Kechara Care- Our latest Dept
Dear everyone,
Under liaison Suming and her great team of wonderful people which are Nicholas, May Ong and James a new Kechara Dept has taken birth!!! Located a few doors down from KH2 or our activities hall in Sunway Mas!!
We are getting so many new people coming into KH interested in our depts, people, programs, classes, volunteering, and wanting to know our background. Kechara Care (KC) dept will handle all the new people and inquiries regarding Kechara House, it’s depts, people and activities. They will take new people on tour of all our 13 depts located throughout KL. They will answer inquires and generally nurture the many new people who are spiritually ready to learn about tolerance, compassion, love, harmony, Tsongkhapa and how to integrate spirituality into their modern lives. Beautiful.
I will update with more pictures soon!! Congratulations to our Kechara Care Dept as I am very very very very excited and proud of you. And it is great your signboard came out, now you will finish your renovations very soon and open for ‘business’. Great!! Your dept will benefit so many people who are ready and in need. So wonderful. Such a beautiful ‘job’ all of you have. With good motivation, hard work, and smiles, Kechara Care will benefit so many!!
Tsem Rinpoche
Left to right: Nicholas, Suming, May and James proudly standing in front of our new Kechara Care Dept. This picture was taken and sent to me less than an hour ago!!!!
Closeup of our lighted signboard.
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[…] Kechara Care- Our latest Dept ( […]
Kechara Care although only less than 2 years old has come a long way. The success is partly attributed to Su Ming who is in-charge of KC.
Only recently I got to work with Su Ming closely and instantly I could tell she really cares for Rinpoche and everyone else in the organisation. Her passion when talking about Rinpoche is so strong that it brings me close to tears at times. I can feel her sincerity.
Su Ming is definitely very fitting to be in-charge of KC. Under her guidance and leadership, KC will expand to greater heights for sure.
Kechara Care literally means our centre cares for whoever comes to KH. But if you were to go into the premises you will have a different perception. With the blink! blink! decoration and Karaoke you will think its a Disco Lounge. No, it is not Disco. But a lounge where Kechara Care staff will be there to answer queries relating to Dharma. And sometimes for people to seek advice to solve problems. Kechara Care does not confine to caring for human beings but also for the liberation of animals. All the staff that has joined fulltime had permnanent jobs before. But they prefer to work in KH which has more meaning in life.
Wow! Our latest department in Kechara House – Kechara Care is a gateway for many people. As Kechara organisation grows in size and members, many people will come in and it is crucial work for this department to nurture these people so they will eventually move on their own departments. I think Liaison Su Ming is perfect head for this department simply because she herself is a very caring person and also extremely hardworking and a great planner as well.
Her scope of work is huge and it would require a lot of funding and help from other departments and volunteers. I can’t wait for Kechara Care to open soon as it will herald a new era for Kechara House, where new Kecharians are nurtured with a lot of care. The good thing is Su Ming is not alone as she has her team under her with James, Nicholas and May Ong spread her arms all over. To me, Kechara Care is an extension of Rinpoche amazing generosity, compassion and magnetising quality. May it bring many more people to secure and nurture them in the Dharma.
Kechara Care is our youngest department. Kechara Care will be an important addition to Kechara House, contributing to its expansion programme in education and membership. It will be a centrifugal force to the growth of Kechara House and its activities. Head of Department, Su Ming, is a young, energetic and caring lady who is going all the way to enforce the objectives of Kechara Care. Not so long ago she was the marketing manger of a cosmetic company but now she found meaning and purpose heading Kechara Care to bring Dharma to benefiting others. She will be an inspiration to the rest of the young career ladies in the corporate world that they too can make a difference to others by joining dharma full time.
KC is doing a great job in nurturing newbies !!!!
Dear Su Ming ,
Congrats on the new KC office ! Now you can bring KC to even greater heights. I am one of the many that has benefitted from KC and i wish the KC team Suming , James , Nicholas & May all the very best. May you all always be bless by the Three Jewels.
Also thank you for allowing us to join in on your recitation of Wheel of Sharp Weapons recently although most of the time i am ‘clueless’ on what i am reading but i do understand parts of it. Will keep reading it : ).
Kudos !