Something special to share… | 与你分享特殊的信息

Nature Devas appear in many forms and they are connected to the vegetation, water, trees, mountains, air and generally the land. They have subtle but powerful effects on the land, animals and growth. 大自然神灵的显现形式有许多,它们通常和植物、水、树木、山、空气及土地有关联。他们对土地、动物、和增长有着微妙但强大的影响。
Dear friends,
I have some interesting things to share with you for some of the special spiritual features of Kechara Forest Retreat. The vegetables grown on Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) land will be very blessed now and in the future. Dorje Shugden took full trance and blessed the whole of KFR. Also we have a sacred Vajra Yogini stupa on the land too which contains many blessed relics. So vegetables growing from KFR land will have a healing property. The vegetables when eaten will bless the body, channels, drops and winds of each person which affects the mind positively. When people eat these KFR grown vegetables in the future, it will bless the body and contribute to healing for sure. When people visit or live on KFR land will have positive effects on their bodies and minds.
The vegetables will contain blessed healing properties (continuous Tara pujas, Medicine Buddha and Dorje Shugden pujas on the KFR land will further energize all beings and all that grows). Even the nature devas, formless beings associated with the land, rocks, water, trees and air will be blessed. As these beings will be blessed, they will feel happy and peaceful and they will assist the land to bring forth bounty. They have special abilities to affect weather and environment.
We also have blessed healing and power stones by His Eminence Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche and His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. These stones were carried from Malaysia to Italy where Gangchen Rinpoche resides and personally blessed by him. Then the same stones were carried to USA and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche blessed them. Now these stones are in my safekeeping until the healing water well/space is created. I will create a healing well/water place where these stones will be buried under the water to have water flow over them daily. Then these stones will energize the water with blessings, power and healing. So when we collect the water and drink or bathe in them, they will contribute to healing our distortions and health. The water will bless our minds. The blessed water will be sprinkled all over KFR land, further blessing the land and all that grows and abides on the land. All beings will be blessed. We will be creating this healing water area in KFR soon in the future. This water can be sprinkled on your land too. If you live far, the water can be sprinkled onto salt and the salt sent to you and when the salt is again dissolved in water, then the water will be blessed. So distance is not a problem.
I would like everyone who come to Kechara or even hear about Kechara to be blessed by the sacred Buddhas.
Tsem Rinpoche
我想和你们分享一些关于克切拉禅修林特殊灵性的性质。生长在克切拉禅修林(KFR)这一片土地的蔬菜, 在现今和未来都备受加持。多杰雄登护法曾降神并加持整个禅修林。此外,这一片圣地也立着含有许多殊胜舍利的神圣金刚瑜伽母佛塔。因此,生殖于克切拉禅修林的蔬菜自然会拥有治疗的性质。食用这些蔬菜的时候, 这些蔬菜会加持我们每个人的身体、经脉、明点、和气,也会正面地影响我们的心识。将来, 当人们食用这些在克切拉禅修林种植的蔬菜,他们的身体会备受加持,而且对复原和痊愈有肯定的帮助。当人们参观或居住在克切拉禅修林这一片土地上, 这福地会对他们的身体和心识有正面的影响。
我们也有幸拥有受至尊刚坚仁波切和至尊赤江法王加持的治疗石子。这些石子是从马来西亚被带到至尊刚坚仁波切意大利的住所,由刚坚仁波切亲自加持。然后同样的石子被带到美国, 让至尊赤江法王加持。现在,这些石子暂时由我保管,直到治疗水井的空间被创建。我将创建一个治疗水井,这些石子将被安置于水平下, 每天让水流过这些治疗石子。然后,这些石子将使流过石子的水拥有加持和治疗的能量。所以,当我们收集、饮用、用这些水来沐浴时,他们将有助于医治我们的健康和思想。这些治疗水将会加持我们的心识。这治疗水也会被洒在克切拉禅修林各地,进一步加持这片土地和所有居住于或生长在这片土地的众生和蔬果。所有的生命将得到加持。我们将在近期内在克切拉禅修林建造治疗水井。你也可以在你的土地上洒上这些治疗水。如果你居住在国外, 你可以把治疗水洒在盐上,然后盐巴可以被运到国外。当盐巴再次被溶解在水中,这水将会拥有加持力。所以距离是没有问题的。

