The Naga House at Kechara Forest Retreat
An Introduction to Nagas
Nagas (Sanskrit) or Lu (Tibetan) are a type of serpent spirit. Although this is one of the eight classes of spirits, nagas are generally classified as part of the animal realm. They live in areas where there is water, such as streams, springs, ponds, rivers, lakes and oceans. They also abide in woodland areas such as forests and jungles.
Nagas are ruled by Eight Naga Kings and are usually depicted as serpentine beings, or as beings with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a serpent. They can also appear as large snakes, frogs, and even as fish. They are generally believed to be endowed with magical powers and are custodians of great wealth. However, it is important to keep in mind that nagas are ordinary sentient beings and are not enlightened. Therefore as Buddhists, we do not take refuge in them.
Nagas are extremely clean beings. They abhor negative actions such as the killing of animals, and the smell of meat disgusts them. They cannot bear the smell of alcohol or other intoxicants, and are offended when people break their samaya with their gurus.
Nagas become extremely displeased when someone pollutes their environment (especially waterways), disturbs the natural flora and fauna, engages in any form of destructive earthworks, or constructs buildings on their land. They are also displeased when people living on or near their land are disharmonious and quarrelsome.

The ferocious Manjushri Nagarakshasa or Jampel Nagarakshasa is very powerful for appeasing nagas and alleviating naga-related diseases. Click on image to enlarge.
If we have offended nagas in any way, they can afflict us if we have a karmic connection with them from previous lives. Some signs that we have offended nagas include:
- Dreams of snakes attacking us
- Accidents
- Skin diseases, especially leprosy
- Cancer
- Strokes
- Paralysis
- Contagious diseases
- Kidney problems
- Disharmony in our lives
- In extreme cases, nagas can possess our bodies and even cause death.
When these powerful beings are displeased, they may also cause severe drought and floods as they can control the weather. Fortunately, there are many ways we can appease the nagas, such as by giving them offerings and reciting certain prayers and pujas.
When they are happy, nagas can grant conducive weather conditions, for example by calling or holding off rain. Nagas who are pleased can also bring improvements to our wealth, fame and health. Peace and harmony can increase, and various obstacles and sicknesses in life can be removed. However, as they are sensitive beings, it is generally not recommended that we propitiate nagas on our own unless we are under the guidance of a qualified lama.

Nagas emerging from a sacred lake. Painting by Russian artist Nicholas Roerich.
Click on image to enlarge.
Naga Vases
Naga Vases or Lubum (Tibetan) are ritually-sealed vases that are specifically created to harness the energy of nagas. These vases generally contain images of nagas along with various types of naga-specific offerings such as incense, fragrant woods, herbs, medicines, precious stones and so forth.
A puja is conducted to invite the nagas to inhabit the vases so they can be an object for our offerings or used in specific naga-propitiating rituals and pujas. Due to the sensitive nature of nagas, there are strict rules that must be followed in relations to the owner of the naga vase.
“There are very powerful Naga Vases which my guru made. I have kept one for years now and it is specifically for generating wealth for Dharma activities. If you keep this vase, make proper offerings, then with the motivation of Dharma, your financial resources will increase to fund Dharma works.
10 years ago when I was literally down to a few dollars and struggled financially very badly, I called my guru Drigung Rinpoche for divination. He told me to keep the Naga Vase and then with some time, things will be okay. He taught me how to make offerings and what to offer and what not to offer, and one big no-no is meat. After that, yearly I could see growth in Kechara.”
– Tsem Rinpoche –
H.E. Tsem Rinpoche strongly discouraged his students from keeping naga vases. In general, nagas do not go out of their way to harm us. However, they can be hurt due to our carelessness or offended by our actions and even our choice of food (like meat and so forth). When they are offended, they are very quick to attack in the manner of a vengeful snake. It is said that a displeased naga will hunt down its target no matter how long it takes. Therefore, it is safer not to invite naga vases home in our own capacity.
Naga Houses

A naga house located on the water. Ideally, naga houses are constructed close to natural bodies of water, or facing towards them.
Click on image to enlarge.
Naga houses are special shrines that are created to house naga vases and related items that belong to them. As nagas are easily offended, the naga house makes it easier to keep naga vases in the proper manner, make regular offerings to them, and ensure their surroundings are clean and in order. Naga houses are usually constructed in quiet locations in the hills or forests where there is little to no foot traffic. It is important that people do not stumble upon the naga house and disturb the nagas with their presence.
There are strict guidelines pertaining to a naga house’s location, orientation, construction materials and surrounding environment. These guidelines extend to the types of offerings and offering vessels which are permissible, specific dates when offerings can and cannot be made, and even requirements that the caretaker must fulfill. Thus the creation of a naga house is an undertaking that requires careful consideration and long term planning.
Once we invite the nagas to reside in the naga house, we must ensure they are undisturbed, provided for, and content. If we are able to do this successfully, there will be immense benefits.

