Dream Manjushri

I have placed this holy image in my room right across from where I usually sit. I love to be able to see Manjushri all day and night.
Years ago in Gaden Monastery I had a very vivid dream of a person giving me a painting of a Manjushri. This Manjushri was golden-orange in colour, with one face and two arms. His hands were in the Dharmachakra teaching mudra; his left leg in and right leg out. He was holding the stems of two blue-ish lotuses, one holding a Dharma text and the other a wisdom sword.
The person had to cross a small little path somewhat like a moat to my house and he handed me this spectacular painting of Manjushri in my dream. In my dream, I could see this painting of Manjushri very clearly and vividly when the person handed it to me. When I woke up, I was very happy and light, but a little perplexed because I had never seen this form of Manjushri ever although I can remember perfectly in my waking state what I saw in my dream.
I still requested a Tibetan artist to paint what I saw in my dream. But I was unsure if such a form of Manjushri actually existed as I had never seen this form of Manjushri before. I dare not worship this form of Manjushri just because I dreamed of it as I don’t feel my dreams can be relied upon. We cannot simply make up forms of Buddhas. They must have a lineage and an authentic origin. Many monks had never seen this form also when I enquired with them. But strangely a few months later, I was flipping through a Dharma book and came across a old illustration of this form of Manjushri and I was very excited. This form is very rare. Seeing this form of Manjushri in the book authenticated what I saw in my dream months ago. The funny thing is how come I dreamed of this form of Manjushri when I had never seen this form before ever?
After so many years, I remember the dream very clearly even till today. And I love this form of Manjushri. I requested a Ladrang staff to have this form of Manjushri carved from wood for me. And he did so!! He presented this carving to me as a gift!! Thank you so much! Then I had Joy paint up the wooden image of Manjushri in traditional style and it just finished tonight. Now this 24-inch Dream Manjushri is now in my room where I can see Him daily. How lucky I am. I love Manjushri so much. I have always loved Manjushri since I was very young and I am very attracted to Him.
Along with this sacred gift of Manjushri came also some supplements that help fatty liver, a health magazine, and a pill box. I was not able to find these supplements in our city. So he found it elsewhere and I have started taking them. How thoughtful. I include his letter of offering here to share. I thank you for this beautiful Dream Manjushri. I really love this Manjushri very much and have great faith as the first time I saw Him was in my dream and now He is in my room always.
Much care, thank you and appreciation,
Tsem Rinpoche
The letter reads as follows:
Dear Rinpoche,
I am glad to hear of the progress of KFR and totally rejoice for this project to be able to embark on its works!
Things are getting busy here as we just went through one last ‘hurdle’ for the new place as we have signed the lease and started renovations, a new buyer came up to us beginning this week and asked us to give up our lease for another place as they would like to purchase the premise that we’re in. We turned down the idea because the compensation given was too much of work to be done.
I hope Rinpoche likes the Dream Manjushri statue and Rinpoche’s other statue is taking on shape. Will send Rinpoche picture updates via e-mail.
I found out from Sarah that Rinpoche is taking these supplements which could be found in Singapore and would like to offer to Rinpoche to help in keeping Rinpoche at the brink of health.
Thank you
Since then I have commissioned more statues of Dream Manjushri for my shrine and I also invited a 9ft Dream Manjushri for Kechara Forest Retreat. This special Manjushri arrived on 8th September 2015. We had Him consecrated with mantras and relics and then craned over the wall to a pre-prepared space in the centre of our fish pond that many come to meditate at. After Manjushri took His place in Kechara Forest Retreat in the centre of a beautiful pond, offerings of food, light, incense and prayers were made to welcome Lord Manjushri here.
I am so happy to have this beautiful image here to bless all visitors. I pray all beings who visit, associate, hear about, contribute, live at or work at Kechara Forest Retreat will be blessed by the immutable Buddha Manjushri. May they gain clear realisation into the reality of appearances, let go of fears, achieve mahakaruna and be blessed with penetrative wisdom. I prayed to Manjushri all will be blessed to meet Manjushri in life after life till Full Enlightenment. May all beings reach the state of Manjushri which is Full Enlightenment.

This is our beautiful fish pond and gazebo in Kechara Forest Retreat in Malaysia. Many come to this pond to meditate, relax or just enjoy some fresh air. Now they can be blessed by Lord Manjushri ‘arising’ from the waters. Click on image to enlarge.
About Manjushri
Manjushri (Sanskrit, or Wen Shu Shi Li in Chinese; Monju Bosatsu in Japanese; Moosoo Posal in Korean; and Jampel-yang in Tibetan) whose name means ‘Gentle Glory’ or ‘Sweet Splendour’ is one of the most important Bodhisattvas in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions.
Manjushri is also known as ‘Manjugosha’ (the Gentle Voiced One) with ‘manju’ referring to how the continuum of his life has been rendered ‘gentle’ by his grasp of transcendental wisdom and ‘gosha’ referring to his perfect ability to communicate the Dharma orally and through writing by which means he destroys delusions and ignorance that keep all sentient beings within samsara.
Hence, Manjushri’s name has become synonymous with that of the Buddha of Wisdom, but as historical texts indicate, the deity is much more than that. Often thought of as Buddha Vairocana, the primordial Buddha that existed from beginningless time, Manjushri is said to have vowed to return lifetime after lifetime until all beings are free from samsara. There are many versions of the origins of Manjushri but regardless of which version of this Bodhisattva’s story appeals to the reader, it is undoubted that Manjushri is the quintessence of Transcendent Wisdom that all practitioners of the Buddhadharma seek to attain.
