Ms Yen Pin Joins Kechara Discovery Dept!!!
I was with Liaison Paul Yap yesterday and he gave me some excellent news which I want to share with everyone. His department, Kechara Discovery ( has a new member of staff – Wong Yen Pin joined Paul’s team earlier this month!
Yen Pin comes from Johor Bahru and she got to know about Kechara House through her friend June Tan from Kechara Southern Jewel Chapel or KSJC. Her first visit to Kechara House was during our official opening on Wesak Day in 2003. She is also a member of KSJC and visits Kechara House often with other KSJC members during Kechara events.
I was told that Liaison of Kechara Discovery or KD, Paul Yap has been asking her to join KD for a long time and she finally came aboard. We Welcome her!!! Today, I am glad to know that Yen Pin is a happy member of the KD team.
Paul heads two departments – Kechara Discovery and Kechara Saraswati Arts – and he is extremely busy and works very hard. So I am very happy to hear that Yen Ping has decided to do Dharma work full time and I welcome her on board.
I am very happy that yet another person has chosen a Dharma career to do something meaningful and worthwhile in their lives now…. May her Dharma work grow to benefit many people in the future.
Tsem Rinpoche
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At the time of writing this, she is still working in Dharma and definitely she’s here to stay. I rejoice greatly….
Although we are not that close, but she always smile. I always see her doing her works around Wisdom Hall. During one Saturday before the oral transmission, we bumped into each other at Bentong kopitiam. Definitely I’m the blessed one since she works in Dharma. I do hope I can absorb some of her ‘energy of perseverance’ and the love of Dharma. Thanks Yen Pin for your dedication.
KSJC cheers! Hope that she can advance her dharma and create more merit while doing her works at KD.
Congratulations Yen Pin!
Great to hear more and more ppl accepted as full time Dharma staff. Being more efficient with better results to benefit more sentiment beings.
Great to hear more and more ppl accepted as full time Dharma staff. Being more efficient with better results to benefit more sentiment beings.
I hear the name Yen Pin very often not knowing that I have met her before. She use to come to Kuala Lumpur with June Tan and her group of members from Kechara Southern Jewel Chapel or KSJC. I her her name very often from the Chinse group of members in Kechara House and even spoken to her a few times until when I see her picture on the blog that I remember I have met her before. She has been in Kuala Lumpur for quite a while as I use to see her around Chinese pujas in KH2. And has been hanging around with Evon and Louise helping out Kechara Discovery. And bravo! she has joined Kechara Discovery full time. Congratulations Yen Pin!
love, angel
How inspiring for people on Facebook!