“Hunger Knows No Barriers”
By Chuah Su Ming
I have known H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche for more than 10 years. During this time, I have seen how the many things that we have in Kechara today were born, from a single idea into fruition. One such idea that bore the sweetest fruit is Kechara Soup Kitchen.
I first heard the slogan “Hunger Knows No Barriers” in 2007. It happened during an audience with Rinpoche while we discussed how we could better serve society. Kechara was just a small Buddhist organisation at that time, with no big achievements or experience in running a charitable cause. Regardless, the thought that we were about to embark on something that has always been and still is very close to Rinpoche’s heart – caring for the homeless and less fortunate – was a huge motivator for many of us. I witnessed history in the making when this tagline was conceptualised by Rinpoche and on that very same night, we bought 20 packets of food to give to the homeless on the streets, with the thought that “May we be able to do more for them in the near future.”
Having a permanent soup kitchen to contribute back to society has always been one of Rinpoche’s dreams. From when he grew up and lived in USA, the wish to start a soup kitchen became even stronger after Rinpoche was homeless for a period of time in his teenage years. Rinpoche knew first-hand what it felt like living on the streets, having little hope and experiencing constant hunger as he had a childhood very different from what you would expect of one who came from a first world country. With each passing day, Rinpoche’s survival on the streets was almost a miracle as he desperately looked for food to drown out the loud grumbles of his stomach. And even when Rinpoche got some, very often it would instead go into the stomach of a stray dog. Safety, food and shelter are the most basic needs of any living being, thus one can only imagine the insecurities that homelessness can bring. Without these basic needs fulfilled, it is incredibly difficult for a homeless person to change his or her state of homelessness without assistance. With this knowledge in mind through Rinpoche’s own experience of homelessness, Kechara Soup Kitchen’s vision of “Taking the homeless off the streets” by providing them a helping hand to integrate back into society was crystallised.

Tsem Rinpoche feeding the poor in India. Rinpoche has always admired Mother Teresa's charitable works in India and has described how he would have loved to volunteer with her charitable organisation if he did not have to teach in Malaysia.

In more recent times, Tsem Rinpoche lent a homeless man in the USA a helping hand. Wherever he goes, Rinpoche consistently cares for others in need.
Over the years, we learned a lot about the homeless from Rinpoche. Rinpoche taught us about their psyche, feelings, needs and wants, which are very important to understand especially since KSK is serving and helping these homeless individuals. Rinpoche would know where they would shy themselves away from society, and it was Rinpoche who would often spot them during our countless journeys around town. On many occasions before Kechara Soup Kitchen was founded, when Rinpoche would take us down to the streets of Kuala Lumpur to feed those who had nothing. I used to be amazed at how Rinpoche could spot a homeless person from afar, as I would not be able to. It was only later when Rinpoche explained that everything stems from care that I learned. It is when you care, you will notice others.

Rinpoche on the streets of Kuala Lumpur giving out eye drops and face masks to the homeless when bad haze hit strongly in Malaysia
You may ask why is there no barriers to hunger? Rinpoche explained that if you were to x-ray an empty stomach, it will not differentiate the religion, gender, race, ethnicity or give any ‘labels’ to the person whose stomach it is. An empty stomach is just an empty stomach, regardless of who you are. So we feed and serve with no boundaries, and from the food we provide, it will at the very least give them hope and comfort that there are people who are reaching out to help them stand on their feet again, just as Rinpoche was able to.

Kechara Soup Kitchen, where the homeless can come to get free fresh food, do their laundry and even ask for assistance such as medical aid and job recommendations.
What first began with 20 packets of hot food and a teaching to students on empathising with the difficulties of the less fortunate has grown into a charitable cause that has made a tremendous difference in people’s lives. Inspired by Rinpoche’s vision to help the homeless, Kechara Soup Kitchen has not only set up a permanent soup kitchen building in Kuala Lumpur, but also spread its helping hands to the homeless in several states in Malaysia as well as Jakarta, Indonesia! While KSK has grown tremendously in the past few years, we will continue to improve and expand so that we will be able to serve our homeless clients better, by improving their quality of life.
~ Chuah Su Ming
Read more about why Rinpoche conceived KSK:
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Rinpoche is truly kind to have inspired Kechara Soup Kitchen. Kechara Soup Kitchen is a place to give help, care and hope to homeless and to people who join and help in Kechara Soup Kitchen will learn how to care and give back to the society.