The Buddha Shakyamuni mentioned in the Avatamsaka Sutra that Manjushri is in fact a Buddha himself who became enlightened many eons ago but chose to return to assist the present Buddha to turn the wheel of Dharma. And in the ‘Sutra on the Array of Qualities of Manjushri’s Buddha-Land’, the Buddha described how as a universal king, Manjushri had already attained all the realisations necessary for him to achieve full awakening but instead of becoming a Buddha, Manjushri had vowed thus, which has come to be known as the ‘lion’s roar’:
In the presence of the Lords, I beget
The Thought of Perfect Enlightenment,
And issuing invitation to all creatures,
I will save them all from the cycle of rebirth,
Beginning from this moment and henceforth,
Until I obtain the Highest Enlightenment,
I shall not permit ill-will or anger,
Avarice or envy, to occupy my mind.I shall practice the Pure Life,
And renounce sin and base desire;
I shall imitate the Buddha
By rejoicing in the vow of Conduct.Myself, I am not keen to reach
Enlightenment in some swift way;
I shall remain until the final end
For the sake of but a single creature.I shall purify the innumerable
Inconceivable fields of the universe,
And from the taking of this [new] name, [henceforth]
I shall live in the ten directions.Purifying the actions of
My body and speech entirely,
I shall cleanse my mind’s activity as well;
No unvirtuous deed will ever be mine.
Such is Manjushri’s great compassion that Mahayana texts recognise Manjushri as having served as tutor and instructor to Buddhas themselves. In many sutras, it is Manjushri who asks the right questions so that in answering those questions, the wheel of Dharma is turned. In that sense, Manjushri is regarded not only as the Buddha’s interlocutor but also the Buddha’s spokesperson.
In the Lotus Sutra, Maitreya asked Manjushri why the Buddha was emanating a ray of light illuminating 18,000 Buddha lands together with their presiding Buddhas. Maitreya specifically asked Manjushri knowing that Manjushri would know the answer, having served many Buddhas before. Manjushri answered that it was because the Buddha was about to teach the holy Lotus Sutra. On another occasion, in the Acintya-buddhavi.saya-nirde’sa, the Lord Buddha instructed Manjushri to teach, thus showing that the Lord Buddha realised that Manjushri’s realisation of wisdom is perfect and equal to his own.
Manjushri’s hallowed position is undeniable in all traditions of Buddhism but this Buddha of Wisdom has an especially significant presence in the Tibetan Buddhist practice. It was Manjushri, whose incarnation as the 38th king of Tibet, Trisong Detsen, that caused Tibetan Buddhism to be brought into the Land of Snows, first by inviting the great sage Shantarakshita, and then later, Padmasambhava who paved the way for Buddhism to be established. In some texts, Padmasambhava is also regarded as an emanation of Manjushri, which is possible since Buddhas are not limited to a single emanation and have, when needed, manifested in multiple forms in order for the Dharma to perpetuate. In addition, it is said that Tibetan astrology began from the teachings of Manjushri when he was in meditative absorption in Five Peaked Mountain in China (Wu Tai Shan).
Clearly, the Buddha Manjushri has taken many manifestations over countless times, as ordinary Gurus who would then go on to attain full liberation as examples to practitioners of the potentiality and possibility of Buddhahood; as meditational yidams such as Yamantaka, the fearsome bull-headed deity; and as enlightened Dharma Protectors such as Kalarupa, and the most recent manifestation as the worldly form of the King Protector Dorje Shugden. Manjushri’s role in a Dharma practitioner’s life is complete and total – he comes time and time again in the form of an ‘Outer Manjushri’ to teach the pure view and establish faith in sincere practitioners until they can invoke their ‘Inner Manjushri’ and eventually realise the ‘Secret Manjushri’ by which they are led to total Enlightenment.
Since complete Enlightenment is only possible by a practitioner’s perfection of the two accumulations – Bodhicitta and Wisdom, what Manjushri embodies is an indispensable component of Buddhahood. As such Manjushri is often referred to as the ‘Father of all Buddhas’ The great Mahasiddha, Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen of Gaden Monastery once expressed that, “Enlightenment is not possible without Manjushri”.
Manjushri is commonly depicted as a youthful 16 year old to reflect purity as the result of his attainments as a Bodhisattva. His youthful disposition also speaks of the fact that his wisdom was not acquired as the result of years of study but is intrinsic in his mind-stream.
Perhaps the most recognisable feature of Manjushri is the sword of wisdom which he holds aloft with his right hand. The sword which is often shown to be in flames, is a two-edged sword that symbolises how Manjushri’s practice cuts both ignorance and the ego. Manjushri wielding of the flaming sword signifies that with his practice, one can attain transcendent wisdom by which the root of ignorance and delusion that bind us in cyclic existence, are severed. In Tibetan Buddhist iconography, flames denote transformation. Manjushri’s sword is sometimes replaced with a ruyi sceptre, especially in Chinese and Japanese Buddhist art. The sceptre is a representation of Manjushri’s Vimalakirti Sutra discussion with the layman Vimalakirti.
The scripture supported by the lotus held in the left hand of Manjushri is the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Prajnaparamita), representing his correct view of Emptiness which arises out of Compassion. Like most Bodhisattva figures, Manjushri is seated on a lotus flower because a lotus grows in muddy waters but remains unstained. The lotus is considered to represent his enlightened nature, which can exist in the midst of delusion without being affected by it. Manjushri is sometime depicted as riding on a lion or sitting on the skin of a lion representing the use of wisdom to tame the mind or ego. The lion also represents fearlessness that arises due to having gained the wisdom of Manjushri.
The Benefits of Relying On Manjushri
- Opens the door to developing wisdom
- Heightens intelligence, and increases memory and creativity
- Enhances skills in debating, explaining, etc.
- Fulfils good wishes
- Removes obstacles/troubles
- Purifies bad karma
- Gaining merits to better understand the Dharma and to gain attainments
- Gaining clairvoyance
- Helps achieve perfect Enlightenment
Manjushri Texts and Prayers
According to His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, the Praise to Manjushri (Gang-lo-ma) was composed by 100 Indian Mahasiddhas who had gathered together in praise of Manjushri. Each Mahasiddha recited separately in veneration of Manjushri, who at that time blessed their minds. Ninety-nine of them wrote the same praise, which together became known as Gang-lo-ma. The hundredth Mahasiddha wrote a slightly different praise, which formed the supplementary prayer to Gang-lo-ma referred to as Sheja-kha-yingpa. This praise is very famous and precious and was recited by the pandit Vidyakokila the Younger. The text is now almost lost; it is extremely rare and it is something many people are searching for, because it is said to be one of the fundamental praises to Manjushri.
