Tsongkhapa on the New Shrine
Nov 13, 2010 | Views: 218
This is our new 10ft Lord Tsongkhapa being invited on to our Shrine today inside the NEW GOMPA!!
Paul of Kechara Discovery Dept and many volunteers assembling sacred Tsongkhapa on the main central shrine after placing mantras inside today.
Over 50 volunteers came to spend the day assembling our new Kechara Gompa and moving items over from the previous gompa.
Lots of hard work and dedication here. Beautiful for those who are sincere enough to be here and contribute.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing these old time pictures. I still remember first time seeing this magnificent statue of Lama Tsongkhapa at Gompa. It is stunning and felt very peaceful. Building large statues like this can bless the place and everyone around it. Rejoice for Kechara to have this statue that can benefit many.
When my first visit to Kechara in March year 2011, the Gompa was already well established. Everything was so just nice and pleasant. Kechara House Gompa blows my mind away and I feel comfortable to walk in and stay and look at all the Buddhas statues. It was a pleasure experience to me.
Thank you for the hard works from all the volunteers in the past. Because of your hard work, I’m here in Kechara today, inspired by many of you to do the same. This is what a spiritual center should do for the public, a place to seek for solace and peace. And thank you Rinpoche for always guide us and teach us tirelessly. Kechara Forest Retreat will be another haven for people from around the world! 🙂
I remember this was my first time ever in Kechara. Beng Kooi invited me to the Gompa which was still under construction. I was fortunate to be able to witness the installation of Lama Tsongkhapa on to the shrine.
Amazing how time flies. I really appreciate everything I learned in Kechara, the friends I made and of course the teachings, care and love I received from Rinpoche himself.
One year might not be a very long time. But the knowledge and experience I gained in this one year is tremendous. Definitely something I will remember for life. Definitely more years to come in Kechara. This is just the beginning!
Tsongkapa statue 10ft tall was not able to enter the new KH Gompa and has to be separated into 3 parts. The Head, the Body and Lotus base. I guess when the statue parts were brought into the Gompa it still could not be assembled and put on the shrine yet. So the empty Lotus base has to be lifted first onto the shrine before the mantras and holy items is placed inside. Followed by Tsongkapa’s Body and lastly Tsongkapa’s Head to be fixed to the body fill in the mantras. Many male volunteers came to help even Paul Head of Kechara Discovery was there to help even though he has a back problem. Choi Sheem who is the smallest member in the group is the only one who can climb into Tsongkapa’s body to fill it with mantras.
Shelly on 18 November 2010,at 1:40pm
This statute is beautiful and so real.we are so fortunate to have a place like this for us to learn dharma. Thank you Rinpoche.