Kechara Soup Kitchen is not just giving food but also provide medical care and work opportunity. We can together ride on this platform to give, to contribute, to help and to make a change for their life.
Inspiring read of how Kechara Soup Kitchen ( KSK ) through the eyes of Su Ming . KSK were then founded by Rinpoche, through Rinpoche’s own experience , it has indeed benefited many people of races and religion. Having on a run without foods , place to stay while young. Due to that Rinpoche , knew what to be like going hungry especially in winter and so forth. Rinpoche always cares for others who in need of foods and help, where ever Rinpoche goes. With just a handful of friends and their support KSK began to head out onto the streets of the city from a few packets of foods to hundreds then. Inspired by Rinpoche’s vision to help the homeless,KSK have then spend to other towns in Malaysia. Well done.
Thank you Rinpoche and Su Ming for this sharing.
It is inspiring to read Su Ming’s account of Kechara Soup Kitchen and how it was first started. The slogan “Hunger Knows No Barriers” was first introduced in 2007 during an audience with Rinpoche to discuss how Kechara could better serve society. Even though at that time, Kechara was not as renowned as today, the idea to care for the homeless and less fortunate was very close to Rinpoche’s heart and was (still is) a huge motivator for Kecharian. Thank you Rinpcohe, Kecharians and all the kind volunteers and generous sponsors who helped the homeless in many ways throughout the years, who directly help to feed the homeless and rehome some of them. I also admire Su Ming’s always joyous demure, it is contagious!
Thank you Rinpoche and Su Ming for this article.
Thank you Su Ming for writing this touching article and shares how Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK) started.
By now, many people have heard about KSK, and the good works KSK has done in providing food to homeless and also urban poor (through Food Bank), but many people do not know how it started.
If you have read the article, you would have know that KSK is concepturalise by Tsem Rinpoche, due to Rinpoche’s experience when He was young.
A few years ago before I learn the Dharma, I was puzzled why Tsem Rinpoche’s childhood life is so difficult. Now I know that Rinpoche’s previous life aspiration is to benefit people, and in this life, He has chosen a “difficult” life so that He would understand our secular issues. And Rinpoche purposely choose to run away from home to experience hunger, in order to understand the hungry of the homeless. Because of this hunger, Rinpoche founded KSK, and now thousands of people benefitted because of Rinpoche.
May I also be able to benefit many people in this life and all future lives.
Before KSK came about there were other soup kitchen around KL. One of the best things and the new things that KSK brought to social work of serving the homeless is to make such an activity easily accessible to the common man. Naturally when more people could get involved with helping homeless people, more people come to appreciate the issues involved with homeless people. With more understanding of the issues at hand, more homeless people could be helped effectively.
Thank You Su Ming for sharing this article with us. The slogan ” Hunger knows no barrier” is really suitable for the work we do in Kechara Soup Kitchen. In KSK, we feed the homeless on the streets of KL and attend to their other basic needs as well. We feed and serve anyone that needed the help regardless of their skin color, religion and background. If we are truly compassionate in helping those homeless people, we will help anyone that needed the help. If we are being choosy in who to help, we are not compassionate, that is just being clever.
Thank you everyone for helping those in need. May everyone at Kechara Soup Kitchen always have peace in their hearts and Happiness in their hearts. Helping the helpless is greatest work we can do for our society
Thank you Su Ming for sharing this article.
KSK is a very important department for many people beside giving foods to homeless but also provide medication, helping them to find a job so that they can find hope to start their life again. Everyone is welcome to help the poor in the city regardless they are Malay, Hindu, Chinese or other races because we human beings need foods to feed our hunger.
Rinpoche had the experienced how much he has suffered during his teenager time in U.S. and he has no shelter to sleep on the street and starved. Hence, Rinpoche has very kind, caring and compassion to setup a soup kitchen in Malaysia to help out the poor on the street.
KSK is a place to give help, care and hope to homeless. And to people who join and help in KSK will learn how to care and give back to the society. I personally think that this is very meaningful task.
Thank you Rinpoche for founded KSK in Malaysia so that different people will attract come in to help and another way for people come into the Dharma. And I’m one of them.
Thank you very much Rinpoche for your kind thoughts.