Below we have provided for you various prayers to Manjushri that can be recited on a daily basis for those who wish to gain the blessings of this Buddha. You may click on these links below to download the prayers.
- Gangloma (PDF)
- Long Mantra of 1000 Armed Manjushri (JPG)
- Manjushri Nama Sangiti (PDF)
- Daily Prayer to Manjushri – Manjushri Arapacana (PDF)
- Medium Length Mantra of Manjushri
Other Forms of Manjushri
For more interesting information:
- All About Manjushri | 关于文殊菩萨
- Wonderful Wu Tai Shan – Manjushri’s holy place
- Mount Wutai – The Earthly Abode of Lord Manjushri
- A Concert of Names of Manjushri
- Gangloma
- A Black Manjushri Sadhana: Self-Healing Meditation and Exercises
- 1,000-armed Manjushri!!!
- Mewa 9 Birth Buddha: Manjushri
- Praise to Manjusri Explanation by Geshe Rabten
- Orange Manjushri: A Meditation by the 5th Dalai Lama
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I’ve heard a friend of mine share about he saw Kuru Kulle during his meditation. He had never seen or heard about Kuru Kulle before, so he asked the deity “Who are you?” Then the deity answer “Kuru Kulle”. He described the deity whole body was in red color.
After he awake from the meditation, he quickly search then found out the figure he saw during meditation was really Kuru Kulle. We feel unbelievable, listen to this kind of stories are really excited. Sometimes deities do come to us through dreams or meditation to connect or provide guidance to us.
Rinpoche is right, we cannot simply make up forms of Buddhas. So before we devote to any spiritual guides, we should check and study their lineage and authentic origin.
Thank you for sharing this amazing dream of Manjushri. Dreams do come true but we must also verify its authenticity and Rinpoche through this sharing has taught us to do just that. This form of Manjushri is beautiful.
After I read the above article, I know that Buddha Manjushri is very compassion because he emanated to many Dharma Protector to help us in spiritual path. Dorje Shugden is one of them.Once again thanks a lot….
Mantras in the waters of Kechara Forest Retreat-Malaysia
Mantras represent the blessings of the enlightened beings in the form of sound. When we recite mantras they stimulate the various parts of our body to heal itself, to clear itself, to purify itself and to gain higher states of consciousness. Therefore, mantras are very powerful. They can be written, visualised or recited out aloud. The mantras of enlightened beings bless ordinary beings, animals, ethereal or formless beings and everyone in the environment.
In Kechara Forest Retreat, Malaysia, we have a koi fish pond, on which sits a magnificent statue of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. When the fish circumambulate around Manjushri they are blessed by his divine presence. At the same time, people who come to visit the pond and circumambulate around Manjushri receive the same blessings.
Along with the Manjushri fish pond, we also have a lake in Kechara Forest Retreat. In the middle of this lake is a Shakyamuni Buddha statue. In both these places we have placed Manjushri mantra stones underneath submerged under the water so that the animals, humans and beings who circumambulate these holy statues, not only circumambulate the images of the Buddhas but also sacred mantras. The is done in order to plant the seeds of enlightenment in their mindstreams so that in the future they are able to realise Bodhicitta, the realisation of Emptiness and higher states of consciousness. So, I thought I would share this little video with everyone. Thank you.
Tsem Rinpoche
This video, narrated in Chinese, features Manjushri mantra stones. These are stones carved with the sacred mantra of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. The mantra of any Buddha is basically the manifestation of the enlightened being in the form of sound. Therefore, Manjushri’s mantra embodies the special qualities of his transcendent wisdom. Offering of these mantras stones is likened to an offering of Manjushri-like speech to the Three Jewels.
Sponsoring and offering such stones has the benefit of gaining deeper insight into spiritual practice, improving one’s memory, critical thinking, creativity, language and the purification of negative karma related to speech. It also promotes the development of powerful speech that has a positive impact on others.
In the video we see mantra stones placed at the majestic Four-armed Manjushri statue in Kechara Forest Retreat, Malaysia. The more stones are offered there, the more benefit it brings to the person circumambulating and paying homage to Lord Manjushri. These stones are available at Naropa’s Cave in Kechara Forest Retreat and can be offered to the statue of Manjushri here just as you see in the video.
Tsem Rinpoche
Reading about Manjushri Bodhisattva’s pledge to remain as the last one in samsara, one can’t help but feel so moved by the compassion of Manjushri. Who liberates and saves lifetimes after lifetimes, who has innumerable patience and joyous effort to liberate sentient beings.
Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing this exotic form of Manjushri with us. We are truly blessed to have that statue here in Kechara Forest Retreat. I also learn how to help the beings around us like the fishes in Kechara Forest Retreat fish pond. Rinpoche placed the statue there so the fishes will be blessed to be near a Buddha statue and to circumambulate the Buddha when they move around in the pood. This will plant the seeds of enlightened in the fishes. I truly witness how a High Lama will and can help any beings around them but constantly planting the seeds of enlightenment in them and it will benefit them further in their lives.
This Dream Manjushri really rare yet beautiful. This Manjushri located in fish pond which will bless fishes and many visitors. The fish pond surrounded by many green plants and created a nice place for meditation. After I read the above article, I know that Buddha Manjushri is very compassion because he emanated to many Dharma Protector to help us in spiritual path. Dorje Shugden is one of them.
I wish more people can rely to Mamjushri in order to achieve spiritual awakened.
Thanks Rinpoche conceptualized the Manjushri Pond to bless more people.
The Dream Manjushri is stunning. We all need wisdom so much and because of Rinpoche we have so much information and teachings on the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri, who has also emanated as the Protector Dorje Shugden.
The Dream Manjushri is so beautiful at the pond in Kechara Forest Retreat with many fortunate fishes swimming around Him and gaining many merits for a good future rebirth.
May everybody be blessed to learn about the Buddha of Wisdom Manjushri and learn this great practice and do His mantra daily. OM AH RA BA ZHA NA DHI
Lovely story about Manjushri. And it’s really wonderful to have such a beautiful Dream Manjushri in KFR. Wishing to have merits to visit KFR one day in the future. And thank you very much Rinpoche for sharing the benefits of practicing Manjushri ??
