The Importance of Death in Life |《不知死,焉知生?》
(By Tsem Rinpoche and Abby)
(English translation below)
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The first Chinese language Dharma talk in Kechara Forest Retreat – “The Importance of Death in Life” – concluded at 5pm on November 14, 2015. Despite the landslide incident on the Karak Highway between Kuala Lumpur and Bentong, the talk by Pastor Lanse Chiah attracted 69 participants, many of whom were from Kuala Lumpur. They did not hesitate to travel far and wide in order to receive the Dharma; their spirit and dedication is very commendable.
In the talk, Pastor Lanse shared her past experiences of being on duty in the hospital, of studying medicine and of how dealing with matters of life and death and the process of rescuing others inspired her. At the same time, she had felt a deep sense of helplessness because despite being a doctor equipped with the latest medical technology, she could not help anyone escape the eventuality of death when their time was up.
Later on, when she met her Guru – His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche and the Buddhadharma, she began to understand that death does not mean the end of a life, because before one can transcend the cycle of death and rebirth, one must first experience countless “rebirths”. In her years of following H.E. Tsem Rinpoche, Rinpoche has taught her skilfully to look at death from the point of view of Dharma – that death should spur us to live a more vigorous and spiritual lifestyle, letting go of unnecessary burdens and deep-rooted bad habits, and facing the remorse and fear that are buried deep in our hearts, because only then can we lead a good life and prepare for our future lives.
As the title of the talk “The Importance of Death in Life” implies, it is important for us to understand death and its importance while we are still alive. Pastor Lanse spoke about what death is, the dissolution of each of the four elements, the gross and subtle minds at the moment of dying/death, as well as the bardo (the intermediate state). Most important of all is to learn how to overcome the fear of death in our daily lives and to cherish our present life more. Death Meditation is a practice that is highly encouraged in Buddhism. When we meditate on death, we will realise that although death may seem far away, it could also be very close. Whatever we could not let go of, whatever we found difficult to accept, we will have to face these at the moment of death. So, if we practise doing this again and again, we will come to realise what is truly important in life, and because of this, we will learn how to live…
Written by Abby
If you missed last week’s talk, below is a video specially uploaded by Kechara InMotion. If you would like to revisit the talk, this video is also for you.
参与者的感想 – Feedback from Participants
(A sincere and touching sharing!)~ Eannee Tan
(This is touching and sincere. Thank you Pastor Lanse for the sharing. There are a couple of deep points about life, about human relationship from your talk that kept me pondering and searching within. I really enjoyed your talk.)~ Stella Cheang
(Back from the talk, Pastor Lanse’s words still linger in my mind: “At that time I played the role of a doctor, and didn’t play the role of a daughter”… This is a very good reminder that can help us to contemplate—we try to keep a distance from death or things that we fear, when it became unavoidable, we may go with another angle or run to another location in order for us to better deal with the situation. In fact, we still do not face the issue/object, and to a large extent, it is still a way to escape.)~ Kok Wah Ying
(A very rare occasion indeed for Pastor Lanse to share with us about her spiritual journey so vividly. This talk has prompted me to rethink what death means to me. Similar to Pastor Lanse, I too thought that I was not afraid of death, but after one experiences certain things (perhaps it is also because one is growing old), I realise that I am actually afraid of death, especially when our loved ones passed away, we choose not to face the truth. Pastor Lanse said that “As long as you understand death, you will not be afraid and will be more zealous in preparing for death. When death comes, how will we face death?” Death is the end of this physical body, however for our mind, it is the beginning of another journey. Thank you to our Guru – H.E. Tsem Rinpoche for founding the platform of Kechara and also the system of Pastors, so that we have the opportunity to listen to the Dharma. Thank you fellow Pastors who work hard to uphold the teachings of our Guru, providing your services to the public. Much gratitude.)~ Phoebe Yong
当天讲座的照片 – Pictures from the Dharma talk
当天负责为参与者做登记的江宝明及黄欣怡。 (June Kang and Beatrix Ooi, who were in charge of registration.)