Naga houses should be constructed in remote natural locations where they will be undisturbed by humans.
The Naga House in Kechara Forest Retreat
We have received advice from H.E. Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende — the abbot emeritus of Shar Gaden Monastery — and H.E. the 7th Panglung Oracle (Choji-la) that it will be beneficial to construct a Naga House in Kechara Forest Retreat. There are a few reasons for this.
- It was H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s advice to always do regular naga pujas in Kechara Forest Retreat, to appease the nagas here and to solicit their approval and assistance for our building and Dharma works.
- Divinations for Kechara’s continued growth and the general well-being of all Kecharians frequently include naga pujas.
- The pujas for Rinpoche’s swift return and the success of the Relic Stupa Project also include many naga rituals and recitations.
Therefore, creating a Naga House in Kechara Forest Retreat is very much in line with these above-mentioned conditions, due to our strong karmic connection with these powerful beings.

The consecration of Kechara’s naga vases in Shar Gaden Monastery.
To increase the benefits of the Naga House, we have invited 50 naga vases that have been specially made for Kechara and consecrated in the monastery. The location for the Naga House has been selected after careful consultation with Choji-la, and both Kensur Rinpoche and Choji-la have given specific instructions on how to build this Naga House:
- 8ft x 8ft structure (approx)
- Traditional Tibetan-style roof
- Buddha Shakyamuni on the main altar
- Individual wall alcoves for 50 naga vases
- Offering vessels of gold, silver or copper only
- Naga garden planted with offerings of sandalwood trees, flowers, and other fragrant wood
Benefits of Sponsorship
The Naga House in Kechara Forest Retreat will be very beneficial:
- For the land in terms of pacifying the weather and fertility of the greenery
- For the organisation in terms of material resources for Dharma activities
- For the growth of Dharma in general
- For individual sponsors in terms of health, wealth, fame and harmony, e.g.:
- Avoid/heal from illnesses such as cancer, strokes, paralysis, contagious diseases and skin problems
- Financial growth, material resources and unexpected windfalls
- Protection from harm and disturbances by lower-level nagas
- Pleases higher-level nagas so we can receive their help
- Appeases any nagas that we may have offended
“Pleasing the nagas can result in improvements to one’s wealth, fame and health. Peace and harmony can increase, and various obstacles and sicknesses in life can be removed.”
– Tsem Rinpoche –

One of many naga pujas in Kechara Forest Retreat. This particular puja was led by H.E. Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende in September 2022.

Beautiful offerings to the nagas

Another naga puja conducted in May 2022 for the well-being of Kecharians.
We must ensure that our offerings to the nagas are correct and without fault, otherwise they may be offended.
Support this Project
If you would like to contribute to the Naga House in Kechara Forest Retreat, you can sponsor a naga vase or make a donation of any amount. Your support will help us tremendously with the costs of:
- Building materials
- Construction of naga house
- Landscaping of naga garden
- Altar and offering vessels
- Naga pujas and offerings
- Consecration ceremonies
- Travel expenses of lamas and monks
Contributions for the Naga House Project can be made via VajraSecrets:
Alternatively, you can contribute via bank transfer to:
- Beneficiary Name: Kechara House
- Bank Account Number: 8003-73-1474
- Bank Name: CIMB Bank
- Swift Code: CIBBMYKL
- Bank Address: 1-1, Jalan PJU1/3F,
Sunwaymas Commercial Centre,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Please quote “KFR 034 Naga House” in your remittance so that your contribution can be appropriately directed and tracked. Then send your transaction slip to for an official receipt.
You can also make your contribution by cash, cheque or credit card at Kechara House, PJ or Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong.
One of the 50 naga vases that will be kept in the Naga House at Kechara Forest Retreat.
For more interesting information:
- The Tsem Rinpoche Relic Stupa Project
- Apology to the Naga Realm
- Manjushri Nagarakshasa – The Naga Deity
- The 35 Confessional Buddhas
- Dorje Shugden Trakze to Dispel Black Magic & Spirits
- Dharma Protectors of Tibetan Buddhism
- Protection from Black Magic and Spirits
- Dorje Shugden Gyenze to Increase Life, Merits and Wealth
- Bestower of Wealth: Dzambala
- Yangdup Wealth Puja 2017
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
Great article to learn and know more about Naga and new project to build Naga house in KFR to benefit the well-being of Kecharians. Hope more people will come forward to contribute with a positive motivation to benefit all sentient beings. Thank you Rinpoche and glog team for this interesting post. 😀👍🙏
Wow…..interesting to know about the Naga House. Nagas are a class of serpent-like beings who live in the ocean and other bodies of water such as rivers, lakes and so on. They are powerful forces contain profound wisdom, which is the highest transformational energy of awareness. There are many different classes of nagas, some of them very powerful. Nagas can greatly affect the areas in which they reside. It is wise to make many offerings, reciting certain prayers and pujas to Nagas, when disturbing the earth for any reason. One such method is the offering of Naga vases, which will appease them and restore good relations with them. It is believed that one’s present wealth, fame, health, confidence, merits will improve, obstacles and sickness will be eliminated. We should also dedicate the merit both toward the fulfillment of our aspiration, and also for the benefit of all sentient beings for pacifying the Nagas and repairing the harm inflicted on them. There are many benefits indeed for anyone sponsoring and attending such puja such as appeases Nagas , healing illnesses, attracts and increases wealth, and so forth. Wow.. Kechara Forest Retreat soon will be constructing a Naga House. We are fortunate given a chance to donate a naga vase or make a donation of any amount for the Naga House Project. That’s wonderful.
Thank you Rinpoche with fold hands.