Warmest regards,
I still remember many years back, Su Ming took me to Petaling Street to see our volunteers giving food away to the homeless. We were suppose to join them, but she refused to let me go down from the car due to the rain. Hence we were in the car and she explained to me passionately how compassionate her guru, H.E. 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche started the soup kitchen, helping those at the street. At that time I barely know Rinpoche. It was very inspiring. Hence I ended up with KSK for so many years. I agreed with what Grace said: how powerful is this one act of compassion from my Guru, benefited not only the needy but us and thousands of volunteers. Today, KSK has become part of many people’s lives. KSK will grow and continue Rinpoche’s wishes to bring love and care to others.
When we feel love and have kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace… working with kechara we can benefit other many way.. this is the another example shown by Suming and team taking care people.. Rinpoche will always show us the right path, we just need to follow…
Thanks Su Ming for sharing the history of KSK. It is indeed a very noble move and action by Rinpoche to set up KSK.
Rinpoche having gone through the experience of being homeless himself has reached out to contribute back to the society. Not only that , KSK has actually provided all of us a platform to train our mind and generate compassion towards our society in need.
I hope KSK would be able to reach out to more people and obtain more sponsors to expand its activities.
Thank you Suming for write up very touching .. One of the greatest feelings in the world is knowing that we as individuals can make a difference like Rinpoche can make somuch differences in people life by giving them food and dharma. Ending hunger in is a goal that is literally within our grasp.. What Kechara soup kitchen is doing its a great work any one can do.. We should feed people , animals anywhere if they need food and feel the love of giving….
The slogan ‘Hunger knows no barriers’ is really appropriate for Kechara Soup Kitchen. It began by giving out vegetarian food to homeless. But not it has expanded its kindness of giving by providing laundry, free health care, placement to care centres for the elderly and sick, find work for the able and giving hope and much care. KSK, you are indeed what society need.
The results of this one compassionate act of setting up a soup kitchen has multiple benefits. The homeless benefits. The staff /volunteers/sponsors also benefit. They receive valuable life lessons on patience, generosity and compassion with wisdom. With each thought n act of kindness positive energy is generated. This energy grows over time because it feels good and it feels right to be helping others. It catches on and spreads across families and friends and strangers too.
How powerful is this one act of compassion from my Guru . With folded hands !
I guess no one knows the history of Kechara Soup Kitchen better than Chuah Su Ming as she was there working with Rinpoche almost from the very beginning. Without KSK, I would never have known this other side of life and the sufferings of homeless people. KSK has come a long way since the early days. It has its own premises now and provides services to the needy with care and compassion. May KSK always have the support it needs to continue to provide such services.
If we let our ideas remain as ideas, no matter how brilliant these ideas are, they benefit no one. It’s not about how brilliant an idea is but whether we act and do something about it.
That’s the amazing thing I have witnessed with Rinpoche. It’s not just talking, it’s acting. When we see the poor, the hungry and the homeless, We can empathize, we can be touched, we can be kind but having the courage to put aside fear and self to do something to make a difference in people’s lives, that’s compassion.
Thank you Rinpoche & all Kecharians for making KSK what it is today.
Kechara Soup Kitchen, is truly a brainchild of our Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, established in 2006 with the primary aim of feeding and providing basic medical care for the homeless and urban poor in Kuala Lumpur. All volunteers will go around distributing packs of vegetarian food in areas like Chow Kit, Petaling Street, Masjid Jamek, Old Klang road, Brickfields, Bukit Bintang, puduraya and last but not least Section 14 of P.Jaya. KSK’s longterm action was said to reduce the number of homeless people living on the streets by getting them jobs or putting them in homes. With the help of compassionate contributors, KSK is usually help by kind sponsors, contributors and volunteers. To enable KSK to carry on with their operations,KSK is always seeking donations and appreciate compassionate and help given by kind people in helping to maintain the centre’s extensive operations to get the homeless and urban poor off the streets in order to put them back on their feet with dignity! Yes, let us all pray that KSK continues to grow strong and be able to benefit many more in today’s difficult society easily. Om mani Padme Hung.
KSK is taking a new whole wonderful direction of care and service by lovely Kecharians.
I remember the days when i used to volunteer at Kechara Soup Kitchen. An experience i will never forget. Feeding the homeless is really beneficial for not only the homeless, but for ourselves. When i went to feed the homeless i felt happy, truly happy. I was happy because i was helping others, something inside of me triggered. I did not need to be given anything in return, by just simply helping others we gain happiness.