人们陆陆续续前来登记,准备参加讲座。 (Participants at the registration counter, one after another, ready for the talk.)
讲座当天,出席的人们也可以以特价将一些佛物迎请回家。 (On the day of the talk, those attending the talk were also able to invite home some holy Dharma items at a special price.)
VajraSecrets网络佛教文物店工作成员。 (Staff of, our online Dharma store.)
在讲座正式开始之前,当天的主持人——陈稚鑫讲法师首先欢迎大家的到来, 并为谢晓晶讲法师做简单的介绍。 (Before the talk officially began, the emcee, Pastor Shin welcomed everyone, and gave a brief introduction about Pastor Lanse.)
讲座开始! (The talk begins!)
谢晓晶讲法师为大家细说什么是死亡、人在经历死亡过程中四大分解的各别情况, 粗心识及微心识在当时候的运行,以及中阴身究竟是什么状态。 (Pastor Lanse explained about death, the dissolution of the four elements during the time of death, how the gross mind and subtle mind operates, as well as the state of bardo.)
虽然这一场讲座主题内容严肃且带点悲伤,但佛法面对死亡的正面态度及 谢晓晶讲法师生动有趣的分享还是让大家轻松地开怀大笑了。 (The theme and content of the talk was serious with a bit of sadness, however, the attitude of Buddhists facing death positively as well as Pastor Lanse’s lively sharing conjured hearty laughs from the participants.)
大家都在讲座上踊跃发问及发表自己的想法。 (The participants were enthusiastic in asking questions and expressing their views.)
讲座结束前,谢晓晶讲法师带领大家做圆满回向。 祈愿众生离苦得乐,都具听闻佛法的善缘;上师身寿永固,常转法轮。 (Before the talk concluded, Pastor Lanse led the participants to make dedication prayers. May all sentient beings be free of suffering and attain happiness, may all have the merit to listen to the Dharma; may all Gurus have good health and long life, may the wheel of Dharma constantly turn.)
讲座结束后,好学的小佛友留下继续向谢晓晶讲法师讨教。 (After the talk ended, a diligent young participant continued to ask Pastor Lanse questions.)
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Thank you very much for sharing. I would like to start the try of death meditation to change my some haibts. It’s a very meaningful Dharma Talk for me. Thank you again. ?
Dharma talks and learning are so essential to help us to transform our minds. Without the Dharma it is almost impossible for us to transform our minds.
Everyone in samsara will death eventually, in term of time, location and how. The teaching is for us to always be prepare to face death , understand the progress and accept the truth of end of samsara. Without fear, anger ,depress, the Most important of all is to learn how to overcome the fear of death in our daily lives and to cherish our present life more. When we still alive, that is what we be able to do as much as we could. It is very effective if we could visualize and complete death meditation everyday, we woudl be more alert and aware that we are wasting our time on the daily samsara pleasure , which bring nothing after death. Our anger, our ego, our attachments, pleasures all gone once our body collapse. It does not last, while we still able to contribute, shall spare our time with dharma and apply it peacefully. Where there is dharma there is peace.
华人最避忌的话题就是死亡。还未认识克切拉之前,我对死亡的了解就是非常肤浅地认为人的生理机能完全停止,那就是死亡。不想去多了解死亡这个课题,主要因素也是因为怕死。 即害怕又不愿面对,但又想多了解一点点,好让我在面对死亡的时候有点心理准备。这种挣扎,一直持续到认识詹杜固仁波切后,让我对死亡有新得诠释,也不再恐惧死亡。
This is something that will definitely befall each and everyone of us in life. Embarking on a spiritual practice that is measured in lifetimes and eons, sometimes makes us forget/or gives a different perspective on death. Remembering death seems part and parcel of a buddhist practice. Nevertheless, everyone knows that death is part of life. Sooner or later all have to face it. To develope an awareness of death is said to be an advantage as advised by a very high level Lama. It makes one to regard enduring peace and happiness as more important than short-term pleasure. To recollect death is to destroy all negative tendencies and disturbing emotions with a big heavy hammer. Human beings are always habitually busy with wordly affairs. Traditionally, The human lifespan of people in this world are most uncertain in this degenerate age. Death comes without any rule or order. Anyone can die at anytime, whether they are old or young, rich or poor, famous or downtrodden, sickly or well. No one can be taken for granted in relation with death. Strong, healthy people can go off and die suddenly, due to unforseen circumstances; whereas the weak, sickly and bedridden patients can hang on for a long time. From such situations, we can see that death is so unpreditable. Death is certainly so dreaded and detested as the end of life. When anyone leaves this world, there is nothing whatsoever, anyone can take with him or her to the next world, except only our experience of spirituality which can help us to make our life meaningful, as advised. Therefore, cultivating a virtuous state of mind as we die can cause virtuous action to ripen and ensure a good rebirth. Such is the importance of death in life. Thank you Rinpoche, for your relentless caring reminder and for Pastor Lanse’s teaching. Om Mani Padme Hung.