Our Kechara representatives having audience with His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche in August 2015. Left to right: Ms. Su Ming, Pastor David Lai, His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche, Changtso Beng Kooi and Ms. Karen Chong. 克切拉的代表在2015年8月拜见至尊赤江法王. 从左至右:诗明小姐,黎国圆讲法师,尊者赤江法王,助理明贵和张君慧小姐。

Our Kechara representatives having audience with His Eminence Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche the great healing Mahasiddha. August 2015-From left to right: Changto Beng Kooi, Pastor David Lai, a student of Gangchen Rinpoche, His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche, Pastor Jean Ai and Ms. Karen Chong. 克切拉代表拜见伟大的治愈大成就者至尊刚坚仁波切 。 2015年8月 - 从左至右依次为:助理明贵,黎国圆讲法师,至尊刚坚仁波切的其中一位弟子 ,至尊刚坚仁波切,仁爱讲法师和张君慧小姐。

Healing water will be created on Kechara Forest Retreat land in the future. 克切拉禅修林将将在近期内创设治疗水。

Stones have been energized by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and His Eminence Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche to be placed in the healing waters of Kechara Forest Retreat. These waters will be very charged in order to bring benefits to many. 已经被至尊赤江法王和至尊刚坚仁波切 加持的石子将会被放置在克切拉禅修林的治疗水井。这些水会充满加持能量,利益大众。

In the future I hope to have blessed organic vegetables growing on Kechara Forest Land for residents and visitors to enjoy. 我希望克切拉禅修林在未来生长着备受加持的有机蔬菜,让克切拉禅修林的居民和游客享用。

Pastor Chia tending to our organic vegetables in Kechara Forest Retreat. 谢松平讲法师细心照料有机蔬菜。

