From Beijing with Love
Dear students and friends,
Wow a thoughtful young man. I am very touched by his gesture. Everyone please take a look… He is so young yet thoughtful!!!
I just received news from Liaison Jamie Khoo that a friend from Beijing sent in several gifts for Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR). These gifts came from Emilio, a young Philipino boy who is currently studying at Renmin University in Beijing, China. He’s an avid follower on my blog… although, I have never seen him on blog chat yet… hehe…
Emilio also loves reading two other blogs that are written by my students Liaison Jamie and Liaison David Lai. Both Jamie and David put in a lot of time and effort to keep their respective blog active for more people to understand what it is like to have a career in Dharma. Their blog reflects their spiritual development throughout their years in Kechara… a must read for all! Everyone should check out their blogs…
Along with the gifts to KFR, Emilio sent 3 malas as gifts… one each for myself, Jamie and David. How thoughtful of him to send gifts to Jamie and David as well! His well-thought-of gifts shows us who he really is inside, a person that appreciates and realizes that to receive the Dharma teachings is most precious… The malas are so beautiful. I placed the malas and items on the shrine and dedicated the merits to Emilio.
Emilio’s gifts will be safely kept for now, and later inserted into KFR’s Vajrayogini stupa. The benefits of sponsoring towards the building of a holy stupa, whether monetarily or by offering holy items, is very vast. Although young, Emilio realizes these benefits and for that I rejoice… take a look at his offerings below! Thank you dear Emilio for the thoughts, your message, your gifts and your efforts. I sincerely appreciate everything very much.
Tsem Rinpoche


Gifts for Kechara Forest Retreat’s Vajra Yogini stupa that will be built on our retreat land soon. Look at the beautiful malas for me, Paris and David… so thoughtful.

Malas offered by Emilio
The content of the letter:
I pay homage and take refuge to the Lama, the Buddha, the Dharma & the Sangha!
To your Eminence Tsem Rinpoche, through Miss Jamie Khoo,
It is with utmost sincerity and humility that I offer these items to you in behalf of all sentient beings:
For KFR and the stupa:
- 1 Tara Tsa-tsa
- 1 Diamond Sutra
- 1 Ksitigarbha Bhumpa
- 1 Naga Bhumpa
- 1 strand of pearls
- 2 packs Incense powder (from Gaden, Tibet)
- 4 sets prayer flags
- *nail & hair clippings for Ruchok
At the same time, I have three prayer beads to offer. A red coral mala for Rinpoche and a turquoise and a copper mala for Miss Jamie Khoo and Mr. David Lai. I frequent Rinpoche’s blog and your blogs too and I am thankful for what you have been doing. Please continue.
Last and most importantly, I pray that the Buddha Dharma stay firm and benefit more beings. May the teachers, Lamas, gurus, etc live long and continue to be a blessing to everybody’s lives. May I in this life & in my future lives continue to practice & study the Dharma until enlightenment for the benefit of all suffering beings in samsara.
With folded hands,
Emilio O. Lopue. Jr
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
Dear Rinpoche,
It was very kind for Emilio to send such thoughtful gifts for both Kechara Forest Retreat and Rinpoche, Jamie and David.
May all this gifts offered to Rinpoche and Kechara Forest Retreat’s Stupa so that all his obstacles for his studies and safety will be cleared so that he will be able to have a chance to come to Malaysia and visit Kechara and Kechara Forest Retreat as soon as possible.
May he also create the causes so that he would have the knowledge to teach Dharma in the near future because in my point of view he his a very smart and wonderful boy just by his letter and thoughts.
most of the time, gift does not depend on how expensive it is, its the sincerity that count. He learned Dharma from this blog, he understands the importance of Dharma and really wish to learn and to benefit others, what’s better than this?
Emilio never take things for granted, he does not take and then be quiet, he gives, he repay, and his thoughtfulness shows how great he is, with such kind action, it really puts us to shame.
Emilio good people.
Dear Emilio
I rejoice for what you said at the last paragraph:” May I in this life & in my future lives continue to practice & study the Dharma until enlightenment for the benefit of all suffering beings in samsara.” This is great motivation in Dharma practice.