Lovely story of Rinpoche’s dream Manjushri . The image of Manjushri is definitely lovely and very beautifully crafted , painted with heart of gold. We are fortunate to see this rare form of Manjushri. I saw that dream Manjushri at the fish pond during my visit at KFR , its indeed very beautiful. Wow … there some many benefits of relying on Manjushri. Plenty of knowledge for me to catch up which I am still learning a little a day .
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing your thoughts and profound teachings with us.
Dear All
I would like to share with you the sacred prayer of Manjushri – A Concert Names of Manjushri (’Jam-dpal mtshan-brjod, Skt. Mañjuśrī-namasamgiti), which consists of 160 verses and mantra sentences. One version is translated by Alexander Berzin, a scholar, translator, and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, and the other one is from FPMT.
please write about Lucid dreaming & the yoga of dreaming & sleeping. Many Thanks
Thank you Rinpoche sharing nice story about dreaming Manjushri and now dream come true . Thanks Jay Jae to carve this wooden Manjushri statue and Joy painted the image of Manjushri, very beautiful. So glad to see this beautiful photo .
I really love this form of Manjushri and I rejoice that Rinpoche has finally received a statue of Manjushri. The details are truly refined and I am amazed that Rinpoche has received dreams of this form of Manjushri before even seeing it.
I believe it is a dream of spiritual significance except that I wouldn’t know how to decipher the meaning. Perhaps, Rinpoche’s teachings are bearing fruit and the appearance of this statue at this time heralds that. Whatever it is, this is truly a beautiful image of Manjushri that is complete object of worship in itself.
多谢Jae Jay因为完成了在仁波切梦里的文殊菩萨,相信这尊文殊菩萨可为仁波切带来非凡的意义。这是个殊胜的供养啊!
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing us such a wonderful news. I was surprise at the first glance of this Manjusri statue as it does not look same as what I used to see in market. Furthermore, I thought it is made of Brass. I love this statue, it is so beautiful.
The statue created by Jay Jae and painted by Joy is beautiful. I wonder whether this particular form of Manjushri has a special name. From Wikipedia it is clear that this form was already worshipped in China and Indonesia centuries ago. I’m keen to know the history behind this form of Manjushri.
Rinpoche,thank you for sharing this lovely story of your dream Manjushri become reality in the creative and loving hands of Jae Jae.This exquisitely crafted statue of an unusual form of Manjushri looks so real,especially with its face in a gold finish, done by Joy another very talented painter.
This comely form of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom, with the Dhaamacakra teaching mudra, and right leg outstretched, is well-timed in its reintroduction to us in these degenrate times. We need Manjsuhri, with his leg outstretched, ever ready to come to our aid, is what we most badly need now.
This image of Manjushri is absolutely lovely and so life-like and very beautifully crafted and painted. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing your vision which had remained clear until today. Such blessings and imprints even by gazing on his wonderful form.
Beautiful! Jay Jae is very artistic and great for him to fulfill Rinpoche wishes. Joy did great job of painting. Thanks Rinpoche for sharing with us. I just keep learning more and more of the Buddhas. _/\_
Wow! Wow! Wow! This fabulous statue of Manjushri is indeed a great masterpiece. Rinpoche must be very proud of Jay Jae who make his dream come true.
Heartiest congratulations to Rinpoche and Jay Jae!
Jay Jae is so talented, he carved a Manjushri statue from wood! I believe this image of Manjuhsri is really rare to see as Rinpoche said above, but Jay Jae managed to do it. Jay Jae is a very devoted student of Rinpoche, therefore he make it for Rinpoche no matter what the obstacles are.
I talked to Louise Lee before about making a statue from raw. She told me all the challenges they faced during the whole process. Making statue is never an easy job! And now Jay Jae did something that is really rare! Super rejoice for Jay Jae and thank you Rinpoche for sharing this great news! We are fortunate to see this rare form of Manjushri!
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing Rinpoche’s personal story on the dream of Manjushri and also the beautiful image of Manjushri statue that JJ offered. I still remember very clearly how Rinpoche reacted when first saw Manjushri’s holy image in the Haven, so much joy and delight that I actually felt it spread to me.
I too love this image of Manjushri. Compared to Manjushri’s famous and commonly associated form (which I also adore), I like how Dream Manjushri has his right leg forward like Green Tara… ever ready to help all sentient beings in an instant. His beautiful hands is in a mudra of a dharmachakra, to have Manjushri here with us, turning the wheel of Dharma is very precious. And the two beautiful lotuses that resemble that of on Lama Tsongkhapa. I don’t know why, but I just so strongly feel that the Dream Manjushri resembles Rinpoche in so many ways.
Thanks for sharing story about Manjushri statue.Manjushri statue very unusual and beautiful.
Dear Rinpoche
Thank you sharing your dream with us, is a miracle Rinpoche still can remember his dream after he wake up. The Manjushri statue is very beautiful & cool.
Truly rejoice for Jae Jae & Joy for their great job.
I feel calm and in peace just looking at the picture. The longer I gaze, my head started tilting to the right and I ended up smiling at Manjushri.
wow… 2 words… Absolutely Beautiful…
with the amount of attention to details…thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Rinpoche…
I rejoice! Jay Jay and Joy did a great job. This statue appears to me as the essence combination of wisdom and activity as one. Beautiful….
Dear Rinpoche,
By looking at the Manjushri, i felt blessed. I thanks Rinpoche for sharing on the blog to enable more people to view and been blessed
Jay Jae is so good in craving. The Manjushri is so beautiful
and he is a very caring students too.
Thank you Rinpoche
With folded hand /_\
Correction :
Dear Rinpoche,
By looking at the Manjushri, i felt blessed. I thanks Rinpoche for sharing on the blog to enable more people to view and been blessed
Jay Jae is so good in craving and he is a very caring students too.
The Manjushri is so beautiful
Rejoice with the work done so beautifully.
