Animal Liberation for the month of July
Prayers before releasing of the fishes
I received an mms update about the monthly Animal Liberation activity we do in Kechara House. This activity is a good way to promote compassion towards all living beings and for families to do something fun and meaningful together. The monthly animal liberation event is a collaboration between Kechara Animal Sanctuary and Kechara Care.
Natasha’s Dharma brothers Pavara and Jutika
Dear Rinpoche,
We just completed our animal liberation for the month of July. We finished just in time as the rain started to pour after our dedication. Quite a few new faces, friend of friends. We’ve their contact and we’ll be adding them into our database. Joe Ang attended with his wife and daughter.
Thank you,
Su Ming
You can watch the video below to see what it is about, taken during one of the many monthly animal liberation activities where Nicholas Yu of Kechara Care explains and coordinates the activity.
Or view the video on the server at:
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So nice that people go and liberate animals every month. And also to see youths do it shows a very good point. By getting small kids to do it, it teaches them that freeing and being kind to animals is a very good thing that should be carried on. Therefore, the generation in the future would know how to do this and they will be kind to more animals. This is what the world needs right now.
Thank you Rinpoche for teaching us to liberate animals constantly as it is a statement to others and the people who work with animals there are much better ways to treat animals than just killing, cooking and eating them.
Could I make a small suggestion here. I was thinking, why not release the fishes into rivers instead. Keeping in mind to locate those that are clean and presently sustaining a variety of fishes. The local folks will confirm that if in doubt. Some of the reasons for doing that.
1. Clean rivers are self sufficient to maintain the fishes.
2. There is no need to go feed them thus saving much needed funds for other projects.
3. Funds saved on the above could be utilized to feed fishes released into existing man-made ponds by so many people daily.
Anyway, I’m just thinking out loud here. Maybe Rinpoche might want to ponder over it.
I am very glad Kechara House is organising a monthly animal liberation for everyone to participate in. It is a good opportunity for a day out in the park with the family and at the same time to also educate our children that we have many other sources of food besides meat. I feel very touched when I see the fishes flexing their tails and fins the moment they are released into the water from the bucket they came cramped in. I am also relieved that Medicine Buddha’s mantras are chanted and blown on the fishes prior to their release so that they will be guided to a better rebirth in future lifes.
dear suming and friends,
PLEASE find out where these two ponds out. Check it out. And let’s go and feed them also. On animal liberation day, we can go and feed these fishes instead also INSTEAD OF RELEASING……Please check out the two ponds DEEPER IN THE PARK. PLEASE GO CHECK OUT THESE PONDS DEEPER IN THE PARK. SHOW PICTURES TO ME. I AM WORRIED FOR THESE FISH. THEY MUST BE VERY HUNGRY.
Give me an update. Let me know details and where they are.
CC james Nicholas friends
Giving those fishes another chance for a longer life instead of them ending up on the dinner table is great. I’d like to share with you what we saw at the few ponds at the Bukit Jalil Park.
Being man-made pond, the survival of the thousands of fishes which were released there depend solely on kind and generous souls to feed them. They will certainly die of starvation without the ‘feeders’ cos the park authorities don’t have the funds for it. This place is rather deserted on weekdays although there are some who go there just to feed the fishes during the five working days while you have more visitors during the weekends. You will notice that most of the fishes are malnourish in the two ponds that is deeper into the park. How do you know they are starved? Their heads looks much larger than their body that’s why. When you throw them food, the bigger and tougher variety like the catfish would normally devour most of the bigger portion leaving the smaller fishes to fight over the small crumbs left floating on the surface. What’s my point in telling you all this? Well, the point to note is NOT to overstock a self contained pond. Over population and lack of food causes more misery in that, malnourish fishes will finally die of stavation. Better to be food on the table than to die a slow death ya?
Release fishes by all means, but maybe if we could spend half the funds on fishes and the other half on fish food with the commitment to go feed them at least twice a week, all would be nice and well below the the gentle ripples of the aquatic ponds.
Dear Sarah,
Please watch this video below. This was the start of our monthly animal liberation. And Rinpoche gave a beautiful dharma talk in this video. Rinpoche initiated this activity and now it has become a monthly family and friends affair organised by Kechara Care.
