Kechara Offering dana to visiting Sangha from Sri Lanka | 克切拉供养来自斯里兰卡的僧人

Four eminent Sangha members from Sri Lanka visiting Wisdom Hall in Kechara Forest Retreat, Malaysia, with Pastor Yek Yee (left) and JP Thong (right)
Today, May 26, we had the honour of being informed by a Kecharian member, James Won, that he’s inviting over some Sangha from Sri Lanka. Kecharians of course, were very happy about that and I advised to make good offerings to the Sangha to generate merits. Today due to some Dharma works in the city, many Kecharians were not here in Kechara Forest Retreat but those who were came to receive the monks.
The four eminent monks arrived and were taken on a tour as they wanted to see our activities. They were:
- Rev. Thamdavita Wimalawansa Nayaka Thero (Deputy Prelate of Colombo District, Chief Incumbent of Sri Paramananda Purana Viharaya)
- Rev. Meddegoda Indashara Maha Thero (of Goondeniya Purana Viharaya in Kandy, also known as the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple)
- Rev. Goondeniye Chanda Vimala Thero (of Amunupura Maha Viharaya)
- Rev. Medagama Pannarathana Thero (of Arya Nikethana Buddhist Maha Wiharaya)
We were able to escort them to all the holy sites in Kechara Forest Retreat, and they saw our beautiful images and our sacred places of worship such as Wisdom Hall with Lord Shakyamuni Buddha and Dorje Shugden.

The holy members of the Sangha made offerings of light at each of our outdoor Buddha statues such Goddess Loma Gyonma pictured here who is for healing
We were also very honoured to be able to offer them a delicious lunch and afterwards, offer them some traditional items such as:
- A copy of The Promise
- A copy of Peace
- A Shakyamuni statue
- A copy of the Buddha’s speech in the form of an encased USB drive
- Pearls and semi-precious stones to offer on their statues and altars
- Shakyamuni pendants for them to gift to their students and friends
- An ang pau (token monetary offering)
In Buddhism, that is what we call a dana. The Sangha are invited to your place (like your home) and you offer food and gifts, and request them to pray for you. Then you dedicate the merits for the growth of Dharma within yourself and your environment, and for the betterment of the surrounding people.
Dana is something started by Lord Buddha 2,500 years ago, when Buddha allowed the laity to make offerings to the Sangha in order to be a part of the merit of the Sangha, of the spiritual journey to enlightenment. So when you sponsor the Sangha, for example you offer them food, meals, clothes, robes, etc. – you are taking part in their spiritual journey of reaching the higher consciousness which is, eventually, enlightenment. We have the honour to participate in that because not all of us will have the fortune to become Sangha, and to go all the way and do that kind of practice. Not everyone has the merit, commitment and perseverance to become Sangha so the Buddha devised dana-giving in such a way that we can participate in the spiritual journey of a Sangha member.
In Buddhism there is belief in what is known as merit, which is indispensable on our spiritual journey to become an enlightened being. Most of what we experience in life, from the situations we find ourselves in now and in the future are actually the product of our karma, both good and bad. But karma runs out, it finishes. For example, at the moment we may have a roof over our heads and that is the product of our karma. But since karma runs out, we may not always be in the same situation. Having a home that’s the product of karma may result in us one day being homeless, for example, if that karma runs out.
Merit however is different because it provides you what you need in order to practise the Dharma or Buddha’s teachings. For example, you make a lot of offerings with the correct motivation to achieve enlightenment and benefit those who are in pain or suffering, to whatever extent you are able to. This generates merit. This merit is actually the energy to be able to realise enlightenment and help others. Since having a roof over your head, a safe place to live, is something that you need to achieve this goal, the merit you have generated results in always having a roof over your head. If you didn’t have a safe place to live in, you most likely would find it extremely difficult to practise the Dharma because you would be worried and distracted by so many other things. Therefore, since the merit you generated is to practise the Dharma, you will always have a safe place to live. That is the difference between karma, which runs out, and spiritual merit, which never runs out.
What better way to generate merit than to propitiate the Three Jewels – the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Sangha themselves are known as the Sons and Daughters of the Buddha because their whole lives are spent practising and spreading the teachings of the Buddha. They are more than worthy objects of refuge as they keep their vows pure, and these vows of ethical conduct (also known as sila) originate from Lord Buddha Shakyamuni himself.
