Joey Wong: 10,000 Samayavajra mantras and flowers
This are flowers and a card from Joey Wong. He has given me some gifts before, but this time it’s even more special! hehe He gave me this to commemorate his completion of 10,000 Samayavajra mantras.
The practice of Samayavajra is mainly for purifying degenerated commitments and vows. It is a very strong and effective prayer that helps to repair all transgressions in the relationship with one’s spiritual guide. It purifies the negative karma collected since beginningless rebirths.
For the mantra to be effective one must feel great remorse and regret towards any negative actions they have done.
Tsem Rinpoche

Samayavajra and Dorje Shugden. Click on image to enlarge or for more high resolution thangka downloads click here.
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Wow!10,000 times Samayavajra mantras. 100 whole day! Bro, this mean u are quite determine loo! Bro Joey please keep up the momentum! Is not easy to do so. Keep in up, i hope this is not the end of it, right? When u plan to do next round? Let me know. I accompany you la!
It is very true what Rinpoche wrote that one must feel great remorse and regret for the mantra to be effective. I’ve seen many students of Rinpoche which has done many mantra retreat. Some, you will see the results by their mind transformation and some they remain the same. No results