What is interesting or more significant during this day is that the fishes are bought from the wholesaler whereby they are on their way to restaurants or market to be slaughtered. Therefore, literally, we saved them from being a dish on someone’s dining table.
Besides fishes which we liberate, there were many occasion whereby Rinpoche personally himself have release birds in dedication to his students growth in spiritual practice, good health and long life to do more dharma work.
Enjoy the below video :
Looks fun! I’m all fired up to join next month’s Animal Liberation Day =)
It is great that Kechara offers a variety of activities for it’s members, and to carry out animal liberation at least once a month is a huge thing!
Most people usually carry out animal liberation on a yearly basis, on dates that are auspicious to them i.e. birthdays, CNY, etc. Which is why i admire Rinpoche for encouraging everyone to carry out such a meritorious activity regularly.
I hope more people will participate too! Performing virtuous acts are much more fun and meaningful when there’s a larger crowd XD
This is the third month running that Kechara House has liberated animals. Over one hundred kilogrammes of fish are being freed each month and an average of 30 participants get to benefit from this meritorious act.This activity will create the cause for the Kechara Animal Sanctuary to manifest. It is great that children are taking part in this virtuous act. This is a very good opportunity for families to get together and experience kindness. I hope Kechara House will continue to receive funds month after month so that this activity can continue to benefit more families and also more animals.
Wee Liang
As a part of KH spiritual practice programme, our Guru has always adcovated to refrain from eating meat, thus abandoning killing, be vegetarian and to encourage animal LIBERATION.
Animals have no control over their lives and to terrible ordeals of incredible torture and suffering that human inflict onto them, as shown in the episode of senseless DOLPHINS KILLINGS on the newest of Rinpoche’s blog on July 8.
Rinpoche has always encouraged his students to care for animals and contemplate on the terrible sufferings they experienced.
As a classic example, even Tsem Ladrang has built a very large and beautiful aviary to house the birds. This is to advocate as part of a learning process on animal needs and developing care for other unfortunate beings, including animals.
Monthly animal liberation programme activity to promote compassion towards all living beings was carried out between KECHARA ANIMAL SANTUARY AND KECHARA CARE. Hundreds of kilograms of live catfish bought from whole sale market were release into a huge lake at Taman Tun Scenic Park sometime on a warm beautiful Sunday in JULY. TURTLE and fish food pellets were fed to the hungry creatures by different groups of KH member every week.
It is hoped that such merciful activities may help to create the cause for KH to build their own animal sanctuary in future to provide better conditions for animals and to save many more lives of these creatures.
This is a great activity. Not only we are doing a good cause, but it creates bonding among friends and family members during the outing. Children gets to learn how lucky they are to be protected and cared by their family members compared to the unfortunate animals clustered together in small cages or small tanks.
Be it we are freeing birds, fishes, tortoises, etc… it is always a step towards compassion. It is not about collecting merits, it is about animal liberation because those animals have the rights to have their freedom as well.
I personally had been freeing tortoises and birds every year and seeing the birds flying with such hurry towards their freedom really give me a good feeling that I had done something good for them. I may not be able to free many, but I just buy as many as I could afford and free them.
If everyone will take a step to free 1 bird, accumulated together we will be able to free many.
Animal Liberation is such a wonderful activity for everyone to participate. Besides creating causes for one to have a long and healthy life, it is also a very good education programme for the young where they are being taught to cultivate loving kindness for others, a priceless gift from loving parents. It is also a very healthy family outing on a Sunday morning for a dharmic cause.
In our everyday hectic life, we have forgotten to take a step back, look and care for others. We are always chasing after materialistic stuff thinking that it will bring us fulfillments. Unfortunately, this is not so! In the end, we will just end up having nothing!
By participating in Kechara’s Animal Liberation day, one get to bond with their family members and friends, take a step back, relax and think for others and the animals. At the same time, we can also collect merits and dedicate them for our love ones so everyone can have a better future.
Last but not least, this creates the causes for the manifestation of Kechara Animal Sanctuary.
All beings except plants they are conscious to pain and they have fear when they know they will be harmed. Hence we should endeavour to be vegetarians as much as we can. Rinpoche in the past have posted many videos of what pain and suffering animals goes through for us to make a meal out of them.
All beings want to be free, free of danger or being harmed, can’t we grant them some relief from danger. The bodhisattvas give sentient beings protection from FEAR, so by releasing fishes we are creating the causes to become future bodhisattvas who can protect others from FEAR.
