45 Roses
Oct 24, 2010 | Views: 223

A birthday gift from the President of Kechara House Datuk May Phng to me on my birthday today. How thoughtful and sweet. Thanks.
Tsem Rinpoche

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Happy Birthday Rinpoche! May you always have a long life to continue to help people in all the ways you are helping people now.
Thank you for giving your kindness to me for all the years I have known you.
Datuk May is a really good person which cares about Kechara very much. She does exactly everything that she can do for Kechara House.
Datuk May gave a truly moving and compelling speech.
As we celebrated Rinpoche’s birthday yesterday, she asked each one of us in the audience to contemplate on how fortunate we are to have Rinpoche with us all. Many a times, we do not realise how lucky we are to have a Guru who is with us and who continually cares for us and teaches us.
Datuk May reminded us that the greatest gift that any student can give to a teacher is his or her own transformation.
Needless to say, Datuk May walks the talk in more ways than one.
She even sat in the rain, waiting to get hold of the contractors to work on the new Gompa’s signage and painting of the facade. In other words, no task is too small or too big for Datuk. Everything in Dharma is important enough for her to pay personal attention to. Hence, she gets involved with both hands and feet, so-to-speak.
Many we all be less of an observer and more of a participant where Kechara is concerned. Then all of us would have done something wonderful and meaningful in our lives – and even played an important part in benefiting others.
Happy Birthday Rinpoche 🙂
Happy Birthday Rinpoche, may you have a healthy and happy year ahead of you.:)
Best Wishes!
Rinpoche you are 45 years old now and everyone still loves you very much. I know Rinpoche you love roses. Red roses always represent love. There are so many types of love. Spiritual love, Romantic love, passionate love, love of gratitude etc, etc, etc. All these will always be presented with roses of various kind of colours. But for a birthday the very normal wish always comes with a cake and the number of candles representing your age. But Datuk May does not say it with a cake and candles. She it with red roses which says it all from her heart.