What did Tsem Rinpoche do in New York City’s cold winter night?
(By Pastor Loh Seng Piow)
One cold winter night in New York City, Tsem Rinpoche saw a homeless man and dog in New York City, watch what Tsem Rinpoche did…
Tsem Rinpoche’s compassion is timeless and borderless, since 20 years ago Tsem Rinpoche already started giving food to the homeless in India, and later it led to the manifestation of Kechara Soup Kitchen in Malaysia feeding thousands of people on the street, and it continues…
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仁波切是如此的慈悲,總是關心和幫助有需要的人尤其是每當他看到了無家可歸者和飢餓的人們在大街上,他會買熱的食物和飲料,因為仁波切少年时期 ,經歷過這種艱難和痛苦,了解其中的處境。
Rinpoche is always so compassionate and alert to those in need. This is not the first article about His Eminence compassion and care. There are numerous other articles.
What about those that were not highlighted on articles by Pastor SP?
Rinpoche practice what he teaches and shows us by his actions that we should always help others.
One thing that Rinpoche is never afraid of is to care. Before Tsem Rinpoche was recognised as a Rinpoche he had little resources and sometimes had to eat the tormas. And despite not having enough tormas to eat he would still give it to birds. Rinpoche would give his last dime if he knew they needed it despite detriment to himself.
Thank you for updating and share with us.
仁波切绝对是我们学习的好榜样。 常常仁波切都会 教导我们做事情与给予身边每一众生的爱必须要持续性的。
Rinpoche has always been very helpful and kind to the others.always caring and helping whenever He sees the homeless and hungry people.
Food is comforting to the hungry stomach and care is comforting to a lonely person.
Care comes first then comes food.
With care, much more than food can manifest too.
Before we can care, we need to develop empathy, then compassion, then action.
But that won’t happen if we can not see, let alone recognize suffering. And most likely, we prefer not to see, we prefer to go in the streets where there are no homeless people, or we close our eyes… That is unfortunately a lot of us…
This post is showing us the right mindset in action. Thank you fpor sharing it here.
Thanks Seng Piow for sharing…
Rinpoche Love without Barriers to all sentient beings, we are so fortunate that able to meet a Walking Buddha in this life time.
May we able to gain more Merits to learn and practice more Rinpoche teaching as soon possible hence become a Better person…
Regardless of the cold weather, Rinpoche was running up and down, shop to shop to get the food for homeless. Rinpoche really led the good example for us to follow and inspired us to always consider of others instead ourselves, that is Bodhicitta way.
I noticed Rinpoche’s back pain has not recovered yet. Despite Rinpoche’s back pain, He still bent down to talk to the homeless. Rinpoche, you touched our heart.
This is very warm action to send a Hot Drink, Food and some necessary for a man and dog who are suffering hunger and cold in a winter night. Rinpoche is compassion and always giving help no matter in anywhere and anytime.
Rinpoche was so kind to do this for this homeless man. I wish there would be more people in the world that would do good deeds like this. I was so happy to read this post and watch the video, what a nice happy ending to my day. Thank you Rinpoche.
regardless 20 years ago or now, Tsem Rinpoche still the same : with full compassion and always care for other, how fortunate we are to able to meet living Buddha in this life .
I once trotted the streets of KL in the middle of the night with the initial 14 packets of food at the advent of KSK’s conceptualization. I shared with Rinpoche what it meant to the homeless receiving end and it touched me as much as that packet of hot food meant to them on a bad hungry day. Now you see, through this blog, Rinpoche is feeding the hungry minds of people seeking peace, happiness and a solution to their impending problems. tsemrinpoche.com is the biggest KSK on earth distributing food for the mind!
Here we witness again how Rinpoche goes out of his way to feed the homeless. It is really amazing how consistent Rinpoche is with the welfare of others!
Dear Rinpoche, some of the homeless people have more kindness than other people. Although they are really poor and even have trouble trying to get a living, some of them still buy thick clothes for their pets. And some people who have a warm and comfortable home will torture their pets for no reasons. In this case, I would willing to make friends with the homeless person instead of the people who are cold-blooded.
