Tsongkhapa & Friends at a disco???
Datin is really patient. She has beautified so many Buddha statues by patiently spending hundreds of hours on gluing crystals to the holy images. She has a steady hand, creative mind, tons of patience and she loves to make the Buddhas beautiful.
Datin, her daughters, Patsy, Cherri, James, Kenny and a few other volunteers came daily to create this beautiful ‘bling bling’ work of art on Buddha Shakyamuni, Tsongkhapa, and Tara, who look like they are in a divine disco… hehe I love it!
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
I always like to do things that are unconventional or have different from the norm… especially when being different make things stand out better to attract people to the Dharma, or to practice better and to plant Dharma seeds in many beings.
These beautiful images are from Paul at Kechara Discovery and they are each 3 feet or 1 meter in height. They are in the audience room of Tsem Ladrang Kuala Lumpur for our private worship.
You can also see similar beautiful statues in Kechara Paradise Outlets. My passion for Buddha statues has been a lifelong love ever since I was very young. I love for people to have them as they bring so much benefit to people, and even by just looking at a Buddha image, the seed of enlightenment is planted into their mind stream. This is why I love making Buddha statues very beautiful and attractive. Having beautiful, iconographically correct Buddha images are essential part of our daily meditation and prayers to help in of visualisation and focus. These Buddhas are so beautiful, glamorous, shiny and very elegant. They are residing in Tsem Ladrang and I am sure Bobby Trendy in Los Angeles would love them!
Tsem Rinpoche
The traditional Gelugpa altar set up usually consist of three main Buddhas; Buddha Shakyamuni on the far left – representing the original Buddha that appeared in our aeon before Lama Tsongkhapa. Next is Lama Tsongkhapa who sits in the middle as the main Buddha of our lineage and finally Green Tara, for the fulfilment of all our wishes, activities and spiritual growth.
In the Tibetan tradition, Buddha statues are usually beautified and adorned with many precious stones such as turquoise, corals, pearls, and Dzi beads which are gems that can be found in the Himalayan region. However, in today’s modern times, we have an abundance and a variety of beautifully carved stones and jewels, hence we can be more creative with our offerings to the Buddhas. This is what inspired the creation of these beautiful ‘bling-bling’ altar set up, where the Buddhas are being adorned with Swarovski crystals.
The reasons for offering up a lot of beautiful jewels on to our Buddhas and altar is because offerings of such richness to the Buddhas create the causes for us to receive abundant resources and support. There are many forms of resources, not just financial but also physical resources, which are very much needed, especially when we wish to build a beneficial Dharma institution like Kechara Forest Retreat, to preserve and spread the holy Buddhadharma to benefit many. ‘Give to receive’ that is the universal law. Therefore, the more we give, the more we shall receive as it creates the causes for this positive energy. It also helps us to cut down our miserly attitude, which is the root cause for us to not have resources and to be in poverty.
A Buddha’s form is made up of three aeons of culmination of merits due to the practice of restricting negativities of the body, speech and mind life after life. Therefore, to see a Buddha, to make offerings to a Buddha, to prostrate to a Buddha and to create Buddha images put the imprints in our mind to have such a situation in which we create the causes to have a Buddha’s body.
Every action we do towards the Buddha image, such as offering flowers to the Buddha, beautifying, painting, sponsoring, or prostrating to a Buddha image plants the seeds of what the Buddha represent in us, as well as the seeds for us to achieve the same enlightened state, just like the Buddha. In short, it is very powerful to have a Buddha image in our house because we are connecting to an outer being who has achieved full enlightenment, and at the same time we are connected to our own inner being that has the potential to achieve this same state of enlightenment. The Buddha said that whether we make offering to him or to an image of him, the merits are exactly the same when it is done with a good motivation. Hence, it is very powerful and very good for everyone to have a beautiful Buddha statue or image on our shrine. Therefore, we should always make abundant offerings to the Buddhas, to the best of our ability. We should offer up the best we can afford, as our enlightenment is priceless. So, by offering up diamond-like crystals onto the Buddha’s body is an expression of our value of the preciousness of what the Buddha represents and our wish to achieve the same, which is full enlightenment.
