Cleaning Volunteers for E-Division
Dear Rinpoche,
The happy volunteers are here to clean up e Division now. (4 pics below)
Thank you, Shin.
Thierry utilising his height to clean glass doors. Thierry does windows!! Thanks Thierry!
Andrew organising the pantry with a smile. That's dharma.
Gim Lee and Chin Yong wiping and do general cleaning of all tables/cabinet/surfaces.
Wee Liang vacuuming
The E-division’s temporarily overwhelmed with a tight deadline and they moved into their new office without even having the time to do the final cleaning. Here are kind, caring members who were cleaning up E-division. While cleaning E-staff were busily fulfilling their deadline work.
How nice. Thank for the sms update and pictures Shin!!
Tsem Rinpoche
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Wow, so many people in E-Div! Wee Liang, Andrew, Thierry, Gim Lee, Chin Yong and Jutika. What was everyone doing there? Cleaning? Wow! How kind everyone to help Beng Kooi and her staffs cleaning up the office. E-div’s people worked very hard and very late. Sometime they do not even have time to eat. We are one family. We helped each other and take care of each other with whatever we can contribute to. Look at Wee Liang, vacuuming the floor with care and so much of fun cleaning and collecting merits together!
I would like to share a part of an SMS teaching by Rinpoche on cleaning dharma places in relation to the E- Division volunteers:
“When we clean temples, monks’ rooms, teaching halls….etc, it’s a powerful tool for purification.
The object ( dharma place), action ( cleaning ) and intention (gain realisation, stable mind) are 3 points that make this practice effective.
The effort we put into the cleaning with full concentration will trigger the purification process.
The KEY is we cannot view it as work.
We have to surrender to the process and just do it. Just purify.
We can surrender.We have surrendered in the past. We’ve surrendered to laziness, procrastinations and selfishness. Now we just surrender to practice instead.”
I have shared this SMS teaching with many KH volunteers and after reading it they do the work happily.
Thanks for reposting here.
Even after so many years, reading what Rinpoche had shared really warmth my heart. A reminder that: cleaning is part of purification practices. Dharma practice is really boundless and limitless. It depends on what we ‘think’. By having the best intention when practicing Dharma, we can turn from an ordinary, mundane action into extraordinary way to purify and collect merits.
Cleaning volunteers are very KIND !!! And they do it with a smile 🙂
We really appreciate the “cleaning volunteers”! Thank you so much!