Below are 3 cards from my students and friends: Girlie Ooi, Dato’ Ruby Khong and Sean Wang.
1. Girlie Ooi

The front of the card

The back of the card
Girlie Ooi has just finished her Dzambala retreat. Doing Dzambala’s prayer can, in the short term, bring us material wealth and help us out of poverty but more importantly, his practice can also bring us to spiritual wealth and personal growth to become a better person. Girlie has consistently do Dzambala retreat every year for years now…sometimes twice…Amazing retreatant.
Thank you for the flowers, card and prayers!
You can watch Girlie teach Kechara House members how to perform the Dzambala rituals (that are done in a Dzambala puja) in the video below.
2. Dato’ Ruby Khong

Front of the card

Back of the card
This is a card from Dato’ Ruby to wish me a Happy New Year. It’s a beautiful card that was bought from my favourite book store in Los Angeles, called Bodhi Tree Bookstore. In it, she wrote a heartfelt and beautiful 2 line poem. How sweet, thank you! Amazing student and friend….
3. Sean Wang

Front of the card

Back of the card
Sean is a 13 year old boy who volunteers wherever and whenever he can in Kechara. Just like any other kid he enjoys playing with his friends, but since the age of 8 he has consistently added a pinch of spirituality into his life. His mother, Sharon Saw is a proud mother who is the Senior Editor of Kechara Media and Publications (KMP).
He comes up with the neatest ideas. It was his idea to add more images into the statues by putting line drawings of Buddha images into 1TB external hard drives. That way, we ended up putting in more than a billion Buddha images into our new gompa statues!
In this card, Sean Wang wrote that he has offered to donate RM1,600 towards Kechara Animal Sanctuary!! Where does this kid get his money from, I don’t know…but I know it’s definitely not from begging, stealing or cheating! Hehe
What a kind gesture from a young and smart kid.
Thank you for the card and generous offering, Sean! Amazing kid!!
Tsem Rinpoche
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to do everyhing for one here is not possible
doing everything you can for your family is admirable
if toghether we can understand the true fabric of our true
family and who will become the doctors of our great granchildren
the carers of our childrens elders, and those think and act
for the benefit of everyone then we find a place
that the bells will ring continuously
one tiny bell makes such a small
noise and a big bell such a
sound may all bells of
peace join in harmony
across all places
both visible
and invisble
audible and
to all
How thankfull we all are to the peacock
may the wise ones ensure he and she
remains forever and is treated
with dignity and respect
and reverence because
from my investiagaion
the peacock has given
more to us than
we understand