The Star Video: KSK Charity Golf Tournament!
On the 24th of August, Kechara held a charity golf tournament at the prestigious KLGCC (Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club). Many people turned up for the event, whether it was to play with the other 100 golf players or family members and friends who went to support the good cause.
Out of those people was Datuk Khoo (the man behind the event!), Jamie Khoo or Paris (his daughter, one of my liaisons and a writer for KMP), Mohan Cheong (Datuk Khoo’s friend), Datuk May Phng (President of Kechara House), Ruby Khong (President of KSK), Lorraine Hanh (international TV Journalist and anchorwoman), the Singapore ambassador, His Exellency, Mr Jasudasen amongst others. Lorraine was very kind to fly in especially from Hong Kong to help us on this.
The event raised RM290,000!! Out of this, RM111,500 was raised from the auction. Money raised will help to pay for the food for the homeless and for the running and operational cost of the new KSK building. With KSK’s services now expanding (e.g. laundry services), more costs will be incurred. KSK depends heavily on donations and sponsorship as it is a non-profit subsidiary of Kechara. It is through events like this where participants can have FUN and yet help do their part towards a noble cause. Kechara Soup Kitchen or KSK is indeed a noble cause.
The Star has creatively made a very entertaining video about the event! Although it is not the final product, I thought that I’d share it with all of you. I thank the Star Newspaper and all our wonderful participants. Everyone truly are very kind.
Tsem Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:

On the 27th of Aug, Jamie Khoo and her father, Datuk Khoo, organized a golf tournament to raise funds for KSK. It was a MAJOR success!!!
The event was reported by various journalists from different papers and magazines….and today, The Star, has published an article in the sports section!!
Dato’ Peter and Datin Jennifer’s total love and support for their daughter Jamie is wonderfully reflected in the huge effort they put towards the success of this event.
This event is also testament to Jamie’s personal growth as this was the first time (again, not the last!! hehe) she has ever organised a fundraising event. The golf and dinner auction raised much-needed funds for a very worthy cause and everyone had a lot of fun! The best thing was that Dato’ Peter and his friends agreed that it was a good idea to do it again next year – better start practicing at the driving range!! hehe
Tsem Rinpoche
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It is so wonderful that the golfers are supporting KSK! And I admire Jamie’s hardwork and determination to make this a success! 3 cheers to Paris 😀