Ann Woo…a truly classy lady
Ruby (left) together with Miss Ann Woo (right).
Ruby is one of my senior students and the President of Kechara Soup Kitchen or KSK.
Ruby has been with me way before I opened Kechara House many years back. Ruby use to sponsor a smaller place where I would give dharma talks. Ruby is our third president of KSK and she has taken this department of Kechara House many levels up then where it started. Ruby is doing a great job because she is dedicated, committed and goes all the way for this department..
KSK is our soup kitchen and currently it gives over 700 packets of fresh food to the homeless throughout the city of Kuala Lumpur. We have already acquired a building by loan and in the midst of renovations now. Very exciting. I’ve always wanted a Soup Kitchen for the poor.
My group in Kechara House will continue to do more social work that benefits Society directly. I love to talk about Dharma and spirituality, but it is important to do something direct for society.
Ms Ann Woo, CEO of Nanyang Press Foundation presented a Check to KSA at their Headquarters pictured above. Ann is a very CARING, GENUINE, KIND, OPEN AND DOWN TO EARTH PERSON. She genuinely likes to do charity, help people, bring hope to others. She lives very modestly and she lives for others…she really really really really is a wonderful person. She is very spiritual and yet pragmatic. I was very happy to meet her a few months ago and felt her warmth and sincerity. Ann is someone that what you see is what you get. I am honoured and happy to be her friend and I wish her a very long healthy life. But I am sure we will bump paths again and again.
Much care,
Tsem Rinpoche
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One of Rinpoche’s 13 departments Kechara Soup Kitcnen or KSK is now the most active departments which can raise a lot of funds to help and feed the homeless Headed by Ruby Khong who is now called Dato’ Ruby Khong KSK has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years. Dato’ Ruby can blend in with all types of people from the homeless to people of a high calibre. She has got to know the CEO of Nanyang Press Foundation Ms Ann Woo who has on behalf of her Foundation presented a cheque to Dato’ Ruby Khong the President of KSK. Now Dato’ Ruby Khong and her team has a new building in Jalan Imbi where Kechara Soup Kitchen can help and feed more people.
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
I recall in one Sutta where Ananda asked about spiritual companions and if they are half of the spiritual life and the Buddha mentioned that they are the WHOLE part of it!
Once again, KSK has done it again in attracting fellow supporters in a spiritual cause for the homeless and downtrodden and Ruby is a fine example of that spirituality that reaches out to the masses.
How fortunate that KSK has the blessing to meet Ann Woo to benefit KSK and in turn the hundreds of homeless and downtrodden ones in this country and continue to encourage other kind benefactors and volunteers to continue in this spiritual endeavour.
Thank you to Rinpoche, Ruby and Ann Woo!
Ann Woo has also given her time and experience to Kechara. Ann Woo shared her experience as Executive Director of Nanyang Press Foundation by giving a very engaging talk on fund raising. Ann made the talk interactive and she was very patient to answer the many questions Kecharians had.
Thank you Ann Woo for your generosity and good heart to bring about happiness, irregardless of race and religion. You inspire many by your example to live for others… I wish you all the best in all your endeavors and may you always enjoy good health.
Regarding KSK, stay tuned for a fabulous functional building coming up soon for us to better serve our clients. Kudos to all the volunteers and supporters!
I really rejoice that a beautiful lady like Ann Woo, believes in the KSK cause. From the news I have gleaned over the net, Ann Woo herself is an ardent fundraiser. Hence she is probably very exposed to the myriads of charitable organizations all over Malaysia. Unless one has a thousand arms like Avalokita, as much as we like to, we can only put so much effort into certain of our favourite charities. For those that we are not able to participate directly, funds are very helpful. As KSK hopes to expand to a new building facility and also offer many other services from that premise, funds are required for such an expansion.
Ruby really has come along way since she had the good fortune to meet Rinpoche. She is dedicated, hard-working and committed and with her at the helm of KSK with the assistance of a great dream team, KSK is reaching out to many homeless people in the Klang Valley. Now that their very own Kitchen (a shop lot in the midst of busy KL city) is in the making, soon our homeless friends will have a permanent place to have sustanence, receive medication, etc. At least a decent place where they can eat their meals. Ruby will lead the team to another level and fulfil Rinpoche’s wish to reach out to more people.
It is through the support and contributions from people like Ann Woo that Kechara Soup Kitchen has grown so rapidly. From April 2010 when this post was written, to July 2010, KSK’s food distribution has grown from 700 to 850 packets a week and it won’t stop there!
Now that KSK has acquired its own building in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, it is only a matter of time until they are able to serve many more of the city’s homeless EVERYDAY. And what’s more, they will provide washing facilities, laundry, medical care, counseling to the detritus of society whose existence is ignored by many.
Under Ruby’s leadership, KSK has grown by leaps and bounds, attracting support from the malaysian government, charitable foundations, business owners, students, and will continue to penetrate to all levels of society.
Both Ruby and Ann are amazing classy ladies. Ruby has been a long time student of Rinpoche. She is a caring Dharma sister, mentor and a dear friend. She is completely devoted to Rinpoche and has been serving Rinpoche for many years. One thing I can say for sure about Ruby, she is REAL. When she puts her mind into something, it is considered done. When she says she will help, it is done. No excuses, no dramas and no giving up. Ruby has mentioned how kind and supportive Ann has been to KSK. We need more charitable hearts which are in the media industry like Ann Woo. When the media shines a spotlight and supports a cause, the whole nation will know. The message of hope will then spread faster and further. Thank you, Ann for being such a consistent supporter of KSK. Thank you for caring about our people, our city.
Liaison Ruby has done a great job and she herself is a living example of practising what she preaches. She is an inspiring example for all of us.
She was recently named one of Forbes’ 48 Heroes of Philanthropy, check out the page here:
Oops, I meant to congratulate Ann as well. I rejoice in her generosity. She is a great example for the rest of us.
Dear Rinpoche,
I love what you, Ruby and Justin are doing with Kechara Soup Kitchen.
What a powerful lesson in compassion-in-action.
We need more of this kind of Dharma service.
KSK is directly impacting the lives of our most vulnerable brothers and sisters.
My dream is to come to Malaysia and help out in some way with this very important project. I just can’t get enough of this stuff.
Great job Ruby and KSK!!