Rinpoche is truly kind to have inspired Kechara Soup Kitchen. Without Rinpoche’s guidance and motivation, KSK wouldn’t be what it is today. KSK today is a place of kindness and compassion. At this is all because of Rinpoche. Because of Rinpoches background, he is very compassionate about feeding and helping not only the homeless, but people in general. If the world had more people like Rinpoche, people who were kind and aware that they could help others, the world would be in a better place. Less people would be suffering.
Lastly, i think something that really stood out for me when i went to feed the homeless in the past was how KSK offered more than just food. They offered job applications, medicine and advice. For me this was great. KSK goes above and beyond to help the homeless in Malaysia. This extra effort is truly inspirational.
Thank you Su Ming for sharing your experience of Rinpoche’s generosity and kindness.
Actually, what amazed me about Rinpoche is how Rinpoche’s practice is consistent and in equanimity. It does not matter what the weather, where the location, when the time or who you are…if you need a warm smile and some relief from suffering, Rinpoche will be there.
Rinpoche’s kindness extends also to animals!
感谢SUMING 为大家分享克切拉香积厨的成长过程,成立宗旨等。
正如 JUNE KANG 表示, “克切拉香积厨除了送饭温饱以外,它最终目标是让露宿者离开街头,找到工作及心灵的归宿,所以克切拉香积厨是打造了一个关怀、分享及包容性社会,同时提供机会让很多人能回馈社会“
Kechara Soup Kitchen has always been the on of the most interesting things I could do with Kechara, because I remember when I was young, and I went to some distributions of food to the homeless people and it was a game changer for me. Not only did I see that not all people were as fortunate as me and that not all people have as much as me. But I saw the hardships they have to go through.
This taught me a lot because it was the first step for me to start caring for other lives other than mine. I became vegetarian because animals were being killed for meat and I discovered that, I support the right morals of treating all forms of life right and I support human problems as well. It is more about the understanding of those things for me to mentally support and care for other things in my life. It all started with KSK for me because it taught me that I was very fortunate and I learned to care for things other than me in my lifestyle.
Hunger Knows No Barriers as a slogan and statement is no only well said but it is a very good point. It can happen to anybody, being homeless and poor. It is sad to see that people have to sleep on the floor in a lot of dirt. That is why we must learn and apply what we learn and absorb from seeing homeless people in our lives to make us happier. Also we must help them because it is a duty that the person above should help the person below and lead them as a team. We are all one species so we should work as a team and support each other. Support KSK.
Rinpoche always help those in need whether they are humans or animals….. no matter what. Wherever Rinpoche goes, there will be someone our some bing that will benefit. Being hungry on the streets was an experience Rinpoche had before and would not want any others to have that same undesirable feeling. I myself have had the opportunity to go on the streets and see for myself the suffering and the condition homelessness is. It is happening everywhere and we cannot turn a blind eye to the situation. Kechara Soup Kitchen is going a great job in alleviating the pain and suffering of these people and has been recognised by the Government for its contribution to the community. Together with the sponsors, Kechara Soup Kitchen has been able to grow and serve the community better and provide more services that will benefit even more people.
Thank you Su Ming for your sharing how Rinpoche started Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK) and the growth of KSK
在我们温饱时,是否有想到还有人露宿街头和挨饿,但H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoch却想到和慈蕜的做到去关怀他们,克切拉香积厨就是在仁波切的启发下,以强调不以宗教、种族或文化区分任何一个有需要的人,仁波切说”饥饿无国界”(Hunger knows no Barriers),这显示仁波切的慈蕜,同时带领了我们了解佛教的慈蕜是无国界,也给了机会我们学习如何关怀有需要的人。
自2006年创立以来,克切拉香积厨(Kechara Soup Kitchen)就风雨不改的为吉隆坡一带的露宿者及贫户送饭。克切拉香积厨除了送饭温饱以外,它最终目标是让露宿者离开街头,找到工作及心灵的归宿,所以克切拉香积厨是打造了一个关怀、分享及包容性社会,同时提供机会让很多人能回馈社会。
Thanks to H E the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Soup Kitchen was conceived in 2007 to bring food to the hungry and homeless, regardless of race, color or creed. I remember those days when Kecharians walked the streets of Bukit Bintang and Petaling Street with 20 packets of hot food.We met the hungry homeless , searching for food among the garbage.
Yes, when we care we will find the homeless.
