Setrap Gives Another Sign
April 1, 2010
Last night while in the car going to Kechara House for a dharma talk, I openly requested Dharmaphala Setrap to give me the blessings so my talk can sink into the minds of the listeners, have people become more committed to KWPC/KH Depts, show more help to the people who are doing pujas to Setrap and to develop trust in him.
I asked Setrap to show more to the people clear signs that would convince more people and hence people would engage in real dharma practice eventually. Whatever the has been requested of Setrap that would benefit others, please grant their requests and indicate clear signs. Monlam and Sengpiow were in the car with me when I vocalized my prayer out loud.
Well I got back from KH at around 2AM to the Ladrang after the Dharma Talk. Was doing some work. Around 2:30AM my assistant Sengpiow noticed something unusual growing in my plant pot on my balcony. It was straight yellow stem and that was it. Then at around 5Am the yellow stem bloomed with a top wide open and round becoming a mushroom!
We have gardens, flowers, many potted plants around the ladrang. Nothing of this sort has ever grown anywhere.
My dharma talk was on death meditation and the benefits of KWPC and our plans. Also how people can particpate in this great project. I also instructed everyone to do two retreats on Setrap and Dzambala.
When I got back to the ladrang, this mushroom shoot literally instantly appears. If you remember a few weeks ago eminent lamas and senior monks of Gaden said that if a mushroom springs forth from a statue or the lama’s residence, it is a very good, auspicious omen of growth and success. So just a few weeks ago, a sprout sprang forth from my personal Zong Rinpoche statue and now this mushroom. Read about the Zong Rinpoche statue here.
The proximity in time of the Zong Rinpoche sprout and today’s mushroom is a coincidence too much to ignore. I feel this is a definite indication of what will be happening in Kechara House in the near future, which is much more growth, and the success of our KWPC plans. Something good is going to happen very soon. So everyone do their Dzambala and Setrap Retreats as a group well together as I requested last night. Pray for the manifestation of Kechara World Peace Centre (KWPC) in the near future.
Please see here for what I talked about last nite.
Kechara House will definitely benefit many more to come in the future. KH will continue to grow, attract many and fulfill huge projects. My hard work, the hard work of our members, Liaisons’ dedication, Blessings of Tsonkgapa/Setrap all combined will make this happen.
Early this morning I had a powerful dream that was very vivid regarding Kyabje Lati Rinpoche. I had Pukhang Khangtsen in Gaden Shartse do Heruka self initiation and tsok. They will be doing that today. I asked them to pray to Heruka that Lati Rinpoche’s wishes / prayers come true and he continues to live very long.
Lately, more and more positive signs are arising. I feel these are very encouraging. My students, friends and members should feel inspired upon reading all this as it is my purpose of blogging all this.
Keep your chin up, be harmonious, forgive each other, hold your vows of refuge, do your practice and focus on our goals. It will be achieved.
Much Care,
Tsem Rinpoche
We just took these pictures just an hour ago… so it is hot off the press literally. See the pictures and feel inspired. It is a sign from Setrap.
Update: April 2, 2010
Yesterday early morning a mushroom spontaneously sprung up (see above). Then by evening it had died and dried up. Then this morning early again another mushroom sprung up as if to replace the previous one.
You can see in the photo (below) I just snapped 10 mins ago that on the left is yesterday’s mushroom already dried. But on the right is the new mushroom that just sprung up this morning.
Tsem Rinpoche
For more interesting information:
- Small Plant Growing on Zong Rinpoche’s Statue
- Wherever I stay this is what happens..
- A very good omen again!
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When wild mushroom sprout out from nowhere is indeed very auspicious. It is a sign indicated some important event or some great news to come. I always loved to see wild mushrooms and do believed that greats news on the way. True enough that Kechara from a small organisation to a much bigger one.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing and bringing all the precious dharma teachings to Malaysia.
Wow …very auspicious seeing a mushroom spontaneously sprung up from no where. It is a very good, auspicious sign of growth and success that was said by Rinpoche.Good things coming and very true as now Kechara House and Kechara forest retreat are growing .
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing ,i always believe when mushroom or plants sprung from no where is an auspicious sign.
These are genuinely impressive ideas in about blogging.
You have touched some fastidious factors here. Any way keep up wrinting.
Wow,this is auspicious signs.Rinpoche is so compassion, no matter which place Rinpoche visit , we can see the auspicious signs too.
Wow ! Lord Setrap given another signal to Kecharian, very auspicious ! i am really inspired on this blog ! What Rinpoche has said : I alone I cannot , must work together to manifest the KWPC ! I am rejoice that Kechara Forest Retreat has manifested in the first step ! we have move on another big step towards to KWPC.
Thanks Rinpoche for introducing Setrap to us. In fact, I got a lot of help and guidance from Setrap as well.
The mushroom looks like an umbrella, which i always saw used for high lamas during special events. This is a very very special and direct indication! Hope Kechara will growth fast and aggressive, so that more and more people know the beauty of Dharma. More and more people benefit from Dharma. More and more people be more involved in Dharma. I thanks Guru bring Dharma to us. Guru Has brought the most precious resources to us, not only this life but future life.
Wow, so many great news in this morning. As a fan of this blog, I also feel very auspicious reading all these updates.
May all of the Rinpoche’s wishes come true very soon.
Thanks for sharing. Take good care, Rinpoche.
With love,
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There are so many coincidences manifesting to Rinpoche wherever he is. Too many unexplained coincidences. Like Bodhi trees sprouting everywhere whenever Rinpoche has a ladrang it has happened so consistently wherever he goes. Dharma Protectors are closer to us manifest their hep and assistance and they exist for that reason and also to help us to stay on the path and eventually gain attainments. They can be very swift if we do our part, hold our vows and practise the dharma.
