BFM Radio Interviews Jamie About Her Great Book!
Our radio station here in Malaysia…
Kechara Media & Publications writer Jamie Khoo (Paris) on the right being interviewed by Shefa Szetu of BFM regarding her wonderful book “Call Me Paris” which is going for reprint now.
The interview was for 15 minutes and it was about what it means to Jaime to be spiritual in the modern age. The interview will be available as a podcast also.
Our young writers and people getting more and more popular here in KL city…i congratulate them from my heart. Jamie is a hardworker, young, intelligent AND A ABSOLUTELY GREAT WRITER. I wish I can write like her for sure!!
One of my favorite pictures of Jamie who I fondly nicknamed Jamie. Yes she is just like this in the flesh all the time….loud, happy, fun, smart, modern, young, and very kind.
Congratulations to Jamie…she is on her way to become a global reknowned writer…she is very talented and I am proud to have her as a student and friend.
Much care,
Tsem Rinpoche
Jamie’s proud mom (Datin Jennifer) with her wonderful book and it’s being advertised in 10 Major MPH stores this month!!!! (Datin Jennifer is the wonderful lady that gave a home to Gongkar that I posted about earlier)
Hey, click here to see what I am talking about….Jamie (Paris is my nickname for her) has a great book out…..Very well recieved!!! It will inspire thousands of young people entering dharma and exploring spiritualism in today’s confusing world.
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Jamie the young lady who loves anything pink. When she was writing her book “Call Me Paris”, she asked for my ok for her mention me. I was bowled over. Why would she want to even mention me at all? I was soon to find out that her first sojourn into the sewing world was when she met me in Kechara House where a group of students were sewing pearls and jewellery/beads onto the clothes to be offered to Lama Tsongkhapa statue. She actually enjoyed that session and I had invited her to join in other sessions. Today, Jamie volunteers also at Kechara Saraswati Arts (KSA) where she has helped to paint a Tara statue – PINK! Just goes to show that our Guru not only brings out the best in you, you will find a part of yourself that you never knew.
Jamie aka Faery aka Paris – she is our darling mascot for KMP, along with David Lai. One thing I have to say about Paris is that she is absolutely really like that – as depicted in the pictures above and as how Rinpoche described her to be. She is vivacious, fun, quirky and just an all round girly girl who still loves fairies and all things PINK. I adore Jamie like a sister! She loves Dharma and she is truly devoted to Dharma. I have watched her blossomed over the years and she is courageous in facing her own demons because she knows that a better her will arise from it. She doesn’t run or hide. She is really present in Dharma. I have always thought Jamie is a natural born star. And look at her now!
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
Congrats Jamie! Such a joy to see you in action and promoting Rinpoche and Kechara to the country out there abd the world!
I thought that watching you and David the last time on NTV7 with Naz and Daphne was really cool and must have been your cherubic personality that contributed to the success of that interview promo 🙂
Yes it’s amazing what Rinpoche manages to bring out in us what we thought we never had and what we thought we had, he made it better!
Recently, I managed to convince one friend of mine to read your book and it was given to her with much prayer in mind. Turn out that she liked what she saw and read and next thing I knew, I was subjected to an hour of questioning on Rinpoche and Kechara! For someone who used to stay away from religious related themes and is a typical New Age-fancy-all kinda gal she was, I was caught surprised LOL.
Thank you Rinpoche! Thank you Jamie!
oh my goodness, I had totally missed this post when I scrolled through before. Thank you Rinpoche. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without all of Rinpoche’s guidance, support, encouragement, pushing me to get out of my lazy, self-indulgent comfort zone, love, advice. If not for Rinpoche, I’d still be writing about mascara and being underpaid for it and wishing I was somewhere else!
with much gratitude, Paris xxx
Way to go Jamie 🙂