Today, Kechara Soup Kitchen has a permanent soup kitchen building in the heart of the city where the urban poor are to be found. Today, Kechara Soup Kitchen has extended its services to beyond serving food to the homeless. Today,Kechara Soup Kitchen seeks to take the homeless off the streets, helping them to find jobs, getting them home to be with their families and loved ones, finding permanent homes for the aged..It is the warmth and the caring that reaches our to these homeless poor. Kecharians , inspired by their Spiritual Guide, Tsem Rinpoche’s boundless love and care for the homeless, and hosts of volunteers come together every Saturday night to go out in all directions to feed and care for hapless people who sleep in five -foot ways on newspapers and cardboard boxes.
Thank you Su Ming for sharing the history of how Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK) begins. Many may not know how it started. I remembered the days of the “20 packets” at Bukit Bintang fondly while reading this message.
“It is when you care, you will notice others.” Indeed, due to Rinpoche’s kindness, we learn to notice and care about others. More and more notice the needs of the homeless, and KSK’s weekly Saturday round is very popular now, due to the consistent good work of those behind KSK.
I thank the committee, staff and volunteers of KSK whose hard work has led to the growth of KSK. I pray that KSK continues to grow to benefit many more.
Nice post. Keep up the good work
Thank you Su Ming for sharing Kechara Soup Kitchen’s noble work of providing the homeless with supplies they need to survive on the streets.KSK is inspired by our beloved Guru,H.E. The 25th Tsem Rinpoche, who often experienced hunger when He was child.Since the experienced,Rinpoche has always donated food to the poor and encouraged others to do the same.I applaud the great KSK Team and volunteers for their outstanding work for the less fortunate. Thank you Rinpoche.
Thank you Su Ming for your great sharing on how Rinpoche started Kechara Soup Kitchen. Rinpoche always teach us to be caring and from being care we can are able to do see more and do more. Rinpoche compassionate heart can be easily seen by his action. Rinpoche is very spontaneous when come to caring, be it for human or animals. In fact I remember reading Rinpoche’s biography saying that Rinpoche and Rinpoche’s mother often bring homeless people home to have dinner with the family. Rinpoche cares has been nurtured since young.
Rinpoche started the soup kitchen is to help those lees fortunate and to give hope to them to come back to the society. Kechara Soup Kitchen is not just giving food but also provide medical care and work opportunity. We can together ride on this platform to give, to contribute, to help and to make a change for their life. I was fortunate and blessed to be able with KSK before and there is so satisfying seeing the homeless off the street.
This is so lovely sharing la. so inspiring and touching how Kechera soup kitchen have grown to so effective in helping numberless people and beings. Rinpoche never makes anyone who across him go without gaining something deep purpose. Secular things using up to gain the buddha-hood. _()_
Dear Su Ming ,
Thank you for sharing with us the journey of Kechara Soup Kitchen.
You write very well written and by reading it i could picture the scenario of KSK on how it was born and I look forward to more article from you.
Thanks Su Ming for this great post. Now only I came to understand deeper on why KSK has this slogan “Hungry Knows No Barriers”. KSK is very well known in Malaysia now. Kudos to all and especially those first few who were keen and dedicated to make this happen and also to believe in Rinpoche’s vision. Thank you again.
What a lovely sharing by aunty Su Ming! It is amazing to be able to witness the growth of Kechara Soup Kitchen throughout these years. Without Rinpoche, none of this would have happened but what really amazes me is the people who are always there to assist and contribute. People like Justin, Julia, Khor and etc have always been there to help and it has been years now. Their commitment and devotion is just simply amazing, what’s more incredible is they never ask for anything in return, they do the best they can to help the homeless, to serve the society. People like them are the true heroes of the society, I’m very proud to have met all these wonderful people in my life. They have set a very good example for the younger generation, Instead of just keep taking, we should also do something back in return for the society, every life matters.
Thank you Su Ming for your meaningful write up on KSK , is indeed very meaning thing to do when we are able to help others because by doing so we will make our life with purpose instead of everyday we only focus on our own needs and want .
Thank you for the lovely sharing Su Ming and just like all of Kechara, founded by Rinpoche to reach out and serve others, Kechara Soup kitchen provides an opportunity not only for us to reach out to the less fortunate on the streets but also for us to reach within to bring out our compassion and care for others.
I love all that KSK does and that was what gave me hope during times when I felt that just working my days earning a salary was not that fulfilling after all. As a volunteer back then, KSK gave me something to look forward to every weekend because it gave me hope.. hope to be human enough to notice the suffering of others and do something about it. Ksk was that platform for me. It gave hope and respite not only to the less fortunate but also to the public like me.
