Card from Nepalese boys and girl…
Jun 2, 2010 | Views: 144
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I’ve got a wonderful group of Nepalese boys and one girl who work in our arts dept. They are gentle, hardworking and very nice people. I wanted to share this beautiful card and gift from them.
It really melted my heart to see the love and warmth emanating from these gifts/words from the heart.
Much thanks,
Tsem Rinpoche
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It is hardwarming indeed to see their devotion but I believe that their devotion to Rinpoche was won over throught Rinpoche’s own compassion and generosity. Like everyone else in the organisation including myself, Rinpoche spends tremendous amount of money to buy them furniture, clothes, food and various essentials like toiletries and groceries. What is amazing is that Rinpoche does this with no motive for any returns and Rinpoche just want to make them comfortable so they will do good work for Kechara Saraswati Arts.
That’s the one quality that is very easy to see in Rinpoche is that he loves to give and give and give! He is never happier doing anything else and in fact, feels lazy if it has got anything to do for himself. I have personally never seen anyone go to the extent that Rinpoche does to take care of his students and friends. What’s amazing is that he keeps all this information in his mind and is constantly thinking what to give and provide for any one student. What’s more, he does it whether or not the student reciprocates and if the student reciprocates, it would make it easier for Rinpoche to impart the Dharma of course. That is the only other joy that Rinpoche relishes… That when someone practices the Dharma and improves his/her own life.
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
Yes and I can vouch that they are such an amiable group of people when I met them at KSA, who have sacrificed to come all the way to work and have the good fortune to work for Rinpoche and Kechara.
I shudder to think of their other brethren who have to toil elsewhere and under someone else who doesn’t have a mind of benefiting unlike Rinpoche and how they suffer at the mercy of the masters and their very lives.
I salute this team who are so dedicated and have produced master pieces. Sadhu!