Vajra Yogini stupa on Kechara Forest Retreat in Malaysia. 马来西亚克切拉禅修林的金刚瑜伽母佛塔。

Kechara Forest Retreat in Pahang State, Malaysia. 位于马来西亚彭亨州的克切拉禅修林。
For more interesting information:
- Kechara Forest Retreat
- Welcome to Kechara Forest Retreat – NEW PICTURES!
- Kechara Forest Retreat in Pictures
- Community Spirit in Bentong
- We are starting to plant
- Sponsor-A-Tree at KFR!
- 700 Meet a Buddha
- Intimate advice for us
- Auspicious Mongolian Omen
- Manjushri on a pond
- YB Dato’ Sri Dr Liow Tiong Lai’s visit to KFR
- 3rd Pastor Ordination at Kechara Forest Retreat!
- What our flag means
- Exciting KFR on June 27!
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
Kechara Forest Retreat is definitely a blessed land with powerful positive energies. As Dorje Shugden had took full trance and blessed the whole of land. Having the sacred Vajra Yogini Stupa with many blessed relics inside the stupa is even more powerful and blessed. Hence whatever grown on the land such as vegetables, fruits or flowers will have a healing property. Not only that all the nature devas, formless beings associated with the land, rocks, water, trees and air will be blessed too. Blessed healing and power stones by H H Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche and H H Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is at KFR too. May all who visited this beautiful Kechara Forest to be blessed by the sacred Buddhas.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche for creating Kechara Forest Retreat, a place of tremendous blessings.The whole of KFR has been very well blessed and charged with powerful healing energies.
Spending time in nature, looking at plants, water, birds and other aspects of nature gives the cognitive portion of our brain a break, allowing us to focus better and renew our ability to be patient. Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful article.
We are very blessed to be able to stay and dedicate our lives in this holy land Kechara Forest Retreat which has been blessed by many high lamas and lately Dorje Shugden himself took trance in oracle.
We don’t have to dream nor travel far away to look for a holy place like this to get blessings but in our very own homeland Malaysia just an hour drive away from KL, we can receive blessings. Kechara Forest Retreat is a powerful place for healing. This is made possible due to my Guru’s H.E. the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s compassion and love to Malaysians.
Reading this article, enhance me knowledge of this blessed land which were blessed by great Lamas. It’s a good wander for many people come visit KFR often with feeling peace and happy. I was astonished that even the air is blessed too.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful article.
Kechara Forest Retreat is a very holy and special land. Ripoche has gifted us with this spiritual place where many pujas have been performed so that the people who come to visit or do retreats receive precious blessings. Nature helps us to connect with our true self and it helps us to see the beauty that is surrounding us with flowers, trees and greens.
Thank you for these beautiful pictures of the visit to H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, and to H.E. Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche, the blessed stones and Kechara Forest Retreat!
This holy piece of land,Kechara Forest Retreat, must be extremely blessed & any sentient beings who are living and visiting this land have been collecting merits and obtain healing elements for the minds and bodies.
Can’t wait for the healing water fountain/well to be place in KFR!!!
Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) was conceptualised by H.E the 25th Tsem Rinpoche. KFR indeed is a blessed place with all the blessing by the lineage Lamas and it also give the opportunity for many people that visit this place to gain the same blessing. Many activities that being held in KFR serve the purpose of healing not just physical but also mentally in anyways be it retreat, meditation, touring, circumambulation, planting, cleaning, construction, education and etc.
Thanks to Pastor Henry shared to everyone of us, he said even we breath an air in KFR, that’s a blessing too. Instead of that i found another article in Google : How Do Forests Make Us Healthier?
Numerous studies in the U.S. and around the world are exploring the health benefits of spending time outside in nature, green spaces, and, specifically, forests. Recognizing those benefits, in 1982, the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries even coined a term for it: shinrin-yoku. It means taking in the forest atmosphere or “forest bathing,” and the ministry encourages people to visit forests to relieve stress and improve health.
Research is casting light on how spending time outdoors and in forests makes us healthier:
people enjoying an urban forest
Exposure to forests boosts our immune system. While we breathe in the fresh air, we breathe in phytoncides, airborne chemicals that plants give off to protect themselves from insects. Phytoncides have antibacterial and antifungal qualities which help plants fight disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells or NK. These cells kill tumor- and virus-infected cells in our bodies. In one study, increased NK activity from a 3-day, 2-night forest bathing trip lasted for more than 30 days. Japanese researchers are currently exploring whether exposure to forests can help prevent certain kinds of cancer.
Spending time around trees and looking at trees reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and improves mood. Numerous studies show that both exercising in forests and simply sitting looking at trees reduce blood pressure as well as the stress-related hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Looking at pictures of trees has a similar, but less dramatic, effect. Studies examining the same activities in urban, unplanted areas showed no reduction of stress-related effects. Using the Profile of Mood States test, researchers found that forest bathing trips significantly decreased the scores for anxiety, depression, anger, confusion and fatigue. And because stress inhibits the immune system, the stress-reduction benefits of forests are further magnified.