Merit itself is generated when you (a) come across an object which is or represents the Three Jewels, (b) you recognise this object and understand that it can be a source of merit and the benefits of it, (c) you interact with it or venerate it in a virtuous manner, and (d) you dedicate the energy created, thus turning it into spiritual merit.
Similarly, this applies to our actions towards the Sangha, as they are the third Jewel. When we have the fortune of coming across them, and we know the benefits of offering them dana, we offer the dana from our hearts to support them and their works of upholding the sila and teachings of the Buddha, and then we make a heartfelt dedication, we generate tremendous amounts of merit. This merit not only propels us along our spiritual path, but also creates the energies for us to have the material necessities we need as well. Therefore, making offerings to the Sangha is extremely powerful for anything we want to achieve in life.
After the meal was offered, the monks went around our land to do blessings and chanting. They wanted to bless the land and our environment here in Kechara Forest Retreat so that Phase 2, which we will embark on soon, will be a great success. As they were doing this, on a clear sunny day, it was very, very auspicious because it rained for a short while. Then the rain stopped and the sun came up, very bright and clear. In Buddhism, this is a good sign that the Buddhas, bodhisattvas and deities are very pleased and the local deities are very, very pleased.

The Sangha blessed the water in front of the Buddha Shakyamuni statue in Wisdom Hall. The water was later used to bless the land around Kechara Forest Retreat.
We are very honoured and happy to have done this today. I humbly thank the Sangha for visiting. What is very beautiful is that in their tradition, they are very accepting to all forms of Buddhist worship. If there is a Buddha Shakyamuni statue in your temple, it doesn’t matter what sect or tradition you come from, or what other forms of enlightened beings you pray to. Even if you are not Buddhist, if you request sincerely, they will always come to bless and perform prayers for you. That is the true Buddhist spirit.
Anyway, I am very happy that today, we were able to make offerings to Buddha’s sons and I wanted to share this news with all of you so that you can rejoice.
Thank you
Tsem Rinpoche

This is the special wealth form of Dorje Shugden known as Gyenze. He manifests in this form to help those with financial issues. At Kechara Forest Retreat, we have a special chapel dedicated to him which is open 24 hours a day to the public and it is proven to be a highly popular destination. The Sri Lankan monks went there today to consecrate the chapel, and to pay their respects to Dorje Shugden Gyenze. You can read more about our Dorje Shugden Gyenze Chapel in English ( and 中文 (

This is the special wealth form of Dorje Shugden known as Gyenze. He manifests in this form to help those with financial issues. At Kechara Forest Retreat, we have a special chapel dedicated to him which is open 24 hours a day to the public and it is proven to be a highly popular destination. The Sri Lankan monks also made beautiful offerings to Dorje Shugden Gyenze. You can read more about our Dorje Shugden Gyenze Chapel in English ( and 中文 (
Dedication prayers after making dana offerings to the Sangha
Or view the video on the server at:
After I was informed that the Sangha had departed from Kechara Forest Retreat here in Bentong, Malaysia, I was contemplating how these Theravadan monks will go any place that someone sincerely invites them for dana. They will visit a Tibetan temple, a Sri Lankan temple, a Thai temple, a Korean temple, churches, Hindu temples, people’s houses and patrons of any religion, of any spiritual background. Even if you’re an atheist and you sincerely invite them, they’ll be more than happy to come and visit, and allow you to offer dana to them. This is the true spirit of Buddhism and Buddhist monks.
I thought about how Sri Lankan monks and the Sri Lankan Buddhist tradition have kept to the truth of the Buddha, where we are taught to tolerate and accept everyone regardless of their background. For this reason, it was especially touching for me to see them come and visit.
By contrast, within the Tibetan tradition, our Tibetan leadership has unfortunately created a rift in Buddhism where if you follow a certain lama or a certain Protector deity such as Dorje Shugden, then everybody’s not allowed to come to your place. They’re not allowed to interact with you, to be your friend, to pray with you. They are not allowed to receive dana, or to get or give dana. In fact, you’re totally ostracised, and yet you’re still a Buddhist monk, and the people ostracising you are Buddhist monks. For a Buddhist monk to ostracise another person and say, “I can’t come to your place because you practise Dorje Shugden. I can’t bless your house, I can’t bless your car. I can’t bless your marriage, I can’t bless your family. I cannot bless your land, your crops, your farm. I cannot bless your business because you practise Dorje Shugden” – it all sounds very un-Buddhist, very intolerant.