By giving life to others we will create the causes to have a long life. A lot of our illnesses , especially life threatening ones is due to us having harmed others in the past. Should we carry on harming others for the sake of our taste buds?
Animal Liberation is such a meritorious and meaningful activity. It cost very little to save a fish life but it gives such powerful benefit and imprint to us. Rinpoche has given us so much information and knowledge about why and also how to liberate animal liberation so that both we the human and the animal that we liberate benefit as much as possible.
Besides releasing the fish into the lake, we should also make an effort to go feed them. Releasing fishes is saving lives, feeding them is sustaining lives. It is one of the best activities to do with our loved ones and create merits at the same time. It will create the habituation for us to care for all beings eventually.
May we create the causes for Kechara Animal Sanctuary manifest quickly!
I’m very happy Kechara House is organising animal liberation activities. This is very good for purifying the negative karma of killing. And when we release them we recite a mantra to bless them and to plant the seed of liberation in them. The planning of the venue and the species of animals to be liberated must be carefully thought out in order not to disrupt the ecosystem of the area. Releasing a new species of animal into a forest or a new species of fish into a lake, river or pond might result in the extinction of species that are less aggressive than the newcomers.
Natasha really loves to go to the park to release the fishes, although maybe in her small mind, she was rather hoping that someday we would bring her to the playground at the park also (near the entrance after we enter the park before the lake where we liberate the fishes). She truly enjoys feeding the fishes too and was always excited about the event even before the day came. But this time around she was a little dissapointed of not having the opportunity to feed the fishes due to the strong wind and heavy rain which was about to pour down during the time we were going to feed the fishes. We had to bring the kids back to the car (was so worried that the wind would blow Natasha away, hehe…and Nadia Lhamo had a shocked and scared look on her face when the sudden strong wind was blowing)
Not sure whether Natasha understands what animal liberation means but then again it’s always good to start them young so as they grow older, this will be a habituation to them and thus instill in them the care and compassion to all living beings, animals inclusive.
Therefore, thank you Rinpoche for giving us the opportunity to be apart of this meaningful activity to create the cause for the manifestation of the coming Kechara Animal Sanctuary!
Animal Liberation activity is so good and valuable. I think everyone should at least do this once or a few times in their lives. For once instead of hunting and killing another being, you give Freedom and Life back to someone. Imagine if it was you, wouldn’t you like to be FREE?
We, the human species on this planet, sometimes are too intelligent for our own good, that the very simple and basic act of kindness we often overlook due to our selfish mind and desires. I think for at least 1 day in a week if we can take a vegetarian vow and go for this animal liberation organized by Kechara Care, it would benefit you and the animal beings.
This activity is also non-religious, so whatever religion you are, anyone can join in the Liberation! The causes you create releasing lives is you yourself receive long life and good health.
As everything that exists in Samsara is imperfect/deluded, and all human is naturally borne selfish in one way or another, I think it’d be easier for us to develop compassion for others by putting ourselves in their shoes.
As a Buddhist, we believe in re-incarnation within the 6 vicious cycles called Samsara on the basis of our karma (cause & effect). Since we all have countless lifetimes prior to this, it is not surprising that all of us were borne as animals before in many of our previous lives and we had certainly gone through much sufferings and had experienced the pain of being an animal, esp as animals that are prone to be slaughtered. Therefore, should we not practice morality, ethics and many more other good qualities in this life, we would remain stuck in these vicious cycles (6 realms of existence), and would definitely have the possibility of being reborn in the animal realms (or other lower realms) again in our future lives.
As such, by putting ourselves in the animals’ shoes and relate ourselves to them, it’d be much easier for us to show love & compassion towards them and hence, becoming a vegetarian would no longer be ‘mission impossible’! (^.^)
The very act of releasing and saving animals is deeply rooted in many cultures long ago. Our ancestors had been practicing the act of compassion, why aren’t we continuing that legacy now?
With today’s advanced technology and businesses, we tend to pay less attention to our surroundings. This includes our neglect for small and weak animals that needs our help. We are so focused on earning more money for ourselves only to indulge in our own enjoyment and this is absolutely selfish.