Thank you Rinpoche
With folded hand /_\
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this amazing dream of Manjushri. Dreams do come true but we must also verify its authenticity and Rinpoche through this sharing has taught us to do just that. This form of Manjushri is beautiful. I also hope that one day we can receive a teaching from Rinpoche on the Dream Manjushri.
Many thanks to Jay Jae and Joy for the wonderful gifts.
JJ has very artistic eyes and hands. I have seen many of his paintings, drawings, moulds and I must say they are all very impressive.
When I first look at this statue, I thought it is a brass one and never expected it to be a wood one. Also, Joy’s painting is really detail and careful.
I rejoice JJ has the artistic eyes & hands to produce such high quality statue and MBF in Singapore can spread Lama Tsongkapa teachings far and wide!!
Excellent work jj n joy ! Blessed are we to behold such a rarity . Thank you Rinpoche for sharing . I thought it was Green Tara too at first glimpse .
Dreams do come true 🙂
Rinpoche always has a fascination with Manjushri. I remember Rinpoche telling us that when Rinpoche was a child in Howell, Rinpoche saw a photo of Manjushri in a book and immediately had it photocopied and kept it well. It was the first time Rinpoche saw an image of Manjushri.
This statue is very well made and so artistically displayed. I love it!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing your dream and also this rare and beautiful dream Manjushri statue.This Dream Manjushri so beautiful and well painted, I never see this form before, we are very fortunate to see this sacred statue!! I rejoice that JAY JAE got this beautiful Manjushri made for Rinpoche^_^ May all Rinpoche’s wishes come true !!
Thanks to Rinpoche for the sharing. We are lucky to be able to have a look on the sacred form of Manjushri. New learning everyday. Also thanks to JJ and Joy for realizing Rinpoche vision.
I am in love with the statue so much. I’ve always have affection with Manjushri ever since He was introduced to me by Rinpoche. And now i am introduced to this form….speechless.
好棒的佛像!感谢仁波切的梦境,借此让我们有机会看到不一样的文殊菩萨,也谢谢Jay Jae的用心制作。此殊胜的一尊文殊佛像看了让人有莫名的亲切感,感觉像是文殊菩萨,宗喀巴大师和绿度母的三合为一佛像。
This beautifully carved and painted Manjushri statue is not just a statue but it is truly a labor of love. It is good to look at, surely one can imagine the work involved in making such a beautiful statue. I rejoice in the good work of Jay Jae and Joy. Thank you for sharing this story with us, Rinpoche.
Thank you rinpoche for sharing,for your dream of the manjushri.very beautiful dream manjushri.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the Dream Manjushri with us. The Manjushri is very beautiful. We are so blessed to be able to see this special form of Manjushri here. I believe there must be a special reason for Rinpoche to dream of this form of Manjushri. I think this form of Manjushri represent swiftness as His left leg is in and right leg is out, a sign ever ready to stand up to help us just like Green Tara. The carve work of this wooden Dream Manjushri is really fine and detail. I have seen many high quality wood carving especially from China, I am amazed that Jay Jae who is not a professional wood carving master, just produced a Manjushri statue in such a high quality workmanship. To be able to produce this quality of work needs many years of practice and experience. Jay Jae’s beautiful love and care for Rinpoche has took him beyond what he can do. Thank you Jay Jae, this is no doubt another inspiration for all of us. You are telling us that we can achieve what we want if we are willing to put in effort and time to do it. Joy did a good painting job on this Manjushri to bring it alive. Thank you Joy! I think the colour of this Manjushri look perfect!
The first I saw this Dream Manjushri, I fall in love with him immediately. It is so beautiful, I thought. Rinpoche always got very unique dream and the dream Rinpoche was dreamed full of meaning behind.
I knew JJ few years, he is very creative and thoughtful. He is very young but have a mature spiritual soul inside. Thank you for JJ made Rinpoche dream came true! The Manjushri statue is so beautiful.
Thanks to Rinpoche for sharing your dream and this beautiful Dream Manjushri’s photo.
I wish one day Rinpoche can have a teaching to us for this Dream Manjushri.
Thank you JJ and Joy for offering this beautiful Dream Manjushri.
So beautiful. I thought she is Tara!
Dream Manjushri is so exquisite. It holds great significance as Rinpoche had never seen this form before but it actually exists. And decades later the dream comes to reality thanks to Jae Jae and Joy’s creativity. The face is so beautiful and serene. Something we all learn from Rinpoche’s dream and message is that we must not make up forms of buddha and that it must have a lineage and authentic origin. And the altar setting is so cool. Rinpoche always shows us his beautiful and creative altars and offerings that we get to “copy” as Rinpoche wants to help us to collect merits. Thank you Rinpoche for always sharing nice and beneficial articles with us.
It is certainly not an easy job to carve a Buddha statue from wood, more so is that this form of Manjushri is not readily available for checking and confirmation.
It certainly takes a lot of guru devotion to complete this Buddha Statue. I rejoice for JJ’s piece of beautiful art work and Joy’s painting job that altogether fulfill Rinpoche’s wishes.
At first glance of the picture when Rinpoche sent it by message, out of ignorance I thought it was Tara. Then I looked more and tried to see “how” it is Manjushri. This form of Manjushri is an eye opener.
What I find amazing is that this form came to Rinpoche in his dream BEFORE Rinpoche even read to confirm this form existed. From this I can only think that it was a past imprint from Rinpoche’s previous lives.
I rejoice that JJ got this beautiful Manjushri made for Rinpoche. Thank you JJ for all your efforts!
Just dreaming and having Buddha in the dream is something really special. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the story about the dream. The statue is carved so beautifully and painted to absolute perfection. Cant help but fall in love with the sight of the statue itself. It is a great blessing to see a rare form of Manjushri and would like to thank everyone who have helped to create this beautiful statue.
What a beautiful gift from JJ to Rinpoche. JJ and Joy are very artistic and creative!
