddha’s 4 noble truth. Though all of us do have a great thirst for dharma and its practices, but not many of us have the knowledge deep enough and ability
Thanks Rinpoche for never giving up on us despite our clinging to attachments and ignorance. it was a very nice and inspiring picture too. Thanks Again.
Emminence, Dharma Prince…
I recall the quote from the scripture now:
“For the sake of those sentient beings who have (only) a little dust in their eyes.”
For our sakes, please remain and continue to teach…
Your very good friend,
Emminence, Dharma Prince,
When the Buddhas of other worlds came to this Saha World, they always told the Buddha how difficult the sentient beings here were — that we were mean (meaning difficult here), stubborn, ignorant, and unaware of our own suffering.
If Buddhas of other worlds came to visit you, Dharma Prince, they would say very much the same sort of things.
The Buddha himself had these same very doubts, in the Sutra where he was convinced to teach the Dharma by Shakra, Lord of the Fearless World!! Of course, he would had never had these doubts were he not an enlightened being….. And thus, I take these doubts as a good sign, that you are indeed, an enlightened Tulku!!!
Much love, and every happiness,
Most people understand the dharma but sad to say most of them do not apply dharma into their lives due to their projections or they choose to be selective in dharma. Our Guru, out of compassion for sentient beings, will never give up on us and he will do his very best to help and guide us.So we, in return, must do our very best to listen and follow his advices and instructions.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for your kindness and tolerance and never giving up on us.
Never say you cannot without even it a try in anything you do. It is so habitual for people on first perception to say they can’t when aproached. It may be that he may not like to do it for you. Or he may not be interested in the object or subject. For example you are ask to write a book on a certain subject. The first thing your mind tells you, you are not interested so you say you cannot. But for some people its an excuse because they are lazy to try. There are people whose first thought is they think they are failures. But when pushed or inspired will succeed with patience and trying.
Dear Rinpoche,
Like most people, i too imprisoned myself within my own projections of life, happiness and self. However, over the months, by my mere exposure to Dharma, it has awakened many many sensations and thoughts in me that i ignored for so long and slowly but surely my projections have shifted on many fronts and issues. Happiness was a fleeting thought before but with Dharma, it has become a lot more tangible and sustaining.
There is a song with lyrics thats goes something like this: “…I can see clearly now that the rain is gone, i can see all the obstacles in my way…”
My exposre to your teachings have made my see beyond the rain (not that the rain is gone) and i know it is only by following you without condition that we can learn too overcome these obstacles that that are in our way.
Like CK, i too plead that you do not give up on us even as we are undeserving. Rinpoche’s presence and what we have learned have been nothing short of changing the centre of our universe.
Thank you Rinpoche.
What kind of person am i if i don’t try to understand my Lama’s instruction?
Hmmm, food for thought for me there i think.
Yes we are all always stuck and have all sorts of excuses that we cooked up in our mind to avoid doing Dharma and Learning Dharma. Ignorance is very blissful but it is also due to ignorance mankind fell in to the darkest pit or the “valley of the shadow(hell)”.
We are just lucky we have someone we can “go to” to learn the true meaning of this Life. I am….
I Plead to You to not give up on US.
Yes we are all always stuck and have all sorts of excuses that we cooked up in our mind to avoid doing Dharma and Learning Dharma. Ignorance is very blissful but it is also due to ignorance mankind fell in to the darkest pit or the “valley of the shadow(hell)”.
We are just lucky we have someone we can “go to” to learn the true meaning of this Life. I am….
I Pleas to You to not give up on US.
This is a picturesque image and i like it alot 🙂 It gives me a peaceful and bliss feeling with Lama Tsongkhapa sitting right at the centre of Tushita Palace (which i like to call it) and lotuses and leaves on the calm waters. Such tranquillity. Thanks for sharing Rinpoche 🙂 Tashi Delek
Sometimes I realise that even the relationship between Guru and followers is a simple projection of our mind.
But without a Guru I cannot imagine Sadhana.
wow what a nice image!