Thank Seng Piow for the sharing.
May all those who have the chance to cross path with our dear Rinpoche be blessed with his true and sincere compassion.
May those who have the chance to witness this sincere acts of Dharma practice be influenced to do the same. To help all those in need with pure motivation and diminish all feeling of selfishness and practice generosity.
I could see that,Rinpoche was experiencing some back discomfort as he was making sure the the recipient and his pet dog was comfortable with their presence.It really shows how much Rinpoche cares for others before showing concern over his own personal health.
May our dear Rinpoche be blessed with good health and long life to show us the true way of the Dharma.
Thank you SP for updating us. The video is very touching Rinpoche compassion is never end no matter where he go Rinpoche always pratice generosity and compassion as his student we should always pratice what he has taught us which is always think about others be kind .
Like what Rinpoche has always taught us, “Bodichitta is a very good state of mind, imbued with wisdom in which kindness is combined with the highest intelligence”. It is something quite marvellous, this sort of goodness and kindness bring peace, makes us feel closer to people, strong and courageous. In fact, it is said that we all have compassion and we want to free others from sufferings! This is a very useful and skillful attitude to cultivate. So in order for us to have such skillful and compassionate attitude, we must follow, adhere and adopt to the precious teachings and practice which Rinpoche has taught us and is showing us right now in this Blog. It is written that if we wish to free ourselves and others from the sufferings of samsara, then we should develop “BODHICHITTA”. Like Rinpoche has done, then can we be proclaimed as heir of the Buddhas, worthy of respect by sentient beings! OM MANI PADME HUNG.
Rinpoche is a Bodhisattva on earth. Rinpoche never forget to help others no matter where He goes. Rinpoche’s love has no barrier, no condition and spontaneous. Those who received Rinpoche’s offer not only receive Rinpoche’s blessings yet prayers from Rinpoche. The in print will be so strong that he will meet the dharma in his next life.
中国人有一句成语;雪中送炭 means in the cold winter someone send you fire wood. It is exactly what Rinpoche has done for so many people in many forms and many ways. Rinpoche set a very good example for us to learn.
We are truly fortunate to have received the kindness from Rinpoche by teaching us the real meaning of compassion and selflessness, not only inside our mind but put it into action and immediately help those who are needy and homeless on the street. Rinpoche has given all he could to make sure the homeless he has seen, to have sufficient necessity and food during the cold winter night. We should contemplate and think of those who are less fortunate than us before we start to complaint about our shortcomings in life. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the video on blog and spread the compassion and love around the world to those who have watched this video.
Yes, Rinpoche shows yet again how he can fully empathize with a homeless being. When he sees the homeless person, he sees his needs straightaway – his need for food and other basic needs as well.
He has always gone the extra mile to see that each being in need has his needs addressed, be they men or animals. His is true giving where the giver, the receiver and the act of giving become one.
His giving and his care are without borders of time and space.
Thanks SP for sharing wt us this clip. It goes to show how Rinpoche is consistent wt bringing compassion to others no matter where he may be. As others go about ignorant of the homeless suffering, he was aware and sought to take action. Not only was Rinpoche kind, he was also so mindful as to what would be more convenient, a single big pack or 2 smaller packs of dog food. Thanks Rinpoche for showing us the way.
Rinpoche is so generous he goes out of his way to help others so many times. We all love you Rinpoche, thank you for all you did for us and everyone else. Hopefully one day we can repay you.
Due to the kindness of Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Soup Kitchen was set up in 2006 to feed the homeless irrespective of their race,religion or creed. My family and I have been volunteering in KSK for the last 4 years. Its a great way to spend time together as a family, as the focus in on helping others.
I will never forget one time when Rinpoche made a surprise visit to KSK whilst we were packing food and spontaneously gave us a Dharma teaching. Rinpoche advised us not to just think of how we are helping the homeless, but instead how the homeless are helping us! There are many aspects we can learn from the homeless. We learn about the works of Karma. We learn about Impermanence. We learn to detach from the “luxuries” in samsara. We learn about compassion. We learn to have gratitude. We learn to complain less.Its endless what we learn each time we meet the homeless ! They are the jewels in our practice ! Thank you Rinpoche for showing us path !