What I find fascinating is of course this form of Manjushri which I have not seen before, but even more interesting, is Rinpoche’s dream about this Dream Manjushri which goes to show past imprints are so real and strong. I do not claim to be able to see Rinpoche’s past lives. Certainly I am not able to but there has been more than just one incident of such in Rinpoche’s life that i can recall. An example is at a young age, Rinpoche displayed immense interests in buddha images such as White Tara, Green Tara, Shakyamuni and he would draw, color them and make them into pendants.
I have had many people sharing their dreams, asking questions in the pastor’s corner of this blog. After sharing about the dream, the common question is “what does my dream mean?” For us, take it as just a dream and not read into it. Even in our waking moments, we are bombarded with countless fleeting thoughts which we have no control of. If we are not able to make sense of these random thoughts during our waking moments, what more in our dream state. Through prayers, study, contemplation, meditation, we will eventually develop our mind to a higher state.
I feel very fortunate to be able to look at this Dream Manjushri. If not because of Rinpoche, I would not have this opportunity and blessing..Thank you Rinpoche. And thank you JJ and Joy for using your talent for something so beneficial.
The offering of this statue of Dream Manjushri by JJ is the dream come true for Rinpoche : the statue is very well done, depicting what was in the dream and the crossing of the moat is representative of JJ crossing the straits.
Everything fits perfectly!
This dream Manjushri so beautiful and well painted, never see this form before, so rare… Thank you Rinpoche for your sharing. We are so fortunate can have a view on this rare form Manjushi in this life. And so glad this dream Manjushi can come as real in Rinpoche life, rejoice.
I’m so impress of Jay Jae effort, thank you, and may your love, effort and kindness will inspired people do more and may Rinpoche long life and healthy always…
Wow that is such a beautiful Manjushri and I am so happy Rinpoche gets this Dream Manjushri . Jay jae is so creative and resourceful in making offerings to Rinpoche.
I love this rare form of Manjushri from Rinpoche’s dream…and the statue done by Jay Jae and Joy is very beautiful.
The Buddha of Wisdom Manjushri with hand mudra of expounding Dharma and legs posture of ease and readiness for action… how appropriate!
I believe Rinpoche dreamt of this special form of Manjushri because it depicted Rinpoche’s works and mission…
Rinpoche is the Manjushri actively spreading Dharma and ever ready to help many people in need through teachings, social media, prayers, KH, KSK and all depts.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the mother of wisdom with us! Thank you Jay Jae for your thoughtful gifts. This Manjusri somehow looks very much like a form of Avalokitesvara and Green Tara. This Manjusri has a rather big head/face, less emphasis on the lotuses and the items on them. This kind of style, if I am not mistaken, can be found in the Ming dynasty, when Je Rinpoche was alive. I wonder any of this has connections, but anyhow this is definitely an auspicious piece and a job well done on Jay Jae and Joy!
Hi Adeline, I did a search on the internet and found one very similar form on websites, with Manjushri’s hands holding a Dharmachakra mudra and right leg resting on a lotus. He has a lotus extended from His left arm with a scripture on top, but there is no sword on His right (According to some studies, the earliest representation of Manjushri do not hold a sword). Above the image of Manjushri, there are Dhyani Buddha Amitabha and Akshobhya.
According to the description, they found this very rare form of stone carved Manjushri in Udayagiri cave, Bhubaneswar, India. This city has a history of over 3000 years, also called Temple City of India. The statue was created during 7th –8th Century A.D.
Here are the links:
Chinese: http://hk.plm.org.cn/gnews/2010428/2010428202376.html
English: http://english.chnmus.net/Exhibitions/2007-02/14/content_53205.htm
This is really amazing, Rinpoche dream about the Manjushri years ago, even though Rinpoche never saw the Buddha image before, but in the end it turn out to be a real buddha image and not just Rinpoche’s creative imagination. after years later, it is presented to Rinpoche the real statue by JJ, this statue is so beautifully crafted, the proportion, the facial expression, the way how he sits, everything is so perfect, just with the plain statue itself, he look so lively.
Heard that JJ faced a lot of problem and communication problem with the statue maker, it failed many times but JJ didn’t give up, he persist on it and now finally made it. JJ has set such good example to us that no matter how difficult the situation is, never give up.
This statue is really beautiful…
非常特别! 非常幸运能看到这尊文殊菩萨,有如看到宗喀巴大师和绿度母合成一,真的非常特别,给我的感觉,文殊菩萨是如此接近我们。
非常佩服 JayJae,把梦变成真,这不是每个人都能做到,你真了不起,谢谢你!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this to us. Rejoice!
非常特别! 非常幸运能看到这尊文殊菩萨,有如看到宗喀巴大师和绿度母合成一,真的非常特别,给我的感觉,文殊菩萨是如此接近我们。
非常佩服 JayJae,把梦变成真,这不是每个人都能做到,你真了不起,谢谢你!
Thank you Rinpoche to share this with us. Rejoice!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful ‘Dream Manjushri “. it is really an eye opener. It is as if Manjushri changed to another sitting position….really made it came Alive.The Statue is so beautifully carved out… Rejoice for JJ’s care for the fine details & with Joy’s great skill in painting.
May all Rinpoche’s dream come true.
What a beautiful statue! Thank you Rinpoche for posting the picture of this rare form of Manjushri for us to see, so many will be blessed by Manjushri.
JJ and Joy are very good in making and painting statues. They have benefited so many people with the works. Thank you and rejoice!
Dear Riponche,
Thank you for sharing with us this form of Manjushri. We are so lucky to be able to see it because Rinpoche dreamt about it and later found out that this form of Manjushri really does exist.
Jay Jae did a superb job carving out the Manjushri and Joy gave the statue a special “glow” with the paint work. I can feel much love, and care was put in for the making of this statue. And Jay Jae is so thoughtful to have got the supplements for Rinpoche.
Thanks to Paul for the brief explanation that this form of Mansjushri is a combination of Lama Tsongkhapa and Green Tara, all merge and dissolved into one essence. May we be able to learn more about this form of Manjushri in the future what the iconography means.
After reading the blog, I went online to check the different forms of Manjushri and the Manjushri that Rinpoche dreamt about. I haven’t found any thus far. But I saw one that rides a snow lion, hands also in Dharmachakra mudra, only difference is the left leg is stretched out instead of the right. I thought I would share it here with everyone else.