Often, we read in the news or heard from someone or even witness animals being abused. People victimized animals; release their anger upon smaller animals, by physically abusing them or neglecting animals. Some animals are kept inside a small cage with no space to move in. Some are neglected and not even fed and they die a slow death of starvation. So we need to stop abusing them and start to love them now!
Please Love the animals!
I remember when I was very young, I often heard that older people talk about how good it is to release birds to the forest and turtles into the ponds and lakes. I recall that elders say that if you are very sick and about to die, releasing animals will help prolong your life. Even during a funeral, releasing animal lives so that their loves one can dedicate good karma and take a better rebirth.
In a different culture, releasing white coloured pigeons during important occasions – weddings etc symbolizes peace and harmony for all humanity is commonplace within many communities.
Now we have the excellent opportunity to do the same, so let’s put our strength together, join Kechara to liberate animals because they too deserve a better life like us!
Liberation of animals is a practice of compassion for Buddhist practitioners for many centuries already. Buddha taught us to practice compassion on all sentient beings and this includes animal as well.
The practice of vegetarianism in Buddhism is another of act of compassion. Buddhists become vegetarian because they contemplate on the sufferings of helpless animals that are slaughtered and killed in a cruel manner. What’s worse, it is all just to fill our stomachs and increase our attachment to meat.
What is really said is that millions of unfortunate animals, are physically abused, starved, chained and locked up in slaughterhouses worldwide. None of them can voice the injustice or the pain that they have to endure to feed us.
Therefore, we can take simple steps to reduce the sufferings of the animals, have vegetarian meals more often, don’t purchase animal’s made products like leather bags, fur coat, ivory, and instead get other substitutes which can be equally good.
There is so much we can do to stop unnecessary sufferings!
Kechara House’s monthly animal liberation event provides us an opportunity to develop compassion for the animals in this case the fishes. It teaches the young and the old that animals have the unfortunate conditions of constantly living in fear of being hunted or killed by others for food. Animals have no freedom over their lives. Animals have no wisdom to liberate themselves from sufferings.
Due to our good fortunes of having learned Dharma, we can make a very big difference to the lives of these pitiful beings by liberating them with some prayers and mantra. The act of liberating the fishes seems simple and small but we are actually doing the fishes a very big favour by helping them gain good rebirths in the next life and connecting them with Dharma.
Come support Kechara House’s animal liberation event!
I really like how Thierry shared with us the quote ‘steal an egg and you steal beef.’ (in the “imprint” post; I remember Rinpoche saying that murderers don’t become murderer’s over night. It’s after years of habituation, previously they probably killed ants, thought nothing of it, then killed mosquitoes, thought nothing of it, went hunting as a sport, thought nothing of it..they planted the imprint to kill, and thought nothing of it.
Like so, it’s good that these people are doing the opposite – releasing animals. Releasing fishes, hopefully, causes us to think about the fishes life, which hopefully in turn makes us think about the life of birds, dogs, pigs etc. Not to kill, not to harm them. Nicholas gave a good explanation to the participants and constantly asked them to think about the motivation when they release the fishes.
This is a great activity! Perhaps one day we can release all-sorts and bigger animals into Kechara Animal Sanctuary!
As with all departments in Kechara, it is again Rinpoche’s brainchild and initiative to do this activity. Afew years ago, Rinpoche during his walk in Taman Tun park, will feed the tortoises and fishes in the pond. Then he encourage some students to do it regularly and now it has become a fixed monthly activity of Kechara House. The number of participants have grwn so big too so much so that it has to be carried out in a much bigger pond ie Kepong Metropolitan Park. Liberating animals has so many benefits which is pervasive among Chinese. Besides creating the causes for one to extend one’s life, it also makes ones body strong. Since Kechara plans to have an animal sanctuary, this activity also creates the cause for it to manifest.
Animal liberation creates good karma thru saving thousands of lifes and prevent them being slaughter..This is very meaningful and grateful that Kechara is doing it at a constant basis =) I am still collecting the good karma, wishing to meet Tsem Rinpoche personally 🙂
It is very auspicous sign for the rain to pour after a Dharma work is done. I have to congratulate Su Ming and Nicholas for working doubly for all the logistics for this Animal Liberation programme which benefits the the fishes and the people who contributed in this meaningful activity. It is also a very nice way to bring your family, members and friends to get together and be involved in this meaningful programme.
