Offering from Kuantan Study Group
Nov 8, 2010 | Views: 238

How sweet of our study group in Southern Malaysia. Kuantan group are growing and becoming more committed. Good for them.
Tsem Rinpoche

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The Kuantan study group has moved into a new premise in May/June 2012. It is now officially called Kechara (Kuantan).
The regular activities organised by the dedicated committee are : dharma classes for children, animal liberation and dharma sharing for adults.
I rejoice on the good work carried out by the committee and may the preious lineage spread from Kechara (Kuantan) to the surrounding areas.
It is said that the guru is kinder than all the Buddhas in general, because it is he who helps us during the time of our most desperate needs. When we begin our practice, our merit is poor, our understanding limited, and our sufferings plentiful and great. It is only our guru who help us directly, and who is continously teaching us the holy dharma to lead us out of our sufferings and also how to become a source of benefit to all living beings. Initially, our guru uses great skill in attracting us into his entourage of followers, offering us praises, hospitality, food and so on. His great efforts result in our later achievement of realisations. Therefore, when making offerings to our precious guru, it should always be the best of the best in accordance to our affordability and respectability. Materials offerings are good, but it is not what the guru expects of them. Services offerings(serving the guru) is better, but the offering of good dharma practices rank suppreme. We should always take care to please our guru well by following his advices and never trangress his instructions. By extraordinarily practice of constant guru devotion, it is emphasied that many have achieved enlightenment in a very short spell of time!
When Kechara Southern Jewel Chapel (KSJC) Study Group offered a Conchshell to Rinpoche they had a good motivation. According to the picture that was printed in Rinpoche’s Blog, this conchshell looks very different from the normal ones that I use to see. It resembles a bird with feathers, a tail and a pointed beak. I may be wrong but my analysis of the conch shell which also signifies sound that they are offering to Rinpoche. Also requesting Rinpoche to give more Dharma to KSJC and for the centre to grow. KSJC is managed by a team of very dedicated and committed committee which will surely make KSJC grow very fast.
Very inspiring!