Thank you Rinpoche,
It really remarkable that Rinpoche has dreamed of this rare form of Manjushri without ever having seen or heard of it! I have no doubt in Rinpoche’s vision or dreams, and to know that that form of Manjushri has been validated in a text only confirms my conviction.
Rinpoche must have a very strong connection with Manjushri over his many previous lives. During teachings, I have heard Rinpoche say that he has been attracted to Manjushri since a very young age, and Manjushri is one of his favourite Buddhas.
Well, if Rinpoche likes Manjushri, I do too, as there must be something very special about him for Rinpoche to hold him so closely and dearly.
Its really beautiful and in a rare form. I wouldn’t have guessed that it was carved from wood. Its amazing how Rinpoche remembered the dream and got JJ to do the statue perfectly. JJ is really thoughtful and kind. Thank you Rinpoche for the wonderful update and that we got the chance to catch a glimpse of this sacred Manjushri.
This statue is so cool! It looks like a fusion between Lama Tsongkhapa, Manjushri and Tara! Good job on the statue Jay Jae and Joy, it looks brilliant!
I am extremely glad that something Rinpoche dreamt of, and wished for finally came through. May the manifestation of the Dream Manjushri be the harbinger of great success for Rinpoche’s Dharma work. It is a very beautiful statue. Manjushri is captivating anyway in any form, but this particular form has unique beauty and more so because it was personally made by JJ and Joshua.
It is also intriguing how Rinpoche dreamt of a form of Manjushri that Rinpoche has never seen before. But perhaps Rinpoche has. In my mind, I can totally see Manjushri sitting in that posture having close and exclusive communion with Rinpoche.
Thank you for sharing your dream Rinpoche.
Thanks Rinpoche for the sharing.And thanks to talented Jay Jae for such a good job and your care to Rinpoche.
This is the first time I see this form of Manjushri, I think this form must mean a lot to Rinpoche, Rinpoche is always connected with Manjushri.
For me, Rinpoche is Manjushri as when I meditate during prayer, I see Rinpoche as one with Lama Tsongkhapa and Setrap, and Lama Tsongkhapa is Manjushri himself.
May the Lord of Wisdom, Manjushri blesses us to have the condition the gain more wisdom, with the wisdom we can help more people to gain wisdom.
Thank you Rinpoche _/\_
What a unique form of Manjushri in a ‘wheel of law’ mudra and with one leg out stretch. Rinpoche‘s dream on this form of Manjushri does exist and it’s so meritorious for us to be able to see.
Hope we are able to learn this form of Manjushri.
Thanks for Rinpoche’s sharing and for Jay Jae great job.
Dear Rinpoche,
Many years ago,i remembered i saw this form of Manjushiri picture before at Gaden Monastery when Rinpoche told me this form of Manjushiri appeared at Rinpoche dream. That Manjushiri picture drawing look very gentle and handsome.
I was amaze the wooden carving the dream manjushiri statue is so well done. Thank for Jay Jae artistic and creative to make this statue came true from rinpoche dream.
With folder hand,
Pastor Chia
So blessed to have seen this image of Buddha Manjushri!
The craving and features of the Manjushri statue are so details, the painting f the face also so nice, just can’t imagine is done by Jay Jae and Joy who are not an statue artists, is professional done. Rejoice!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the image and story behind this form of Manjushri, thanks Jay Jae and Joy for the splendid offering.
Rejoice to Jay Jae and Joy for this golden opportunity.Thank you Jay Jay for offering the beautiful Dream Manjushri to Rinpoche and Joy for painting it beautifully.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this rare form of Manjushri.
感谢 JJ 将仁波切梦中的智慧佛亲手雕刻出来,JJ 非常有艺术细胞,手工细腻又具创意。
I can’t believe my eyes! The Dream Manjushri looks stunning, almost alive!
I wonder when I will have the fortune to have one in my house. hehe. Thank you JJ for getting this done. What a lovely offering to Rinpoche. Rinpoche was really excited when he saw this Manjushri. Rinpoche immediately made offerings and did a Puja in front of Manjushri. I was very fortunate to be there.
Joy did a great job painting the statue too, though I still prefer it in its original form. hehe
Good morning Rinpoche,
I am so happy to hear a story like this from you and so kind to share it with all of us. It was just what I needed!! Thank you!!!
I am happy for you too, so now you can see manjushri all day and night ….and in your dreams!!!!
Thank you.
With warm regards, from Holland.
Wow, this lovely statue really does looks like the combination of Green Tara and Lama Tsongkhapa! Thanks to Rinpoche for sharing your dream and to Jay Jae for realizing the dream where now we all are “realized” with this form of Manjushri! Quite curious is there any meaning with this form of Manjushri?
Good job to Jay Jae & Joy! The statue is really beautiful and serene.
I just googled and found this rare ancient form of Dream Manjushri. He is an ancient silver Manjusri figure from Ngemplak Semongan (Indonesia) here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manjusri. His form may be found in the ancient Sewu Temple in Central Java.
Thank you, Jay Jae for the beautiful statue to Rinpoche, Joy for painting it in the traditional form and Rinpoche for sharing this rare form of Manjushri to all of us.
I wonder what this form of Dream Manjushri means? It would be interesting to know more of it.
Thank you May Ong, for the link provided. The ancient Dream Manjushri was amazing. Great job to Jay Jae & Joy !!
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this beautiful gift with us. It is a stunning statue! I have always been attracted to Manjushri in His many forms and this is very, very unusual and beautiful. The face is also exquisitely painted by Joy.
I loved reading about the history of this gift and how this was really a story of dream becoming reality – with basis. What I found particularly interesting was that Rinpoche did not automatically assume that Rinpoche’s dream was real. As Rinpoche says that “I dare not worship this form of Manjushri just because I dreamed of it as I don’t feel my dreams can be relied upon. We cannot simply make up forms of Buddhas. They must have a lineage and authentic origin.” I think this is very useful advice to people who have many dreams and read a lot into them.