Green spaces in urban areas are just as important as rural forests. About 85% of the US population lives in suburban and urban areas and may not have access to traditional rural forests. That’s O.K. Gardens, parks and street trees make up what is called the urban and community forest. These pockets of greenspace are vitally important because they are the sources of our daily access to trees.
Spending time in nature helps you focus. Our lives are busier than ever with jobs, school, and family life. Trying to focus on many activities or even a single thing for long periods of time can mentally drain us, a phenomenon called Directed Attention Fatigue. Spending time in nature, looking at plants, water, birds and other aspects of nature gives the cognitive portion of our brain a break, allowing us to focus better and renew our ability to be patient.
In children, attention fatigue causes an inability to pay attention and control impulses. The part of the brain affected by attention fatigue (right prefrontal cortex) is also involved in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Studies show that children who spend time in natural outdoor environments have a reduction in attention fatigue and children diagnosed with ADHD show a reduction in related symptoms. Researchers are investigating the use of natural outdoor environments to supplement current approaches to managing ADHD. Such an approach has the advantages of being widely accessible, inexpensive and free of side effects.
Patients recover from surgery faster and better when they have a “green” view. Hospital patients may be stressed from a variety of factors, including pain, fear, and disruption of normal routine. Research found that patients with “green” views had shorter postoperative stays, took fewer painkillers, and had slightly fewer postsurgical complications compared to those who had no view or a view of a cement wall.
We have also fruit bearing trees in KFR like durian, passion fruit, jack fruit, ciku, lime that one may take home at a small donation. To engage in a spiritual retreat in KFR, solo or in a group, would be very good as the air and surrounding are already charged by the powerful energies from the many pujas done, as mentioned here by Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche for always finding ways to benefit so many of us. How blessed to have these stones placed in the water to heal and bless many more. And the best part is, no matter where one is, they can be delivered and still have the same effect. And because Kechara Forest itself is so blessed, all the beings that are on the land are also blessed! Really wonderful!
A place that is blessed beside having enlightened Buddha residing there, it is also depends on the motivation of the person who build it, because if our motivation is not good, even if we have many Buddha’s images surrounding us, it doesn’t help much, but if it is accompanying with great motivation to benefit others, then the blessing power will be great.
In Kechara Forest Retreat, we have our guru, H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, Rinpoche’s assistants and the Pastors who work 24/7 for the benefit of others, with these energies contributed to the land, the plants that grow from the land will definitely be very blessed. And by the way, the vegetables that grow in KFR, it is not only blessed, but it taste super too, sweet and fresh.
Dear Rinpoche,
This is a very thoughtful and creative idea of Rinpoche to have the crystals flown all the way to Italy and USA blessed and to be buried inside the well in KFR healing water to benefit and heal all sentient beings and plants. Rinpoche is very compassionate and has far vision to benefit everyone. We are all truly fortunate to have Rinpoche close to us in KFR. May Rinpoche’s projects in KFR manifest swiftly in the very near future to benefit more people to come to KFR for peace and healing.
Thank you Rinpoche _/\_
Anne Ong.
It will be wonderful as the stages of building Kechara Forest Retreat progresses. Rinpoche’s vision is slowly coming to fruition and more are being blessed just by being able to visit Kechara Forest Retreat.
The healing center will be a boon to many as treatments will be coupled with spiritual calm and peace. Recuperation will be such a pleasant experience within the powerfully blessed environment.
Thank you, Rinpoche for always thinking of how to help others even when they are far away.
The vegetables grown at KFR are really sweet and tasty to the palette. The teas like mulberry tea and lemongrass tea are good for the body.
Dear Rinpoche,
Kechara Forest Retreat is a powerful place. The beautiful stones energised by H.E. Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche and H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche will be a blessing for many and we are most fortunate that through the kindness H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche this all is possible.
Even through the food we eat daily, our body, channels, drops and wind and by this also our mind will be positively affected and heal. May many be blessed to receive the healing powers from Kechara Forest Retreat.
I am most lucky to be here in Kechara Forest Retreat. May many come in contact with Kechara and be blessed.
Thank You,
Pastor Antoinette
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for creating a blessed Kechara Forest Retreat land with healing water to benefit not just our local people, but everyone from around the world in all directions. I feel like I am very fortunate to receive blessings from Rinpoche and able to attend Dorje Shugden pujas and Lama Tsongkhapa retreat in KFR. The opportunity of meeting with Dharma at this degenerate is very precious and we are fortunate to hear, learn and engage with Dharma activities in Kechara Forest Retreat through the compassion and kindness from Rinpoche.
