A sword and jewelry as gifts??
I thought I’d share some unusual and interesting items people have presented to me…. They are very meaningful and sincere gifts, and I thought that I should put it up in my blog to share it with everyone…
1) Letter from the Siah family
A very nice and sincere letter from the Siah family. I am very glad to know that they have learned so much Dharma from the time they came to know Kechara till now. They are doing a wonderful job as parents to their new born son, to introduce the Dharma to him in such an early age. Continue to do Dharma, show children by example and they will grow up to be beautiful people, both inner and outer beauty. Thank you very much for the wonderfully written letter.
The card reads the following:
Dearest Rinpoche,
First of all, we are very glad that we have an opportunity to knowing Rinpoche as our Guru and joined the KECHARA as a member. Since MARCH 2011, we have started to participate the SETRAP RETREAT, although the puja took almost 3 hours but it was a very memorable experience because before that we have no idea what is DHARMA puja means for. Since then, our Dharma learning journey become more meaningful and excited. Where we had attend every Tuesday SETRAP PUJA, had attend the LAMRIM RETREATS including the most happening 24 hours LAMRIM RETREAT, had also attend the amazing Long Life Prayer PUJA by sanghas from Gaden Monestary and so much more. The most important part was we had given an opportunity with all these DHARMA teachings, we had learn to be generous, passionate and to be a better person day by day. We felt grateful that our baby boy is the very lucky little one who has been with us thru these DHARMA learning journey since he was about one month old in his mummy’s belly!
We sincerely would like to request Rinpoche for your kind and beautiful heart to have a baby blessing for our baby boy – SIAH HE WEI during his full moon end of DECEMBER. We hope our baby boy to continue learning DHARMA in future, and to be a responsible, kind and better person.
We like to express our grateful and Thank You to Rinpoche and all the KECHARIANS from bottom of our hearts for everything. We really appreciate all the helps and guidances have been provided to us all these while.
May Rinpoche stay in excellent health and to be long life to continue turn the Dharma wheel.
With Love and folded hands,
Siah Chong Keat
Yong Pey Ling
Siah He Wei
20 December 2011
2) 50 copies of “Be Greedy” from KMP
Jamie, on behalf of KMP presented me with 50 of their newest book “Be Greedy”. Thank you very much for the book!
The card reads:
Dear Rinpoche,
On behalf of KMP, I am very happy to offer Rinpoche our newest book “Be Greedy”. This will be a free distribution book and will be available in all our (Kechara Paradise) outlets.
Thank you Rinpoche for always teaching us and making these teaching available to the whole world.
Paris and KMP

KMP’s latest release, Be Greedy. KMP offered 50 copies of this book.
3) A bouquet of flowers and a wonderful card from Levi
Levi is a wonderful person and cook! She works very hard in the Ladrang and spends hours searching for recipes so that she can prepare delicious meals for my students and I. Thank you Levi, for your Christmas wishes and the beautiful bouquet of flowers.
The card reads:
Dear Rinpoche,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I’m seeking good health and more blessing to you. I’m grateful to you and my family for giving us so much blessing, from the depths of my heart many thanks.
Because of your help, this has caused great comfort to me and my family. I apologized with my mistakes, thanks for accepting and taking care of me. I will do my best to serve you.
4) Sincere letter and gifts from Jay Jae, Joshua and Shin
JJ is a long time student of mine, who loves the Dharma very much. Although he lives in Singapore, JJ comes down to KL very often to visit Kechara. Thank you for the gifts and the letter.
Below is the letter sent by JJ, I’ve inserted pictures of the gifts he offered.
Dear Rinpoche,
Hope Rinpoche is well and doing good back in Ladrang (I changed from Haven to Ladrang). It was definitely empowering spending time with Rinpoche. It has opened up a lot of clogged up thoughts within my mind and I am able to be a much happier person now. All that emotional bottled up within me has become somewhat dislodged and has propelled me towards a future of excitement.
I have brought Rinpoche some gifts which I thought Rinpoche would like:
This statue of the Solitary Hero I would like to offer to Rinpoche on behalf of the Modern Buddhist Fellowship, its members, sponsors now and those who will come in the future with prayers that they will be able to connect with the Gaden tradition through Rinpoche, read, practice and be able to gain realizations for themselves in the near future.
This offering is a request for Rinpoche to revisit a land which Rinpoche once taught and propagated the holy Dharma of Gaden. Through my efforts now and in future, may they be able to reconnect with Je Tsongkhapa’s Dharma; whatever misunderstanding of Je Rinpoche’s doctrine, may I be fearless in clearing it in this region.
Jewel Necklace for Vajrayogini
Joshua got this necklace specially made to be offered onto Rinpoche’s personal statue. When we ordered we didn’t know what the outcome of the size and design was but when it arrived, the first thought that came to mind was to offer to Rinpoche for Joshua to receive higher teachings in the future.
Swords for the Protector
Shin and I would like to offer these swords for Rinpoche to the protector. I got two this time round which I thought would be most suitable. The one with the black sheath is the exact same design which Rinpoche bought in Singapore minus the wooden blade and dragon carvings. I will be bringing the tassel for this sword when I return from Singapore.
Interior Design Books
These are books which I’ve gotten for Rinpoche in Singapore. Rinpoche can use them as reference for future buildings for the organization.
Thankyou Rinpoche’s untiring support of Joshua and myself and all the blessings which Rinpoche has showered upon us. I will be updating Rinpoche in person on the progress of my work here via email to keep Rinpoche and the rest updated.
Paper Flowers
This old handicraft has been in the culture of the Chinese for many generations and is now a dying culture. Joshua’s mom spends her free time making these as offerings to the Buddha and would like to offer this box of paper flowers to Rinpoche. They are very lovely!
Thank you,
Much love,
Jay Jae
All the gifts I received are offered to the Buddhas, and may everyone be blessed through these student’s kindness and generosity.
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Every beautiful gift from students for Rinpoche, there is a beautiful story behind it. Simple and yet its all from the bottom of their hearts when offered. May all the wonderful giver be protected by the three Jewels always and have great wisdom.
I rejoice greatly with the gifts that Rinpoche had received. I’m sure Rinpoche definitely had blessed them and I hope they will be connected with Dharma in all their lives to come.
The students’ gifts were well thought out as they took the trouble to offer items that hold great meaning.
So many wonderful gifts Rinpoche received everyday. Those are things specially picked from the students and knowing the benefit of the offering. Among all I like the swords offered by Shin and JJ. I am also very moved by Levi’s card. Levi came from Philippines, away from her family to in Haven. Take care of Rinpoche’s diet everyday. I rejoice that Levi appreciated what Rinpoche had helped her and her family. Levi has been working very hard in Haven. You named it she cooked it. She can really write a cookbook with title “FOOD MY LAMA LOVES TO EAT”. I am sure many people will buy! Hehe..
More weapons for the protector for Setrap and Rinpoche to cut our delusions. So nice to see people’s generosity and kindness in offering gifts to Rinpoche. In essence the real benefactor in making a powerful offering to a powerful merit field like Rinpoche is ourselves. Real gurus in the past will ask their students to offer gold and when the students bring the gold, they will toss the gold in to the forest and start teaching the students. Effort is very important in spiritual practice.
Lovely gifts with much thought, care and love, just like what Rinpoche does for His students. In return, we learn the same trades that our Guru show.
Lovely 🙂
Rinpoche’s disciples are very creative and imaginative in giving offerings. 🙂