Seeing what Rinpoche does himself so naturally and without barriers to serve anyone who crosses his path, everything that Rinpoche is, is embodied by the acts and vision of KSK.
Kechara Soup Kitchen is indeed the brainchild of Rinpoche as mentioned by Suming. What started off with a few packets of food has culminated into more than 10000 packets per month of free food, fruits and drinks for the homeless and under privileged in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor. This would not be possible if not for the passionate, compassionate and committed team of staff and volunteers. Thank you all.
Thank you Su Ming for the great sharing.
Kechara Soup Kitchen is the department that always have a special space in my heart. It is also one of the first department of Kechara that I know of.
I still remember I first met Rinpoche was during a KSK night. The group of us from KSK were packing the food at Kechara House and suddenly to our surprise we saw Rinpoche. Rinpoche shared with us on what has inspired him and how he started KSK. From his sharing, I am so touched and I can see Rinpoche’s compassion, love and care for everyone is the same, regardless what religion, what skin colour, gender, age he/she is.
No one would like to sleep with empty stomach, no one would like to sleep outside without a roof on top/on the street/on an open space, no one would like to be worried to be attacked or disturb or belonging be stolen during their sleep, no one would like to be cheated until have less than RM1 in their pocket or be discriminated and become homeless. When I am out for the KSK rounds, I truly understand how it feels to be homeless and really appreciate what I have. If one really have a choice, he/she would not want to be homeless.
Rinpoche and KSK have taught me to be kinder to others. Thank you Rinpoche and I wish KSK continue to grow and able to help more people off the street.
I’m blessed enough to join Kechara Soup Kitchen as an intern for industrial training during my degree years. At first, me and three of my friends have little idea on what KSK does, what we know is KSK have been providing basic needs for those who are less fortunate. We spend four months in KSK, doing what need to done and assisting Project Director, Justin, one of the heroes who serve himself in terms of physically and psychologically for KSK. We met Uncle Ng, another hero who solve any problem when it comes to the counter and also kitchen. Mimi, the lady behind the scenes, she is the one who deals with sponsors, volunteers and also major office works. Uncle Khor, the one who carry tasks on the street, delivery foods to elderly who are not able to come to the building to collect their foods and more. Last but not least, everyone behind the scenes from the Board of Committees and volunteers from all walk of life.
Everyone has their own roles, and they have been doing such a great job to serve the needy. Without anyone of them, the whole system may collapse. Clients of KSK definitely will be suffer even more without the care and love from great people in KSK.
Thank you Rinpoche for making things happen to benefit all sentient being and thank you Su Ming for lending your hands to lift the dream up and come true. Thank you.
Thank you Su Ming for sharing with us your experience on helping the homeless. It’s so true what Tsem Rinpoche always tell us that when we Xray a person’s empty stomach, we won’t be able to differentiate the gender, religion, and race. Hence, we help anyone who’s less fortunate.
Everyone on the streets has a story to tell about why they are on the streets. We realised that around 95% of homeless people are on the streets not by choice and are trying their best to get off the streets. They just need a helping hand.
We also realised that the longer a person stays on the streets, the higher the chance of them being mentally affected. This is because homeless people are constantly living in fear as they are harassed by others.
All of us have our down time and we are always grateful when someone helps us during those moments. It’s great to always pay forward to others who are in need. Kechara Soup Kitchen is a platform set up to enable us to reach out to the less fortunate. Not only does it help others move on in their lives, the experience also helps us realise our lucky and fortunate we are and we should never take anything we have for granted.
Lovely sharing Su Ming. One thing is for sure, what I’ve learnt from Rinpoche is that everything is possible and can happen when we put our minds to it and let go of our fears and self-limitations which manifests in our comfort zones. So not only should we think about doing “good and positive” but we should actually put it to action and just do it. No matter how small scale or difficult it may be in the beginning, when we actually execute the good thoughts, it creates the causes for it to grow further. This is how Kechara Soup Kitchen and many of Kechara’s departments has manifested… from just one or two committed person doing the work ‘consistently’. The key is ‘consistency’. Bottom line is just do it because the needs of others, to help another is bigger that our own fears and discomfort, hence we do it.