May more and more people able to visit KFR, pay homage to all the Buddhas and Protectors, participate in pujas and retreats, contribute to the growth of Dharma and continue to spread the Dharma for the benefit of all sentient beings.
With folded hands,
kin hoe
Dear Rinpoche, I think this idea is splendid. I already love the way KFR is right now especially because it is away from the cities, quiet, peaceful, has a very big open-area where you can see the beautiful skies and it is the perfect place to be in for retreats. And now, with this healing water features, I believe more and more people will come and visit KFR for its blessings. KFR have grown so much and different in the past two years.
If the stones are actual people, they would be able to collect a lots of merits today. These stones were blessed by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche. It would surely benefit countless of sentient beings. I am really blessed to be able to visit and volunteer in KFR occasionally.
I am currently also planting vegetables in KFR. The YAK has split into three smaller groups and we are trying to grow giant vegetables. The purpose is for us (the kids) to learn to be responsible, kindness (not just towards humans but to all living beings), be close to nature, have good teamwork, to be harmonious and of course to grow GIANT VEGETABLES!!!!! I really can’t wait to see how are my plants doing. I hope my vegetables grow big as we have such pure energies surrounding KFR and I also wish to grow my vegetables big so that I can offer it up to Rinpoche nicely.
As mentioned by Pastor Henry, the Healing water will soon be available as spoken by Rinpoche.
It is all very exciting. Even now KFR is a healing place.
Last Saturday, I returned to KFR and I was not feeling well with stomach discomfort. I was advised to take medication, but not liking medicine, I did not do so but know that in KFR I will heal.
The stomach problem disappeared the very next day. For sure KFR is a place of healing and with the blessings from Rinpoche and the high Lamas, I can imagine how much KFR will benefit the healing of the mind and body.
Thank you, Rinpoche for KFR.
Dear Rinpoche
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing.
It is so exciting to see our Kecharian had visited 2 Great Lama and bring the blessing back to us in Malaysia.
I believe that the healing water will cure many diseases and bring peace to us.
Thank you.
We are very fortunate to have our compassionate Guru H E Tsem Rinpoche living in Malaysia. Rinpoche’s vision of building Kechara Forest Retreat is to bring benefits to all sentient beings far and wide in so many ways.
May Kechara Forest Retreat, Kechara village , Medicine Buddha Hill and Tara walk manifest swiftly. Thank you for sharing the new pictures and the interesting information.
Yes i agree. If you have that salt, pse let me know. Tanks a lot, your package arrived well here and the grain stuff. I put it on my little praying place knowing what it is of cause. I did a download puja too so i can hear it while being ill now in bed. Telling it to the persons in center Brussels is talking to a … . Not even asking how i am feeling. Dramatic situation, not my kind. That is brussels. I dare even asking me of they sell juwellery if it is blessed. I stop thinking. thanks for all talks.
Thank you Rinpoche for creating Kechara Forest Retreat, a place of tremendous blessings. The whole of KFR has been very well blessed and charged with powerful healing energies and energies of abundance because Dorje Shugden took trance and blessed it. Moreover,there have been Medicine Buddha pujas, Tara pujas and DS pujas performed continuously. There is the VY stupa; then recently stones blessed by the great Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, stones which will be put into the waters of KFR to bless to become healing waters.
So now , whenever we eat the organic vegetables grown in KFR, our bodies will receive the healing powers of these vegetables.
Furthermore, even the nature devas living on the land amid rocks, water, trees and in the air will be blessed. As these beings will be blessed, they will feel happy and peaceful and they will assist the land to bring forth bounty. They will also help create good weather and a healthy environment.
How wonderful to be in Kechara Forest Retreat to receive all this blessing and healing!
I feel blessed by reading this and looking at the pictures. Thank you. I rejoice in everyone’s hard work.
Dear Rinpoche,
Truly grateful that we have Rinpoche building Kechara Forest Retreat in Malaysia. The whole place is so blessed. From the soil and even now the water. The holy energy came from the blessing of Lama Tsongkhapa lineage. From Rinpoche to various high lamas.
The sentient beings are blessed in the land and its surrounding.
It is truly bless to be able to be in Kechara Forest Retreat.
With folded hand
Can we?
Wonderful news! Thank you Rinpoche for your tireless & compassionate effort to benefit all sentient beings in many ways. It is so fortunate for the people in malaysia to have such great spiritual centre KFR to bless the country, the land, people, animals, environment & sentient beings. All the positive energy & virtuous idea will continue to propel the growth of KFR & benefit all beings in the 10 directions.
Excellent! Excellent! KFR bringing benefits to all sentient beings in so many powerful ways. Thank you to Rinpoche and to everyone in Kechara who worked hard to make this a reality!! Rejoice!!!
Wonderful to read this article and know the people will be blessed and healed from Kechara Forest energy. A truly blessed place on earth. A haven….
This special healing water will be made available soon. Plans are on the drawing board to include it in the healing village in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Dear Rinpoche ,
Blessed Healing Stones water , really nice to read this piece of information upon waking up this morning. A great way to blessed the nature and also a great way to blessed those from afar .