Wholemeal Bagels!!
Wholemeal bagels made in Tsem Ladrang!!!! Yummy…yummy..yummy…At my size I should stop blogging about food LOL…but I want to share the talented abilities of the people around me including cooking…
Justin Ripley got on the net and found the recipe to make bagels. So he started making delicious bagels for me in Tsem Ladrang. He does wonderful cooking of many types of food. He puts his heart into the food he creates for everyone.
He taught Monlam how to make bagels too and tonight Monlam made 6 perfect wholemeal bagels.
Trust me that the bagels with cream cheese, vegetarian ham, lettuce, tomato and together with tea CAN RIVAL FAMOUS NEW YORK BAGELS…LOL
Thanks Justin and Monlam!!
Tsem Rinpoche
Justin Ripley, who cooks with a lot of love…
Monlam, today’s wholemeal bagel maker…LOL…Monlam has many other talents too.
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The wholemeal bagels look really like from the shop and I am sure they are very tasty. Food cooked with love sure tastes much better. I rejoice that Justin has also taught Monlam to cook, a new skill to add.
Nowadays, there is a lot of information easy accessible from the Internet and easy to find a recipe and have a try!
Thank You for sharing these delicious looking and healthy wholemeal bagels.
Pastor Antoinette
Hope someone can make these again soon!
Dear Rinpoche, I know that Justin is a great cook. I also personally tasted Justin’s cooking before and it’s very tasty. I hope he will take a good rebirth and may I have the chance to meet him again. R.I.P my beloved friend.
It is just so sweet of them to find recipes to cook for Rinpoche.
And the devotion of Justin towards Rinpoche and Dharma is just amazing. Even after passing away (sadly), he is still making an effort to promote Rinpoche’s teaching and do his part for Dharma. It is just so amazing of him to be able to do all these things that even after he has passed away. Normally people would think that after your life has ended, apart from the things that you leave behind for your family, there is nothing else that you can do for the living. But in this case it is definitely something that we are very wrong about!
[…] Justin Cooks […]
Dharma can be done in many ways other than offering of cash. You can offer food to your Lama. But still, the most greatest offering you can give to your Lama would be a mind transformed. I am still working on it but I will be transformed in my mind very quickly.
As I would usually get angry. That is what I am looking forward to change as I usually get angry over small things and blame others for what I feel.
Uncle Justin really is very good at cooking. He makes a really good chocolate cake. I asked him to make some for me for my birthday and he made is so good. The cake costs RM 70. Well, regardless of the price, I would still buy it during every occasion as it would be supporting Tsem Ladrang.
It is such a pleasure to work in the kitchen of Tsem Ladrang. Rinpoche has always said whether your raising the millions of dollars needed to bring kwpc to the world or your sweeping the gompa. For Dharma with the right motivation both are equal amounts of merit. Check your mind, is there anything that makes you feel uncomfortable about household work? Why? Is it because of laziness, attachment to cleanliness, ego trip?
I always say, you can tell a lot about a person by how they leave the kitchen, or don’t leave the kitchen but then again only if you been there yourself will you know what I’m talking about. Not trying to be bitchy, but think, how do you treat service staff when you’re out in public? Look behind the motivation for treating them the way you do, and that my friends is the real you. It’s just soo easy to spot the ones who don’t like cooking, cleaning etc… they all have the same traits, but at least it will be easier to spot the change in them when it happens. It’s all about change of attitude at the end of the day.
Nevertheless if I didn’t join kitchen division, I would never know I had a baking passion in me, it’s fun to make something that takes you back to the roots of existence when there was less distraction and making good bread was a meditation of sorts. Even Rinpoche has turned every area of Ladrang into Dharma practice, including the kitchen.
If you’re interested in cooking as an offering to Rinpoche, or you just want to swap ideas, give me a call or FB me.
C U! (kiwi for see your later)
David you are surely right. You understand and appreciate Rinpoche extremely well and I am glad you are extremely intelligent and brilliant student of Rinpoche. Rinpoche always stress we pratise mind transformation or ‘lojong’ which is the core practise of every mahayanist. Peace and happiness for oneself are achieved through mind transformation. Even a wholemeal bagel offering to Rinpoche can be a measurement of one’s practice. I recalled when I served salads to Rinpoche in the old Ladrang, he ate all my salad and proclaimed it to be delicious and wonderful even though I know it was not worthy of such praise. I knew that he must have appreciated something I have done.
Real Dharma devotion can be expressed in so many ways and it is very touching to see Rinpoche’s students offer so much to Rinpoche, each in their own way. This post just reveals just one example of sincere students and fellow Dharma workers who show their sincerity by making very delicious bagels for Rinpoche. It is very simple (for some people who have a knack for cooking) but when it is done with a lot of love and care, it will touch Rinpoche and Rinpoche being Rinpoche is hypertuned towards sincerity.
Even if students are insincere and they offer lots of beautiful offerings, food and money, it will not touch Rinpoche’s heart. But above physical offerings, Rinpoche is most touched by a student when they offer real spiritual transformation. When they have changed from a angry to a calmer person, a stingy to a generous disposition etc etc. It makes him feel that his teachings have an effect and is beneficial for us. Hence, if we really want to reward Rinpoche, you know what to do.