White Tara
Tsongkapa, King of the Three Worlds
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Amazing …..with lots of sweat and patience the Buddha statues were decorated with lots of bling bling work of art. So much so it looks like Buddha Shakyamuni, Tsongkhapa, and Tara, are in a divine disco. Merely by looking at it makes my day wonderful and it’s a blessing. We offered such offerings to the Buddhas to create the causes for us to receive abundant resources and support. True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love.No strings and expectation attached.
Thank you Rinpoche for this simple teachings to be generous and sharing all the lovely , glamorous and shiny pictures .
The Buddha statues and altar are so beautiful. This is the first time I seen such an unconventional Buddhist altar. In Thailand mostly, the precious offering would be gold. All the Swarovski crystal are so ‘bling’ and make the Buddha look so grand. Thank you Rinpcohe for the teaching on generousity and offering. It is such a meritorious act to be able to make offering to Buddha. I remember when I was young and have no knowledge on Buddhism at all , keep asking why do we make offering to Buddha. I thought that since Buddha is so powerful then they can have anything they want without us offering. But after learning dharma, the offering is not that Buddha require it but we need it to help us collect merits and practise kindness and generousity.
This is indeed a very unconventional way to make offerings to the Buddhas. We cannot afford real diamonds to be offered on the Buddha statues but we can visualise these crystals as diamonds. What a brilliant way to collect merits.
Thank you Rinpoche for always giving us ideas to collect merits and how to make our statues look gorgeous. The crystals give the statue a very classy and elegant look. If our budget allows, this can be one of the ways to collect a tremendous amount of merits.
*Drool falls out of my open mouth from gazing for too long. Like a Bug to a Light-Bulb at night.
I saw this bling bling Buddhas earlier and wondered who did such a beautiful Buddha statues.
Reading this post and realised the wonderful people behind that create such a beautiful piece of art. It takes a lot of patience and focus to do it. It’s just another Dharma practice through arts. Rejoice!
This is very beautiful. I liked the Lama Tsongkhapa with blings crystal on. 🙂
Dear Datin,
It had all been said and they are all sincere heartfelt appreciation of what you had contributed towards our organisation and to spirituality.You are a precious jewel which outshine all the swarowski crystals !
May you and your family be blessed always and continue the holy work you have committed to doing.
Dear All, I truly humbled by all your compliments. This retreat of adorning thousands of glittering crystals on Buddhas was a training of my patience.
It made me realize that one who is not at peace with himself cannot be at peace with others and if you can be patient among the impatient, most of the conflict and friction can be avoided. As Rinpoche always taught us, let others win, you dont lose BUT you GAIN! Knowing that i cannot change worldly conditions according to my wishes but i can change my mind to develope contentment, come what may, with this frame of mind, it will eventually lead you to patience, calmness and tolerance.
Warmest Regards, Datin Ng
These are superb! Can I have one?
These are so…spellbinding to look at. At first glance, you can’t help but think “Wow – how glamorous”, but once I got over the initial feeling of awe, it struck me just how much time must have gone into making these statues look so divine. Like Lily said, it can be argued that these statues are ostentatious on the surface, but when you contemplate on the offerings, you realise just how much kindness, compassion, love, care and devotion went into making these statues look as they do, and (for once!) I’m struggling to find the words to describe the magnificence of the offerings and the sheer brilliance in terms of the creativity and focus. Such beautiful displays constructed by such beautiful practice!
Kind regards,
Some people may look at these statues and think that it is too ostentatious. I confess I have that thought initially! Buddha was a humble man giving up all his riches. Tsongkapa was a simple monk so why adorned such glamour on to his images! Thinking more on this, offerings to the Three Jewels (in its literal sense here) is sacred but what matters is the motive rather than the size of the offerings. If by adorning crystals on to the statues helps one develops patience (as it is a meticulous task) which is one of the six paramitas, then surely this is a good thing! I will be looking to adorn my statues too and I would not feel it ostentatious at all!
I came to know Datin, since year 2002. She is BEAUTIFUL, nice lady, good hearted, kind and generosity..!