It sounds very unspiritual and as shocking as it is, as shocking as it sounds, it really is like that these days where in the Tibetan tradition, it has become like that. That if you follow a certain teacher, people are not allowed to interact with you in any way. If you follow a Protector deity such as Dorje Shugden, people are not allowed to interact with you and this comes from the very top of Tibetan Buddhism, the topmost leadership.
I found that very poignant and sad at the same time, and a sort of degeneration in the practice of tolerance, whereas these Sri Lankan monks don’t look at who you are, what you are, what’s your background. They simply come because you requested them and in their compassion, in their Buddhist practice and in following the footsteps of Lord Buddha, they come. They bless you, your environment, your family, your temple or whoever you request them to bless, simply because you asked. It would be wonderful if Tibetan Buddhism returned to its roots, which is the Buddhist practice of tolerance and compassion for all sentient beings, as taught by our Lord Buddha. It would be nice to have harmony within Tibetan Buddhism again. Give peace a chance. Sincerely, Tsem Rinpoche
今天,5月26日,克切拉的其中一位会员文明辉(James Won)通知我们说,他邀请了一些来自斯里兰卡的僧人前来拜访。作为克切拉人,我们自然对此感到荣幸与高兴,我随即也嘱咐大家为供僧做出妥善的准备以借此累积功德。今天由于城里恰好有一些佛法活动,许多成员也因此不在克切拉禅修林里,但那些身在禅修林的人都前去迎接僧人。
- Thamdavita Wimalawansa Nayaka Thero长老 (科伦坡副宗教长,Sri Paramananda Purana 精舍住持
- Meddegoda Indashara Maha Thero长老 (来自Goondeniya Purana 精舍 ,也称佛牙寺
- Goondeniye Chanda Vimala Thero长老 (来自Amunupura Maha 精舍
- Medagama Pannarathana Thero长老 (Arya Nikethana Buddhist Maha Wiharaya)
- 一份《承诺》
- 一份《宁静》
- 一尊释迦牟尼佛像
- 一份收藏在USB随身碟内的佛语
- 珍珠和半宝石,让他们可以供养在个人佛坛和佛像上
- 释迦牟尼佛佛坠,让他们可以当成送给弟子和朋友们的手信
- 一封红包(象征性金钱供养)
在佛教中,这就是我们所说的布施(供僧)。 我们邀请僧伽到我们的地方(如我们的家),我们给他们提供食物和礼物,并请求他们为我们祈祷。 然后,再将这些功德回向,希望佛法能够在自己身上和我们所在的环境中发展和成长,同时也回向身边的人,希望他们都能平安顺利。
供僧(布施)这个传统是2500年前由释迦牟尼佛本身所发起的,当时佛陀允许在家人为僧伽献供养,以便能在僧伽们修行成佛的道路上做出一些贡献,借此累积一些功德。因此,当你供养僧伽,比如为他们提供食物、饭菜、衣服,僧袍等的时候,你就等于是参与了他们的修行成佛之路。 我们很荣幸有机会那么做,因为并非所有人都有幸能够成为僧伽,全心全意投入这种修持。不是每个人都有功德或坚定的意志与坚持去成为僧伽,所以佛陀设计了布施(供僧)这种做法,让我们可以参与僧伽们的修行之路。
功德在以下情况产生:(a) 当你遇见三宝或其象征物的时候,(b) 你认识并明白它是功德来源,也知道它的好处,(c) 你与它互动或敬重它,(d) 你将这些能量用作回向,将他们转变成修行的功德。
在被告知僧人们已经离开马来西亚文冬的克切拉禅修林后,我认真思考着这些上座部佛教僧人的做法,只要任何人真诚想要供僧并邀请他们,他们都会前去。 他们将参观任何宗教背景的寺院,包括藏传佛教寺院、斯里兰卡寺庙、泰国寺庙、韩国寺庙、教堂、印度教寺庙,并拜访不同背景人们的房子和任何宗教背景的赞助人。即使你是一个无神论者,只要你真诚地邀请他们,他们也会非常乐意前来,并允许你向他们献供。这才是真正的佛教和佛教僧侣的精神。
For more interesting information:
- Journey to Shar Gaden Monastery (2019): Making offerings to the sangha
- Offerings to the Sangha in India
- Why We Become Sangha: A Reply to an Online Friend
- The Practice of Sangha
- Vows: The Roots of All Attainments
- Malaysian Brickfields Chief Monk Sri Dhammaratana Fosters Harmony with Tibetan Buddhism
- The Most Venerable Wewaldeniye Medhalankara Thero
- Anagarika Dharmapala: The Revered Buddhist Revivalist
- Ven. Sri Dhammaratana’s birthday celebration
- Pilgrimage to Sri Lanka
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Wonderful some Sangha from Sri Lanka were invited to Kechara Forest Retreat. Kecharian were fortunate given a chance to offer Dana to them.They were taken a tour round Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, visiting the holy sites. Rejoice for those who are able to offer them a delicious lunch and offer them some traditional items as Dana to bring home. In Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, Dana is the practice of cultivating generosity. Making offerings to the Sangha is extremely powerful as we could generate tremendous amounts of merit. While they were at Kechara Forest retreat , the Sangha did prayers and blessing the land for the success of building Kechara Forest Retreat’s Phase 2. That’s wonderful.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Dana is something started by Lord Buddha 2,500 years ago. Giving, or dana, through generosity is a human virtue that is encouraged in most religions of the world. In our spiritual practice ,it is fundamental and essential to offering, giving generously to another person.
