What Tsem Rinpoche did in L.A…
(By Pastor Loh Seng Piow)
Los Angeles
Tsem Rinpoche saw a homeless woman with her three dogs on the streets of Los Angeles. Watch what Tsem Rinpoche did…
New York
This follows an incident that took place a few months ago. On cold winter’s night in New York City, Tsem Rinpoche saw a homeless man and dog. Moved by his plight, Rinpoche bought warm food for the man and his dog, as well as gloves and other cold weather gear and personal care items. Rinpoche even gave the man his personal rosary beads, which Rinpoche has used to make many daily prayers. By by the person having it, it will bless him tremendously…
Tsem Rinpoche’s compassion is timeless and borderless. 20 years ago, Tsem Rinpoche was already giving food to the homeless in India, despite the fact Rinpoche himself had very little to eat. This activity, combined with Rinpoche’s teenage experiences as a homeless runaway, later developed and manifested as Kechara Soup Kitchen in Malaysia which today continues to distribute food to thousands of people on the street.

Tsem Rinpoche offering food to the homeless in Bodhgaya, India

Tsem Rinpoche offering face masks and eye drops to the homeless of Kuala Lumpur during a particularly bad haze season
For more information about Kechara Soup Kitchen’s activities:
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Watched the two videos, tells us all how compassionate Rinpoche was helping the homeless man and woman. Rinpoche knew enough during cold and raining day they needed most as Rinpoche had experienced before. Rinpoche will definitely anyone regardless of race and faith the moment Rinpoche noticed any one needed help even at odd time.
Thank you Rinpoche and thanks Pastor Loh Seng Piow for sharing this with us.
Wherever Rinpoche goes, he always brings hope and light to someone’s life. His bad experience throughout his life did not make him a negative or an angry person. Instead, because he knew how difficult life sometimes is, he tried his best to bring positive energy to people’s life. He did not want other to suffer like how he had.
People who have crossed their path with Rinpoche would always have a good memory of Rinpoche. When we can put others before ourselves, this is when we can change the world.
Rinpoche has a sense of humour that lifts others up with his compassion and kindness regardless of race, friends, strangers and so forth. Nor matter what happen rain or sunshine Rinpoche will
help anyone and care for others. Rinpoche will accepts with open arms and wide to offer what Rinpoche can do.
We never know the journey another person has walked, so be kind to everyone, everywhere, all of the time.
Watching the two videos, one could see how Rinpoche helped the homeless man and woman, with foods, cold weather gear ,personal care items and even find a hotel for the woman and her three dogs. Rinpoche’s compassion is timeless and borderless . Thats where kechara Soup Kitchen is founded .
Thank you Rinpoche for showing us the way and thanks Pastor Loh Seng Piow for sharing this article.
Rinpoche’s kindness and compassion is equal to all sentient beings, regardless if they are a homeless, a friend, an animal or just a stranger. Rinpoche will make sure their basic needs like food are being taken care of. It is inspiring to read stories of Rinpoche helping others. Thank for this sharing.
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this article about Rinpoche. Rinpoche’s kindness and compassion for every sentient being be it human or pets is something we must learn and instill in us. Rinpoche will make sure that the person or pet does not go hungry and Rinpoche goes all the way to buy the necessary things for the person. Thank you Rinpoche for conceptualising KSK here in Malaysia for us to be able to have a chance to practice compassion and kindness.
With folded palms,
Such a great Bodhisattva that is Rinpoche! His compassion and kindness for all sentient being are boundless and inexhaustible. May he live long and continue to inspire others to go out of our comfort zone and help others in such a selfless manner.
Om Mani Padme Hum!
Rinpoche is incredible – the dharma he practises is incredible and how lucky are the people and doggies to be blessed by him. How lucky the person who got his rosary – that is simply so awesome. How kind the guru is!
Whether it be in LA or in Malaysia or in India, Tsem Rinpoche’s kindness to all, be they humans and animals, has always been the same – boundless and borderless.
He gives his full focus to all the needs of whoever he is helping or engaging with. He goes beyond feeding the homeless and his dogs. He goes and shops for other necessities. And when it is raining he even arranges for the homeless to have a roof over their heads.
I will always remember how at 3 am in the wee hours(see blogpost: “Rinpoche saving doggy at 3 am on the highway”), he waited patiently with the dog, by the highway, for help to arrive. And that was a long wait!
Thank you Rinpoche, from the bottom of my heart.
Rinpoche has helped numerous homeless during his short stay in US. Those people are fortunate [in a way, despite their plight] to have met Rinpoche and received blessings from Rinpoche.
The guy was very lucky to have been given His Eminence’s personal rosary beads.
Just yesterday, Rinpoche helped another homeless lady.