Besides that, Datin has a quantity of creation and very talented. I have been to her mansion a couple of time, every time when I am there, for sure she will bring me into her prayer room! Oh my god, she really can decorate all her statues looks so nice and very beautiful, look like a REAL PERSON wearing tons of jewelry. AT THE SAME TIME INDIRECTLY, DATIN IS MAKING AN OFFERINGS TO ALL HER BUDDHAS. DATIN HAS SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR US TO LEARN. DATIN YOU ARE FANTASTIC!!!
Love, angel
Those buddhas are certainly sparkling eye-catching beauties. Never have I seen Buddha adorned by so much glitter. It’s truly a magnificient work Datin has done.
In fact everything about Kechara stood out as very contemporary , creative and colourful. That was what attracted me to Kechara Paradise outlet in the first place and from there on get to know more of Rinpoche’s teachings.
Datin being the immediate past president of Kechara has contributed immense generosity and is very instrumental to Kechara’s growth. As a new member I thank you endlessly from my heart Datin for setting up a wonderful platform for us to learn Rinpoche’s teachings.
It looks like the 3 Buddhas are ready for the bling-bling catwalk. Here they come, all decked out in the finest crystals, glued on piece by piece. Painstakingly completed with patience and eye for detail by Datin and her team of volunteers, these statues now adorn Rinpoche’s private altar in his audience room. Datin has turned these statues into wearing elegant robes, just as she is elegant too. Maybe we should gift Datin with Bill Keith’s sunglasses after all? What a wonderful way to collect merits. Datin is very generous in many ways, supporting Rinpoche’s dharma projects in various departments of the organisation.
I had to wear my shades to read this blog post, especially in looking at the pictures. That is some major BLING! OMG.
I cannot imagine how long it took Datin and her children to finish decorating the Buddhas with each crystal. It is definitely a mind training on patience, precision and concentration and the final product is the awesome beautiful shinning bright Buddhas – boundless light is an understatement here.
Rinpoche certainly does everything in his own signature twist. It is always different, fresh and uber cool. Rinpoche will always find ways to portray the Buddhas and Dharma that are creative, innovative and fun.
I don’t think anyone else in the world would embellish their Buddhas in this way. This can only be a “Tsem Tulku” trademark.
The first time I entered Tsem Rinpoche’s private audience room in Ladrang was astounding. Placed there on the altar facing Tse Rinpoche’s seat are three beautiful blink blink decorated statues – Buddha Shakyamuni, Tsongkhapa and Tara. Behind these statues is also a curtain of blink blinks of Sarovski crystals. If you travel the world to visit temples you will never be able to find such kind of statues decorated in this manner.
Tsem Rinpoche said these are offerings you can make to any Buddha statues. You may use pearls, precious stones, gold leaf. You should see how Vajrayogini is being decorated. Datin Ng had exercised hours of patience and giving generosity for this project. Bravo!
Dear Datin, I like the blink blink buddhas that you and your team has done up on the 3 beautiful big statues for rinpoche ladrang. You and your team have did a great job!!! and for sure it came from love, patience to stick it piece by piece, effort and creative ideas to make from you and your team. The Green tara crown and lotus flower are very fantastic with the colorful swarovski, the tsongkhapa robe with white and gold color on hat very elegant.
Datin also kindly did another 2pcs on 3ft Shakyamuni Buddha for Kechara Paradise Outlets. Each of this blink blink buddha statue have different disigns. You can go to view it at Kechara Pradise outlets @Sunway pyramis and @SS2 branch. There are absolutely fantastic!!!
It is obvious that Datin Ng is a very patient and loving person. Just look at the Buddhas! The cubic zirconias were beautifully and painstakingly glued on ONE by ONE! All the hard work paid off needless to say for look what she has done, offering her love and time, devoted herself into finishing what she started as a retreat.
Whenever there are events, talks, fundraising, anything to do with Kechara, she will be there. Not to mention her busy schedules, she is the Executive Committee Member of Kechara World Peace Centre (http://www.kechara.com/peace-centre/about-us/our-team/) and an Honorary Liaison to our Spiritual Guide, H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. WOW!