This is something that will definitely befall each and everyone of us in life. Embarking on a spiritual practice that is measured in lifetimes and eons, sometimes makes us forget/or gives a different perspective on death. Remembering death seems part and parcel of a Buddhist practice. Nevetheless, everyone knows that death is a part of life. Sooner or later, all have to face it. To develop an awareness of death is said to be an advantage as advised by a very high Lama. It makes one to regard enduring peace and happines as more important than short term pleasure. Recollect death is to destroy all negative tendencies and disturbing emotions with a big heavy hammer. Human beings are always habitually busy with wordly affairs. Traditionally, the human life span of people in this world are most uncertain in this degenerate age. Death comes without any rule or order. Anyone can die at anytime, whether they are old or young, rich or poor, sickly or well. No one can be taken for granted in relation with death. Stong, healthy people can go off and die suddenly, due to unforseen circumstances; whereas the weak, sickly and bedridden patients can hang on for a long time. Death is so unpreditable. Death is certainly so dreaded and detested as the end of life. When anyone leaves this world, there is nothing whatsoever one can take with him/her to the next world, except only our experience of spirituality which can help us to make our life meaningful as advised. Therefore, cultivating a virtuous state of mind as we die can cause virtuous action to ripen and ensure a good rebirth. Such is the importance of death in life. Thank you Rinpoche, for your relentless caring reminder, and Pastor Lanse for your very interesting teachings! Om Mani Padme Hung.
Thank you Pastor Lanse for that great teaching!
This topic is heavy, yet Pastor Lanse has made it so light that it is easy for all to understand and know what is going on.
What I really like is that she has shared her personal experiences and was really open to what happened to her previously. Personally I understood the teaching better when Pastor Lanse has shared her personal experiences, be it with the hospital or even her father.
Through the teaching I understand how important it is to know what is going on with our body so that we can prepare for our own death. Not only for ourselves, with knowing the 4 processes, it allows us to help those that are around us as well when we can see that they are at their last lap.
I am now being inspired to do death visualisations daily. Reason being that through that, I can prepare what is coming forth to me better. More so, after the whole talk, it made me realise more how important it is to use our lives to the fullest so that we will not have regrets when we are on our death beds.
Thx pastor for giving us such a benefit talk.we should have less attachment to avoid suffering n practice dharma work often.
谢谢 Pastor 的分享,让我们更加了解死亡。
从小就看到自己的外婆, 父母一个一个的逃不过病床与死。 难道死亡就是如此吗?
我们每天忙碌工作,生活,很忙, 每个月等薪水,难道生活就是如此吗?
