Surprise visit to Amcorp Mall
Today I decided to pay a surprise visits to encourage a few Kechara departments that are out there working hard during the weekends to bring Dharma to many.
The first stop was Amcorp mall as where Kechara Media & Publications (KMP), Kechara Saraswati Arts (KSA) and Kechara Discovery (KD) held a fun-filled road show from 17 June (Thursday) to 20 June (Sunday) 2010.
Purchased some beautiful items, treated them to Starbucks and stuffed toys because I appreciate them very much!
Picture of me with Kechara Discovery and Kechara Saraswati Arts crew back row, from left: Andy Lee, Me, Liaison Paul Yap (Head of Kechara Discovery & Kechara Saraswati Arts). Front row, from left: Becky Yap (KSA administrator), Yvonne Yap, Louise Lee.
Picture of me with Kechara Media & Publications crew back row, from left: Allan Lee, Me, Liaison Phng Li Kim (CEO of Kechara Media & Publications). Front row, from left: Liaison Kok Yek Yee, Liaison Susan Lim, Liaison Sharon Saw
Pictures of the hardworking staff with their stuff toy gifts. I like giving stuff toys to people because there's a big kid in all of us.!
Afterwards, I went straight to Kechara Paradise Bangsar Outlet. They are having a huge clearance sale as they are relocating to a much busier location!! Exciting!
Kechara Paradise Bangsar will be expanding and relocate to Viva Mall, Cheras.
Kechara Paradise Bangsar-currently
You can read more about the sale here: Huge Sale!!! Don’t miss it at Kechara Paradise Bangsar
Tsem Rinpoche
Earlier pics at Amcoro Mall
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This is really a great testimonial of a great team of Kecharian in action to ensure that Dharma continues to benefit many more.
Amcorp mall brings back memories when Kechara House hired tables in the flea market to sell second goods to raise funds for Rinpoche’s mainteance. Initially this flea market and idea was started by Henry Ooi. Members use to go around collecting any sort of second goods from old clothes to shoes etc to sell. From what I heard the least amount collected was RM1,000. Now it is much easier. With all the young enthusiatic talented people in their own capabilities have taken over. KMP and KD had a road show from 17 june to 20 june to promote Dharma to the people by selling books. Rinpoche surprised them with a visit to their booth bought some items and treated them to Starbucks and gave them stuffed toys.
Rinpoche has this ability to show up when it’s least unexpected. Sometimes, it’s to give a Dharma talk and sometimes it’s to visit the sick. In this case is to shower everyone with gifts and food. Rinpoche loves to surprise people because it really cheers people up after a hard day at work. The reward? The surprised and happy look in their faces. Isn’t that the most satisfying?
Rinpoche’s actions show me to always do something different for others. To be spontaneous and fun while striking a balance between play and work. Not forgetting to reward those who helped us, regardless the amount of contribution.
Yes, Rinpoche is full of surprises! It is out of care and love to inspire students to do Dharma work with joy and interest. It is an encouragement for students to go all the way with Dharma work to gain merits and benefit others. Rinpoche even offer gifts – he always like to offer soft toys to cheer students. It is so hilarious to see all the big guys having cuddly toys. Certainly Rinpoche wants to make it memorable and fun.
If you like to know what these buy guys in the pictures are trying to sell you visit them at and to find out yourself or perhaps you would like join them in outing like this and be rewarded with big cuddly soft toys.
Terima kasih Rinpoche!
This is what Kechara is about…when they do things, they do it the family way…sekali gus! KD-KSA-KMP-KP…looks like a flight ticket route huh…LOL
Rinpoche…as always, in His element and surprise mode graces the place with His blessed presence and encouragement and even showers them with toys and Starbucks…how many ‘bosses’ we know do that?
As usual, such events are always done where people are…after all Rinpoche and Kechara are people based as evidenced by His surprise calls! TIADA LAGI GUAs! (No More Caves!)