I saw the 3 statues today at Tsem Ladrang!! It was just splendid. Viewing it from photos and in real life is totally different. The photos simply cannot do justice to how wonderful the statues look when you experience it in person. The crystals were all stuck on so well, and the care and patience put into can be felt upon setting eyes on the statues.
Although I have not met Datin, I can sense that she is an awfully patient woman with a very big heart who has tirelessly spread Dharma and never-endingly work to the growth of Kechara and manifestation of KWPC. I was told that together with her daughters and a few other volunteers, Datin painstakingly stuck each individual crystal onto the statues. Kudos to that. It must’ve taken a lot of patience, time and effort. Very well done. The statues look magnificent!
Rinpoche has said in his teaching that whatever you can afford, you should always make offering to the three jewels. Adorning a buddha statue with beautiful sparkling zicornia is a great way to collect vast amount of merits. Datin was chosen as she is creative, patient and has very steady hands. Rinpoche knows that Datin always like to beautify buddha statues,so Datin is the best candidate as she would enjoy what she is doing.
Infact, the result is so stunning. Tsongkhapa, Shakyumuni and white tara all look like they are dressed in diamond robes. I love the idea and the look!!!
I have a few words to share here about Datin, She is a lady of elegance, soft spoken and very kind hearted. She has contributed so much to support the growth of Rinpoche’s dharma work for many years, that without her, we would not be what we are today. Datin, thank you so much. You are someone whom I always respect.
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
The practice of adorning Buddha images have its longstanding practice and roots in the Mahayana Sutras and Commentaries…and as I have read and learned from various sources, when adorning these sacred and worthy statues which represent the Body of the Buddha, we are basically cultivating the adornment of our own essential Buddha Nature with the qualities of the Perfections, cultivating a form of concentration of the Mind, planting Buddha causes for Buddha-like conditions and essentially benefiting ourselves and all around us when we maintain a Buddha-like moment to moment Mind frame which in turn effects both spiritual and mundane benefits.
Then when we are in that state, we can always smile and conduct ourselves from a pure heart like Datin Ng and her friends who engaged in this practice.
Wouldn’t that be lovely? 🙂 A Pure Land, Kechara on Earth…
Yes, Datin has tons of patience. Her qualities are many although she stays quiet and low profile it does not mean she is a beauty without brain for she is at the helm of many public listed companies. Datin is an example of Rinpoche’s good student leading a bodhisattva way of life without wanting attention. Her generosity is overwhelming which is something I have to learn from her. Although she is gentle and soft she is persuasive, assertive and firm without offending people. Datin has hidden talents too. One of her creativity traits was recently discovered with blink blink odyssey on Tara, Lama Tsongkhapa and other enlightened images.
I remember Tsem Rinpoche saying that everyone has a different way of practicing Dharma and different paths can lead to enlightenment.
If I’m not mistaken, there was a monk who swept the grounds at monastery from one end to the other, continuously and that collected him a lot of merits and removed enough obstacles to lead him to enlightenment. Is that true? (my facts are probably all over the place) I remembering hearing it when I was quite young.
If what I said above has any truth, then if painstakingly gluing Swarovski crystals onto a Buddha statue is one of the ways — why not!
Actually, I’ll leave that to Datin, don’t want to do it and halfway realize that I’ve actually drawn a big Chanel sign right in the middle of the statue!! 😛 just kidding
Dear Datin Ng, you are one of the generous people I had met. Your generosity and kindness toward Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, support Rinpoche personally, Tsem Ladrang , sangha, dharma center and various departments at Kechara organization. All of us had witnesses. You kindness to donate without any self motive has inspire more of the Kecharian contribute their time toward to dharma to make organization grown.
Datin you are quiet and elegance women. Your idea and patiently put all the Swarovski crystal on the budhha statue make the buddha statue so stunning yet look elegance just like you. I like very much when I first saw it.
Bling Bling Buddhas, especially the Shakyamuni, i like!
Through the kindness of our guru, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, he assigned Datin such a wonderful way of collecting merits. Offering Jewels , crystals and precious stone to the buddhas.