听到讲法师分享的。。。看到病人离去,那种无助,我们可以做些什么? 诵经,法会,烧衣纸,等等的真的能够帮助到他吗? 可能可以,到他们手里的只有一点点。
现在珍惜生命与有机会的时候, 做一些东西, 学一些东西, 让我们到那个时候不用害怕, 知道应该要怎么做才是最重要。
死亡不害怕,有生必有死。这是自然定律,大家一起开心面对, 生活就不会有斗争,大家可以一起和平的建筑未来。
总而言之,因果循环,谁也逃不了。而因果其实也是源自于我们自己以前所作出的一个选择。俗语说:”诺知前世因,今生受者是。诺知后世果, 今生作者是” 。慈悲与帮助他人的同时,其实也是在帮助我们避免造下不好的因。
Thank you Pastor Lanse for sharing this Importance of Death .. we all needed.. Death is the final destination for everyone of us.. whats important is what we are doing with this life matters…
也许死亡是大家忌讳的课题,但身为佛教徒的我们时时刻刻都要“念死”,死亡是肉身躯壳的分解,我们的心识带着我们的业生生不息,就如JUNE KANG 表示:“生命却是绵延不断的,所以死亡不是一种结束,不是一切的终止,而是另一种境界的开始。我们会随着前世的业力寻找投胎转世的因缘,所以真正的佛教徒是不怕死亡!
Thank you Pastor Lance for giving such a clear and detail explanations on the process of death.
Death is inevitable but time is not certain. One must get prepared for this very important big day of one’s life.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing Pastor’s Lance’s dharma sharing here. I was fortunate enough to have the chance to attend the dharma sharing that day.
“You need to know death before you know how to live”. I totally agree with this saying of how one should know about death in order for them to truly live. There is a delusion that makes people think that they will be around forever or the idea of dying someday never occur to them. They indulge in their lives on habitual laziness and procrastination. They do not know the time is ticking and we could draw our last breath at any moment. Because of this delusion, people do not know how to treasure their life indulge in meaningless affairs.
Pastor Lance also shared a little on meditation on death. I learnt about this meditation when I stumbled upon one of Rinpoche’s video on youtube. It was before I joined dharma full time. I tried it a few times and it had impacted me very deeply. When my grandmother passed away in front of me a few months back, I realise how fragile my life is and I am indeed running out of time. This eventually pushes me into devoting myself to dharma full time.
I watched Tsem Rinpoche’s teaching on YouTube about Death many years back but didn’t realized its implications on the mind yet. Fast forward, after 6 years now and re-watched and re-read about Death in relation to our mind, I think i understood a little more.
When we learn to practice more with death in mind constantly, we become acutely aware our life can end at any time. If we left our human body with a negative state of mind at moment of death along with anger, negative desires and delusions, we will definitely be reborn into the lower realms cycle. But if we realize that we Can Change our attitudes and behavior NOW, we can Salvage and Save our self from negative actions, speech and mind to become more adaptable, easy to work with, loving, grateful, appreciative and be of benefit to others, not making use of them – then we turned our Mind from negative to positive, hence saved our self and will not be reborn into negative states of mind in the next Life cycle. At least we were given that OPPORTUNITY to save us.
I am thankful to be reborn into an environment and condition to be able to learn and practice dharma under our holy Guru, HE Tsem Rinpoche to be given this opportunity to Change for the better Mind and future lives.
Thank you very much, Rinpoche. With folded hands.
It is very interesting to hear about death from a Pastor who’s also a medical doctor. This is because we are usually dependent on medical points of view and only focus on how to prolong a person’s life. How many of us actually ask how else should I live my life knowing that death can be around the corner any time any day?
Most of us tend to live life not wanting to think about death and that it’s way too distant to address it. I believe we have seen enough to know that death has nothing to do with age. When the karma’s up, we exit this realm in a split second. Life is fragile and unpredictable.
I believe that when we embrace the latter, we will perceive life differently and spend more time doing things that truly matter and less on frivolous activities. Even our afflictive emotions begin to decrease because we won’t focus on the negativities of others and situations but on the positive aspects.
Thank you Pastor Lanse for the wonderful talk!
Thank you Pastor Lanse for sharing this Importance of Death and Abby for making this available in English, a topic shunned by most people. Buddhism encourages us to prepare for death, by living mindful and conscientious lives.
We should contemplate on Death daily, this will help us change the way with live our life more meaningful and practice Dharma sincerely.