It is very touching to see Rinpoche feeding the homeless in India. Even when Rinpoche was so poor at that time, yet Rinpoche will find ways to give. Here Rinpoche teaches us generosity which has been Rinpoche’s consistent action up till today, not just the poor and homeless, but to even us students. How Rinpoche has personally help me and others financially many times. Rinpoche is a true Bodhisattva and this is how even some of the older senior monks in Gaden views Rinpoche, like Geshe Yeshe…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho_PtFj6REY
Seeing the picture of how Rinpoche comes down and squats on the pavement to talk to the homeless lady on the street of L.A. shows us how much Rinpoche sincerely cares to connect with the person on the street and Rinpoche has no qualms or ego about it. This is really humbling as not many would bother to talk to the homeless even if they were thoughtful enough to ‘give’, most would just toss a few change and move on. But Rinpoche shows us humility and how being compassionate is about being humane and to connect with another fellow human being.
One thing I like and learnt in Buddhism especially in our Gelugpa school of teachings is that everything we do, we should do it with humility. To be humble and to never to ‘show off’ in any way we are better etc. Rinpoche reminds us of this moral code, and that whatever we do in life, we should always have humility because that is a rare quality but one that many can feel and appreciates. This in return helps us go further in our spiritual path, and our goal to be ‘enlightened’ to be of benefit to others if that is truly our goal. Thank you Rinpoche for bringing these real life lessons of purpose into our lives.
Thank you Su Ming for sharing.
For an ordinary person like myself, I would just donate some money to the people in need on the streets and not come across the thought that giving them food could be a better option instead. It is through Kechara Soup Kitchen that I realise the state of homelessness. It was an eye opener for me when I volunteered with KSK some time back.
It reminds me that I am still fortunate to be sheltered and not go to bed hungry.
Hungry knows no barrier indeed.
Thank you Su Ming for your beautiful sharing.
When we feed hungry people there will be another voice saying because of we feed that’s why the homeless will tend to rely on the food provided. You might be right, but majority and most of the homeless if they have choice, if they could stand on their own, they can feed themselves, they won’t want to rely on people’s food. Just like what Su Ming said, when one can’t even have their basic needs fulfilled how could they able to change their state of homelessness, less to say change their destiny; without any assistance.
The beautiful thing is soup kitchen like Kechara Soup Kitchen not only feed the hungry stomach, but they giving out care and love, they provide basic medical care and job replacement assistance, so the homeless are able to go to back to society and stand on their own feet.
We all have bad days and lost at some points of time of our life, and some end up on the street some did not. Helping them with food and care so they are able to get out of the street, and go back to society and contribute as any others in the society. This is something we all able to do and it definitely can make a difference to someone’s life.
I love what Su Ming mentioned about how Rinpoche could spot a homeless even from dar away, because “It is when you care, you will notice others”. I believe this applies to any other things around us. It did not happen from vacuum, we care that’s why we know. Just like we all quite amazed with Rinpoche and many of His students how they know so well about a smoeone’s likes and dislikes; and why always get the right things for the right person… This comes from one’s care and love, that’s why able to observe well another person or a community’s needs.
I still remember quite a few years back in the days of Kechara House 1 and 2 where volunteers would meet at KH2 to pack all the food to be distributed in bags and all the volunteers being split in to various teams who would fetch the bags of food to several locations in the Kuala Lumpur city center to distribute.
It is really amazing to see how far Kechara Soup Kitchen has come since those days, from having a new permanent building to distributing food to so many more people as well as going beyond just giving food to the homeless by helping them get jobs, bringing clients to health checkup’s and many more.
Thank you Su Ming for sharing this story!
Thank you Rinpoche and Su Ming for the sharing and teaching. All the homeless have their own stories. KSK not only distributes food to the homeless, it takes the homeless out of the street by helping them re-integrate back into society and stand on their feet again. We must alway care about homeless and the less fortune, we must give them hope and comfort that people are caring for them regardless of their races, religions, gender etc as Hunger Knows No Barriers. We must appreciate what we have to help others.
Thank you
Pee Bee Chong
Wonderful sharing Su Ming. Thank you for giving us an overview of how Kechara Soup Kitchen was conceived as many may not have had the opportunity to see the growth of KSK from when it was just conceived. There is so much we can learn and from my experience of volunteering in KSK on several occasions, we not only give to the homeless but those participated received tremendous benefit in return, in developing appreciation, contentment and kindness to others without agenda. It truly is an act of selflessness to engage in activities such as these. Looking forward to read more about KSK and the great works it carry out for the Rakyat.