I rejoice for JJ’s lovely gifts to Rinpoche – from the statue of Rinpoche’s dreams to the health supplements. May JJ’s devotion to Rinpoche inspire many.
Hi Sharon, I totally agree with you. Rinpoche is always humble and did not immediately assumed his dream is real but he seek confirmation from other reliable sources. We however often felt very special when we dreamed of something much less significant and tried to chase its greater meanings. We can’t even make sense of waking hours and use it meaningfully, why go about chasing the meaning of our dreams. Perhaps our waking lives are so boring and dull, we seek to be special in our dreams. Simply put, just goes back to our self cherishing mind – the ego.
This is such a magnificent Manjushri statue. Thank you Rinpoche for letting us look at this very rare form of Manjushri and also to teach us not to just worship any form of Buddha until we learn of the authenticity and lineage. Truly rejoice that Jae Jae and Joy are able to use their artistic skills to produce this holy statue to offer to Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche for telling us Rinpoche’s dream of such a version of Manjushri. I am really ignorant and when I first saw the photo Rinpoche sent, I was wondering it looks like Green Tara but the mudra is different and then the mudra is like Tsongkapa. Now with Rinpoche’s dream being known, I am grateful for Paul’s comment that it is a combination of both, I have learnt.
Especially Paul’s comment was so enlightening as Paul is our statue expert who created such exquisite statues for our altars.
Beautiful statue, wish I had one too. GREEDY ME!
This is absolutely beautiful – not just the statue but JJ’s consistent thoughtfulness and his effort to create the perfect image. I understand from friends that it took many attempts as the initial images didn’t turn out correctly – JJ persisted until the statue came out perfect. And this is what we see now.
I love the story too that Rinpoche has recounted – how the image appeared to him in a dream without him ever having seen it (well, in this lifetime!). I guess this is the power of imprints and how they can surface at different times when we least expect it.
I’d be interested to know what this form of Manjushri symbolises and how does one engage in his practice?
哇 Jay Jae 你很棒把Rinpache的梦变成真。
非常感谢Jay Jae让仁波切梦想成真!
这尊文殊菩萨非常特别,非常的英气, 又带点柔弱!看了让我很想接近,很想抱抱文殊菩萨!
看了仁波切的故事, 我想了想, Jay Jae 这个家伙真有办法!而且也非常佩服他! 因为,我在Kechara Discovery 三年, 每次看着我们部门主管Paul做佛像,他都会找很多资料准备功课。把仁波切的解释,形容记录起来。让我深深明白与上师的Samaya有多重要!如果无法依次上师, 是无法用我们的小聪明做佛像的!
常常有朋友会问到, 为什么藏传佛教的佛像都那么的彩色。 其实每一个正确的Icon与颜色, 都非常重要, 全部都有意义的。 所以我们有Kechara Saraswati Arts。 在这里我们可以提供;
1。装藏 2。裁制佛衣与唐卡 3。彩色 4。 维修佛像等等
This form of manjushri is so exciting, it’s like a combination of Lama Tsongkhapa and Green Tara, all merge and dissolved into one essence! The painting and detailing gold and face features finishing makes the statue comes alive, it’s amazing!
JJ indeed is very creative and artistic, and very resourceful too, good job!
Good afternoon Rinpoche.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful “Dream” Manjushri to us. I never see this form of manjushri before. At first, I thought he is another form of Lama Tsongkhapa because of the stem of two lotuses holding a dharma text and wisdom sword.
Thanks JJ for realizing Rinpoche’s “dream” and developing MBF to benefit more people.
Thanks Joy for painting up this Manjushri, he looks so peaceful and handsome.
I rejoice for all the fortunate readers including myself who get to see this rare form of Manjushri.
Thank you 🙂
A dream became a reality…The result of this beautiful Dream Manjushri showed how resourceful and skillful Jae Jae is. His love and devotion for Rinpoche remained strong and he never failed in his ideas and creativity in sourcing and offering the best to Rinpoche!
This Manjushri statue it is so beautiful crafted and painted. I seeing from this picture, really not looks like a wooden statue.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
Dream Majushri came true !! This statue is carved with details and nice proportion. I especially like his face which is serene and peaceful.
May it bring happiness to Rinpoche each time you look at him and I rejoice for both JJ and Joy who were tenanted to make such beautiful offerings.
Beautifully crafted fine piece! Just couldn’t believe that it is from wood. Very well painted by Joy too.
Jay Jae has been always resourceful and artistic to get things done and he has always amazed me for every items done and offered to Rinpoche are beautiful..done out of his love and care.
Thank you for sharing Rinpoche and may Jay Jae’s work, passion and love inspire many to do the same.
Wow this dream Manjushri statue is so so beautiful…!! Its nicely carved and painted beautifully. I have not seen this form before but when the first time I saw it on Rinpoche’s blog, I felt in love with this rare and sacred statue. It is amazing that Rinpoche dreamt of this form of Manjushri and remember it clearly to share it with us and we are fortunate to see this wonderful form of Manjushri 🙂 Thank you Rinpoche.
I happy for you Rinpoche to able to see the Dream Manjushri made to real life 🙂 His right leg is out. Does it mean similar to Green Tara he is swift in granting assistance thru the aspect of wisdom by clearing our delusions and ignorance?
I am for happy Jay Jae and Joy for offering their skills in creating Dream Manjushri for Rinpoche. May their efforts and dedications inspired everyone 🙂
Good morning Rinpoche.
Manjushri statue is really beautiful and the delicacy of her image has caught up my eyes. That’s what I called ” Cant’t take my eyes off You – Manjushri.”
Jay Jae is such a lovely and caring person. Jay je, you really did a good job for the statue.
Thanks to Rinpoche and Jay Jae for the sharing. 🙂
Dear Rinpoche,
Thanks for sharing the story about your dream and the photo of the Manjushri statue. It’s beautiful.
I’m drawn to Manjushri too and I will invite a Manjushri statue home during my trip to KL to celebrate Rinpoche’s birthday. I’m looking forward to seeing my Kechara friends again.
I pray that Rinpoche’s health is better.
With love and respect,
Sean in Shanghai