很高兴克切拉禅修林首个中文佛法讲座圆满完成!我本身感兴趣的是谢晓晶讲法师以自己不同身份的角度来分享她对生死的观念 – 学生时代的她、在医院抢救他人的医生、以及后来佛法的角度观看死亡。
谢晓晶讲法师也解释了死亡的过程,佛教里所提到的四大分解,粗心识及微心识,中阴身及投生。 这些分享都让参加讲座者受益良多。
后来, 谢晓晶讲法师也引导大家如何观死或Death Meditation。 简易的讲解让在场的大家了解观死的重要性。
比较轻松的方式来讲解死亡这个课题, 让在场的大家都很乐意分享他们的经验或问题。从参与者分享他们的感想,看得出大家都觉得谢晓晶讲法师的讲座很感人、真挚。
This is a very good talk by Pastor Lanse. Pastor Lanse begin the talk with her own life experiences, on how she actually face the death. Then she proceed with the how a person face death, and, then she encourage us to do death meditation.
In Pastor Lanse talk,it got me to think on death. We all know literary that we will die one day. But how we die and what we will face during the death is unknown to many people. In fact, people try to escape death using various methods.
For me, I know i will die one day. How, when is unknown to me. But through this talk , I come to know that the karma or habits that we have now will bring effects during death, bardo stage and next life. It is essential to face the facts I could die one day and start practicing dharma while i still can, collect merit and purify the karma while i am still alive. Rinpoche have taught us the methods.
I thanks Pastor Lanse for teaching us by using her life experiences.
谢谢PANTOR LANSE的讲解。其实我对轮回这回事也很难去相信。(这是超过人的想像力)但是我对仁波切的教导很有信心。仁波切的教导能运用在我们日常生活及改变我们的心识。有好的心识就有好的行为。这样我们就会做更多的善事。这是我理解。谢谢
Death is viewed by many as a morbid subject. It is even considered taboo to talk about death on auspicious occasions. From listening to the talk by Pastor Lanse, I am humbled to acknowledge my fear of death as I am not prepared for it.
The talk also allowed me to see that dying well is completely about living well. Understanding that death is the final destination to everyone and we have no idea when it will strike, we will cherish every living moment we have.
Thank you Pastor Lanse for taking on the challenge to talk about such an difficult but empowering subject!
It is important to understand Death in Life and it is important to understand it while being Alive.
Therefore we should practice the dharma as much as possible while we still have the chance.
感谢仁波切提供那么美好的平台, 让大家有此机会听闻佛法 !
参与这场由Pastor Lance主讲的《不知生, 焉知死》的讲座, 真的获益良多 ! 因为还未讲座前, 这课题应该蛮严肃和承重的 ,但这场讲座却是那么的轻松而且又不失讲座的重点, 让我在这次的讲座对于生死疑问明白和了解了许多 !
希望将来的日子可以继续的举办讲座, 让大家在学佛和对佛法的疑问, 得到更深入的了解 !
愿上师健康长寿, 常转法轮, 吉祥如意 !
With Love
Yeo Kwai Gin
“THE IMPORTANCE OF DEATH IN LIFE”. This is indeed an interesting phrase/topic. Most of us when alive would not think of death,especially if we are not very old or sick. Death happens everyday around us but in our minds “it is on others, not me”.
I am alive and healthy, why think of death ?
Pastor Lance is sharing the importance of knowing DEATH whilst we are alive. Do not be ignorant of DEATH as it is the next most certain thing in life after birth.
On top of that we should be aware of the methods to train ourselves to have a “better”death. We also have knowledge on what happens immediately after death, in the bardo state. We have knowledge of the life after death; we can even have a choice of the type of rebirth we wish to have – if we practice the methods correctly and attain the powers to do so.
This makes me think of tours/journey/destination.There’s all these possible “destinations” we can choose from :- Pure Land / God Realm/ Demi God Realm / Human Realm/ Animal Realm /Hell Realm/ Hungry ghost Realms. We would want to choose a good destination ie have a good rebirth. No one would choose a bad destination/ after life. If we want to go somewhere good, then we have to prepare ourselves for it now. We cannot remain ignorant and adopt the attitude of “wait and see”or “no proof” !!
Thank you Rinpoche, Pastor Lance and all those who supported this blessed teaching in KFR.