I Love my Kechara people
I really appreciate the over 110 full time staff we have in Kechara & many volunteers that lend a helping hand very often.
So on a regular basis I have my assistants take them all out for a movie, popcorn and drinks… All not in one batch of course as there are more than 130 people going for movies regularly… hehe… It is a good time to bond, relax and enjoy with each other. I treat everyone to the movies because I like them all so much and think of them warmly. (I also scout for other places to treat Kecharians to go and enjoy. I encourage my Heads of Depts {Liaisons} to take their various dept people on trips yearly.)
This month Kecharians went to see LALLA LAND~a blockbuster Thai ghost movie based on true story. It was a huge unexpected hit in Thailand and all over Asia. Very good movie!!! Thailand really make excellent movies with great acting, great scripts and great cinematography..we have to read the subtitles, but that is ok. Anyways, get ready for more movie outings everyone at Kechara. Keep up the hard work, You are appreciated by me!!
Tsem Rinpoche
P.S. I’ve put the pics of people who have gone so far, the are more Kecharians going in the next few days for my movie treat of course. Too many to take in one goal to the theater…it would be like an invasion from the planet Kechara… Hehe
21 June 2011

Here’s around 38 Liaisons, staff, members and volunteers of Kechara going to see Ladda Land (Thai Ghost Story tonight). They are wonderful people. I love treating them to the movies. James with his team arranged all of this on my behalf. Thanks everyone. Nice to see you.

Kechara Media and Publications Dept..they produce all of our books and related. Creative team of peole who can burn the midnight oil if necessary. I really wanted them to see this Thai horror movie called Ladda Land. It is good. I am happy to see all of you there everyone!!

This is the boys of Kechara Paradise Dept! They are very hardworking and I am happy to treat them to the movies. Thanks guys. Tsem Rinpoche

We have Kechara Soup Kitchen in Penang (North Malaysia bordering with Thailand) also. That is our branch. It is run and managed by Ms Patsy Gooi. Here she is with volunteers to see Ladda Land-great Thai horror movie.It went very big…became a blockbuster in Asia. It is based on true story. Thailand can make really really really good movies now.

Here’s the Liaison of Kechara House, Ms Yoke Fui. She is a gentle, kind and very soft lady. But when you see her, she rarely smiles looking tough as nails but she is not. Here she is going on movie outing with the members of Kechara House dept… she hasn’t gone to a movie since she don’t remember how long ago…. Hehehe

Kechara Discovery Dept…they are responsible for all the beautiful statues in our Gompa and in all of our outlets of kechara Paradise. They produce beautiful statues. Stunning. Enjoy the movie!

Mdm Chua (right) has been my student for 19 years already. She is a wonderful lady pictured here with her sister Mdm Lim. Very nice ladies. They are going for a horror movie also. They often work and volunteer in Kechara.

These wonderful people work in the Tsem Ladrang, Kechara Saraswati, Kechara Paradise and Kechara House Depts. I like them so much and they work very hard. I love treating them to dinner and movies monthly. Enjoy!!
Of course more Kecharians will be going for the movie in the next few days. We have quite a few Kecharians overseas in various countries doing Kechara works…
22 June 2011 Movie Outing…it continues today…

36 members of KAS, KEP, KC, E-DIV and various other Kechara depts goes to a movie treat by me tonight. June 22, 2010. Enjoy everyone! Beautiful Kecharians!
Kechara Animal Sanctuary Depts prepares for a Thai Horror movie-Ladda Land!
Kechara E-division gets treated to the movies by me
Kechara Earth Project Dept goes to the movies tonight! Nice!
Kechara Care Dept goes to see Ladda Land!
18 staff of Kechara Oasis Vegetarian Restaurant watching Thai ghost movie together! I love our vegetarian restaurant in Kechara. Just think we have two now….I want to spread the lifestyle of vegetarians.
23 June 2011
Tsem Ladrang’s turn to watch scary movie Ladda Land
Kechara InMotion (KIM) department, joined by Yen Pin (Kechara Discovery, 1st from left) and Cynthia Ng (Kechara Care, 2nd from left), all prepared to have a great time in the theater
Mr Liang (a photographer) who is the husband of Wah Ying from E-division
Howie, the cameraman of KIM!
James, Lily Tan and group worked very hard these few days to take all of our Kecharians to the movie treat from me. I love to do this regularly. Also when I have efficient people helping me take care of our big group, we can cover more and do more…thanks everyone.
Tsem Rinpoche
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I been I Kechara for more then 12 years now. This is place we feel like home where everybody take cares each others all the time. Kechara has become my 2nd home and always feel blassed to be around kechara. Rinpoche always send us for movie break and it is always fun..
Whenever Rinpoche treats us to a movie, it is not just about watching movie, there is much more to learn. In the past, when I watch a movie, I was really watching a movie. After I learn Dharma, there is so much more to learn than just watching. From a movie, we can see reflection of ourselves, we see the cause and we see the effect. We can see clearly how desires, attachments can do to us.
Rinpoche is the kindest person I have ever met, thank you Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thanks very much for the movie treat. Met interesting and friendly people besides enjoying the movie. Felt the movie was more tragic than scary when watching it. But there were many intense moments. Thanks again.
Dear Rinpoche, you are a CEO of a corporate that cares about your staffs’ benefit. They are so fortunate to have a “boss” like you.
I always thinking Rinpoche give me precious Dharma when I met him, while I became full-time dharma-worker at Kechara, I gained real spiritual training, it is so real, fun and interesting.
I always joked with my dharma sister and brother: DHARMA=DRAMA!!! Do you agree that,hehe…! So Dharma + spiritual + drama + entertainment + knowledge=all you can get in Kechara!!!
Dear Rinpoche, you are so kind to think of us! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Thank you guru for your kindness and being so thoughtful.
Ok so more movies ya hehehe
The most enjoyable part of watching the movie “Laddaland” was not ONLY the movie but also the facial expressions of the Kecharians themselves. They were so funny! Some laughed, some covered up their faces, some braved through the ‘scary’ scenes and some screamed. The staff even discussed certain scenes in the movie the next day.
Overall, this is what Kechara is ALL about. Hard work, team and relationship building, tears, laughter, pain, worries, and ‘love’ of Kechara, most of all.
Like what Ethan expressed, we are proud to be part of this Kechara family.
People from all around Malaysia and some from overseas came together and meet in a place called Kechara, a Vajrayogini paradise. Together they learn the dharma, took refuge in a guru and striving for the same goal. A big family with so much love and care. Try any Kecharians, they will be able to tell you who is who and they are good in remembering names! hehe… I am proud to be in this family, all is full of love!
Kechara is an amazing Dharma family with such a broad spectrum of age, occupations, backgrounds – from a retired headmistress to an ex-Lotus Car engineer to a national newspaper journalist to a retired French Professor to a DJ to accountants to professional singers to psychologists to make-up artists to an ex- L’Oreal marketing manager…
The list is endless and amazing and all these people would probably never have crossed paths if not for Rinpoche and Kechara!
Your comments are so dead on Sharon. If it is not for Rinpoche, our paths may not even cross at all.
You all work so so hard, and it is great to see all of you taking a break and enjoying bonding with each other….you know what, that’s the only 2 movie hours you won’t be talking about Kechara….heeheehee!
Play hard, work hard, pray hard, ….Kecharians Boleh!!!!!