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As predicted by High Lamas of Ganden Monastery in South India, when a small plant grew out of the right knee of Zong Rinpoche’s statue after the statue was damaged by leaking water from the upstairs of our KH1 Gompa. The High Lamas say this kind of happening is very good and auspicious and will lead to growth of Kechara and the High monks also predicted that if a mushroom should grow it will be a very good sign also. The 2nd auspicious sign occurred after Rinpoche gave a Dharma talk in KH1 and had returned to Ladrang at 2am. Seng Piow found a mushroom growing in a pot on Rinpoche’s balcony. This happens after he requested his students to do Setrap and Dzambala Retreat as a group. The plant growing from Zong Rinpoche statue and the 2nd sign of a mushroom growing in Rinpoche’s balcony signifies growth. Its true. KH is expanding and growing very fast.
I was in awe with the manifestation of mushroom sprouting on Zong Rinpoche’s statue in Kechara House, happened on the least likely places; now mushrooming of mushrooms next to Rinpoche’s room. I believe these are clearly signs of good omen and auspiciousness around high lamas due to their merits and accomplishments. Now Rinpoche is gearing all the way to building Kechara World Peace Centre (KWPC) these signs manifested to indicate Rinpoche’s greatness and ability to achieve KWPC for the benefit of others. As the direct disciple of Je Tsongkhapa in one his past incarnations, he had built Gaden Monastery. It was one of his remarkable deed. In this life, Rinpoche will build KWPC , a monumental project in this region to benefit many people around the world.
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life is like that… will come and it will go too……..
Healing the Wounded Healer,
One Day at a Time !
Vows we remember
In Our Everyday Life
The Ones We Forget
As We Pass by an Unhappy Face
Forgetting to Mirror In Our Smiles
The Secret That Buddha Shared
and Je T’Song Khapa Clarified!
The Love We Give
Is Given In That Moment
With Buddha’s Smile
The One All Knowing
of Human Possibilities
and Human Frailities
Accepting with Breathing
In and Breathing Out
It is abstract in the describing
So Simple, the Solution
As to evade the Monkey Mind
Never quite satisfied
We approach the Pearl
With Sticks and Stones
Blinded by the Efferverscent Rainbow Lights
True Lama need no Certificates
True Lamas Guide by their Constantly
Practicing the Dharma
Keeping the Light Bright
For us in the Twilight Zone
What we see
Is where we go
Follow the Bright Light
The Warm One
That Surrounds Us!
The Lamas,
Who Care For Us!
The Bigger Picture
Is What They Keep In Mind
We, Well we can barely see them move through the room.
I usually don’t believe in signs but these 2 mushrooms are too REAL to ignore, after I’ve seen it myself. Rinpoche was kind enough to allow some of us to go see it for ourselves!
The yellow colour that signifies growth & also perhaps Tsongkhapa’s yellow hat tradition is really encouraging, especially after the auspicious conclusion of Dzambala puja & the announcements of more pujas to come.
I can’t wait for the pujas, it’s going to be very very exciting!
I once built an Oyster Mushroom Greenhouse. Where we grew 600,000 pounds of drided mushrooms in our first six months. Mushroom are like fairy beings as they sprout and grow. Oyster Mushrooms can sustain a human being with all one needs for nourishment, minus the elements of Vitamin C.
I have overseered the building of a geothermal power plant,a one acre greenhous. I have restored a Carnegie Library,a Vaudevill Theater, a City Court House into an Art Center. I built my Underground home with all passive heating and cooling elements wit 50 tons of steel and a thousand yards of concrete. I know about foundations and eco friendly systems. I built a Stupa and Monastery twice over. I am excited to see your plans and hope the foundation is put in proper. I know Volcanic soils and their properties when constructing. If you need any advice or strong backs. Jst let me know. I also built a three acre Japanese Rock Garden under the guidance of Sacred Treasure, Dr Kenneth Yasuda. He was gifted a parcel in the Kyoto Gardens for creating a garden there.
Anyway, Creating is lots of fun, maintaining is another choice.
The mushrooms are in this amazingly glorious yellow. It is such a bright and lively yellow. I have never ever seen this in my life. Indeed truly auspicious. AND more grow! This is the future of Kechara and KWPC – GROWTH! Everyone must be aligned and committed and do all we can to make Kechara grow bigger and bigger. And most importantly, we must unite and create the causes for KWPC to manifest!
I’ve never had mushrooms grow in my backyard or pots…this is definitely No Coincidence. And yes i do agree with BK that it does look like a Lama’s mini yellow victory umbrella.
And my kids are thrilled to see the pic.
The Southern region is truly blessed with Rinpoche’s presence.
Looks like a Lama’s victory umbrella and the yellow colour is very auspicious signifying growth. I think 2010 is gonna be a big year for Rinpoche and Kechara, don’t you?
Yes, it’s very wonderful and mystical , only good things can come . With Tsem Rinpoche you know he’ll make happen. Diana
that so auspicious I’m really happy for Kechara I wish you the best in your quest.
I wish lord serap to show all beings see the truth from the Buddha Dharma
take care Rimpoche
thinking a lot of you
Really nice and auspicious 🙂 Thos mushroom is really beautiful 🙂
I am really happy for KH and hope these signs will bring something really great for you all !
With love.
This is not the first time such auspicious signs manifested. Many times after Rinpoche’s talks or visit to a place, rainbow would appear. Or there would be a slight drizzle..THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS COINCIDENCE!
I am inspired!!
This cannot be ignored…good things to come…..going to do mantras for the occasion right now……..
Wow! May KWPC swiftly manifest and the Glorious Tradition of Je Tsongkhapa flourish in this part of the world!!
Excellent signs!