May the 3 jewels always be with you.
I believed he is very young, however his mind is very mature than his age. A young man but it is so thoughtful, detail, caring and nice. Emilio didn’t meet Rinpoche before but he knew Rinpoche through blog. The teaching Rinpoche giving in the blog can comfort people soul and mind like this young boy.
May be Emilio got affinity to Rinpoche, because of Rinpoche blog than open his Dharmic seed. Any method Rinpoche used to spread Dharma will be have a great benefits for all beings. I sincerely thank you Emilio showed his respect and love to Rinpoche, I believed this will inspired many people.
Dharma is no barrier. Rinpoche always catch each opportunity to help all needed. As one of Rinpoche student, I feel I am the most lucky one who can have a Guru like Tsem Rinpoche.
Thank you Emilio for your integrity, you let’s me feel guilty and want to do more help Rinpoche in his Dharma vision.
Different people blog for different reasons : Satisfying personal ego, create awareness of personal branding, business, social network etc. I’m sure that the only reason Rinpoche is blogging is solely to benefit the people who read, contemplate, practice and make full use of the teachings or information on the blog.
Emilio, I’m so glad you are benefitted by reading Rinpoche, Jamie and David’s blog and you show your gratitude by gifting. How thoughtful and sincere you are 🙂 I wish you all the best in your future undertakings, of course, i do hope to see you in Kechara some day!
Emilio seems like a very systematic and thoughtful person to have laid out everything in his letter so well that it is easy to read and understand. Just like Emilio, whatever we do must be well-thought of so that other people will be happy dealing with us, instead of us being a burden to them.
Hi everyone, so sorry it took me so long to reply since the internet in China is censored and my previous VPN didn’t allow posting comments so I had to make ways. I hope you understand…
First, I would like to thank Rinpoche for the merit-making opportunity and for the precious teachings that I have the honor of receiving through the immense efforts of Rinpoche and his liaisons even before this blog was conceptualized. (youtube vids and yahoogroups sharing) Through email, Rinpoche cared a lot for my development by sending a lot of write-ups and teachings that were very beneficial and I felt made a strong impact on me. I even had the fortune to be blessed by Him sending over gifts such as holy images of HH the Dalai Lama, Lama Tsongkapa and Yamantaka. For these, I am extremely grateful.
As for the offerings I sent, it was just my way of planting seeds for fear that I might have no time, energy nor opportunity to do so. I hope everyone will do the same, in our own little ways, through whatever means and ways we are capable of, not only oneself but most importantly for the benefit of the larger self, the sentient beings.
Lastly, I thank everyone for the attention and the time to read and some, to even leave comments and praises but I feel that I am far from what you all have written. I am just a simple practitioner trying my best to accept the liberation of Rinpoche through the little acts that I am capable of doing. Again, I humbly request everyone to support the Dharma, pray for the firm lives of these attained masters and do our best to be fit to be called their students.
Dear Emilio,
witnessing your generosity and your wisdom to recognize the preciousness of the Dharma put tears in my eyes! I was sharing with my friend, Emily, who is also young and fortunate enough to be blessed by the Dharma. We were so moved and people like you gives hope to this world. THANK YOU!
太令人感动了,年纪轻轻的Emillo竟然设想周道,有这么细腻的心思,是年轻学佛者的榜样。你一定要加油哦。。你的愿望—“I pray that the Buddha Dharma stay firm and benefit more beings.May the teachers, Lamas, gurus, etc live long and continue to be a blessing to everybody’s lives. May I in this life & in my future lives continue to practice & study the Dharma until enlightenment for the benefit of all suffering beings in samsara.” 一定会实现的!!!祝福你一切安好,永远与佛法同在!!
Emilio’s very natural and deeply strong dharmic actions have impressed and inspired many readers, especially the blog operators too, who so joyfully felt that what they wrote have attracted strong appreciative and well-acknowledged responses. Emilio seems an avid follower of Rinpoche’s vivid and exciting blog, and off-late have come on to Jamie Khoo’s and David Lai’s blog too. Our Rinpoche seems extremely happy over Emilio’s generous and enthusiastic interest in Dharma, especially from one who live in a so very far away and populated country like China. This means that Rinpoche’s teachings has spread far and wide. Nevertheless, Emilio’s thoughtful and precious gifts will be safely kept in our “Kechara Forest Retreat Vajrayogini’s Stupa, which is being built soon”. This means a well-respected honour for Emilio too!
