Kechara Media & Publications (KMP) has just moved to a temporary office. Their current office is being expanded. Yes they are running out of space. But the new space they are at doesn’t look temporary at all because they did a good job setting it up. They are very creative group of people.
I just recieved this picture of KMP having dinner together as they are a close knit group and caring of eachother.
I like the depts to be like that because doing the work we do is not work, but a pleasure to be of service to others. If we think it is work, then all the problems of work arise in our minds. If we think it is for others, which it is, then when problems arise, we are able to get through it knowing we are ‘suffering’ for others. Suffering for others actually make us happier people in the long term because we were useful and did something meaningful… Suffering for ourselves selfishly REALLY IS SUFFERING.
Way to go KMP!!!
Tsem Rinpoche
P.S. How nice!! Daniel Loke dropped into KMP to visit. His lovely mom is visiting from Ipoh so he brought her along also. Daniel and Mom are joining in for some tea with KMP.
David our writer (left) and Daniel (right).
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This is an article whereby one can witness the hard work of Rinpoche throughout today’s.
Working in KMP is nothing like anything I have experienced in the corporate world and advertising industry. After years of entertaining empty “how are you’s?”, air-kisses and pretentious yuppies… it is refreshing to be in a place where people actually mean what they ask and stay to hear the answer, out of sheer concern. The hugs are sincere and conversations with substance. Work is not work at KMP simply because we genuinely enjoy what we do and it does not feel like a chore. The energy there is pleasant and motivating. Getting together and spending time over a meal (at karaoke, at times) is relaxing… and a great way to get to know fellow colleagues better. Learn about their joys, their concerns and their experiences in life thus far. What can I say? Sharing is caring! 🙂
KMP – how they have grown, from just reproducing Rinpoche’s dharma talks to what it is today is one big leap. They have not only progressed in terms of staff, space and facilities, their work has taken them to big book shops in town. They are one close-knit family led by a capable leader with her no-nonsense business style. Their books have reached the tables of many prominent figures. They work together, they play together. It’s only fitting of a large family of brothers and sisters, looking after each other, caring and giving each other support. JJ – if you gate crash their dindin get-togethers, I am sure they will not chase you out – the more the merrier, right?
Congratulations for the new expansion & moving to a bigger space. I went up to their temporary office during the kechara care mini tour. Very true indeed the temporary office doesn’t look temporary at all everything being so orderly and so cosily designed.
KMP, I love all your books, the designs of the prayer sets, the writing style. Everything done with so much care and tireless effort to produce the top notch quality. It’s very creative of KMP to send out books to reach out to world leaders to spread Rinpoche’s teachings. You guys deserve nothing but the very best.
It’s the epitome of compassion that reaches out to care for others inspite of sufferings endured. Om Mani Padme Hum
there seem to be a close association of KMP with yummy finger licking good food here. This is the second post by Rinpoche of KMP pigging out~! It’s a good thing actually to be able to bond with your own department and have guests join in too~!
Jokes aside, KMP is really a wonderful entity with warm smiles and great hearts congregated all under one roof to create a new wave, a new approach to Buddhism to bring this happiness from HE Tsem Tulku RInpoche to others.
Under the leadership of Liaison Likim, KMP has flourish on a national level, bringing closeness from Kechara with all Malaysians!
congratulations KMP!
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
From the ‘BIG BOSS’ Himself…Rinpoche’s own words…
“The KMP group are a bunch of very attractive, fun, crazy, very loud, intense, lively, strange (not autistic…hehe), alternative (in all sense of that word), and off the wall group of people who don’t care what society thinks and just lives their lives helping others. They are very colorful and hard to resist…I mean it. They are a very irresistable lot. They have so much fun, I really don’t know how they get so much work done. And I mean it, they get alot done….you should see their impressive website of books, videos, buddha boxes, etc!!
And here too….on the launching of Tsongkhapa Box Set
Everything you want to know about Tsongkapa, and how to start this incredible practice is contained in this beautiful box set now.
“It is the only ONE IN THE WORLD EXISTING!!!
I’ve seen KMP ( grow from two desks in a room of a rented house to a couple of floors in another rented house to its own building and now, we’re in a temporary (but very lovely and cosy) office just round the corner while we plan for the renovations of our next office. Not only have the premises changed, the quality of our publications have also improved by leaps and bounds, and our staff have also grown in number!
Coming from a corporate background, it is so refreshing to ‘work’ in Dharma because it really does not feel like work. Whether it is a weekday or weekend, whether it is day or night, the focus is to complete our Dharma assignments. When we work for others, we truly love what we are doing. When we wake up looking forward to what we have to accomplish that day, we are not really working but simply ‘living’.
Of course, when there’s a spanner in the works, there are pressures which might be seen as suffering but in the secular world, we have the same if not more work pressures anyway. Even when there are pressures in Dharma work, the feeling is very different from secular work stress because the motivation is different.
Although everyone in Kechara is in different departments and comes from different backgrounds and walks of life, we are all united by the common love for Rinpoche (, Dharma, our organisation and our spiritual growth. And though we may not see things eye to eye all the time, like a family, we always work it out eventually and the best thing is we do it together.
So many people have said that they are amazed at how Kechara ( has grown and continues to grow and i always tell them it’s because Rinpoche has worked so hard and selflessly over so long. The growth did not come overnight. Rinpoche has inspired many able people to work together with him in the various departments to bring Kechara to where it is now. To take Kechara to the next level, we need more committed people to join in, contribute their efforts, resources and time.
You don’t even have to be in the same country to contribute – you can promote Rinpoche’s blog, the Kechara website, sponsor – books, the gompa, pujas, there is definitely something for everyone. If you have enjoyed and benefited from Rinpoche’s blog – please support Rinpoche so he can benefit even more people.
P.S. if you’d like to support publication of Rinpoche’s teachings, please contact me and I’ll be more than happy to discuss how you’d like to contribute.
Dear Rinpoche,
I totally agree with what Rinpoche said,
When we suffer for others, we should feel happier as because we’ve done something great and meaningful, whereas,
When we suffer for ourselves, we really suffer, because it is selfish, it means we only care about ourselves, selfishness is the main criteria that will bring us to the three lower realms.
Book is the best material to spread dharma to many people. How inspiring with the way KMP work tirelessly to spread Rinpoche’s teaching to the public, it is such a great merits they collected which creating the affinity for them to serve under dharma again next life.
It shows how serious they are working in dharma, even just moving to a temporary office, but they never take it easy, they will always do everything the best for dharma…
Suffering for ourselves selfishly REALLY IS SUFFERING. This is so imoportant to remember. Thank you Rinpoche!