First impression of Datin is that she is a quiet and calm and elegance lady. Also very generous, after shown us all these bling bling buddhas, i realised everyone talents is limitless, each individual has its own strength and potential in collecting merits, can be in the art form or even cleaning the Gompa with pure motivation also collect tremendous merits.
Thank you Kechara Discovery ( http://kechara.com/discovery/ ) & to Datin for such a wonderful job done
Datin is a very humble and patient business lady; she has always free out her time from her busy schedule to contribute to her dharma work, how devoted she is to dharma. Imagine, how much time and effort will it takes us to put up crystals to a 3 feet Buddha statue, not everyone can do that, but Datin and her close dharma friends does it, what a great offering to the Buddha, to our guru.
When I first saw these Buddha statues in Tsem Ladrang Audience room, I got a shock as never in my life that I’ve seen any statue are so glamour, it really looks like they are in DIVINE DISCO!!!!!
Datin Ng is a sweet and quiet lady. When I first came to KH, she appeared aloof and distant. During the last 5 years after I got to know her better ,I discovered she is a very chatty lady indeed. Datin has been generously sponsoring many of our projects and it’s said that in her previous life she was also Rinpoche’s sponsor.
Rinpoche is always thinking of ways to tab the inner qualities of his students so that each one will shine out in his/her own way, optimizing the opportunity each now has.
Upon Rinpoche’s advice, Datin embarked on the project of offering crystals to the Buddha statues. Well, we were all blinded by the bling bling when we first saw the completed project !
Datin adorned a few Buddha statues that are on display at various Kechara outlets, do check out –http://www.kechara.com/shopping/
Loving the glamorous Tara! Kechara the unconventional Dharma centre and certainly this is reinforced by these beautiful statues. Where else would you find these in any other temples in Malaysia?
Look closely at these statues, they are not small you know, and each of the zirconia’s was glued painstakingly one and a time using a strong adhesive glue and a pair of tweezers. Every night they came for a few weeks to complete this offering. Just another of Rinpoche’s skillful ways for us to practice Dharma and collect huge amounts of merit.
Soo many jewel offerings on the body of the Buddha creates the cause for us to be free of body karma, and have good health. It wasn’t just one statue but three, and it wasn’t for decoration it was for prayer and practice. Now do you get the picture?
Datin and the rest have such divine hands by making all the Buddhas so fabulously bling-bling looking!
I love how Datin has put the crystals on Buddha Shakyamuni’s zen (robes), it is just like millions of diamonds flowing through Buddha’s body. It is a very nice offering too!
Check out how Datin has outlined Tara’s clothes and the flowers, it requires very detailed work.
This kind of hand work must be carried out patiently, carefully, and it means sitting there for long hours, just to complete pasting all the crystals in one small area. Thank you for all the long hours of creating such a nice Buddha Altar.
I also like Rinpoche’s ideas of making the crystal curtain behind the Buddha, and lots of loose crystals filling up the front altar table. This makes the Buddha glow!!!
I love crystally things that reflect light. It’s so pretty.
The buddhas are soooo beautifull and mesmerizing.. everyone should get a chance to see if live.
Just remember to bring your sunglasses … ! 🙂
I admire greatly the fantastic work and patience of those wonderful KH members involved. It’s beauuuutiful!!!
Wow ! What a wonderful work ! Bravo bravo !
I was amazed when i first saw those bling bling buddhas! I love bling bling all the time.. But had never seen a bling bling buddha in my life! Really an eye opener! If i had more money.. I would definately have all the bling bling buddhas in my home!
Trust me, when you walked into the room, you thought you’re on stage or on a dance floor!
P/s: Many people who came on tour to Ladrang were AWED by the Buddhas, hehehe. I dare say these are the 1st BLING BLING Buddhas in the whole world (with all the real BLINGS!)
Wow…take my breath away…
Simply glorious! Thank you for posting these Rinpoche, blessing us all.
Wow! Talk about bling bling Buddhas!!! This is spectacular, Rinpoche always has fantastic out of this world ideas to collect merits & makes it so glam too! Who says that Buddhas can’t be glamorous:D