My Clay Cup class in Kechara Saraswati Arts
Here are some pictures of Kechara Saraswati Arts recent activities. There are always activities organized in KSA.
KSA organized “My Clay Cup” class on 14th August (Saturday) for those who are interested to learn how to make cups out of clay. There were 10 participants who attended the class.
The participants learnt to mould and shape their desired cup. The upcoming class will focus on beautifying and making the final touches to the clay cups.
Personally in school back in New Jersey I loved art class and I loved the clay classes also. I am very Happy that we can have this class here in KSA. Art classes and introducing children to art enhances their spectrum of learning and thinking. Art for adults will make them relax and very therapeutic.
Thank you and see the wonderful pictures of attendees, volunteers and staff of Kechara Saraswati Arts Dept.
Tsem Rinpoche
Lili is another talented artist who has committed herself to KSA. She is very talented and can make beautiful images.
Ling working hard sharing her artistic talents with the participants in KSA. Ling loves sharing art and loves Children. She has a magical and special way with children. It’s lovely to see her interact with them.
KSA busy with people and activities. Fun!! Must visit. If you are into art, you must visit. Spiritual art nourishes the soul.
There are also some other pictures showing the volunteers, fish tanks and previous/future classes projects + sample.
Pat modeling the stone "burger"
Pat is another happy member of KSA who is really talented with tailoring. She is quick and very precise. I love having her in KSA. She’s eating a stone burger here…looks real huh?
Patsy brought her friend Cecilia to paint in KSA
Patsy another devoted student who is steady and thinks things through carefully before making decisions also loves contributing to Kechara.
Kumar concentrating in his painting works
Kumar working hard with his expert artistic hands. He is really a trained artist specializing in Himalayan arts. He does very good work.
Painting details on a statue takes a lot of patience
Nani is busy with sewing jobs
Nani another important member of our Kechara Saraswati Arts Dept. He is a trained tailor for traditional Himalayan arts. He can sew such lovely pieces of work that not many others in this region can do. Very specialized.
This is Mitra and Kumar who work very hard in our Kechara Saraswati Arts Dept. They are nice guys. Mitra has been with us for years and very artistic. He has magic hands for sure.
Becky, Pat and Lili Ng are monitoring outstanding jobs in KSA via the white board
Monitoring our dharma jobs in Kechara Saraswati Arts Dept or KSA.
Grace brought her son to join KSA class
New participants in KSA class and Pat gave them a "mini tour"
All the fishes are in good condition and healthy. Becky took care of them very well.
We have a lovely large fish tank in KSA for relaxation and practice of caring for animals.
Previous classes' art work
Beautiful artwork done from previous classes.
Samples for the upcoming tang-lung making class
Artwork from previous classes - greeting cards
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It is extremely lovely to see the children manifest their creativity by making little clay cups. It is so, so cute! I wish I could have gone to the class. I hope that they will have another class of similar nature in the near future!
that is bad how do u do that n wat clay do u use
How wonderful and healing it is to do pottery! I love the complete article and every single one of the photos. 🙂
Dear Ling,
You are like an angel to MKC kids helping them discover their creativity and what they can do with it.
May you never run out of ideas and continue to benefit children and kids who are our future.
We hope more gifted members like Ling will join us as MKC teachers. Our kids are multiplying real fast.
Kechara Saraswati Arts is a department that is always filled with activities and the hardworking team always spring surprises of new creations. These lovely clay cups not only look beautiful but a lot of love and fun has been added into producing it with Ling, the bubbly, lovely teacher patiently leading this class.
Well done to KSA team!!!
By the way, the burger looks real!!!
Dearest Rinpoche and everyone…
Thank you for your kind words of inspiration, encouragement, support, helping hands and smiles always!
Thought I just share here…
I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to help and is happy always to help anyone who is keen to “create, explore and share” – a simple motto which all of us (at my workplace) embrace. I am very blessed to have wonderful partners and team players as this is how we all nurture each other to learn and grow together.
I really have to thank my mama, who is kind, wise and very loving and who has this great gift with kid! She has a fantastic way with them, very creative and skillful, and she always explains things at their level so that they understand. She (is foremost – instrumental) and my family – papa and siblings have been very supportive all these years giving me the green light towards creative pursuits. They are by my side even though at times they do not know what my sculpture or drawing is all about! The blessings from them – are the twinkles, winks, smiles and joy looking at my artistic expressions and trying to make sense out from them!
The best way to give back is to impart the knowledge and skills learnt thus far. It is a joy to share, teach and learn with anyone, big or small, young or old …. AND we are never too old to learn a craft or anything new for we are all young at heart!
Art is beyond cultures, languages, boundaries. It is more than an expression, interpretation, it’s a celebration of life!
It is always a joy to see how individuals express themselves in any medium, be it in fabrics, in paints, in clay, etc.
At KSA, the final products – original handicrafts, the thangkas, the paintwork on tsa tsas, statues, always makes us wonder how do they do it? Is it difficult? Where do they get their inspiration?
Well ask no more cos you are most welcome to join in any of KSA’s activities, their many creative classes, to learn all about them and celebrate by making your own piece of art or simply learn something new!
#Oh by the way, the finished (painted) products of the clay cups are really wow! You should check them out at KSA!
KSA as it’s affectionally known as, is indeed a melting pot of creativity. Especially so with Lili’s wonderful talents thrown into the fray!
I have personally seen Ling with kids and I take my hat off to her. Some people are just great with kids but I on the other hand have the patience of a fly on a good day. I do try with my god children but it does take every ounce of my energy to keep up. But with someone like Ling, it seems to come so naturally!
HOD of KSA as well as KD ( Kechara Discovery – )AND Liaison Paul Yap is indeed a powerhouse of creativity. Both these departments have definitely flourished under his guidance.
Keep up the good work Team KSA…!!!
Kechara Saraswati Arts is run by a group of multi-talented people who can said to be experts in own their field of art. Some are good at Tibetan art be it reconstruction or restoration works on statues, thangkas, or sticking little simmering crystals onto painted statues to further enchance their beauty or to match the iconography of the respective statues. Sewing of colourful clothes of tibetan designs, jewellery making, traditional mantras rolling to insert into holy sacred images, are some the other services which are being offered by KSA. The main motivation of this art department is to spread dharma through art. However this dept is open to all who is passionate in the creative field and who can commit their time in producing and assisting in many creative projects consistently.
I really, really wanted to join this class! So much so that I stayed up most of the night thinking about my cup design!
…I ended up not missing the class coz I was asleep..noo 🙁
I hope that they have another one real soon!
KSA is expanding and growing very fast like the other departments. The group of dedicated MKC teachers are really creating new things and ideas for the children and making them want to come for classes. At these classes dharma teachings can also be instilled into their minds by art and handicrafts. I do agree that Ms Ling is a very patient teacher with kids. All the kids love ‘TEACHER LING’ thats what they call her. I use to volunteer in KSA rolling mantras. I go there twice a week. I love going to KSA. The energy and atmosphere is very nice. I want very much for my granddaugter to join MKC. She can learn so much in art work,good attitude and most important is the Dharma. Too bad she does not have the good karma to have all these. The latest is making clay cups now. What is next in your baskets?
It’s lovely to see the artwork of this children and their happy faces when they create 🙂