I thought Louise was shy or what?? Rupa rupanya BUSY TEXTING even in a group PHOTO!!! Aiyo Malaysians ahh!!! LOL
One of Rinpoche’s favourite ways to show his care for his friends and students is to surprise them – be it with a gift, a dharma talk or just his very presence. When I heard of Rinpoche’s visit to support the tri-group who were at Amcorp Mall, I get a flashback to when 10 years ago, a group of Rinpoche’s students were at Amcorp Mall on Sundays selling second-hand (and sometimes brand new) items, in an effort to raise funds to support Rinpoche’s dharma works. Then, Rinpoche would also make his surprise visits – that gave a lift to our spirits at the end of a busy tiring but fulfilling day. In so doing, Rinpoche was teaching us to incorporate care into our life; for it is the human touch, the moral support that helps us get through an otherwise difficult time. Ten years down and Rinpoche is constantly showering us with his surprises even though He is so busy with many projects going on simultaneously. Rinpooche’s care for us is endless.
Rinpoche’s gesture and love towards Rinpoche’s students is indeed quite inspiring, because normal people would never expect a Buddhist teacher or a Lama to give such gifts to his or her disciples. They’d usually expect the teacher to give Buddhist related items.
But here, Rinpoche shows that we should give in accordance to what the other person likes and needs instead of what we think they should have. Other than that, Rinpoche gave gifts to cheer and encourage the KMP team for spending their weekend promoting the Dharma. It is very lucky indeed to be cared for by a Lama like Rinpoche. I shall follow Rinpoche’s lead to give gifts to people to cheer them up!
When the day is long and sales are not encouraging , what better upliftment can one get than to have a Rinpoche drop by to say hello and to tell you he cares for you more than the sales.
When the sales are good and the stall is packed and very busy and our ego is riding high, what better timely teaching than a Guru dropping by to remind us that we are doing it for benefit of others.The sales are only a reflection of that motivation.
When a Rinpoche visits, everyone receive blessings, kindness and his generosity and the day always seem brighter and better than before he appears.That’s the magic.
Students of Tsem Rinpoche not only receives Dharma from a highly attained, realized master but so much care and love always, expressed in very creative ways. Rinpoche loves to surprise his students, from hiding behind a wall and let out a scream which makes us jump out of our own skin to gifts for us and our families. We are always thrilled when Rinpoche gives us surprised visits in our respective departments and sometimes (though rarely) in our homes.
Well, on the last day of a promotional weekend in the mall as Paul mentioned, Rinpoche paid a surprised visit to Kechara Media & Publications and Kechara Discovery’s booth. Rinpoche gave us all delicious drinks, laughters, SALE, yes Rinpoche was our biggest customer..and most of all, we were just thrilled to be with Rinpoche and a few crew member went home with each a huge, cute, cuddly toy!!
This is Tsem Rinpoche,a 21st Century Mahasiddha who loves and cares for his students from and off the throne.
Kechara Discovery, Kechara Saraswati Arts and Kechara Media and Publications were collaborating together at Amcorp Mall. We were having promotions from 17th June to 20th June. We have Louise Lee, Yvonne Yap, Becky Yap, Andy lee, Li Kim, Sharon, Susan, Yek Yee, Allan and me taking turns to manage the booth.
It was a good working team because we took turns to take care each other’s booth and we had a lot of fun talking to anyone and everyone who were interested in KD’s Buddha Pendants, KMP’s book or KSA’s handicrafts.
Highlight of our last day was a surprise visit by H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. As usual, wherever Rinpoche appears, he will treat everyone with drinks and food. We had a very nice Coffee Bean ice-mocha that was a surprise treat by Rinpoche, and of course, Rinpoche was our biggest customer for that night! Rinpoche also gave some of us stuff toys as a reward for our hard work. It brought a lot of laughter and big smiles.
One thing everyone needs to know that is synonymous with Rinpoche is SURPRISES. I think Rinpoche is brought up in America which influences Rinpoche to adapt much of the Western culture into His teachings and methods of training.
Here, Rinpoche will plan, plot and ensure all these hardworking full time staff of Kechara are well taken cared of and from time to time Rinpoche will make surprise visits to anywhere within the organization to give everyone there support, Dharma, food & drinks and most of all care!
Rinpoche always feels that we, as full time staff are not working for Him but in actual fact working for the Dharma, as such Rinpoche’s job is to ensure that we’re well taken cared off in many ways.
I am sure everyone present that day feels Rinpoche’s warmth and kindness.
love love love,
Rinpoche’s surprise visit to Amcorp Mall
Yesterday was the last day of KMP, KD, KSA’s four-day roadshow at Amcorp Mall, PJ. We were stuck right at one end of Amcorp and not many non-Kechara members came by. Despite this, sales was not bad with the Kechara members who did drop by to take advan…