Very sincere and thoughtful gifts from Emilio. rejoice to see the generosity and appreciation shown by a young boy. It’s very inspiring.
Happy to know that Rinpoche’s blog has reaches and touches so many ppl. As a student we should promote more the blog so that more ppl can be benefited.
Hi Emilio, you are young thoughtful and sincere. Is amazing a young man of your age and is so far away can send gifts to the lama. I think your parents will be very proud of you.
What you did is an inspiration to many of us. I hope that one day you will visit KECHARA HOUSE… Welcome.
Hi Emilio, for a young person you are deeply spiritual and amazingly thoughtful. Your choice of items for the VY stupa to be built in the Kechara Forest Retreat, as well as your choice of gifts for Rinpoche, Jamie and David reflect on the mature and spiritual person that you are.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could visit the Kechara Forest Retreat soon, and drink in its pristine beauty and its peace?
dear Emilio,
you are an inspiration to many and at such a young age, i have nothing but respect for your thoughtfulness and maturity. may you be blessed always and perhaps one day, you’ll visit Kechara 🙂
Very thoughtful of him. 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情义重。A gift is not judged by the weight nor price, it is the effort and sincerity on preparing it.
He is so young and so sincere, keep it up Emilio!
Hi Emilio,
It is so impressive that at your age you have already known so clearly that you want to pursue Dharma. How did you make it?
I pray everyday for my son who is 13 years old to know and pursue Dharma and be a better person to benefit others and fundementally be happy with less suffering. I have not gotten any idea yet how to talk with my son about this.
Dear Emilio, I rejoice for your sincerity in Dharma. Reading Rinpoche’s post on what you have done is way too sweet :). Very thoughtful and generous in such a young age. Your message touched everyone hearts. Wonderful gifts that you have offered to Rinpoche, KFR Jamie and David. Please continue to support Rinpoche’s blog site and both Jamie and David.
May you always bless by The Three Jewels.
Much care,
Dear Emilio,
you are such a kind and thoughtful person. Am very happy to know that you have benefitted so much from Rinpoche and Dharma. Hope to see you on the blog chat soon. It will be a wonderful way for all of us to get to know you better and you can always ask anything about Dharma and anything at all!
May you always be happy and have Dharma in all your lives. Hope to see you soon in Malaysia! May you excel in your spiritual path and studies always! _/\_
Emilio is so thoughtful and sincere in his givings. He really appreciates what he has learned from Rinpoche’s, Jamie’s and David’s blogs and show gratitude in returning what he has benefited. I rejoice for him for being able to practice dharma at this young age.I wish you good luck on your spiritual path Emilio!
Thank you Emilio for showing us that Rinpoche’s blog as well as Jamie’s and David’s blogs benefitted many people around the world.
You are so kind and such a great young person; you show your gratitude by sending all those beautiful gifts to them. How thoughtful! I rejoice for you and your parents 🙂
Thanks Emilio for ur sincerity and thoughful gifts and also the supporting spirit for KFR, and also thanks for the blog team effort to let Rinpoche teaching may flourish widely all around the world…
Emilio i wish that ur Dharma path will be going smoothly and all obstacles will be clear…
It is truly amazing ,how a young lad like Emilio could show us the way on how to actualise Dharma into pure sincere action . By his gesture of kindness,is a sign that he is a true practitioner of Dharma.
Thank you Rinpoche and the blog team,
It really shows,that this blog is truly a treasure chest of knowledge for those who have a sincere desire to practice Dharma
Rejoice 😀
Very thoughtful gifts from Emilio. He has strong fate with Rinpoche’s teaching. Rejoice that Emilio has connection with Rinpoche’s teaching at such a young age. My best wishes to Emilio that he continue his distance learning with Rinpoche, Jamie & David and help to spread the dharma. And hopefully he will be able to come to Malaysia and attend Rinpoche’s teaching.