Rinpoche really goes all out to help everybody in need.
It’s very common to see Tsem Rinpoche helping people at the streets and feeding dogs and cats. In Malaysia, Rinpoche always loaded His car with food wherever he goes ever ready to help. By seeing Rinpcohe doing the same in NYC and LA.. knowing that Rinpoche always looking for chance to help others. Rinpoche never ask for return but planting dharma seeds to those whom He had helped and Rinpoche was making connection with these people and animals for their future life. I rejoice for that guy who received Rinpoche’s holy mala.
Where ever Rinpoche may be Rinpoche never fails to help people or even animals such as dogs by giving food, money or other necessary items. Just looking at the picture of the 3 excited dogs, it is great to know that from now on the homeless man will have at least as bed to sleep on rather than pieces of cardboard or newspaper!
Thank you Rinpoche for always showing kindness to people in need and I hope that more and more people will learn from Rinpoche!
Thank you for sharing this story Seng Piow!
Rinpoche brings love and care too all and everywhere he goes. Rinpoche shows us compassion in action A Truly walking Buddha. We miss you Rinpoche. May Rinpoche live long, healthy and happy to continue turn the Wheel of Dharma.
Rinpoche always care whoever people he see and will go all the way to help them. This has inspire many people and manifested Kechara Soup Kitchen.
What Rinpoche did in L.A was very compassionate and heartwarming. The people were so fortunate to have met Rinpoche in their lives, Rinpoche has always been very caring towards others. I like the part where the 3 little doggies were so excited, jumping up and down the bed. It shows that either they have not been on a bed before or it has been a very long time since they last slept in a bed, this scene touched me the most.
Thank you Seng Piow sharing the post.This video touched me a lot,Rinpoche has always shown great love and his care for anyone who is in need.Thank you Rinpoche always teaching us by action.
Homage to Tsem Rinpoche, His Holy ‘s kindness and compassion is beyond boundary .May more people will support Rinpoche’s vision and more people in need will receive help .
As can be seen, Rinpoche’s compassion is timeless and borderless – which has made him seems like that “single brightly Peacock with the glimmering of light” helping out to feed all homeless and hungry people everywhere, which led to the manifestation of Kechara Soup Kitchen in Malaysia to feed thousands of needy hungry beings through Kechara! While to all humble animals and creatures, on land and water, sweet protections Rinpoche would readily and freely give, so that they may happily continue to live their lives thereafter! Such is the Bodhisattva we in Kechara are lucky to have as a Guru to teach and guide us through endless time. Om mani padme hung!
The Gurus kindness manifests without effort. Endlessly benefitting sentient beings.
Rinpoche always bring the warmest helps towards those whi needed without agenda and barriers…
Thanks Rinpoche and Seng Piow for sharing this article and videos above, it so touch…
The doggies looked so excited. I am so happy that this lady had the opportunity to meet and receiving blessings from Rinpoche. Rinpoche is so kind and compassionate that anyone can receive. This is called unconditional love.
Rinpoche is always, always compassion and kind to everyone, even to strangers. Rinpoche’s care towards every sentient being is really touching and it’s definitely something all of us should practice. Selfless act. Caring for a person without any agenda, just pure love and care. A small act like this can really put a smile on someone’s face. Just pure love and care towards another person. Thank you for sharing such heartwarming story and video.
This was so kind of Rinpoche to do. I would imagine that the lady was happy that day 🙂 i wished that more people would react this way to homeless people. Watching the video made me smile 🙂 thank you for sharing Rinpoche and goodnight.
Thank you Seng Piow for the sharing.Indeed Rinpoche compassion go beyond all boundaries.His determination to relieve others of suffering should be an example to all who practice true dharma.May all those who assist Rinpoche in his quest to spread the precious dharma be blessed with good health and resource to carry out his good works without obstacles.
Rinpoche is so nice and generous and he cares for everybody. Rinpoche gives and gives to the people that are so lucky to be in his presence. I hope those lucky people are okay now. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche
Rinpoche is always so caring and kind to everyone even those on the streets, including animals. This is what Rinpoche does whenever and wherever Rinpoche goes. Rinpoche always tells us to evaluate him on what he does and not what he says. This is a fine example of what Rinpoche does to all beings who crosses Rinpoche’s path. Thank you Rinpoche for showing us compassion in action.
Rinpoche is so compassionate, always caring for others without agenda. May Rinpoche will live long to benefit all sentient beings, thank you for sharing this heart warming video! Happiness comes from bringing smiles to other people’s faces .
Oooh! Look at those doggies jumping all over the bed – they were so excited. Sssso heartwarming!
HAPPY LOSAR, Rinpoche and all you wonderful people out there with Rinpoche!