Dear Rinpoche,
Watching this makes me miss Rinpoche even more… missing these very special moments of instant “spontaneous” act of real kindness that usually only happens around or with Rinpoche. Makes one have a glimpse of what “selflessness” and “kindness” in action looks and feels like! Like the time Rinpoche and a bunch of us stopped at the side of the road to feed a 3 legged dog on our way down from Genting at 3am. Yes there has been many spontaneous stops at side of the road, either to help someone, a homeless or a hungry dog or a spontaneous 711 shopping at 3am to buy groceries for someone, could be a stranger, or one of our staff, Nepali boys, or departments.
Well, the one thing we consistently see is when Rinpoche decides to give something to someone, Rinpoche gives it “all the way” as best as Rinpoche can, like we see in this video how Rinpoche carefully selects foods and even clothing items for the homeless and his sweet dog. Poor mumu… she was hungry and so obedient and well behaved too!
I hope, though we can see many passer-bys, they’ll be one or two who took notice of this act of kindness, and would take this action on and pay in forward to someone else next, another homeless? New York is certainly everything they say and it’s obviously the beating heart of samsara!
A very blessed homeless and his dog x
Rinpoche is so compassionate, always caring and helping the needy especially whenever He sees the homeless and hungry people on the street, He will buy them hot foods and drinks because Rinpoche has gone through this type of hardships and sufferings when He was a teenager.
Rinpoche has always been very helpful and kind to the others, no matter if they are young, old, hungry or who already have families. Rinpoche will not stop caring for others as Rinpoche has also went through a lot of He was young.
Rinpoche has been in such situations before and he knows that the people on the streets need help. His compassion to the homeless is not just limited to Malaysia but to all around the world as his love for all sentient beings is unconditional. Whenever Rinpoche comes across a homeless, he will benefit them in one way or another. So much compassion!
This is what my root guru was doing during this lifetime, always keep on benefiting others without a second delay. Because of root guru great compassion, Kechara today have many beneficial departments that keep on spreading Rinpoche’s care & love to everyone who met Kechara & those who will soon meet Kechara. As a Kecharian, this is what Rinpoche had shown us and want all of us to become like Rinpoche who was completely selfless. With folded hands, Hecelus Tan
Thank you Rinpoche for showing us the path. A thought dawn upon me that perhaps the very next moment, I should be alert and do the same. Thank you for showing us Your tireless effort. Dharma is life!
Rinpoche 曾经说过,我们要献身佛法,就必须奉献自己,通过奉献自己,我们可以帮助很多人。。。
无可否认,Rinpoche 已经做到以及达到这一切。。。无论在马来西亚或是美国或是其它地方,Rinpoche是不停歇的在传达佛法和知识于众生,而这一切都是由自于他的宏量慈悲心。。。
和狗狗相依为命,在寒冷,饥饿及无助的情况下 Rinpoche 的慰问及帮助像是照亮他们黑暗里的一盏灯。 感谢 Rinpoche 的慈悲,更希望有更多人能尽能力帮助有需要帮助的人和动物。 当然,我们必须先由自己开始做起。。。
Having experienced unannounced water cut for a weeks or more in my neighborhood and on a constant watch out for water rationing tanker to appear at wee hour of the morning, nearly put me on the brink of hating the world! This post come at just the right time to snap me out of the ill thought. we worldly being works to benefit only our self and a great being works toward benefiting others without a fret! what a contrast!!!
Having experienced the cold, hunger, desolation, penniless while traveling across the US in his younger days, Tsem Rinpoche understands and can relate to the plight and hardship of the homeless. Wherever and whenever Rinpoche comes across a homeless person, Rinpoche takes the opportunity to offer hot food, drinks and the basic needs.
Rinpoche says that regardless of the color of the skin or what that person had done, that person needs food and warmth.