Manjushri for Li Kim’s boys!
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Li Kim is the head of Kechara Media & Publications (KMP), she works very hard for the department and at the same time taking care of her lovely family with 3 beautiful boys. They just invited a 3-ft Manjushri statue to their house for the boys! What a great way to bless the children in their studies as well as spiritual practice. Dharma starts young.
How appropriate to have Manjushri for the three boys and all kids. It’s wonderful to put an Enlightened being in our children’s rooms to start them young to connect with the holy. To let them do prayers and to see the holy beings daily. It would be the first thing they see when they wake and last before they sleep. They don’t have to burn lamps and incense in their rooms as it could be unsafe. But just to offer prayers, mantras, prostrations and maybe water would be enough. To connect them on a daily basis with something divine will imprint mental seeds of them to become a good adult.
Just food, education and toys are not enough. We need to instill something deeper in them while they are young. So that when they are adults they will have the tools to deal with all the non-stop challenges that life will deal them. Money, good education and good looks doesn’t make the child turn into good adults. We as adults or parents must first and foremost show them a good example. Kids are smart. They watch and it registers in their minds what you do and say. When they grow up, they process what they have seen over the years they watched you. It will affect them as adults tremendously. That you can be sure.. And then they will most likely follow your example. So it is important to give them what they need, but more important to instill moral responsibility and ethics that arise from a positive spiritual upbringing. If you are spiritual and live your life according to proper ethics, the chances they will follow in your footsteps are high.
We can spend so much money on everything else for our kids. Why can’t we ‘spend’ on their spirituality. We should take them to the centre, get them involved with dharma activities, familiarize them with doing charity works that benefit others ( for example Kechara Soup Kitchen or the like where you are), get them use to talking/associating with people that are spiritual. We should help them set up their altars, join them in their prayers and mantras. That is quality time well spent with them that would take them a very long way. Spending is subjective. But instilling spirituality in your kids can be the best ‘spending’ you have put into them. Think hard. Think long term. Once they are grown, it will be very hard to influence them toward deeper thoughts or activities that might save them from being self absorbed and hence becoming unhappy.
Make sure you teach your kids and young people spirituality young. I intend to have a dept in Kechara for kids in the future… join in and help please.
Tsem Rinpoche
Inviting Manjushri in with flowers scattered
Making prostration to Manjushri as he has entered their room
Making prayer together as a family
Group photo of Mommy, Daddy and the three boys who has just welcomed Manjushri into their room
Manjushri for the boys
Jason with Welcome Balloons for Lord Manjushri…
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Came across this old post. Rejoice to them having a beautiful stunning 3-ft Manjushri statue invited to their house. Li Kim has invited it for her three boys. It is good time for Li Kim as parents to teach her young boys early on that in diversity there is always beauty. Good to start them young to connect with the holy and see a better future. Looking at those pictures tell all.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Dear All
I would like to share with you the sacred prayer of Manjushri – A Concert Names of Manjushri (’Jam-dpal mtshan-brjod, Skt. Mañjuśrī-namasamgiti), which consists of 160 verses and mantra sentences. One version is translated by Alexander Berzin, a scholar, translator, and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, and the other one is from FPMT.
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Rejoice for the children. It is very important to instil dharma seed and knowledge from young so they will grow up with right values and mind.
It is the best gift from a parents compared to other material stuff.
[…] Manjushri for Li Kim’s boys! […]
[…] Manjushri for Li Kim’s boys! […]
Haha! The boys are so cute… well they are much older now hehe.
It’s great that these kids have Dharma at such a young age, and the best of all is that they have Rinpoche to guide them from young.
I’m sure they will turn out to be wonderful, caring, charismatic, and intelligent just like their mother.
[…] Manjushri for Li Kim’s boys! […]
[…] Manjushri for Li Kim’s boys! […]
[…] Manjushri for Li Kim’s boys! […]
[…] Manjushri for Li Kim’s boys! […]
This is so adorable!!
His Eminence Tsem Tulku Rinpoche is always thinking of others; if they require something, Rinpoche would give, if there is something that one needs for them to progress on their spiritual growth, Rinpoche would do anything possible under the sky to help that one individual. And what is most amazing is that Rinpoche’s love, kindness and compassion for others is not limited or constrained because of geographical barriers or age, gender, religion, creed.. Rinpoche shows the same consistent thoughts, believes, personality, attitude, care and kindness to everyone, men and animals alike. It is amazing how consistent Rinpoche is; even from his childhood till now, compassion and wisdom has always been with Rinpoche.
Li Kim’s sons are super duper cute, and planting seeds of Manjushri in them can only be the best gift they can ever have. Material gifts get boring, and eventually put aside – they do no benefit. But a gift of Manjushri will stay with the boys in this life and all future lives.
Something to learn from indeed. It must be wonderful to have kids, I didn’t know that… Would I have the qualification to be a good father? I don’t go to any spiritual center yet, and in between everything I am even confused about my daily spiritual practice (except me doing Setrap meditation today and watching Dharma Videos on YouTube). I would probably not be the best example, especially because I don’t earn much money to support their dressing, school, clothing etc.
If Dharma came into my life much much earlier it would have changed many things the way i viewed the world and situations.
I rejoice all of Li Kim’s kids will be blessed by Manjushri on a daily basis it will help them tremendously!
Yes, the kids of today are the adults of tomorrow. And like Rinpoche says, instill some dharma values into our kids now instead of procrastinating to do it when they are grown up. Then, it may be too late because they may be influenced by the normal distractions that are available today in modern times. We are not talking about a strict monastic life, just dharma principles to ground them when young.
Li Kim is indeed a real powerhouse… an apple certainly does not fall far from the tree. Both Datuk May and Li Kim are wonderful examples of Dharma in motion and how one balances life and Dharma with pure motivation.