Liberating animals also has the benefits of creating the causes for ones life to be long, body to be strong and healthy. I wish we can do this more in our future Kechara Animal Sanctuary where we have not only fishes by other neglected animals to be running happily in the sanctuary.
Animal liberation become one of the popular activity organize by Kechara Care.
To release fishes, birds ..etc will prolong the life of your loved one also heal one’s sicknesses.
Many people still has doubt in releasing animals. They asked “ what’s the point after we release the fishes, and other come to fish them?’’
Beng Kooi gave a clear explaination about this below:
“It Is important to ensure that we do not do the animals further harm when we release them i.e. we should make sure that the new environment is suitable for the animals and they will not be preyed upon or hunted.”
I am so happy to see more and more people getting involved liberating life! and a lovely family dharma practice that is not difficult to do. As a young child I was taught to fish but in reality was not very good spending more time waiting to go home and disliked it alot. Five years ago after my mala broke again I decided to re-string my mala with the nylon fishing line I was taught to fish with as a young child and dedicate for the fish that were caught by myself (not many) and my family. Funny how this comes to mind after seeing this post. On a side note my mala has not broken to this day. Dedicating prayers is good plus being vegetarian is even better why not be greedy! creating merit for yourself and most important the manifestation of animal sanctuary KWPC and other works of our lama.
When it comes to help others, it only makes sense that we should start by helping those that cannot help themselves, those that have little options, little control and no access to knowledge or means to understand their situation. Among beings corresponding to this description are many animals that have fallen victims to harm by humans, for food, for their skin, for our entertainment, for product testing, etc…
When KAS (Kechara Anilam Sanctuary) and KC (Kechara Care) are organizing these “animal liberation” events, not only are they saving animals from slaughter, but they are also creating awarness about animal abuse in our world.
I used to sign into petitions to save the dolphins from being caught in the fishing nets meant to fish tuna, I always tought that dolphins were too cute and too kind to be killed or eaten; yet never (up to a couple of years ago) did I question the fact that despites campaigning to save the dolphins, I still tought there was nothing wrong with killing and eating tunas. What can be the reason that makes us value the life of a tuna less than the life of a dolphin? There can’t be no reason… I can’t see any valid reason.
I have a few friends that are really compassionate with some animals, feeding street dogs, donating to animal refuge and for some, being very passionate and ready to defend any abused animal. That is truly wonderful!
Yet, they eat meat and fois gras… what is the difference, again, between a stuffed duck made ill so as to pruduce “foie gras” and a poor lost puppy, besides us looking at one as a convenient food supply that justifies the abuse and killing, and the other as an object of our compassion.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could extend our compassion to all animals, and eventually to all beings? Wouldn’t the world be a better place? A safer place?
How wonderful a way to promote something of value like the liberation of animals through an activity which involves families of all walks of life and all ages. And what a great way to spend time together during weekends doing something meaningful which is also a brilliant way to instill a sense of compassion in the young/our children and all of us. As cliché as it may sound, WE can make a difference!
There will be many wonderful events and fun get togethers in the future especially now that Kechara Care has their own venue now. Watch this space for more information: , or here for what Kechara has done and will do to help those who cant help themselves:
So many wonderful activities kechara is offering…Animal liberation is such a great opportunity to develop caring and compassion. Thank you so much for everything you do!
Having coordinating the animal liberation every month is not really just about coordinating an activity or outing. It’s more on creating the platform for other people to be able to participate to this auspicious act with their family. The essence of liberation animals is to develop a mind of compassion, nature of not harming others and creates the awareness of not eating animals for the sake of attachment to meat.
For the fishes this will help them to take good rebirth and planting a seeds of Dharma in their mind stream.
Only Kechara alone we can’t save much but with this activity we are creating the awareness to inspire more and more people even from other regions, this will definitely make more people realize the important of caring and compassion which not limited to human being only.
Here is a quote by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama:
“Where there is a mind, there are feelings such as pain, pleasure, and joy. No sentient being wants pain; instead all want happiness. Since we all share these feelings at some basic level, we as rational human beings have an obligation to contribute in whatever way we can to the happiness of other species and try our best to relieve their fears and sufferings.”
The benefits of animal liberation practice are vast. Not only do the animals being liberated receive benefit, this practice is also recommended for those with illnesses or heavy life obstacles; saving the lives of others creates the karmic cause to live longer oneself. If you wish you can also dedicate the merit to those with life obstacles to extend their life. The karma will cause you to have long life even though you do not expect it.