Dear Emilio
What a wonderful offerings you have made to Rinpoche, KFR, Jamie and David! This shows that you have appreciated Rinpoche’s, Jamie’s and David’s blogs and you are giving back. This is really dharma in action. Rinpoche always says that we should see any opportunities to give rather than always just taking – so i rejoice in your generosity. It’s great that you are so young, yet so interested in Dharma, which shows that there must be strong Dharma imprints in you. I do hope that you will be able to visit us in the near future.
Dear Emilio,
Thank you for your gifts for Rinpoche, Jamie and David. I especially thankful for your offerings for KFR on behalf of all sentient beings. How thoughtful!
I am truly happy that you like reading Rinpoche’s blog. You are such a lucky young man to have met and appreciated Dharma at such a young age. I am sure you will learn a lot from here.
Hope to see you one day in Kechara.
Best wishes,
Dear Emilio,
That’s very thoughtful of you. I thank you for your sincere care, support and prayer. I hope we can meet you in Kechara here very soon.
Emilio seems to be very confident with the Dharma like a seasoned practitioner. From someone so young is unbelievable and can only be explained by karma. The way he use the words “Please continue” tells a lot about him and of course that Rinpoche’s work is reaching many internationally.
I rejoice!
Dear Emilio,
I rejoice for you limitless giving, good thoughts and kindness. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Dear Emilio
Thank you for your kindness and generosity to our lama and beloved liaisons, David Lai and Jamie Khoo
I wish you well in your study and life.
Warm regards
What a lovely gift from a person with a lovely heart! Emillo, it touches my heart that the letter you wrote is so sincere. You are so caring and thoughtful. I rejoice and my best wishes to you on your spiritual path.
Dear Emilio,
I just received your beautiful copper Mala (prayer beads). I found out from here that you are an avid follower of Rinpoche’s blog, as well as my blog. I hope you are reading this and I just wanted to give a big shout out – ’Thank You’ for the very thoughtful gift although we hardly know each other.
I am glad that you like my blog and that you probably have learnt some things from it or you have been amused by what I wrote. A lot of what I post in this blog are precious teachings and anecdotes from the hours I spend with Rinpoche. I am glad it benefited someone like you. I do hope you continue to read, comment on Rinpoche’s blog and do go on the chat at the bottom of Rinpoche’s blog. I do go on the chat from time to time and you can ask or say anything freely on the chat as long as it is not hurtful. Please share you experiences on the chat and what you are doing up in Beijing. It’s amazing to hear that you have access to Rinpoche blog up in Beijing.
Once again thank you. You have made my day and I feel even more encouraged to write more stuff on the blog now. Thank you!
Emilio is a grateful and thoughtful person. What a wonderful gifts and he really show a great example to many of how to repay the kindness of people benefited him.
Rinpoche’s blog and reached many places and touched many people. It’s so fortunate for us and others to be able to receive the teaching.
Hope Emilio wil come and visit Kechara one day.
The love from Rinpoche is from every direction , no matter where are you and who are you !
Same to our KFR , we’re welcome everyone who want to leard dharma , and volunteer in the forest to support people who do dharma work !
Every single little thing we do, also can help !
You’re the man Emilio.
Hi Emilio, I think I have corresponded on email with you before. Anyways It is great to see you doing well in China, do come and join us on blog chat yeah. Hope to see you in Malaysia very soon!
Dear Emilio,
I just read this post, and find that your letter is extremely sincere and sweet. It shows how appreciative and thoughtful you are, and that even being miles apart, you are determined to send offerings to Rinpoche, and gifts for David and Jamie as well as items for the VY stupa at KFR. Thank you for showing us kindness.
I love your handwriting! I hope that you are well, and that you continue to learn from this blog and talk to us on the blog chat. Good luck for everything!
Much care,
Dear Emilo,
Thank you for the well thought out gifts for Rinpoche, Paris, David and most of all KFR!
We are most blessed to have a friend such as you to provide us with precious items for our most sacred stupa in this region!
thank you!
Dear Emile :: Thank you for your thoughfulness. Hope to meet you on Rinpoche’s blog chat.