Li Kim is an inspiration and a wonderful Dharma sister. And if children are an indication of how the parents are, well… these two generations speak for themselves! With much love… Andrew
I love this! What a beautiful way to celebrate together as a family – we spend so much time, effort, money, energy on other things as a family that end up meaning not very much at all…. Like all the new-fangled video games, computers, DVDs: all those things just make a family communicate less, spend less time with other, grow more antisocial.
Li Kim and her family are just such a fantastic example. I certainly know the incredible energy of being around Li Kim since I have the fortune to work with her at KMP, so I imagine being in her family would be just so extra extra special. I’m so happy to see her kids connecting to Dharma so happily… and therefore, making such a strong and great connection with her too. It’s also a very close connection because Li Kim is in KMP and our patron deity is manjushri too!
This is so heartening. I especially loved the “Welcome Balloons” – what being (enlightened or otherwise) wouldn’t love welcome balloons?!
As always, dear Rinpoche, you hit the nail on the head. People tend to spend so much time on every other aspect of a child’s life and yet, sometimes people sadly neglect the spiritual aspect. Since young kids have minds like sponges, what better than to fill their minds with the virtues of love, kindness and compassion, and how wonderful that these children are able to engage in something that is not only beneficial to them spiritually, but also provides them with something the whole family can join in – such an inspiring example of togetherness!
Kind regards,
What a lovely post about Li Kim’s three young boys getting started on their Dharma practice. Li Kim has such a wonderfully loving relationship with her three sons as the photos above show. Li Kim is a great mother and very warm and caring – not just to her children but her team at KMP and the whole Kechara family. We are so lucky to have her.
I do believe Dharma is the best thing we can give our children. May Manjushri grant his blessings of wisdom to these three little jewels!
I totally agree! I love the way Li Kim talks to her children. She doesn’t patronise them, and really makes them take responsibility for their thoughts and emotions. They’ve grown into such characters, really sweet and very entertaining!
So happy for li Kim and the boys. They are so very blessed to have this opportunity at such a young age to have buddha in their life.
Buddha Bless
This Manjushri statue which was invited by Li Kim for her 3 sons has reminded me of my stay in Ganden with Rinpoche when he went back to Ganden Monastery in India.I visited him later. We had such wonderful times. And Rinpoche gave me personal teachings and retreats to do. He adsvised me to sponsor a three and half foot Manjushri statue for the children school in Ganden. The statue was arranged by the monks in the monastery. The small monks chant OM ARA PRASA NA DEE every day and every morning. It really works for me. My memory was not good before but after sponsoring the statue in the children school. I notice I am quite sharp in my mind now.
I love Manjushri! I love Li Kim and I love her family and the three super cute boys! I get very excited and happy when I see kids in dharma. Don’t know why. It really make a difference when I see those kids in dharma are more patience, well behaved and very very kind. This the kind of environment we adult and parents should guide them to. Lucas is one special boy, I still remembered that he drew a Shakyamuni picture, walked over and asked what my name was. Then, he said: “I am going away for a holiday for a few days, keep this picture with you and it will bless you..”
How sweet!!!! When I was his age, I would rather destroy stuff rather than to draw! hehe… I am very happy for the kids and Li Kim definitely is a great mother who is so so hardworking and capable in both working and looking after her children and family.
A wonderwoman indeed!
All the best to the boys, may Lord Manjushri be with them always…
How i totally agree with Rinpoche! Many parents, teachers and elders (unfortunately), have lost the art of education – they have lost a true sense of value. What most people give their young are valueless stuff. The timely advice from Rinpoche should put us back on track! We should be inspired by Li kim’s effort in instilling Dharma in her lovely kids!
This is a fantastic gift from Rinpoche to the boys. They do candle offerings, water offerings and a mala of Om Ah Ra Ba Za Na Dhi everyday! May Rinpoche and Lord Manjushri bless the 3 of them every minute of everyday.
Reminds me of me and my siblings when we were younger, except that these 3 little ones are so much cuter!
Li Kim said that she’s really happy to have Manjushri look over her 3 boys – really shows how much faith and belief she has in Buddhas.
I’m glad that they’re starting to pray to Manjushri at a young age, it’ll not only help them in their studies, but I believe that it’ll also help them in knowing what’s right and wrong when theyre growing up – help them to make better decisions alone.
I always swear it’s Lord Manjushri who helped me through my IGCSE exams.
I was always really bad at Maths and when I was doing my mock exams, I got a 31% (which is equivalent to an E). My mum was very worried because after taking me to colleges to check out admission requirements for A-Levels, they all required at least a C in Maths.
So for months, night after night, I prayed to Manjushri, recited his mantra non-stop, and studied really hard.
Then came the real exams. About 20 minutes before the exam began, we were in the holding room. A friend of me, in her frustration, gave me her notes on matrices. She said, “Nah, you take them, I’m sick of studying them.” Normally I’d just take the notes, put them in my bag and not bother about them (because I’m quite lazy!). This time, I thought, “No harm done, right” so I studied them for the next 20 minutes. Matrices was actually the ONLY thing in our entire syllabus which I had NOT studied – it was a focus in the previous year’s papers, so I thought it wouldn’t come out again. Plus, I just hated the topic and found it difficult so I thought I would skip it.
Anyway, I walked into the exam…and it turns out over half of the paper was on matrices! If I hadn’t got that sheet from my friend, and hadn’t studied it, I wouldn’t have got a B and got into college (and then university).
I also normally take quite a long time to understand Maths so without Manjushri’s blessings, usually nothing would have sunk in in the 20 minutes before the exam. It’s such a series of fortunate events, I really don’t think they were coincidences…I definitely think Manjushri helped me 🙂