Good for them, nice to see even Grandma made it out with her stroller to liberate a few fishes in the hopes they will take a good rebirth. All these different activities in Kechara to give people a chance to practice compassion, and thinking of other beings.
What really cracked me up just now was the briefing … oh lets release bigger fish so that they don’t get caught by those fishermen in that area over there! … Seriously, I use to be a fisherman, where I would catch fish for a meal. Not as a sport, nor as a job. I know it’s lets just say, no more for me. It had a mind before I caught it, then after it died I ate its carcass.
Rinpoche has advised many people who are severely ill to take vegetarian vows for a set period of time, or to liberate animals. It is important to ensure that we do not do the animals further harm when we release them i.e. we should make sure that the new environment is suitable for the animals and they will not be preyed upon or hunted.
It is also important to release animals that are bound for slaughter. So if we buy fish from a pet shop and release them, the amount of merit collected is far less than say, if we were to buy live fish at the market.
Kechara Care’s animal liberation is increasing in popularity, as more people learn about the benefits of doing this. More of Rinpoche’s students are also starting to adopt a vegetarian diet, which Rinpoche strongly encourages. Being Buddhist is about not causing harm to others, so what better way to start than with ourselves?
Having a regular activity like Animal Liberation Day is a good opportunity for members, family and friends to get together.Besides being a social occassion and fun day especially for children, it also serves to promote respect and kindness towards animals. It also reminds us and make us reflect that animals have more fears,less or no freedom and have to endure more suffering than us and hence deserve even more compassion.
The larger purpose would be that it will serve as the cause for Kechara Animal Sanctuary to manifest and also more people will become vegetarian.
A practice that was a staple among Buddhists in china is now practiced, introduced and elucidated by Rinpoche. what was previously done via blind faith is now done with much explanation and knowledge on why to do it and its benefits by Rinpoche with great compassion. It’s a wonderful way of freeing others from being trapped, especially those who are helpess, and prevents us from being trapped in unwanted situations for prolonged periods of time where we are rendered powerless….
I love to see animals in their natural state: free and happy, and not cooped up in a little cage in a very sad way. It is indeed a very meritorious act to be dedicated to the long life of the Guru and also of any deceased relatives….not to mention a very easy, fun and meritorious way of spending time with each other! forget the cinemas. this is free.
The benefits of releasing animals is amazing! It prolongs one’s life and makes the body strong and healthy. It is really good to dedicate such a meritorious action to our Lama who is always sick due to our bad samaya and obstacles arising from undertaking huge projects like KWPC that will bring untold benefits to so many people in the future.
Animal Liberation as far as I know is one of the main monthly activities of Kechara Care department. It would be good to join it if you are in this area because it is quick, easy and a great way to spend quality time with family and loved ones. One can check out Kechara Care for more of such activities with…
It’s fantastic that there is such a constant liberation of animals. When we can act to help beings that don’t have the means to help themselves, and are completely at your mercy, when we show so much kindness and compassion, it is certainly something to be celebrated!
Kind regards,
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
It’s such a great event, both liberating (literally) and fun for all, especially the families with children, to experience a life lesson in compassion and respect for all life.
This is indeed a great chance and moment to plant that seed necessary to create present and future Buddhahood in this present generation to reverse the tide of degeneration and destruction.
On top of that, it is a bonus for these animals to receive the precious Dharma affinity not only in this life but for lives to come.
Finally, with these baby steps, thus the manifestation of KAS. Sadhu!
It is through the kindness of our Guru that we can learn to save lives through liberation or going vegetarian. It is also one of Rinpoche’s vision to have an animal sanctury whereby we can help the animals just like what we do in Kechara Soup kitchen (KSK) to help the homeless. Results will reflect the cause, for such a sanctuary to be manifested, we need to start creating the causes for that to happen. That is why in Ladrang, Rinpoche has started a bird sanctuary, tortoise sanctuary, and our participation in the animal liberation activity and or going vegetarian all would contribute towards the manifestation of “Kechara Animal sanctuary”
Liberating animal on a Sunday together with friends and family will be a very meaningful activity. At least something different than strolling from shops to shops in a crowded shopping mall. If you are interested to see how you can help, contact