What a thoughtful gesture! Such beautiful gifts too. Not only is he gifting Rinpoche with gifts, he gifted Rinpoche’s close students with malas too. I can feel the sincerity of young Emilio. May Emilio always be blessed by the 3 Jewels.
All the best in your spiritual practice, Emilio!
Emilio made offerings without fail every year, and his offerings are always dharmic and a constant surprise. Working for the Ladrang Gift department, I get to see how people are greatly affected by Rinpoche’s kindness and teachings. This is heart warming when you received letter and offering like Emilio because someone out there appreciates dharma so much and yet we are so close to our own lama and center we behave like monsters inc.. hehe. But it is people like Emilio who inspired us to value the dharma because we are so fortunate to have dharma near us in this very life.
I humbly ask of those avid readers of this blog to leave your comment on any article you have read and share with others your thoughts. You are also invited to chat and make connection.
Emilio, if you were in a monk’s attire, you will look like a young lama!
Dear Emilio,
I rejoice to you! You are so thoughful and sweet 🙂
The malas are beautiful! May you always be bless by 3 jewels and we are welcome you to Kechara!
Emilio is so thoughtful and cute. He looks cute too! but the important things is that he is guided by Dharma at a young age. His appreciation for Rinpoche’s teachings is shown in the carefully selected gifts and came all the way from China.
Rinpoche has made a difference in his life through this blog and I’m sure there are many many more Emilios out there who have benefitted from this blog. This Blog would have been his guiding light since he is away from his home in Philippines.
Emilio, We wish to see you on blog chat soon so that we can exchange views. Good luck in your studies!
Thank you for your gifts and your thoughtfulness. The way you wrote your letter so clearly made it so much easier for Rinpoche to refer to the offerings and to read your personal thoughts. I feel that a part of the offerings we made are not just about getting something and sending it to the Lama, but the extra care that goes into making things clear for the Lama to see, so that he doesn’t have to spend extra time trying to figure out what the offerings are, who they’re from, what they’re for etc! (and this happens sometimes heheh)
Thank you also, again, for the very kind thought to include gifts for David and myself. It was not necessary, but I appreciate your thoughtfulness very much. Please know that David and I first offered everything up to Rinpoche so that he can do blessings and prayers for you, and then Rinpoche passed the malas to us. Thank you. It is much treasured especially for the thought and care that went behind it.i
I am not just saying this because I assist Rinpoche and the gift was addressed to me, but Rinpoche has also said before that when a person even thinks of making offerings or supporting the assistants in some way, it shows their appreciation of the teachings and their sincerity in wanting to support the Lama’s work. Again, I am not just saying this because I have received the gift so please don’t take this the wrong way, but it is something that Rinpoche has often said. Rinpoche himself very frequently makes it a point to send gifts to the assistants of his own teachers and other high Lamas, as an appreciation for what they do. So thank you again and have a wonderful week.
We hope to see you soon in Malaysia 🙂
I am touch & amaze by this young man action…. i don’t know how he really feel inside him BUT i am really really touch by his offerings & truth generosity. Today, he is my teacher & i had learned a very powerful Dharma lesson from this young man from Beijing .
Thank you , Emilio.
When I started working for Rinpoche, I never knew my “job” can be so rewarding. I sometimes wonder, how many people read the blog and the websites we created.
Seeing Emilio writing in and make offerings to Guru affirms that there are many people who benefitted from it is the biggest satisfaction I can get.
When people are giving and practice generosity, it will make this a better world for us to live in, and that makes me feel very happy.
We are still working very hard to bring Rinpoche’s teaching to China. If you are an expert in internet field in China, please contact me 🙂
Such maturity, such sincerity, such thoughtfulness is reflected on Emile O.Lopue.Jr.
Very thoughtful,touching, sincere and genuine letter from Emile. From the line “It is with utmost sincerity and humility that I offer these items to you in behalf of all sentient beings”
Thank you Emile! You are such a compassionate person with a big heart.