Its wonderful , that four eminent Sangha members from Sri Lanka visiting Wisdom Hall in Kechara Forest Retreat. Rejoice to those who were able to make offerings to the Sangha to generate merits as advised by Rinpoche. They even went round Kechara Forest Retreat blessing the area , made offerings of light to the Buddha Statues accompany by some of Kechara staffs. Well this is the way ,regardless of tradition monks should help each for the growth of Buddhism.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you, Rinpoche and the blog team for sharing with us this amazing news and inspiring occasion where Kechara has the chance to make offerings to sangha from Sri Lanka. These monks are pure monks and it is very meritorious when we can make such offerings to them.
From this incident, I am able to see the true spirit of religion where the monks kindly accepted our offerings even though we are from a different sect of Buddhism and they even requested to bless the land on their own initiative. They have a good intention and wanted the Dharma to grow in Kechara sincerely.
This is how it should be when it comes to religion. People should not discriminate based on the differences in their belief system.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing.
It is indeed very beautiful to have sangha members from different traditions come to visit, imagine when we have monks or nuns coming in and out from a temple and everyone can share their own Buddhist tradition, it will be really wonderful, it is also going along with Buddha’s teaching, accept all, no Bias, no discrimination, everyone accept each other regardless of their background, what is their belief, which Buddha do they practice, age, gender, social status, etc. and they all can live harmoniously.
I really hope one day soon where Dorje Shugden practitioners are being accepted everywhere and not being discriminated, because Dorje Shugden is not any devil, but he is the emanation of Manjushri Buddha. Dorje Shugden practitioners have been heavily discriminated and bullied, it should be the time to stop because in Buddhism, we should not discriminate anyone at any time, as Buddha never taught us to discriminate others when their belief is not the same as us.
It is nice to see Sangha of other tradition coming to visit Kechara Forest Retreat and sincerely offer their prayer to wish Tsem Rinpoche’s Dharma work flourish and bring benefits to many. Unfortunately, within the Tibetan Buddhist community or rather the Mahayana Buddhist community, Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara are being segregated because they practise Dorje Shugden.
Tsem Rinpoche and his students are not allowed to attend any Dalai Lama’s teachings or talks. They are not allowed to enter many of the Gelug monasteries because they practise Dorje Shugden. Dalai Lama followers always spread rumours about Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara, accusing them working for the Chinese government to sabotage the free Tibet movement. This is not true because Tsem Rinpoche never get involved in politics, he only focuses on spiritual practice.
A real Dharma practitioner should be like these Theravada monks. They respect other traditions and they offer their sincere wishes. What they want is to see Dharma grow and benefit people. It is more important to preserve Buddha’s teaching by respecting each other’s differences than to create tension and conflict.
Dear Rinpoche,
It is certainly warming and very humbling to read this sharing on the visit of the 4 Sangha from Sri Lanka. They have demonstrated true compassion and love, with all equanimity, towards all beings.
