Helen Karuna of Sweden
Oct 23, 2010 | Views: 230
Dear Helen,
Thank you for your gift. The little figurine you sent holding a dog looks like me. I like it. It reminds me of myself holding my mumu.
I love the red string you sent blessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Thank you Helen for the thoughful gift to Rinpoche. Really sweet of you..
Rinpoche’s compassion knows no bounds. From Malaysia to America to UK, to Belgium and now Sweden! Wonderful!
We might originate from different countries and speak different languages, but we all understand the universal language of love and compassion!
Rinpoche’s teachings are so profound that it transcends languages. 😀
Thank you Rinpoche!
Two things that touch Rinpoche’s heart-his love for the Dalai Lama and Mumu. He met the Dalai Lama in Los Angeles, requested his Holiness to ordain him. His Holiness requested him to go to India and Rinpoche in Dec.1987 received his ordaination from the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, N. India. Rinpoche expressed that he loves meeting the Dalai Lama so much, and regarded his Holiness as a modern day living legend and saint. Tsem Rinpoche is really a unique Bridge-Builder between Buddhism and his students. With his multilayered open-minded personality, he appeals tothousands. Always caring, radiating, loving teacher and friend, he is humerous, generous and filled with compassion for all beings – “A UNIQUE MIXTURE OF ALL BUDDHAS IN ONE.”
Dear Rinpoche,
I also think the figure and dog looks like You and Mumu and thought you would be happy to have it together with the blessed string as I´ve come to understand how much Dalai Lama, Mumu, animals and All sentient beings mean for you 🙂
May you always be Happy Rinpoche!
Helen Karuna
It needs someone or something to trigger us to remember the resemblance of the comforting things that has made our life happy. Rinpoche has loved mumu since he was a small puppy. No one has ever brought so much joy and happiness to Rinpoche as Yogi. I believe when Rinpoche was depressed mumu was there to cheer him up. The figurine gift of the little boy holding a dog may look simple. But to Rinpoche expensive gifts that are given with sweet words and as a duty does not give as much joy as a simple figurine which has brought memories of holding little mumu.
Dear Anila,
such kind words Anila 🙂 It´s true the gift wasn´t expensive, given out of duty or with sweet words 🙂 I think all of us can be triggers for others. Rinpoche and other good people have been a good trigger for me 🙂
Best Whishes
Helen Karuna