Hi Emilio, such a wonderful gifts you have for rinpoche ,pls help to continue to spread dharma and rinpoche blog and how fortunate we can learn pratical dharma from rinpoche blog. Let’s rejoice !! Pay Us a visit if you are in Singapore
Mordern Buddhist fellowship Singapore
Even though, Emiilio is a distant studying from Kechara ( buddha, dhrama and sangha) he has taken the effort to send his appreciativeness thru his wonderful gift. He has understand dharma and the benefits of offerings to 3 jewels, from Rinpoche, Jamie, and David’s blog and benefited from the teaching of Rinpoche. To Emilio, I am sure one day we will see you at KFR or at Kechara Gompa.
Such kind thoughtfulness from Emilio, who lives thousand of miles away and has not met Rinpoche! Emilio also sent two malas for Jamie and David, very well in tune with Verse 27 of 50 Stanzas of Guru Devotion; Have affectionate regard for those closely around him (your teacher) as if they were your own dearest kin.
Years ago, Rinpoche conceived the idea of starting his own blog and to be a ‘cyber lama’, so that his teachings can reach far and wide. Emilio is just one of the thousands who have benefitted from this vision.
All the best to you Emilio in your dharma practice.
The power of social media! Rinpoche’s blog has been proven and tested all over and has touched and seeped into the minds of many now. Jamie and David, keep up the good work too.
Emilio is an inspiration and role model for all; not just kids, young adults and older people alone. The seed has been planted, being nurtured and very soon will reep what is sowed. You did well Emilio and your parents has done a good job with you! Keep doing what ever you are doing!
Beautiful gifts from Emilio, he must have spent a lot of time looking for the perfect gifts. Not only he shows his gratitude and appreciation to Rinpoche, he also remembers Paris and David! He is really thoughtful.
I hope Emilio will be able to come to Kechara one day and listen to Rinpoche’s talk in LIVE.. hehe…
Cute Emilio!! Your smile so bright, your thoughts and actions so sincere. Your gifts and offerings reinforces Rinpoche’s modern ways of spreading the teachings of Buddha.
Please continue to follow Rinpoche’s, Jamie’s and David’s blogs – and share the precious teachings with your friends and family.
How wonderful that Rinpoche, Jamie and David’s works on the internet has touched young Emilio to send over these beautiful gifts all the way from China. He must have realised the benefits of offering these items for a holy project such as KFR and the stupas to make the time and effort. Now Emilio is going to inspire others as well through his example as shown in this blog post. Multiplier effect! Thank you Emilio =D
Dear Emilio, I happy that you have taken trouble to offer valuable items for KFR on behalf of all sentient being. Very creative and inspiring! 🙂
Wow! very beautiful gifts from a person with a beautiful heart. It is very sweet to see Emilio appreciate Rinpoche’s blog as well as Jamie’s and David’s effort on their personal blog.
My sincere best wishes to Emilio’s studies, and spiritual path.
HE Tsem Rinpoche’s blog, Jamie’s and David’s are really, really reaching out internationally to so many people in the world and affects them positively. They all worked very hard on their blogs to send out teachings to many.
Emilio, thank you for sending gifts to Rinpoche for your appreciation to let him know how much his blog mean to many people out of Malaysia. Hope you will visit us here in Kechara one day.
Dear Emillo,
You are very thoughtful , sincere and caring. Your parents have brought you up well indeed. I rejoice.
Yes, Rinpoche’s blog is a treasury of dharma knowledge while Jamie and David’s are reflections of young people’s journey on the spiritual path.
Keep in touch and hope to see you at Kechara soon !
Warm regards,
Yoke Fui
It is a pleasure to read this post and I am inspired by how thoughtful Emilio is. His gifts are carefully thought out and chosen and his note, simple and sincere. His selection of gifts is a reflection that he has been following Rinpoche very closely. I am grateful that there are people like Emilio and it is wonderful that Emilio is able to connect with Rinpoche.
This blog is truly the key to bring dharma to so many people around the world and every time I see a response such as this from Emilio, I am reminded how lucky we are to have Rinpoche here with us, and how fortunate we are to have a committed blog team to keep this site going.
Thank you for being an inspiration Emilio!
Wonderful! It is SO GOOD to see young people that truly appreciate and practice the Dharma! I rejoice for you, Emilio!