My they be blessed, may their temples be blessed, and may they achieve Enlightenment soon.
Thank you
Humbly yours,
Lum Kok Luen
Very wondeful to see people offering dana to the Sangha. Very meritious. Very wonderful to have the Sangha from different traditions come and bless KFR. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this post and allowing all of us to see the wonderful pictures and rejoice. 🙂
It is always wonderful to see different religion teachers or Sangha or Lamas visiting each other for the sake of peace and harmony. Recently some Sangha from Sri Lanka visited Kechara Forest Retreat to see all the holy sites and sacred places of worship such as Wisdom Hall with Lord Shakyamuni Buddha and Dorje Shugden.
Rejoice to those Kecharians who had offered dana to the holy Sangha from Sri Lanka no matter what their practices and beliefs are. The Sangha even went round blessing the success of building Kechara Forest Retreat’s Phase 2 , and so forth. Its truly wonderful , they even recite prayers from their own tradition to bless for the success of Kechara Forest Retreat. Respect each other’s beliefs, cultural practices plays an important role in having peace and harmony in a societies.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing and teachings as well.
Thank you for this article. Its actually a precious article as Kechara has an opportunity to get a visit from Sri Lanka monks’. By reading this article too, i get to know that we can request the monks’ to pray for us after offering food, present and so on.
By Sri Lanka monks’ visit’s, Kechara has been blessed for its good services by the workers and pastors. Thank you.
??? Rejoice.
Doing dana is a meritourious deed and is great that Sangha.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the wonderful news about Sri Lankan monks’ visit with their blessing in KFR. Their presence in KFR has educated us that there is no barrier or contradiction between all the Buddhists sects whether we are from Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana. They are truly pure compassionate monks that embrace Buddhism practice and do not discriminate or show disrespect to other religions sects that are different from them. Rejoice!?
The teachings of Buddha are precious, true Buddhists who find it valuable, should take care & protect it as they are like our own son & daughter.
The Buddha teachings are tools that help us to be a better person & realize the truths of life, same goes to the other teachings from various religions. Hence, it’s unacceptable to use religion as a tool to gain personal benefits & harm others.
It is such a wonderful day to have high monks visiting Kechara Forest Retreat and blessed the holy land. No matter what lineage of Buddhism we should all respect and care for each other. This is the teaching of Buddha. May the same applies to Dorje Shugden practitioners too, may the ban be lifted quickly and everyone is able to practise freely and live in harmony.
Rejoice for such an auspicious meeting on Wesak Day.Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful update!??.It’s even more meritorious that Kecharian which includes Sangha-to-be, Pastors were able to offer Dana. It’s like seeing monks supporting each others regardless of differences in their lineages, practices and background. It’s a great example for us as well and this certainly restored the faith we have in Buddhism. I hope the segregation that we have seen in Buddhism, particularly in Tibetan Buddhism can be resolved. Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for highlighting this auspicious day and event?????????
It’s so beautiful seeing these eminent monks visiting Kechara Forest Retreat. They even came with the thought of blessing the land, the places and the people in KFR. I think they must be very happy with the Dharma works carried out by Rinpoche and Kecharians. These eminent monks ?carry Dharma wherever they go and it’s not a mundane visiting just like we ordinary folks do. Every places that they visited and the people that they come across will be blessed.
It’s even more meritorious that Kecharian (which includes Sangha-to-be, Pastors) were able to offer Dana. It’s like seeing monks supporting each others regardless of differences in their lineages, practices and background. It’s a great example for us as laity as well and this certainly restored the faith we have in Buddhism.
With this in mind, I hope the segregation that we have seen in Buddhism, particularly in Tibetan Buddhism can be resolved. It is very important seeing the Sangha members supporting each others in this manner and it is equally important seeing them practicing BuddhaDharma that they have propagated; compassion and loving kindness to all beings regardless differences in their faith and practices.
Today, some of us had the precious privilege to witness the true spirit of Buddhism right here in Kechara Forest Retreat. It was truly beautiful to be able to hear these monks chanting in Pali during lunch and our Kecharians doing the dedication prayers in Tibetan at the end of the visit.
What’s most beautiful is these monks’ pure sincere wish to bless our environment for Dharma to grow. It didn’t matter to them if we were from a different tradition, just their wish for Dharma to grow really touched me. ?